Sort file:- Birchington, October, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 27 October, 2021.


Earliest Aug 1882

Bungalow Hotel

Latest 1972+

Birch Avenue


Bungalow Hotel 1915

Above photo, circa 1915, kindly sent by Michael Weight.


According to Barry J White this became the "West Cliff Hotel."

I am informed that the building has been long demolished, but unfortunately the year as yet unknown.

Information received from Michael Weight says:- "Albert James Logan Ferrier PRYOR - born 1870, Woolwich, and licensee at "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington, May 1915.

Pryor moved to SE London around 1917 and ran the 'Prince of Orange' Hotel at 189 Greenwich Road (now called 'St. Christopher Inn') but I do not know definitely whether he was the licensee. he married Emily KING. He is listed on the British Army Casualty List 1943 L/Serg 2732401 Welsh Guards.


St James's Gazette 09 August 1882.


This pleasant Hotel stands in its own grounds, in close proximity to the Station of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway at Birchington, near Margate.

It commands an extensive sea-view, is replete with every comfort, and combines elegance with simplicity in its construction and appointments. All the rooms are on the ground floor. There are several Lawn Tennis and spacious Pleasure Grounds attached to the Hotel.


Norfolk News, Saturday 17 October 1896.

Wanted, immediately, in Gentleman's Family, good Plain Cook, baking; also Experienced House-Parlour-Maid; Small House, county, Kent.

Three in family; no boots or knives; state age and wages.

Mrs. Grey, "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 10 October 1903.

BIRCHINCTON. Application for Discharge.

At a sitting of the Canterbury Bankruptcy Court on Monday, before his Honour Judge Selfe, Edwin Henry Hilliard, late of the "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington, licensed victualler, applied for his discharge.

Mr. Shea represented the debtor.

The Deputy Official Receiver reported that the receiving order was made on March 10th, 1903, on debtor's own petition. According to bankrupt's statement of affairs the liabilities to rank for dividend were estimated at £212 16s. 4d., whereas the proofs actually admitted, £200 18s. 6d., and the probable claims not yet admitted, £9 10s. 7d., amounted to £210 9s. 1d. The assets not assigned to creditors or wholly or partly secured, were returned at £203 1s. 10d., but they had already realised £199 19s. The preferential claims to be paid in full were stated to be £85 2s. 6d., and the actual amount was £75. The amount available for costs and dividend was £124 19s., instead of £117 19s. 4d., as estimated by bankrupt. A first and final dividend of 7s. 6d. in the £ on £200 18s. 6d. had been paid. In 1889 the bankrupt acquired the "Bungalow Hotel" at Birchington, which business he was carrying on at the time of the receiving order. For some years the business was prosperous, although debtor was always in difficulties. The debtor admitted his insolvency in the September previous to his bankruptcy, but he continued to trade in the hope that the business might be disposed of.

Mr. Shea said the bankrupt had been particularly honest in his statement of affairs. The debts did not come up to the amounts they were put at, and the assets were equal to, if not in excess of what he said they would produce.

His Honour suspended debtor & discharge for two years.


From the Dover Express, Friday 8 January, 1909.

Petitions have been filed in the Canterbury Bankruptcy Court by Bertram Hector Hearn, Bungalow Hotel, Birchington-on-Sea, publican (solicitor for the debtor, Mr. F. J. Walmsley, Broadstairs).


Dover Express, Friday 11 August 1911.

Approval was given for a slight alteration at the "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 3 August, 1917.


The following transfer of licenses was approved at the Dover Police Court this (Friday) morning, before Messrs. H. F. Edwin and W. J. Palmer.

The “Bungalow Hotel,” was transferred from Theresa Walter to Mr. A. F. Port, managing director of the Home Counties Public-House Trust, Ltd.


From the Sketch, Wednesday 12 November 1930.

Bungalow Hotel advert 1930

From The Advertiser, Friday 7 June, 1935.


"I think it is a desirable improvement," said the Chief Constable (Mr. W. Palmer) at Margate Police Court, on Wednesday, when the magistrates approved the plans for alterations to be carried out at the "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington.


From The Advertiser, Friday 7 June, 1935.


