Sort file:- Deal, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 31 March, 2021.


Earliest 1662

Duke of York

Latest 1877

Cemetery Road



The Sandwich Borough Records shows Licensed Victuallers who paid for new Inn signs, 6s. 8d, and Sureties of £5 on 12th September, 1662. This public house was one of those in the list.

In 1867 it was described in the Deal Licensing Register as an alehouse.

The licence was suspended in 1869 for some reason but was now granted again at the adjourned licensing session in September of that year, unopposed.

The Deal Licensing Register show the pub as being supplied by Hills and Son in 1872 but from the records of 13 September 1877 it was noted that the premises had remained unoccupied since the last licensing day and so the renewal of the license was not granted.

Cemetery Road has now been renamed Hamilton Road for some reason, and changed name in 1952.


From the Whitstable Times, 8 October, 1870.

At the Petty Sessions on Thursday, before the Mayor and Magistrates, John Harris, landlord of the “Duke of York,” Cemetery-road, was charged with keeping a disorderly house, and was fined £1 15s., including costs.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 28 September, 1872. 1d.


This being the adjourned licensing day, the various matters postponed were now produced with, the Mayor withdrawing for the time. The license of the "Duke of York" public-house, Cemetery Road, was transferred from Mr. W. Croft, to Mr. Patrick Harris, who has been conducting business for a long time.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 28 December, 1872. 1d.


Yesterday (Friday) morning G. Mercer, Esq., the Borough Coroner, held an inquest at the "Duke of York" public-house, Cemetery Road, Deal, upon the body of a young woman named Sarah Grey, aged 25 years, who had for the last 18 months been living as barmaid at the house in question. Mr. Davies, builder, of Upper Deal, was chosen foreman of the Jury. From the evidence it appeared that the deceased about three weeks since complained of a cough and cold, fro which she continued to suffer until the day before Christmas Day, when she complained of increased symptoms. On Christmas day she was too unwell to leave her bed, and about three o'clock in the afternoon one of the inmates of the house went to the residence of the Relieving Officer for the purpose of obtaining an order for the removal of deceased to the Union. Not finding the Relieving officer at home, the messenger applied to the Medical Officer for the district, but before she returned home again deceased had expired. A post mortem examination, which was made by Dr. Woodman, showed that the deceased was suffering from extensive disease of the lungs, which caused death. Dr. Woodman gave it as his opinion that even if medical assistance had been called earlier it would have been of no avail, as the disease was far too advanced. There was some conflicting evidence as to certain details, which was animadverted upon, but which might be attributed to confusion and nervousness. The Jury, after the evidence had been commented upon by the Coroner, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." The Coroner, in his remarks to the Jury, said he considered it very desirable that some arrangement should be made for persons to know whom to apply to when the Relieving Officer was absent, as no doubt, in the present case time was lost through the messenger not knowing to whom to apply in the absence of that official. The Jury concurred in the necessity of some such arrangements and the Coroner undertook to write to the Board of Guardians, and drew their attention to the matter.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 January, 1873. Price 1d.


On Friday an inquest was held before George Mercer, Esq., coroner, to enquire into the death of Sarah Grey, aged 25, barmaid at the "Duke of York Inn." From the evidence given, a post-mortem examination having been made by Dr. Woodman, at appeared that the deceased was suffering from disease of the lungs.

Verdict, "Death from natural causes."


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 1 February, 1873.


A Marine, named Stone, was summoned for unlawfully assaulting and beating Edward Coleman, on the night of the 18th of January. Edward Coleman said: On the 18th of January, I was coming along Cemetery Road between eight and nine o'clock. I met Mr. Fox, baker, who asked me to go into the "Duke of York" and have some beer. I went in, and the defendant, who was going in from the road, went in just before me. He went into a room, and we stood at the bar drinking our beer. Soon after we got in defendant and another man fell out of the room fighting together. I went to them and tried to persuade Stone to go, and took hold of him and punched him out of the house. I am not the landlord of the house. I thought it was the best way. He hit me before I took hold of him. After I thought he had gone he came back again into the house, and took off his waist belt and struck me about the head.

Bt the Prisoner: You did hit me with the belt, and here are the marks to prove it.

Richard Fox said: I went into the "Duke of York" with Coleman, and we had some beer. After we got in we heard a scuffling, and on going into the passage to see what it was we heard a Marine and another man fighting. They were knocking each other's heads on the stairs. The Marine in question was the defendant Stone. Coleman ran and pulled the civilian off Stone, and tried to persuade Stone to go home quietly, and Stone bit Coleman on the leg. After that Coleman collared him and put him out and shut the door. In three or four minutes Stone came back again into the big room, and said he would fight everybody or anybody in the house. Coleman went to him again and put him out a second time, and had great difficulty in doing so as Stone laid on the floor kicking about. He got him out and he came back again, and I heard some one say he had come back for his belt, and when he got it he struck Coleman.

In defence defendant said he went into the "Duke of York" and called for a glass of rum. After he was served with it a girl came and seated herself near him, and wanted to enter into conversation with him. He would have nothing to do with her, however, and slapped her face, whereupon a civilian who was in the room came across to him and started fighting him. In the scuffle that took place Coleman took hold of him (defendant) and dragged him along the floor and threw him outside with great violence. His belt and tunic were taken away from him, and he was shamefully ill-used.

After some consultation the Magistrates stated that they were of the opinion that complainant was hardly justified in interfering in the manner he had. He was hardly prudent in what he had done, although he might have been actuated by good motives. He had brought the assault upon himself, and the case would therefore be dismissed.




HARRIS John 1870+

CORNER 1872 (Deal Licensing Records)

CROFTS Mr W to Sept/1872

HARRIS Patrick Sept/1872-Jan/74 Next pub licensee had Post Office Directory 1874

Last pub licensee had LANGLEY M Jan/1875+


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
