Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.

From the Folkestone Herald Published 13 July 2000

Party time.

Jack Hussey, an old Folkestonian now living in Poulders Gardens, Sandwich, was delighted to see the recent Memories feature about the street party in Bridge Street to celebrate the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (now the Queen Mother) in May 1937.

The article featured photographs made from old magic lantern slides given to local historian Alan Taylor.

Jack told Alan: “I have a copy of a picture of the Bridge Street party and was delighted to see in the Memories print so many of my family. First on left is possibly my younger brother, Charles, now a retired school teacher aged 71.


“Next to him is my sister Joyce, now in Australia. At the table, as stated in the article, my sister Dorothy with our Gran, Mrs Leggett, then Aunt Lucy, Angela Sutton (Junior), later to become my Uncle Jack’s wife; Dolly Reed, a great friend of the family. I also knew Mrs Rosie Sutton.

“My mother, Ivy Leggett, confirmed my sister Joyce was at the party in Bridge Street.

“I attended George Spurgen School and was evacuated to Senghenydd with my brother Charles.

“Being a Folkestonian my only claim to fame is that I was born in Bridge Street, and left to work as an electrician for Pfzer at Sandwich.

“I shall be sending the page from the paper to my sister and would like a copy of the photograph,” says Jack, who is 73.

This week I am featuring more of the photographs Alan Taylor had made from the lantern slides that were given to him by Mrs Gwen Hoad, of Astead, Surrey.

Florence Morrison

ABOVE: Lady in shawl Florence Morrison with Freddie Heron, Mrs Elizabeth (Li) Hogben (nee Morrison) daughter of Mrs Florence Morrison.


Coronation tea

ABOVE: Happy smiles after Coronation Tea - a picture that won photographer J.F. Smith, a pharmacist in Canterbury Road, a £200 prize. Among those in the picture are: Ernie Blackman (as Charlie Chaplin), Elizabeth (Li) Morrison, Florence Morrison, Ray Wins, Bobby Todd, Lilly Sutton, Bert Else, Angela Philpott, Jack & Rodder Heron, Percy Chambers, Winnie Peters, George Norman, Joan, Malcolm & Silvia Goldsworthy, Dorothy Hussey, Kathy Friend, ‘Dinky’ Todd Brian Todd, Jack Hussey, Bill Burvill, Fred Heron and Dorothy Hearnden.
anyone has a picture of his property taken in years gone by.



A piece in Memories last month about a hostile Zeppelin brought down by anti-aircraft gunners on the cliffs prompted a call from Ivan Howlett, who is involved in the production of the Making History programme on Radio 4.

Ian is trying to help a listener, Joy Minnis, of The Lawns, Sheffield, who wants to know about a medal said to have been struck by the Mayor of Folkestone towards the end of World War 1.

She says her father, Leslie Minnis was a student at Sheffield University and joined up when the London Electrical regiment was recruiting.

He was posted to Kent and served In the Searchlight Corps.

He recalled that a Zeppelin was brought down and the Mayor of Folkestone presented all the men with medals. She would like to know if there are any records of what the medal looked like. His medal had been lost and when he was dying, back in 1972 he said he wished that it was still in his possession.

Ivan Howlett is keen to speak to anyone who may have Information. He is on 02473 785745 or e-mail


Next I have an appeal for Rhodes Minnis pictures.

In particular Mr C. R. Blizzard, who has moved into the bungalow called Lillywood, in Longage Hill, Rhodes Minnis, which was formerly known as Lillywood Tea Rooms, wonders if anyone has a picture of his property taken in years gone by.

"We hope to rebuild 3 walls to the building and would like to rebuild in the same style as it was originally. But we have been unable to find any pictures of the former building

If any Herald reader can help in our search will they please call us on 01303 863388. ”


Don Clarke's photo of St Mary’s School football team in Memories some weeks ago interested Fred Ingleton, now living in Ashley Heath, Ringwood, Hants: “I was at St Mary's until the end of 1932 and well remember both Mr Whewell and “Taffy” Williams as well as George Butcher and “Nobby” Clarke who were all teachers. Unfortunately I cannot recall Don but I clearly remember pupils Wimbush, Bull, Whitehead, Walters, Ovenden and Paine in the picture.

“The old Folkestone charabanc also bought back memories for I remember being taken on a similar one from our home in Wood Avenue to the Town Hall as a special treat to see a demon stration of flower making by blind girls. This would have been in the early 20s when our pleasures were rather less sophisticated than they are today.

“As well as watching the Astoria being built, I wonder how many of your readers remember the thrill of being taken to Gosnolds in Tontine Street to see their Christmas displays and the hustle and bustle of Tontine Street and High Street on a Saturday night in the twenties and thirties?" he writes.



