Published 22 February 2001

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Sold wife!
Under the heading of “Other glimpses into the long ago” Herald writer Felix
was relating, a century ago, an interesting yarn told about Romney Marsh
folk in 1653.
According to the writer there was a newspaper at that time called
“Mericurius Democretus” which stated:
“A Kentish grazier, living near Romney Marsh, a place very subject to agues
(Malaria type fever), in six years hath enriched himself by marrying seven
wives, which he hath buried, and lately married the eighth, which soon after
died; yet he, being very healthy, intends to marry as many more, it being
the speediest way to get him a great estate.”
Felix said the following ‘yarn’ was also recorded in a Kent newspaper in
“On March 7, 1832, a fellow named Walter, a sand carrier, at Detling,
carried his wife to Cranbrook market, where he exposed her for sale with a
halter round her neck.
“The fair one was purchased by an old sweetheart for a glass of gin, a pot
of beer, and a shilling.
“The buyer was so well pleased with his bargain that he accepted a little
encumbrance with his lot - a bouncing boy, nearly eight years old.”
This was no isolated case for, during her family history researches in bound
copies of the Kentish Gazette newspaper, my wife, Kathleen, came across this
entry of Friday, April 13,1821:
“On Tuesday, a man having the appearance of a horse jockey, sold his wife at
Tunbridge market, for one shilling and sixpence and a pot of beer.
“She was a very pretty young woman, and declared her husband was such a
rascal she could not live with him - an assertion for the truth of which she
deserves full credit.”
Six years earlier the Kentish Gazette, of Jan 13, 1815, also recorded:
“Matrimonial Sale - On Tuesday last, a man named John Osborne, who lives at
Goudhurst, came to Maidstone for the purpose of disposing of his wife by
sale in the public market place, but it not being market day the auction was
removed to the sign of the “Coal Barge” in Earl Street, where she was
actually sold to a man named William Serjeant, with her child, for the sum
of £1.”
Closer to South East Kent, the same paper reported, on February 28,1812:
‘Degrading affair’
“We regret to record this degrading instance of human nature. At Hearne
(Herne, near Herne Bay) on Monday last, Quick, a labouring man sold his wife
and two children to Tunsley, another labourer for a gallon of beer and two
£1 notes.” Wives and children were evidently treated as mere chattels!
I recently referred to a plan by a development company to hold a reunion of
former evacuees of Wren’s Warren camp, on the site of which they are
building, in the Ashdown Forest area. The firm hoped a Herald reader might
remember the camp.
Well, the feature brought back treasured childhood memories for Mrs
Catharine Clarke, of Walton Manor Close, Folkestone, who writes:
“Your article brought back many happy memories for me. I was born at Marsh
Green House, Chuckhatch, many, many years ago. After which my home, until I
was 15, was Moss Cottage, Newbridge, Colemans Hatch, which is quite near.
“Although I can’t give you any real details about
Memories reader Mrs Edith Weatherhead, who is 80, has asked me to point out
that she also is a surviving daughter of 'Black-un' Fagg, referred to on
February 8. In fact she says there were originally 11 in the family. But she
and Sarah 'Sally' Wooderson, referred to by Ron Hammond in my article, are
the only survivors. They had sisters Emily, Annie, Bertha and Florence and
brothers James, Richard and William, she said.
Another reader, Peter Fagg, of Lennard Road, Folkestone rang to tell me Jim
'Darky' Fagg, in the fishing boat photo was his father and he was not called
'Black'un.' Real name William, 'Black'un' was an uncle of 'Darky.' And, by
the way, he said, 'Ogamy" Hall was my great-grandfather!
PROCLAMATION of King Edward VII by the Mayor, Cllr Daniel Baker, outside the
town's former Town Hall a century ago. In days when there was no radio or
television the accession of a new King was cause for much rejoicing. And,
although the Boer War had reduced the size of local garrisons the Army
turned out in force to lend pageantry to the occasion as this photo, from
the Herald of the time, shows.
the camp I do know that at one time it was a logging company, but whether
that was before or after the evacuees, I can’t remember.
“The evacuees, mainly from London, stayed there during the war years and we
became friendly with a number of them. The boys were inclined to be
belligerent and considered us “Nancies” for being country yokels, but the
girls were friendly.
“I loved the Ashdown Forest and we were often given a sandwich and a bottle
of water and would
spend all day playing and exploring or trespassing in the nearby private
Pippingford Wood - where wild cats and deer roamed - where lakes with leaky
boats and thin ice, were a dangerous attraction.
“I remember well when many soldiers were billeted all around the forest and
did daily manouvres.
