Published 11 January 2001

the South Foreland that fateful night in 1940 when 2 parachute mines
caused so much grief and damage to property. Ron was 20.
The bombs hit Beach Street and the junction of Folly Road and Rossendale
Road destroying or partly destroying 56 houses and other buildings and
YOUNGSTERS digging for the war effort in residential home for war evacuees
at Wren's Warren, in the Ashdown Forest area, during the Second World War.
See story, above left and second picture below.
BELOW: More evacuees in the dining room of Wren's Warren.
words by local author Roy Humphreys in his book “Target Folkestone" which
was published in 1990 by Meresborough Books, the publishers of the popular
monthly magazine Bygone Kent.
Sally Russell tells me that Mrs Pat Early is still alive and will be 80 this
Incidentally, I wrote that Peter Russell’s family once had a public house
known as the Ship, as well as the Providence Inn - but the Ship was in
Sandgate and not Dymchurch, as I had thought.
a further 670 properties seriously damaged and 215 slightly damaged.
Several people had to be dug out of the rubble of their homes, while the
bodies of others could not be reached for some time for fear that buildings
would collapse on top of rescuers.
George Medal holder PC Spain saw the raiding plane just before the mines
were dropped and suffered from concussion when they went off with a terrific
The scene is captured in
SOUTH Foreland hotel site after the explosion.
SALLY Russell, wife of Peter Russell, of Postling, who told me of their
family links with Folkestone's South Foreland hotel and Sandgate's
Providence Inn, showed me the scene of devastation, below, after a parachute
mine wrecked the South Foreland and nearby property, leaving 14 dead and 60
people injured, on November 18, 1940.
Miraculously, both her grandparents, licensees Frank and Clara Jordan,
survived the explosion, along1 with their youngest daughter Pat, who later
became Mrs Pat Early.
She married Fred Early, who was the elder brother of Ronald Early, who died
in the cellar of
HAVE you any memories of Wren's Warren, Chuck Hatch, near Hartfield, in the
Ashdown Forest area?
Millwood Designer Homes is appealing for information from anyone with links
to the past of this property and would love to hear from them. They can be
contacted on 01732 460099.
The house builders have recently obtained planning consent to build seven
luxury, detached homes in a scheme designed to "sympathetically enhance" the
beautiful area which lies within the Ancient Pale of Ashdown Forest.
Wren's Warren appears on a 1693 map of the area as Comdene Lodge, which was
originally owned by a King's Keeper in the Middle Ages.
During the 18th Century it was renamed Wren's Warren and formed part of Lord
Buckhurst's estate until the early 1970s, when the freehold passed to John
and June Good who placed the stewardship of the property with Millwood's.
The property has been used for a variety of purposes in the past 60 years; a
residential school for evacuees, a displaced persons' camp, turkey farm, a
garage, caravan store, haulage depot and kennels.
Millwood plans to organise a visit to Wren's Warren for interested parties.
Millwood Homes have several old pictures of the site in use as Wren's
Warren, including the photo, left, with possibly war evacuees in the
Were you evacuee at Wren’s Warren?
Heroism of local trooper who saved Boer War pal
«| Q/\»f CONSPICUOUS gallantry by a local JL*7l/.L man. Trooper Claude
Fergusson in an East Kent Yeomanry Company in 5uulh Africa during the
Boer War was described at a Town Council meeting. Col Hamilton, a member
of the Council, said his nephew was on mounted escort duty at Frankfort
when the men were attacked by the Boers. Fergusson was covering the
retirement of troops when he spotted a member of the West Kent Mounted
Infantry lying, dismounted, 500 yards away. But, although under constant
fire, he went to his rescue and brought him back to safety. “Many a man
has won the Victoria Cross for less (.anspicuous and chivalrous daring
than this," commented the Herald report. Fergusson made no mention of
the incident in letters to relatives, only to a friend. But the man he
rescued reported his bravery to a senior officer and Fergusson was
complimented at a special regimental parade and commended to the
commanding general in Africa. A model of one of the ancient Cinque Ports
ships was to figure on the casket when the Freedom of Hythe was
presented to local hero Major-General Ian Hamilton CB. DSO. on return
from the Boer War.
