Published 7 August 2003

BELOW: A CHARMING study of twenties fashions - a motor charabanc, with
gleaming paintwork, which was one of a fleet of similar coaches run by the
London & South Coast Motor Service Ltd established by John Cann, of
Folkestone, in the early days of motoring. The postcard view, taken about
1910 outside Martin Walter’s former motor showroom, at 90 Sandgate Road -
now a travel and sports shop - was one of a number lent to me by a Memories
reader. Note everyone wears a hat, most with wide brims, anticipating a
sunny excursion.
CHOOL teacher Mrs Christine Dodd, of Saltwood, read with interest a recent
Memories appeal for help about Ash-Eton, a property at Radnor Park now used
as local NHS offices — and contacted me to tell me Folkestonian Rodney
Morgan wrote a history of Ash-Eton Preparatory School.
She told me the school was founded in 1923 by Mr Morgan’s father, who was
her great uncle, Capt Frank Morgan.
“The history, I believe, is deposited in the local town archives. I have a
copy of the original in my possession and would be happy to send Karen
Clayton a photocopy if she wants one.”
Christine sent me photocopies of a number of old photographs of the
building’s exterior and interior, which were published in the book and says
the text makes interesting reading for anyone interested in local history or
“Briefly the building Ash-Eton was built in 1903 as a private school - no
one seems to know why it was so called. It was unoccupied when it was bought
by my great uncle in 1923 and flourished as a preparatory school in
Folkestone between 1923 and 1940.
“In 1940 at the time of the evacuation of troops from Dunkirk the buildings
were requisitioned by the military authorities and. not handed back until
“The school itself moved to Cornwall for the duration of the war.”
The site was bought by Kent County Council circa 1947 to use as additional
accommodation connected with the Royal Victoria Hospital, she said.
“My great uncle was educated at the Harvey Grammar School and Goldsmith’s
College, London University, where he met his wife Gladys Cadman - also a
trained teacher.
“He served in the Royal Horse Artillery in the First World War in Belgium
and France and was awarded the Military Cross.
“After the War and service during troubles in Ireland he returned to
Folkestone and was attached to the Royal Army Educational Corps at
Shorncliffe Camp.
“It was on leaving the army that he bought Ash-Eton and realised his
ambition to have his own school.
Big sports ground
“During its heyday, in inter-war years, the school acquired seven acres of
playing fields over at Park Farm and additional buildings on the opposite
side of the road
— where the Sports and Fitness Centre now stands - and 3 Radnor Park Avenue.
“There was a gym, hard and lawn tennis courts.
“The main building had accommodation for up to 50 boarders, although some
pupils lived at home.
“Gardens behind the main building provided fruit and vegetables for the
“The school took boys from seven years to 14 and prepared them for common
entrance to public schools, the Royal Naval
College, Dartmouth and Pangbourne Nautical College.”
From 1934 onwards, she said, morning classes were introduced for five to six
year olds. The school had a modern curriculum for the time, which included
Physics, Chemistry, Art and Craft, an emphasis on spoken French and there
were even facilities for photography and model making.
Music was taught by well known local music teacher Linda Rowe.
“My uncle, now in his 80s, who attended the school with his cousins,
remembers Ash-Eton with affection and I can remember my mother telling me of
happy Christmas times for the Morgan family being spent there, sometimes
with one or two pupils from overseas who couldn’t go home.”
Ash-Eton school itself came to an end in 1942 as, although it had moved to
it never really recovered from the move and when its founder died in that
year, the school was closed.
Christine, who sent me a cutting from the Herald for June 1934 reporting on
a sports day at Ash-Eton School, is carrying on the family teaching
She taught for many years at the Folkestone School for Girls. Now teaching
part-time at Pent Valley School, she says she likes to read “Memories.”