“We became quite used to ‘bushes’ (soldiers in camouflage) getting up and
walking away! We spent hours ‘helping’ them wash their lorries and tanks in
the ford opposite our cottage!”
Develop neglected east end of town says Herald
A THE HERALD, coiiip>Miii“ Folkestone
with other resorts, called for a greater emphasis on developing the east
side of town, which, the editor said, had been neglected in favour of
the Leas area. And he referred to fast growing Dover and neighbouring St
Margaret's Bay where good and high class property was springing up.
Writing simply as S. Penfold, the councillor who went on to become Sir
Stephen Penfold, one of the town's most distinguished mayors, suggested
the best memorial to Queen Victoria would be completion of the new wing
of the Victoria Hospital which itself was built to commemorate the late
Queen's Jubilee. That new wing, intended to commemorate her Diamond
Jubilee, had not been completed for lack of funds, he pointed out. Felix
slammed the decision of the Council to place lamp-posts down the centre
of Shorncliffe Road, "a fine street created by the Railway Company,"
instead of at the sides. The Independent Order of Good Templars
celebrated the Jubilee of their movement, at the Tontine Street
Congregational Church schoolroom, when 28 new members were initiated and
a congratulatory telegram was sent to King Edward VII.
Licensees win extension to 10.30pm in summer
»f ftno THE TOWN'S licensees won a long battle for an extension of hours
to 10.30pm during the holiday month* if June, July, August and
September. It was the fourth successive year they had applied to the
local magistrates. In the previous year, it was stated in evidence, the
number of visitors arriving by rail in July and August alone totalled
250.000, a 35.000 increase on the previous year, and yet those who
wanted a drink in the evening found the bars closing at 10pm. This was
not the case in Hythe. Deal or Margate, said solicitor Mr Rutlcy Mowll.
and it was time Folkestone fell into line. Although final approval for
the line was awaited from the Ministry of Transport, work had started on
workshops for the Romney Marsh Light Railway and 2,000 sleepers and 80
tons of rails had already arrived. At the same time engineer Henry
Greenly was working at New Romncy on plans for two 12 gauge steam
locomotives for the Canadian Pacific Railway for the Philadelphia
Exhibition Railway opening in June. Carriages for the trains were being
built at Mr Pcttman's works. The Dreilingore or "Woe Waters" were
flowing again in the Alkham valley, the rate of flow said to be 4.5
million gallons of water a day.
Property owners appeal after sea wall repairs
Hopes of £50,000 income from town’s trade refuse
«| n“7Ci A CLAIM that the District Council was losing I Oout on
potential incomc of £50,000 a year from trade refuse was said to be an
exaggeration when the subject was discussed by the works committee. A
recommendation was being made that charges for collecting the refuse
should be trebled, while charges for emptying rubbish skips would almost
double. It was claimed there were 7.000 business premises in the
district but only 380 were paying the trade refuse charge. Folkestone
man was taking steps to preserve the Royal Navy's first ironclad
warship. Warrior, berthed at Pembroke docks. The 32-gun ship, was
launched in 1861 and Tim Luscombe, of Cheriton was aiming to form a
Warrior preservation group, estimating it would cost £50.000 to overhaul
the vessel, which was being used as an oil storage hulk. Romney Marsh
holiday beaches were being smothered with silt due to shingle removal
schemes complained Lydd Mayor Cllr Denis Prior, one of several
councillors to express concern after plans were revealed for more
shingle to be removed. Cllr George Wood said Shepway Council should
withhold a licence for Southern Water to extract more shingle and seek
advice. 25.000 cubic metres a year was taken from Lydd Ranges to protect
beaches near Camber, but the company wanted to take shingle in future
from Dungeness which also created concern.
*1 QC1 SEA DEFENCE at Sandgate was debat-.L«79.Led in a Folkestone court
in February which sat to hear appeals by property owners objecting
against the charges levied against them for repairs. The Town Council,
as coast erosion authority for the district, had carried out emergency
repairs bccause it thought 13 properties were in danger due to breaches
in their seawalls. Eleven owners appealed. Plans for a military tattoo
in connection with town plans to celebrate the Festival of Britain were
proceeding but those attending a public meeting in the Town Hall were
told that those arrangements might be seriously curtailed at the last
minute if an international crisis should blow up affecting the armed
services. Kenex Coachworks, which employed staff all over East Kent was
holding its Sports & Social Club dinner at Bobby's store (now Debenhams)
when there was a minor emergency. Our Townsman's Diary “Townsman" told
how a guest narrowly escaped what could have been serious injury when he
slipped on the dance floor. For Leo Daughters' fall set fire to a box of
matches in his pocket! Smoke started to pour from his clothing but
luckily the fire was quickly extinguished and a jug of water which was
rushed to the scene, was not required!