2 Editorial - Alan Lee
  October Meeting 2023
4 “Dover’s Sky at Hight” – A talk by Ben Harding - Alan Lee
  November Meeting 2023
6 “Scoop” – A talk by Graham Tutthill - Alan Lee
  January Meeting 2024
8 “Dover Royal National Lifeboat Institution”A talk by Andy Milton - Alan Lee
10 Admiral Terence Thornton Lewin [Plaque] - Alan Lee
13 Terry Sutton MBE, 1929-2024 - Derek Leach
14 Chairman’s Report Dover Society AGM 2024 - Jenny Olpin
15 Annual General Meeting 2024 Reminder - Alan Lee
17 Membership News - Ann Burke
18 Convict Stephen John Riggs - Patricia Allen
22 Speaker’s Day - Martyn Webster
23 Application Form for Membership
24 Minutes of The Dover Society Annual General Meeting 2023
25 Agenda of the Dover Society Annual General Meeting 2024
27 The Lindemann Monument - Peter [Jim] Green
28 Around Dover Museum – Swimming the Channel with a Rolex Vroni Ward
29 The Dover Society Christmas Lunch 2023 - Denise Lee
32 Rotary’s Successful Celebration of Christmas - Jenny Olpin (with Peter Sherred)
34 The Dover Express - Derek Leach
37 Cowgate Cemetery Deborah Gasking 37a Lady Arbuthnot - Peter Sherred
38 Planning Committee - Graham Margery
41 Memories of Dover – A Nostalgic Personal Perambulation. Part VII Cherry Tree Avenue - Peter Sherred
45 River Dour - Deborah Gasking
45 Letter to the Editor “Pencester Gardens” - Graham Wanstall
46 Lt Colonel (Rtd) John Peter Morrison - Peter Sherred
48 Environment Committee - Janet Dagys
  Inside Back Cover Programme 2024

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