Page Updated:- Monday, 23 December, 2024.


Earliest 1822-

Four Bells

Latest 1974+


East Langdon

Four Bells

Above postcard, date unknown.

Four Bells 1952

Above photo, 1952, kindly sent by Michael Mirams.

Former Four Bells 2010 Four Bells parapet

Above photos taken by Paul Skelton, 9 April 2010. The bottom one of the two showing the four bells just below the parapet.

Former Four Bells Former Four Bells

Above pictures are of what I believe used to be the "Four Bells" in East Langdon. Pictures taken from Google maps 2010.


East Langdon is situated about two miles to the South-west of the church in Ringwould. The Church is dedicated to St. Augustine. The Church is at the South end of the village, consisting of two isles and a chancel, with a small spire at the West end, containing four bells, all inscribed: Joceph HATCH made me. (O.E.).

It is believed that the pub was named after the bells in the church.

In 1864 the premises was auctioned by owners Jeken, Coleman and Rutley, along with other lots and was describes as having a large garden.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 October, 1874. Price 1d.


The application for an extension for an hour was granted to the landlord of the “Three Bells,” East Langdon. (Incorrect nameing)

The Clerk said applicant must pay 2s. 6d.

Applicant said it was not worth the money. He would not have it.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 2 March, 1877. Price 1d.


William Philpott, publican, East Langdon was fined 10s. and 8s. costs for having deficient measures.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 17 March, 1882. Price 1d.


A man named Charles Moody, signalman at martin Station, applied for a warrant against James Finnis, the landlord of a public house at East Langdon, who had threatened to cut the applicant's head off with a razor, and ran after him, but was kept away by some people. This was the second time that he had been threatened, because Finnis thought that applicant was the cause of a quarrel which took place between the landlord and his wife.

The Bench allowed a summons to be taken out, and said that the case could come up for hearing on Saturday.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 19 September, 1884. Price 1d.

The landlord of the “King's Head,” West Hougham, applied for the Mays consent, to have his house open an hour later on Saturday night the 27th, for a Harvest supper. It was granted for the last time, the Magistrates remarking that in future they must get their supper over sooner.

The landlord of the “Four Mills,” (incorrect name. Paul Skelton) West Langdon, also applied for a similar consent and purpose on Saturday the 20th. The Magistrates granted the application, and gave the same remark as to the former.


Dover Express 21st September 1900.


The licence of the Four Bells, East Langdon, was temporarily transferred from G. Harris to E. H. Jones.


From the Dover Express, 20 June,1902.


The County Petty Sessions were held on Thursday at Dover before Messrs. W. H.; Burch Kosher, J. L. Bradley, and T. A. Terson.


Applications were made by the landlords of the "Bell Inn," Lydden, "Three Ravens," Tilmanstone, and "Four Bells," East Langdon, for an extension on June 26th, Coronation night.

Superintendent Chaney said he had a very strong objection to this being granted, as it would cause a great deal of unnecessary drinking.

The Chairman said the Magistrates were unanimously of opinion that the occasion did not warrant the extension of the hours for the sale of intoxicants. There was ample time during which people who were celebrating the occasion could drink as much beer as was good for them. The applications would be all refused.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 19 October, 1923.



At the Dover County Petty Sessions yesterday, Thomas Walker, landlord of the "Four Bells," East Langdon, was charged with supplying liquor during prohibited hours. P. Collard, H Waller, E. Waller, J. Higgins, A. G. Upton, A. Marsh, G. Hobbs, J. Graves, J. Harris and H. Oliver were charged with consuming.

Mr. A. K. Mowll Appeared on behalf of Walker, Graves and Oliver.

All the defendants pleaded not guilty except Higgins, who said that he was guilty, but he thought there was an extension.

