11 The Square
(Brooks End Farm 1841 )
01843 842777
Above postcard, circa 1900. Kindly supplied by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the "New
Inn" on the right. |
Above photograph showing a stall set up outside the "Powell Arms," circa
1912. |
Above postcard, circa 1913, kindly sent by Shaun Gardiner. |
Above photo, circa 1913, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the
"New Inn" on the right. |
 Above photograph circa 1922. |
Above photograph circa 1922. |
Above photo, circa 1923. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above photo pre 1937. |
Above postcard, 1945, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, 1947. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, circa 1950, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
 Above pictures from Google maps, 2009. |
Above pictures from Google maps, 2009. |
Powell Arms sign May 1986
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
Above photo taken by Paul Skelton, 9th November 2013. |
Above photo 2023. Yellow box now a defibrillator. |
Above photo, 2024. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
I believe this is the earliest Inn in the village, but not sure just how
old. I believe that it was previously called the "Quex
New Inn."
One time Cobbs tied house. Cobbs were founded in 1673, but Whitbread took
them over early 1968 and closed the brewery later that year.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 12 April 1836.
By Mr. R. Jenkins, At the "Powell's Arms," in Birchington, on Thursday,
14th April instant, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, under the
authority and by order of the Board of Guardians of the Isle of Thanet
Union, (subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced.)
All that substantial Brick Built House and Manufactory, heretofore known
as Birchington Workhouse, forming at present Two distinct Houses, but
convertible at a small expense into Four convenient dwellings, together
with the Large Enclosed Garden, Yard and Out Offices in the rear, and
Land adjoining in front as marked out, comprising Half an Acre, little
more or less.
For particulars apply at the Office of Mr. M. L. Daniel, Solicitor,
Queen-street, Ramsgate or at the Auctioneer's, 52, Hawley Square,
Kentish Gazette 24 May 1842.
May 12. Of a violent affection of the brain, aged 28, Mary, wife of Mr.
John Wilson, and only daughter of the late Mr. George Duffell, of the
"Powell Arms Inn," Birchington.
South Eastern Gazette, 29 May, 1860.
An inquest was held on Thursday last, at the "Powell Arms," on the
body of Thos. Thorp, aged 70, who was found dead in a stable; he had
been indulging in drink for several days previously. Verdict, "That
deceased died from natural causes."
From the Kentish Chronicle, 1 December, 1860.
The ploughing match took place on Friday, in a field in Birchington,
belonging to Mr. A. Collard. There were 40 ploughs in the field. The
judges expressed their opinion that it was the best work they had ever
seen. After the regular match was concluded a match took place between
two amateurs, Mr. A. Gillow, St. Nicholas, and Mr. Harnett, Chilton. The
judges, as the work was done so equally, decided upon it being
considered a "surprise." The match caused no little excitement among
some 300 persons present, a large number of them being ploughmen, and it
has given rise to a sweep-stake of £1 each, open to gentlemen amateurs
in the Isle of Thanet, to plough with four horses, after the usual
match, another year, each taking his quarter of an acre. There will also
be a sweepstakes of 10s. each, open to the Isle of Thanet, for the
production of the best mangel wurzel. The prizes were distributed to the
successful competitors by S. Swinford, Esq., who addressed them in some
well-chosen remarks. The judges and some dozen other gentlemen
afterwards repaired to the "Powell's Arms," where they partook of an
excellent spread. Mr. Palmer occupied the chair, Mr. W. Gillow
officiating as vice-chairman. In noticing the efforts to establish a
root show, Mr. Gillow remarked upon the large number exhibited a short
time back at the Nonington meeting; he also dwelt upon the great good of
such matches as they had witnessed that day.
From the Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 21 January, 1865.
On Thursday evening week a person in the employ of Mr. Wilson, of the
"Powell's Arms," Birchington, was driving a horse and cart down the High
Street, being at the time in liquor, his card came in contact with a
horse and cart standing at the shop of Mr. Crickett, pork-butcher,
unloading some pigs. Mr. Crickett was standing at the horse's head at
the time, and so violent was the collision, that it pitched out Mr.
Wilson's man to the opposite pavement, sobering him and damaging the
cart considerably. Mr. Crickett was thrown against one of the plate
glass windows of Mr. J. Robinson, grocer, breaking it, the damage done
to the window is estimated at £12, which Mr. Wilson has agreed to pay,
besides having to make good the damage done of his own cart.
From the Kentish Gazette, 8 December 1868.
