Sort file:- Walmer, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.


Earliest 1852-

Bricklayers Arms

Latest 1906

14 Dover Road (Now 26)

Lower Walmer


Bricklayer's Arms

Above photo kindly sent by Barry J Smith.


A J Langridge's research in 1977 mentions that the pub used to be opposite the Royal Marines gates. If that is correct that would put it very close to the "Cambridge Arms" of today. The book "The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer" says that there were three pubs in a row in 1861, the "Bricklayers Arms," the "Cambridge Arms" and the "Wellesley Arms." Although I would suggest they were not next door to each other.

I do have mention of another "Bricklayer's Arms" in Deal that gives an address of 69 West Street near Wellington Place, which may be confused with this one as Lower Walmer is almost part of Deal today.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 10 August 1901.

Sale of a Brewery.

The Deal and Mongeham Brewers, (Messrs. Hill and Sons), with 64 houses, were offered by auction, at the Mart, Deal, on Thursday, and were purchased by Messrs. Thompson and Sons, of the Walmer Brewery for £93,000.

The property was put up at £40,000. The "Black Mill" public house of Barham was purchased by Messrs. Flint and Sons, Canterbury, for £500, and the "Bricklayer's Arms," Walmer by Mr. Rision for £500.


From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 6 October, 1906.

On Tuesday the Committee settled the compensation to be paid to the owners and tenants of some of the houses, the licenses of which had been taken away. The following figures were agreed upon:-

"Bricklayer's Arms," Walmer. £410.

To the lessees (East Kent Brewery, Sandwich). 310.

To the sub-lessees. £75.

To the tenant (John Henry Cleve). £25.



WEBB George 1852-61+ (age 47 in 1861Census) The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

WEBB Mary Ann Mrs 1870-71 Next pub licensee had The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

CHAMBERLAIN Charles 1871-74+ (age 35 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

WORSLEY William 1881-82 (age 49 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

PARGETER Richard 1898-99+ Kelly's 1899

COOPER James A to Mar/1900 Deal Mercury

PILCHER James V Mar/1900+ Deal Mercury

BAKER Edward H 1903+ Kelly's 1903

CLEVE John Henry to Dec/1906


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersThe Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

Deal MercuryFrom the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