Cheerful Sparrows bring joy to1,400 poor children
*1 QOC OVER 1.400 children, mainly from the poor quarters of the town,
were entertained by the Cheerful Sparrows with a New Year Treat at the
Drill Halls. Sheilons Street. A touching scene at the start saw all the
children stand aside to make way for a "Tiny Tim” - a young child on
crutches, who was lifted first into the hall by a burly policeman.
Decorations were augmented with flags and bunting from a contingent of
HM Coastguards from Sandgate. There was a “bombardment" of crackers,
lots of food, music provided by the Radnor Orchestra and bags were
provided for the children to take home gifts of fruit, sweets and a well
known comic provided by a national newspaper. A surprise item was the
arrival of the scarlet coated drum and fife band of the 1st Bn King's
Own Rcgt to play popular numbers. Consumed were 17 gallons of milk.
50lbs of butter, 66lbs of sugar. 24lbs of tea, 1.400 each of sausage
roils, mince pies, huffkins, fancy pastries, Chelsea buns, oranges,
apples and quarter pound bags of sweets given by local tradesmen. A
flashlight photo by Haiksworth Wheeler of some of the children and
helpers was printed by the Herald.
£12,400 compensation for gutted Victoria Pier
A QF(| THE WAR Department agreed to a payment of £12,400 in compensation
In respect of the destruction of the pavilion of the old Victoria Pier
by fire in 1945. The money is believed to have been used to pay off
debts of the former owners, the Folkestone Pier and Lift Co. Shoppers
must have wondered if it was April 1 and not January, when they were
confronted by the sight of a full grown hare being chased from the
direction of Seabrook along the length of Sandgate High Street, passing
by all the shoppers and disappearing, out of sight, up Sandgate Hill
-chased not by hounds, but a solitary motorist! Having negotiated the
hill the hare is presumed to have made good Its escape across the
nearest patch of grass! One of the most popular personalities in the
swimming world, Sam Rockett, who swam the Channel in 1950 was appointed
Training Supervisor for the Festival of Britain Daily Mail Cross-Channel
race in 1951. A Dorset man, he resigned his foreman's job in an ICI
plastics factory to take up the post as assistant manager at Folkestone
Bathing Pool, from August 1st. It was said that more than 30
applications for race entry forms had been received by the Daily Mail
and that 20 world-famous swimmers would compete in the Channel race.
Calls for tougher penalties for oil pollution in channel
«f PRESSURE was mounting for something to
JmH I O be done about shifting the cost of clearing up pollution in the
Channel and on the beaches from local ratepayers to the oil companies
responsible. And Shepway Councillor Herbert Johnson backed a strong
protest made by his wife, County Councillor Mildred Johnson, who was
calling for oil companies to pay a levy into an anti-pollution pool, to
meet the costs. A Works Committee plan to write to the Association of
District Councils and other bodies, urging them to get the Government to
totally reimburse local authorities, did not go far enough, he felt. The
move failed, partly because it was reported it had been impossible to
prove where the most recent oil spillage at Folkestone had come from.
Friends and fellow traders mourned the passing at 75 of former
Folkestone greengrocer George Edward Stokes. He joined the Royal Flying
Corps in 1917 and it was while he was home on his first leave that a
bomb destroyed the family's large greengrocery store in Tontine Street
in a raid that killed more than 60 people, including one of his uncles,
while his father was so badly injured that he died a year later.
Folkestone Lions Club had its sights set on its most ambitious project
ever, a day centre-luncheon club for the town's elderly, similar to
'pop-ins' in Ashfnrd. Dover and Deal, but they were having difficulty
obtaining a site. |