Published 6 March 2003

HERALD reader Stan Houghton, of Silverlands Road, Lyminge, is one of several
people who have contacted me by e-mail or letter about recent Memories
references to a German airship appearing over Channel ports just before the
Second World War.
“Reference the airship questions in your column on Jan 30 and Feb 13,”
writes Stan, “I saw it over Folkestone from the bottom of Shellons Street —
where the roundabout is now.
“Almost overhead, it was going’ roughly north — towards the viaduct.
“I have had confirmation that it was the Hindenburg. By chance, last night,
I saw a documentary on the Hindenburg disaster. It went on its maiden flight
in 1936.
“It caught fire on landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6 1937. The
whole scene was covered by newsreels — I think they said two thirds of tho
passengers and crew survived.”
Stan, who left Dover Road School aged 14, in 1934, and used to live first in
Victoria Grove and later in Cheriton, says the Hindenburg documentary was
repeated on Tuesday and he recorded it.
I found a dramatic photo of that disaster in a mighty tome I was once given
as a Christmas present - “20th Century Day by Day," a lavishly illustrated
Millennium edition of Chronicle of the 20th Century,
In Abyssinia Italian troops sent in by Mussolini, head of a Fascist empire,
were alleged to have caused widespread horror using mustard gas.
Meanwhile, in Palestine, Arabs and Jews were slugging it out. In Spain,
Fascists sparked a civil war. Russia was in turmoil and a firing squad
executed 16 of Stalin’s opponents.
And it could have been worse - in Japan an Army coup d’etat collapsed, its
leader surrendering as the Imperial Guard surrounded a thousand young
But at least Jesse Owens made his mark for the West in the Nazi Olympic
Games that year winning his legendary four gold medals!
Next to contact me was Doreen Tindale,
first published in 1995 by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, of London, and
subsequently reprinted a number of times. It has over 1,550 pages!
An account of the explosion, which followed a thunderstorm as the airship
came in to land, said that 33 of the passengers and crew were killed.
1936, which was when several readers told me they saw an airship over
Folkestone and Dover, and outlying areas, was a difficult time for world
peace. The Nazis invaded the Rhineland, on the orders of Hitler.
Mustard gas
CHERITON: A tranquil scene at what is today an extremely busy junction, not
far from a modern superstore. The picture postcard view dates from nearly a
century ago. Shown to me by a Folkestone local history enthusiast the
picture depicts an early open-top car with solid tyres, heading in the
Ashford direction.
of Sturdy Close, Hythe, who told me:
“I saw the Zeppelin fly over Folkestone. At that time I attended St Mary’s
School. I was, as far as I can remember, walking down Dover Road on my way
back to school after ‘dinner.’ I was opposite Hook’s the chemist, near to
where Usher’s florists shop is today.
“Everyone just stood still to look. Even now I can remember the feeling of
fear and amazement. As I remember, the Zeppelin was flying right to left, as
I faced down the road, over the school and on towards Dover.
“I also remember seeing the Blackshirt symbol carved on the hills - and
being very surprised that it could disappear so quickly!”
VIDEO feature maker for television, Barry Fletcher is appealing for
volunteers willing to be interviewed about their memories of Folkestone, its
harbour, Leas etcetera, from the 1920s onward, for a planned feature film.
Barry, of Hawkinge, is producer/director for MVS Productions, and can be
contacted on 01303 892830. He is also on the look out for cine film footage
taken in Shepway which could be used in the documentary. The offer of one
piece of film at least has persuaded Barry and his production team to go
ahead so, if you have a story to tell, what about it?