Ten freehold homes sell in Denmark St for £3000.

EIGHT freehold cottages in Cherlton Street were sold by auction at the White Lion Inn, Cherlton, for £1,600 by Banks & Son. Another 10 freehold houses In Denmark Street were sold at the Queen's Hotel for £3,085.The Folkestone Express carried a report on a visit to a well designed tented camp hospital at Cape Town for 600 British war casualties which would have been comforting to relatives back In the UK. A committee due to organise celebrations to celebrate the expected end of the Boer War suspended work due to a new threat likely to embroil British troops - the Boxer Rebellion in China. Local papers recording world unrest involving British and other troops carried a daily diary of trouble both in South Africa and China. The health of Lord Radnor, serving in South Africa continued to Improve. London dailies including the Financial Times, carried glowing accounts of the Hotel Metropole and Folkestone attractions giving a big boost to local tourism,following a visit by London journalists. New rifle ranges under construction for several months at Holmstone Camp, Lydd, were opened by Mrs Parr, wife of the C.O. Major-General Hallam Parr.



University students in ‘rag’ stunt dump big gun in sea.

MEMBERS of the Cambridge University O.T.C. who were training at Dibgate Camp excelled themselves with a ‘Rag’ stunt. About midnight on a Thursday they moved the heavy German field gun standing next to the 1st World War tank in the Grove at Hythe and dragged it down to the front. Here one wheel was removed as a ‘trophy’ and the gun dumped in the sea. Then they uprooted nearby shrubs and placed them on the tank and put up boards saying “This desirable residence for sale with immediate possession.” The wheel they took back to camp and put it outside the CO's quarters. The OTC perpetrated a similar dastardly deed the previous year when the same gun was removed to the camp. In both cases the gun was recovered and put back in place. It is sad to read of the old practice of picking bunches of rare wild flowers, like orchids as though they were trophies. Back in 1925 it was four Lizard orchids, said to be a rare sight in the area, that had been found by local people and were taken to the public library and newspaper offices. Motoring was still a luxury for the masses 75 years ago - hence paragraphs like one In local papers announcing a four-day motoring trip organised by Mr C. Older, of 17 St Hilda Road, from Folkestone to Bournemouth and Salisbury and back again.



Patient sues surgeon after ‘apprentice’ did operation.

THIS action ought never to have been brought," said the Judge after a case in which a Folkestone surgeon was sued by a patient. Emanuel Stuart Michael, an antique dealer, of Sandgate Road, alleged an operation for a hernia was performed at the Royal Victoria Hospital by “an apprentice” and sued surgeon Mr H.W.L. Molesworth for ‘trespass.’ He said he had a financial agreement that Mr Molesworth would operate on him for a fee he believed was 25 guineas, but ultimately the house surgeon did the operation. Emanual Michael, who fought in the 1st World War and earned his commission in the field of battle, also served In the RAF In the Second World War. Of the house surgeon he said “I was shocked that an apprentice had practised his skill on me without my consent when I had engaged a craftsman.” Mr Molesworth said the house surgeon trained at Guys, had at least two years experience and was a very able young man. No fees were paid for operations in the Royal Victoria Hospital where there were at the time no private wards. The Judge said he believed Mr Molesworth was a man of honour. There was no breach of contract. Through a misunderstanding however, there was a technical trespass and he awarded a nominal sum of £1 damages!



John Aspinall tells of bid to block his wild life park.

THE LATE John Aspinall was having trouble 25 years ago with Kent County Council of the Department of the Environment over planning consent for a wild life park at Port Lympne. He told the Herald he believed somebody was trying to block his plans for the park, complaining that although planning consent had been given by the district council the scheme had been "pigeon holed” and there had bean a nine month hold-up already. Shepway Council agreed to investigate. Angry and desperate residents were threatening to barricade themselves in at the Norfolk Hotel to force action by the authorities. This followed a court ruling that 37 residents, half of them children, were at risk staying on in the building, said to be a serious fire risk. They had no hot water and there was a threat to cut off the electricity supply. The situation was inflamed by cancellation of a meeting between the homeless and local councillors. They demanded either re-housing by the council or assistance with mortgages to buy their own homes. At the same time there was an 83% rise in the local jobless figures in the past year. Historic and narrow Old High Street was scheduled to become the town's second pedestrian precinct with a ban on traffic between 10am and 7pm approved by the town’s Works Committee. An appeal committee was formed In Lyminge to raise funds to save the historic St Ethelburga’s Well, said to have 3rd Century origins.


If anyone should have any a better picture than any on this page, or think I should add one they have, please email me at the following address:-