Bob Turrell, of Rossendale Road, Folkestone read with interest my recent
reference to veteran motorcycling enthusiast Monty Banks and his racing son
Trevor taking part in a big race in Germany, and brought in two photos of
Folkestone Motor Cycle Club dinner and dance, in 1954-55, in at least one of
which the then young, dark-haired Monty appears. I recognised him straight
School history
Local developer exploits use of local resources
•f QAQTHE HERALD reported a boom in X57UO housing, noting the
disappearance of
ii number of "To Let" notices in the town and the arrival of newcomers
to the properties concerned. A reporter told of recent occupation of
"good houses" in Shorncliffe Road and other property around the railway
station, and said the latter would serve the community better renamed
Folkestone West. Tribute was paid to the late John Pope, a prolific
inventor, who was said to have assisted considerably in developing the
natural resources of the resort of Folkestone. He was the pioneer in
using Portland Cement, dosigncd and built Marine Crescent, "of cement
and beach," without bricks and analysed natural materials found near the
Junction Station and produced some of the strongest cement ever made in
Britain. He built Bradstone Hall, first a theatre, then adapted as the
Salvation Army Citadel. One of the first football photographs was
published by the Herald, of the unbeaten Excelsior team after beating
Faversham 5-0. In the team were H. Smith (goal). Cocks, Finn, Harrison,
Wonfor and Saunders, H. Hall, E. Hall, Tribe, Champion and Craker.
Auschwitz victim faces court after smuggling
QCQTHE LEGENDARY George Formby, of ukelele fame, travelled to Folkestone
in a yellow Rolls-Royce to join the audience for an Emile Littler
inspired Zip Goes a Million" show at the Pleasure Gardens Theatre,
taking pride of place in the dress circle box. He was Keeping a promise
to Roy Barbour, a friend of many years, to attend the performance when
Roy played the part of Percy Piggott in the production. A Frenchwoman
who bore the physical and mental scars of having been branded with a
letter 'A' for Auschwitz by the Germans at the notorious Second World prison camp, appeared in court. The mother, whose elder son died in
the camp, won a £2,000 roduction in a £10,000 fine after the court was
told an error was made in stating the weight of platinum she smuggled
into the UK. At least 26 tableaux were expected for Hythe's Venetian
Fete on August
12 and an additional attraction was the showing of an amateur cine film
by Colonel F.F.C. Cooke, callod "Coronation Memories," recording
celebrations in Hythe. The East Kent bus company opened a new express
coach link with western Europe, joining up its London-Dover service with
Continental services from Brussels and Ostcnd.
'Wing walking’ stunt big draw at cliff-top air strip
“I QOQBREATH-taking "wing walking" stunts JLw^O were among the
attractions at an improvised flying strip in a field adjoining the
popular Valiant Sailor public house, at Capcl. Former RAF pilot Mr K.K.
Brown, was giving pleasure flights in conjunction with his colleague Mr
L. Jackson, flying a 110hp Avro 504K monoplane. The headquarters of the
company was at the old Bekesbourne aerodrome. Similar flights were
staged by the fliers at Lympne where spectators awaited King's Cup Race
competitors due to arrive on one of the stages of the round-Britain
race. The Herald gave a trophy for the best performance by a private
aircraft: flown by its owner on the leg of the King's Cup race from
Southampton to Lympne airport, and the winner was Squadron Leader H
Probyn, stationed at Manston, flying a Westland Widgeon. Local fishing
families were mourning the death at 88 of William "Billy" Spearpoint, of
Saffron's Place, a real Folkestone character who had at one time
practically run the Fishmarket in his capacity as a fish salesman. As an
auctioneer he sold thousands upon thousands of catches of fish, worth
many thousands of pounds.
Tittle tattle’ bars people from homes list - claim
«| Q'TQTHE HERALD told of claims council-J.9 10 lors blacklisted
families on Shepway Council's housing list because of personal
prejudice, while a housing management committee, which selected council
tenants was alleged to be too influenced by 'tittle tattle.' One
councillor said some people were permanently banned from the waiting
list even though they met council criteria. Legion standard bearers were
at the funeral of Frederick Bath, of Claremont Road, Folkestone, who
served in both World Wars and was active in the Dunkirk Veterans
Association: In the Second World War he had lucky escapes in France when
the Germans over-ran the Low Countries, narrowly escaping to Dunkirk to
board the "Queen of the Channel" only to experience near-death again, as
the vessel's bows were blown off in a bombing attack. Happily, he was
picked up by a lighter. This, apparently, made him well qualified to
spend the rest of the war dealing with unexploded bombs as a member of a
Royal Engineer's bomb disposal squad! In the First World War he fought
in the Indian Ocean, South Atlantic and Dardanelles and was on HMS
Revenge at the Battle of Jutland when the German fleet surrendered. |