Margate magistrates, on Wednesday, granted music and dancing licenses in respect of the "Bay Hotel," the "Powell Arms," the "Beresford Hotel," the "Bungalow Hotel," and the "New Inn," Birchington.


From the Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday, 26 March 1940.


"There's a light in your window," a popular song some years ago, should be the theme song of members of Margate Borough Police Force.

On Wednesday another five people were summoned for infringing the lighting restrictions.


Florence Cherry Parsons, of the "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington, said the whole thing was a mystery to her. She did not know how it happened. P.C. Day said at 9 p.m. on 9th March a window at the rear of the hotel was unscreened and the lawn had the appearance of being flood-lit. Defendant told him that she was frightfully sorry.

Defendant was also fined 20s.


Thanet Times, Wednesday 17 April 1968.

It was a traditional cutting of a wedding cake with the difference at Birchington last week, for the cake standing in front of the newlyweds was a "croquembouche." A "croquembouche" is a French wedding cake. It is made with a circular wedding cake base with a nougat top, and a pyramid of French cream buns, topped off by a sphere of spun sugar.


The cake was made for the wedding of Beatrice and Colin Gordine, by the chef at the "Bungalow Hotel," Birchington.

The chef, Mr. Frank Machon, who is Polish, spent one-and-a-half hours adding the finishing touches to the cake on the day of the wedding.


From an email sent 17 September 2020.

My husband and I managed the Bungalow Hotel from 1967 to 1968 for Trust House hotels. I am sending you a clear picture of the Croquembouche taken for Trust Houses. Our Chef, Frank Machon, had during his career spent time in Vienna as a pâtissier. Sadly, he died some years later while still working at the Bungalow; changing into his whites a bee stung him and he died on the way to hospital.

Croquembouche cake

Photo by Roy G. Capel Ltd, Photograhers, Northdown Arcade, Cliftonville.

During the war, 1939/1945, the hotel was used by Canadian Soldiers.

Many years later when visiting relatives in Margate, we visited Birchington to find that the site was a housing estate and there were flats on the site of the tennis courts.

Mrs E Blaymires, September 2020.


From the Thanet Times, Tuesday 28 November 1972.

Bungalow Hotel advert 1972

From an email received, 17 October 2021.

You may be interested to know that Daphne Du Maurier stayed in The Bungalow Hotel during her childhood.

I was reading her autobiography and when I found she had stayed in Birchington On Sea, I looked to see if the hotel still existed as I have relatives who live in Birchington On Sea which is when I found your article.

Sarah Cooke.

Daphne Du Maurier book

below is the passage referred to.

One Christmas at Birchington we collaborated on a play we called The Sacrifice.

We were both about 13 at the time. The management of the "Bungalow Hotel" built us a stage, and other guests were invited to watch - amongst them those veterans of the real theatre, Sir Squire and Lady Bancroft - and the Lonsdale and du Maurier children performed, with one or two others who were also spending Christmas at the hotel. Angela, as a nun, was the star turn. Frankie and I as joint-dramatis gave ourselves more moderate parts. The plot escapes me, but everyone was slaughtered upon the stage save one survivor, who, as the curtain fell or rather, was drawn - declaimed, "And I alone and left to bury the dead." Afterwards Lady Bancroft beckoned Angela aside and told her she would coach her as Lady Macbeth. This was praise indeed. But neither Freddie Lonsdale nor D gave Frankie or myself any hints on dramatic construction, which was rather remiss of them. Had they known that, after their deaths, we should be the first daughters to write their fathers' biographies, they might have suggested some sort of consultation.



GREY Mrs 1896+

HILLIAR Edward Henry 1901+ (age 60 in 1901Census)

WALMSLEY F W Mr to Jan/1909 Dover Express

BASS John & Emma to Aug/1911 (age 63 & 60 in 1911Census) Dover Express

WALTON Mrs Aug/1911-Jan/14 Dover Express

DAVIES Mr Arthur Frederick Jan/1914-May/15 Dover Express (Formerly of the Hong Kong Hotel Company)

PRYOR Albert James Logan Ferrier May/1915+ (Managing director of the Film producing Company.) Dover Express

WALTER Theresa to Aug/1917 Dover Express

PORT Mr A F Aug/1917+ Dover Express

PARSONS Florence Cherry 1940+

BLAYMIRES E Mrs 1967-68


Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