At the Cinque Ports police court, Margate, on Wednesday, before Thomas
Blackburn, Esq G. E. Hannam, Esq., and T. H. Keble, Esq. Mr. William
Hayward, licensed victualler, of Birchington, (Acorn) was summoned for having
committed an assault upon Mr. Oliver Wanstall, also a publican of the
same parish.
Mr. Towne appeared for complainant; and Mr. Delasaux, of Canterbury, for
the defendant. Mr. Towne, in opening the case, stated that the parties
were near neighbours, and that the dispute had, so far as he could tell,
originated on account of a jealous feeling on the part of the defendant,
because Mr. Wanstall did a better trade then he did.
The Chairman suggested that it would be better if a settlement could be
come to without hearing the evidence.
Mr. Delasaux said his client was quite ready to shake hands and let the
matter end, if the complainant was willing.
Mr. Towne said his client would assent to that course on condition of
defendant paying the costs.
Mr. Delasaux said he could not think of doing that, as he had a complete
answer to the case.
Mr. Towne:- Then it must be gone in with. It was all very well for his
friend to talk about shaking hands, but the defendant should not have
shook his fist.
The following evidence was taken:—
Complainant said:- I am landlord of a public-house at Birchington. On
the 19th ult., about twenty minutes before twelve at night, the
defendant came to my house, and when he saw me he said you are the man I
want. He took hold of me, and threw me across the passage. He then
pulled out his purse, and offered to fight me for as many sovereigns as
there was in the purse. He caught hold of both my arms, and "slewed" me
across the room, and wanted to fight. I asked him to go home. I had had
no previous words with him. I believe he was sober.
Cross-examined:- Had ridden home from Margate with him that evening, and
was very comfortable with him; did not know of any other cause for what
defendant had done then jealousy.
A witness was called who gave corroborative testimony, and after Mr.
Delasaux had addressed the Bench two witnesses were called for the
defence, but their statements were not of such a character as to shake
the cause for the complainant.
Fined 2s. 6d. and 14s. costs.
I believe the following account has incorrectly been
reported as being the "Royal Arms" when it in fact refers to the
"Powell Arms." Paul Skelton.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 16
October, 1885. 1d.
The Recorder in the course of his remarks to the Grand Jury said that he
was pleased to tell them that there was only one case for their
consideration, the charge against a man for obtaining £30 by false
pretensions. The case was a very simple one. It appeared that the man
went to Mr. Milgate, landlord of the “Royal Arms, Birchington, in the
Liberties of Dover, and asked him to cash a cheque for £30. Mr. Millgate
gave him £5 down at once, and on the following day advanced the £25. The
prisoner then made some excuse and left the place. The prosecutor sent
the cheque to the bank and it was returned with the words “no account”
marked on it. Formerly the prisoner had an account with the London and
City Bank, Victoria Street. The account was closed in April of last
year, and on the 19th of July £200 was put into the bank, and on the 1st
of Oct. last prisoner owed the bank 4s. 1d. On the 19th of Oct. that sum
was entered in the pass book, and the account was closed. Prisoner
represented that he had money at the bank for the purpose of meeting the
cheque when it was presented. The simple question was whether this man
had obtained the money by false pretensions. That was the only case for
their consideration that day, and that was from the Liberties. There had
only been four cases of larceny that the Magistrates had had to deal
with since the last sessions. They had no jurisdiction over cases where
money had been obtained by false pretences and therefore it was sent to
the Quarter Sessions.
The Grand Jury then retired and the following were sworn on the Petty
Jury:- W. Davis, J. Cochrane, T. Day, W. H. Davis, A. J. Emery, H.
Adams, F. Crosoer, C. H. Datlin, G. Curling, A. Dunn, E. C. Chittenden,
D. Allen, and T. Clancey.
Frederick Rehbam, a family tutor, and a man who appeared to have been
engaged in noblemen's families, was placed at the bar charged with
obtaining £30 by false pretences. The Grand Jury found a true bill in
this case.
Mr. Forbes Moss, instructed by Mr. W. Hills, solicitor, of Margate,
appeared to defend the prisoner, and Mr. A. J. Matthews, instructed by
Mr. S. W. Churlchley, solicitor, of Margate, appeared for the
Mr. Edward Milgate, landlord of the “Royal Arms,” Birchington, said he
had known the prisoner for two years. About two years ago prisoner had a
dinner at his house. Prisoner also called on the 5th August about eleven
o'clock, and said he had another child and wanted another christening in
the church and then a dinner like the previous one two years since.
