Published 25 September 2003

BELOW: All Souls’ School children, in Folkestone at the outbreak of the
Second World War, a photo shown to me by Ronald Amos, an old boy, of Church
Road, Cheriton. Ron, who worked on the railway for 35 years, says the boys
pictured are from different classes. Those he can recall are, back row, left
to right: Hughes, Ron Amos, ?, ?, Iveson, Howard, Wise, Waters, ?; 3rd row:
Jackson, Harman, Norris, Clithero, Savage, Featherbe, Ovenden, D. Lee, Tovey,
Clay; 2nd row: Marsh, ?, ?, ?, V. Blythe, Mullett, Iveson, Blythe, ?,
Goodman; front: ?,?, Clark, ?. ?. ?. R. Lee, ?, Waters, Amos (a cousin.)
KAROL Steele, of Dover tells me how pleased she was to see a Memories
article in the Herald about the old Dover Road School, which included a
photograph of great interest to her family.
“In the third or fourth row of the photo, just left of centre, you can see
my father, the late Mick Ryan, who was the Chairman of the Cheriton and
Morehall Carnival Association,” she tells me.
“Dad left the Dover Road School for a bricklaying apprenticeship, which he
had to give up for a while to do his National Service in the RAF.
“After his National Service, he picked up where he left off, and eventually
became a well-respected and well-known bricklaying foreman for several local
“Some of the buildings that bear Dad’s 'brickie’ signature in the cement
(usually where no-one will see or find it!) are the William Harvey Hospital,
the University of Kent and the Nat West building in London.
“Dad also found sporting fame as a footballer for local team Waverly
(Folkestone & District Challenge Cup winners in 1960) and cricket for the
Folkestone Printers (winning the Sassoon cup in 1962 and 1963).
“Dad was one of the Printers’ top bowlers, consistently taking over 100
wickets a season, and over one weekend taking 13 wickets for only 23 runs!
He later went on to play for the Frenchmen, and umpired and coached at
“He married twice, and was the father of Denise and Mark by his first
marriage to Valerie; and me and Kathryn by his second wife Elsie, and was
step-dad to Gary.
“It was with Mum that he decided to reinstate Cheriton and Morehall Carnival
in 1987, part of the local social calendar off and on since 1946, but not
since 1973. Dad’s interest had been sparked by my two years with Folkestone
Carnival Court, first as a Princess then as Miss Folkestone — in 1986.
“They worked together on the carnival for two years until Mum died of cancer
in 1989; but instead of giving up, Dad decided to continue organising the
Association in Mum’s memory until he himself died of cancer, at Christmas
1991, aged 70.
Fond memories
“Dad has been gone nearly two years now, but on my travels with Cheriton and
Morehall Court (trying to fill Dad’s shoes) people still speak of him
fondly, and all over the south-east of England memorial trophies are
presented in Dad’s name.” Karol adds that on the weekend of September 20 the
Mick Ryan memorial cup was presented to the winner of the Kent Carnival
Court of Courts at a special dinner at the Masonic Hall in Dover.
“Dad loved Dover Road School, and was always proud to point out the school
whenever we passed it on the way to my old school, St Mary’s Primary (when
it was still in Dover Road.)
“I remember him being quite emotional
the day they finally knocked it down — something I couldn’t understand until
St Mary’s finally met the same fate! Schools, he told me, aren’t just bricks
and mortar, and he knew what he was talking about! They are people and
memories too.
There is a sad sequel to a recent reference in “From Our Files” for 1953
which told of a local family’s concern for a missing PoW in Korea. He had
not been repatriated along with other prisoners.
An ex-PoW himself, V.P.C. Whitamore, of Wootton, near Barham, writes to tell
me 2nd Lieutenant Leo Adams-Acton was shot “some would say executed” by the
Koreans just about two weeks before the Armistice took effect.
“I was a PoW with him in a place called Pinchong-Ni, a little village near
the Yalu river. He was captured after me. A member of Special Forces he was
captured from an
island off the north west coast of North Korea, in late 1951 and was of
special interest to his captors.”
Mr Whitamore, taken prisoner at Imjin on April 15, 1951, says “Leo was only
in our camp for a relatively short time, but we got to know each other quite
well and used to discuss Folkestone matters, such as the Esplanade (and how
we would like a pint!) and the Arthur Brough Players.
“I was at a reunion of ex-PoWs in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1996 when his name
came up. He had been stationed in Pusan, South Korea before capture and had
many American friends. One, a navigator in the USAF was later shot down and
recognised Leo in our camp.