Dramatic scenes as storm sweeps Channel coastline
•a EARLY March saw tie Channel coast
^^sUOhit by another storm and Herald writer Felix wrote "Looking seaward
nothing could be seen through the dim light but countless galloping
'white horses' coming towards the shore," as heavy seas swept Folkestone
pier, rebounding to throw up majostic columns of spray. Gazing out of a
storm door "seething, boiling water could be seen as the crew and 30
passengers on steamer Princess of Wales prepared to sail. As she nosed
out into ‘broken water' the Princess was repeatedly hidden by foam and
spray sweeping her from stem to stern and it seemed at first as tho' she
must he forced back, but man and steam were slowly conquering." This was
the daily scene, but for once there were no mishaps worth rocording. At
Hythe the horse-trams were sus pendod for a time as tons of water swept
over sea defences "Waves rolled in with such force it seemed at least
part of the town must be engulfed. Water thundered against foundations
of buildings and walls, spray rising to enormous height being swept
sheer across the roofs of houses." Flood water was up to knees of horses
hauling local buses but their drivers pressed on.
‘Witch-hunt’ fear stalls move to ban ‘Commies’
«a qpaA MOVE to bar communists from hold •L«/Oi3ing office on Folkestone
Trades Council failed when tho transport branch of tho Transport and
General Workers' Union moved to exclude communists or fascists. It was
feared this would lead to 'witch hunts' like those of the USA's Senator
McArthy which caused a storm attracting world headlines. Voting was
32-16 against the motion. The Herald had a photo of ex King Michael of
Roumania at Lympne airport when he left the UK for a holiday in Franco.
Hum of electrical transformers in Shorncliffe Road area was bad enough
50 years ago to win a rate reduction for at least one property in the
street at a valuation appeal. A Railway and Traders conference in London
was told of the restoration of a fast train service to Folkestone,
taking 80 minutes, following postwar renovations. Restrictions on
national power consumption meant that plans for decorative street
lighting during Coronation festivities in each town had to get Ministry
approval and Folkestone's plans were approved subject to the supply of
technical details, the Town Council heard. Work was under way on
extensive sea defence improvements at Sa
Greyhound racing plan with track off Cheriton Road
*1 QOQ'FROM Pit boy to World's Jester: Harry JL«/^OLauder tells his life
secrets in The Sunday News - laughter, poverty, thrills, friend of lungs
and queens, adventure, tears, world-famed, ho sits down to tall his
story - 'Roamin in the Gloamin' - the most gripping human story ever
revealed exclusively in the Sunday News. Tins was the flavour of one of
the largo advertisements, with a photo of Sir Harry, the entertainer, in
the Her.ild 75 years ago. On another page there was a diagram of a
planned Cheriton Road greyhound stadium adjoining Danton Road and a
report of a presentation to legendary Hythe and Kent cricket star A.P.F.
Chapman, one of over 60 Mackeson's brewery staff at the firm's annual
dinner. The gift marked his departure from Hythe and his active
contribution to sport in the town, including both cricket and football.
A Herald photo illustrated the changing shape of the coastline and
particularly Shakespeare Cliff near the old Channel Tunnel workings
where there had been a major cliff fall, carrying away part of the cliff
path and leaving a massive pile of debris at the foot of the cliffs
about 150ft wide.
Government cuts put back road plans 50 years - claim
•« Q^QURGENTLY needed Shcpway town .L*7 * Oand village bypasses were set
to be delayed for up to 50 yoars, it was feared, duo to Government
spending cuts. The shock claim was made by the British Road Federation
at a conference in Tonbridge attended by a hundred representatives of
local authorities, industry and road user groups. The federation said
around 20 important schemes in the county were unlikely to start before
the mid 1990s. A report warned the delay could have a serious effcct on
industry commerce and agriculture. Because of cutbacks it was feared the
A20/M20 trunk road to Folkestone, set to become the main artery to the
Channel ports, might not be completed until 1985, although work on
completing a three-lane motorway between Ashford and Folkestone was all
set to go ahead. This included a Cheriton bypass. The Federation also
criticised severely sub standard routes to both Folkestone and Dover
harbours which threatened to seriously overload the M2/A2 motorway
route. Meanwhile, a councillor complained rising bus fares were tho
‘dead hand of restriction' on local shopping cen tros, Cllr Win Pine
called for a flat rate system to help those living in outlying areas. |