Witness said he would see about it. Prisoner did not sleep at
prosecutor's house, but was recommended to some lodgings at Birchington.
Prisoner then said that he wanted some money and asked prosecutor if he
would change a cheque for £30. the prosecutor being intimate with the
prisoner handed him £5, all he could spare on that day, and on the
following morning prisoner was handed the remaining £25 in gold in
exchange for the cheque which was drawn from the Westminster Branch of
the London and County Bank. Prosecutor put in the cheque the same day at
a Margate Bank, and it was returned on the 10th marked “no account.” On
the 18th August prosecutor received a letter from the prisoner
Hammersmith, the purport of which was that he went to the post-office
after obtaining the money from prosecutor and there found a letter from
his nurse stating that their child, which he had spoken about, was very
ill and would he and his wife return home immediately. He would not make
any more arrangements yet about the dinner. Prisoner further added in
the letter that to his greatest consternation he had that day found the
amount which should have been paid into the bank to his credit had not
been paid. He had spent some of the money he had received from
prosecutor and therefore would not be able to remit him the money at
present, but it should have his early attention. The prosecutor then
consulted his solicitor, and a warrant was issued for the prisoner's
In his cross-examination prosecutor said he had not known the prisoner
for more than two years. He was not at all satisfied with the prisoner.
The money he had changed for the cheque, he had obtained by hard work.
He knew nothing of the child's illness beyond what the letter said. He
did not know that the child had since died until he heard it stated in
Hannah Milgate, wife of the prosecutor, and who was present with him
when the prisoner was at the house corroborated.
George James Green, chief Clerk at the Westminster branch of the London
and County Bank, said he knew the prisoner, as having had an account
with them. He produced a copy of a portion of his account taken from
July 19th, 1884, when £200 was paid in. No other money had been paid in
since that date. On the 23rd September, 1884, there was only £13 15s.
11d. There was then a cheque later for £13 15s., leaving a balance of
11d. Fiver shillings per quarter is charged by the bank for keeping the
accounts. The quarter payments were due of the 29th of September and
left a balance against the prisoner of 4s. 1d., which he now owed the
bank. No other accounts had been paid in since by the prisoner and the
account was closed. The cheque produced was presented at the bank and
marked “no account” and returned to the prosecutor.
Police-sergeant A. Holland, of the Kent County Constabulary, gave
evidence to apprehending the prisoner, who in answer to the charge said
“All right, I have a clear answer.”
Mr. Forbes Mosse then addressed the Jury, after which, by the learned
Recorder's permission, the prisoner gave a somewhat lengthy speech to
the Jury, saying that he intended paying the money to prosecutor. He was
in a high position, and, engaged as he was, it was sometimes difficult
to get the money due from gentlemen in whose services he had been
engaged. He had been private secretary to a nobleman when in town, and
handed in a list of names of persons of rank in whose services he had
been. The reason he came to Margate was to look out for a house where
his family might live for a time. Since this affair he had sold all his
furniture at London.
After the learned Recorder had summed up, the Jury consulted together in
the box for a few minutes and returned a verdict of “Guilty.”
The Recorder said that he quite agreed with the verdict of the Jury, but
taking into consideration the prisoner had been custody since the 15th
of August last he would only pass a sentence of two calendar months'
imprisonment, the lowest sentence he could pass.
Rhyl Record and Advertiser 05 January 1895.
A distressing suicide took place at the "Powell Arms," Birchington, near
Margate, on Christmas Day. The landlord, Thomas Swan, shortly after
opening the house at half-past twelve, bade some of his customers
good-bye, and before anyone could stop him he threw himself into a
cesspool. Before the body could be recovered life was extinct.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 02 February 1907.
From the LONDON GAZETTE, Friday, January 25.
William Hogben, "Powell Arms,"
Birchington-on-Sea, Licensed Victualler.
From The Advertiser, Friday 7 June, 1935.
Margate magistrates, on Wednesday, granted music and dancing licenses in
respect of the "Bay Hotel," the "Powell Arms," the "Beresford Hotel," the
"Bungalow Hotel," and the "New Inn," Birchington. |
Thanet Advertiser, 27 September 1940.
At a meeting of the Thanet Licensed Retailers Protection Society at
Margate on Thursday Mr. Alfred Finch of the "Powell Arms," Birchington,
was elected secretary in succession to the late Alderman P. B. Osborne
of Margate.
Councillor W. G. Love, of the "Woodman," Ramsgate, had also been
nominated but Mr. Finch was elected by 16 votes to 9.