“But, on grounds of security he was unable to greet him, or speak to him. He
did, however, send Leo’s mother a letter of condolence on return to the USA.
It’s my dad!
JP makes stand against Erosion leaves lifeboat
JP makes stand against ‘unjust’ education rate
>| LOCAL JP Mr J Stainer made a defiant
XvUO stand at a public meeting in support of non-conformists who
objected to a form of national education which put them at a
disadvantage when it came to religious education. Parents had to foot
part of the cost through the rates although those administering the
system were actively opposing the free churches. The JP stressed he was
not a passive resister against the Education rate, but was about the
first magistrate in the country to stand up and say he would not have
anything to do with carrying out requirements of the new Education Act —
an "iniquitous law." Those who were refusing to pay their rates over the
issue were about to appear in court at Hythe. Local actress Miss
Beatrice Lindley was acclaimed a great success in the principal part in
"The Marriage of Kitty," at the Pleasure Gardens Theatre, having
launched upon a new career in comedy after performing equally well as a
vocalist. Motoring pioneer Mr S.F. Edge had quite a task on his hands
allocating parking spaces to over 80 cars arriving at the Metropole
during a 1,000 mile reliability trial starting from Crystal Palace.
Women to the rescue as tombolas are outlawed!
'I QOQ NEW local attraction was a race meet-.L«/^Oing held by Folkestone
& District Motor Cycle and Light Car Club. The knock-out and bogey hill
climb was being staged at a new venue, Willys Top Hill, facing the old
Elham workhouse, on the Elham Valley Road, property owned by Mr Vincent.
Steep, natural banks formed a natural grandstand for spectators.
Folkestone Bowls Club staged an 11-day tournament in ideal conditions
after recent rain, and there were shock defeats for one or two topflight
bowlers, the home club carrying off the gold cup winners' trophy. At
Hythe they hit upon a novel way around a gaming law ban on tombolas - a
form of darts, but with women throwing the darts for you in the attempt
to win numbered prizes. All over Kent notices were being put up by the
Kent Agricultural Committee warning of penalties for allowing the growth
of noxious weeds such as ragwort — dangerous to livestock — and
thistles. There was a sequel at Elham court where Sellindge farmer
Arthur Hogben, was fined for failing to destroy a field of thistles. He
was fined £10 plus costs. Local MP Sir Philip Sassoon was set to leave
on an epic flight by Rolls-Royce powered seaplane to India taking five
weeks, in hops of 600 miles a day.
Erosion leaves lifeboat base 80 yards from sea!
rtCQ LIFEBOAT stations on shingle beach-XifOwes subject to the scouring
action caused by strong tides in the Channel have long been a problem,
and 50 years ago the Dungeness lifeboat station of 1938 had to be moved
80 yards closer to the sea. A brilliant ornamental garden bed at the
Leas Cliff Hall, designed bv Parks Superintendent Mr D. Marshall, and
laid out by staff of his department, commemorated the coronation of
Queen Elizabeth II. Even in the black and white photograph printed in
the Herald the high standard of the display was obvious, and it was
admired by thousands of summer visitors and local residents. In a
£725,000 scheme Camber Sands was all set to become virtually a new town,
with a new holiday camp for up to 700 people and an amusement centre,
the development to be spread over 20 years. The outline plans required
Ministry consent. A primary school, church and village hall, and parking
were among features proposed. A large part of East Kent was completely
out of the range of television transmissions, 50 years ago, complained a
Herald reader.
King stayed at ‘Grand' soon after mansions first opened
>f Q7QTHE 'Grand' on the Leas was con-JL«/ f Overted back to luxury
flats, 25 years ago, returning the striking property to something like
the "Grand Mansions," it had been when it first opened. This was back in
1903 and the owners could claim royalty among early guests - King Edward
VII stayed there and granted the right for his coat of arms to be used
on tableware and stationery. The stylish brick and terracotta property,
as elegant as The Metropole next door, offered self-contained flats
grandly described as "suites of gentlemen's residential chambers."
Behind the refurbishment was owner Michael Stainer, a chartered
accountant, who announced that 30 of the flats had been let and there
was a waiting list for the remainder. Royal patronage had stemmed from
the friendship with King Edward VII of Daniel Baker, one-time publican,
builder and a mayor of Folkestone, who was the brains behind the
development. He was backed by the Mansions Syndicate Ltd, consisting
mainly of local people. At Lydd laybys were proposed for 'twitchers'
-bird watchers - in Dungeness Road. But county planners had turned the
idea down at least once because of a speeding problem on the road. |