The post is to be an honorary one but an honorarium will be granted by
the society at the end of the year.
Mr. F. Johnson of the "Wheatsheaf," St. Peter's, was appointed as
trustee in place of Mr. Finch and Councillor Love was appointed auditor.
Paying tribute to Alderman Osborne. Mr. E. C. Nash, treasurer, said he
had done everything possible to assist members to overcome their wartime
problems. He had left everything in apple-pie order and even on the day
of his death had written letters on behalf of the Society.
The building can be dated to circa 1840 but Barry J White suggests that
previous to this it was called the "New
Inn." That is certainly not the same as the one mentioned above, as
that's on the opposite side of the road. Further research suggests that this
is actually referring to the "Quex
New Inn."
From an email received, 19 January, 2017. Hi. I have
two book ends carved out of a oak beam from the Powell Arms, Birchington
Kent with some history of the pub on the reverse side, they were carved
by D Murry in 1949 when the pub was renovated. The beam was dated 1749,
my grandfather bought them in 1960 and my Nan gave them to me when he
died in 1964. We both came from Birchington and he often had a pint
there too.
Regards Maureen Sperinck.
Information received from Michael Mirams tells me the pub was closed and
is now boarded up as of December 2014. He now tells me (December 2016) that
it has reopened and is operating as bars and a restaurant.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Millie Bowles, 10 March 2023.
The Powell Arms pub in Birchington-on-Sea under fire for cashless policy.
A pub's new owners have announced they are going cashless, prompting
an outcry from residents who have vowed to boycott the venue.
The Powell Arms in Birchington-on-Sea, which reopened under new
management yesterday, confirmed on Facebook only card payments will
be accepted.
Owner of The Powell, Birchington, Byron Hayter with business partner
Dhvani Patel. Picture: Byron Hayter.
The decision was taken to "protect staff" according to owner Byron
But the policy has been branded "utterly disgraceful", with one
local vowing: "I will never return to your premises again".
Others have called for people to "boycott this business" in The
Villager Daisy O'Donnell said: "Of all the places I wouldn’t have
chosen to do this is the village of Birchington - a place where
almost everyone still uses cash."
Resident Morena Sanguigni added: "I won’t be coming.
"I used to be a regular visitor a few times a week for food, but now
there's absolutely no way.
"There’s lots of elderly in the village who prefer to use cash.
"Very disappointing."
Lisa Stanley, another villager, added: "Oh well, we won’t be going
there again.
"If my cash is not good enough, I will take it somewhere where it is
"There are plenty of other businesses that want to stay open."
Another social media user commented: "Utterly disgraceful!
"There's lots of other places to spend my cash fortunately.
"I hope you don't live to regret this ridiculous decision."
Another added: "If you go out of business you've only got yourself
to blame."
Someone else called the decision "business suicide".
However, owner Mr Hayter said there was a "good reception" to the
policy at the pub's opening yesterday, which was an "amazing night".
He told KentOnline: "The biggest reason for going card-only was
staff safety as it reduced the temptation for theft.
"It also makes life easier.
"It will be easier when cashing up at night."
He insists there will be no minimum spend on transactions for
punters wanting to pop in for a quick drink.
The 38-year-old also owns seafood restaurant Chapmans in Canterbury,
and took up the new venture with business partner Dhvani Patel.
He said: "Food is the best part of life and opening The Powell is
about bringing the heart back into the community."
KentOnline's pub spy The Secret Drinker visited last year, and rated
the venue highly under the previous owners - noting the older
The inn will be serving "traditional British food with a Byron
twist", with the menu changing every two weeks. |
PINKER Robert 1841-51+ (age 68 in 1851 )
DUFFELL George pre 1842
WILSON John 1858-67+
(widow age 54 in 1861 )
WANSTALL Oliver 1868-74+ (age 29 in 1871 )
MILLGATE Edward 1881-91+ (age 49 in 1881 )

SWAN Thomas to 24/Dec/1895 dec'd
KNELL Edward W 1899-1901+ (age 33 in 1901 )

HOGBEN William 1907+
HADDAWAY Albert Edward 1911-13+ (age 44 in 1911 )

READ Thomas A 1922+

AUBERRY Thomas William to Dec/1930

AUBERRY/AWBERY Frank Dec/30-Dec/1934

FINCH Alfred Dec/1934-38-40+ (age 53 in 1939)
LING Robin (owner) 2017+
HAYTER Byron 2023+
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From the Post Office Directory 1938
From the Dover Express