Police Sergt. Beasley, stationed at Walmer, said:- About 5 p.m. on September 21st I was in plain clothes, in company with P.C.'s Cocks und Hughes, near tho "Four Bells" public-house, East Langdon. We saw four men enter by, way of the back door. Cox and I followed. We tried the door, and found it locked. I knocked at the door which was opened by Walker, who said, "Be careful. There are strangers about," and locked the door again. We then entered the cellar, wherein we saw six men standing. The landlady was kneeling on one knee, filling five pint glasses with beer, which she placed on a tray. At the same time her daughter Hilda came to her and asked her to change a 2s. piece. I said to the daughter, "Is that money for beer?" and she replied "Yes." I then informed her that we were police officers. We went to Walkers living room, where P.C. Hughes had entered by another door, where we saw he following men:— P. Collard, H. Waller, E. Waller, J. Higgins, A. G. Upton, A. Marsh, G .Hobbs, J. Graves, J. Harris and E. Oliver. These men had five pint glasses and four half-pint glasses, containing beer, and a glass of whisky, all of which had been partly consumed, and was in front of them. As we entered the room I saw H. Waller and G. Hobbs drinking. I asked who had served them, and they said they had purchased the liquor from the landlady. Upton said that he had purchased his from the landlady. I took a sample of the beer. I then said to the landlord, "I want you to take particular notice that these nine glasses contain beer, and this one whisky." Ho replied, "That is right. I have been to the farm sale all day. I have not served it." Hilda Walker, the landlady, said, "I have not served the drinks. You have a good case. It is a pity you have not something better to do." Hilda Walker said, "I have been serving beer all the afternoon, but not in this room." I said to Thomas Walker, the licensee, "I shall report you." I also told the ten men that I should report them. The opening hours were from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., and from 6 to 10 p.m. The bulk of the men went down the road a quarter of an hour before.

Mr. Mowll:- You must have been disguised (laughter).

Well, I was in plain clothes.

Cross-examined. It was usual to have an extension when farm sales were on, and it was quite possible that some of the defendants thought there was an extension.

Did you sample the beer?

We smelt it (laughter).

On being pressed, witness maintained that the defendant was present, but no one had a drink whilst he was there.

Cross-examined by Collard, witness denied that Collard said anything to him when he took his name and address.

Waller:- You say you saw me with a drink in my hand!


You're a liar!

The Magistrates' Clerk:- That is a statement; not a question.

Did I tell you I had gone inside to get a pen and ink to sign a cheque!

No; you said nothing.

Another defendant:- Did I say anything to you!


Well, how did you know my name, then? (laughter).

P.C. Cocks, K.C.C., of Great Mongeham, said he was with Sergt. Beasley and P.C. Hughes. He continued the evidence given by the previous witness.

Cross-examined! He took seven defendants names, and they were correct.

When he served the summons on Graves, he did not deny having any beer. Higgins and Upton admitted having the beer in front of them. All the others, except Waller and Hobbs, who he saw drinking, would not admit that the drinks were theirs.

P.C. Hughes, K.C.C., of East Langdon, said he went into the public-house about a minute after the two previous witnesses. He was admitted by the landlady, who said "This is a fine state of affairs. It is all my fault. What can I say. I have been serving all the afternoon, and we have got caught at last." He went into the room and saw the ten defendants with five pints, four half-pints and a whisky, in front of them. He saw Waller and Hobbs drinking.

Cross-examined. All three went to the sale in plain clothes. A public house was open all day for minerals.

By the Chairman. They were at the sale "not on duty."

Supt. Barton:- You were not detailed to watch this house?

No; we thought there were things going on which should not be.

In reply to Collard, all those present had their names taken.

Waller:- You came in a minute afterwards. Do you think I should have a glass up to my lips for a minute?

You might have kept it there longer.

Hobbs:- The police officers were half way round the room before you came.

Walker said he had been licensee there for 2 1/2 years, and had a wife who was a bit of an invalid and his daughter was a pupil teacher at the Convent. On this day he went to the sale at Mr. Millen's farm, about three minutes' walk, and did not get back until 4.45. He washed his hands and then, in response to the knocking, admitted the two policemen. He did not see his wife serving beer, or was he aware anyone was drinking in the place. If he had known he would have stopped it. The police knew before he did.

Supt, Barton:- There is no question that the beer was supplied!

I did not see any.

Further examined, Hobbs was his guest. He did not deny there was beer in the glasses or the question of the number of glasses. His wife or daughter would serve in his absence.

Hezekiah Oliver, "Butcher’s Arms," Ashley, said he had been licensee for seven years. He went in about 4.30 for some cigarettes. He had no beer, and when the constable said, "Where’s your beer?" he said "I haven’t any."

Cross examined, he was in the room, but he could not say whose glasses were on the table. He wasn’t in the house two minutes when the police arrived.

James Graves, Ashley, said he was with Oliver at the sale. He went in for "a bit of bread and cheese and a packet of fags." He told the policeman he had had no beer or anything to drink, and neither did he.

Supt. Barton:- You only had some bread and cheese. Were you going to have anything with it?

I didn't have time (laughter).

Percy Collard, licensee of the "Marquis of Granby" Alkham, said that he drove to the sale and borrowed a halter from Mrs. Walker. After the sale was over he put his horse in the trap and took the halter back and paid for the stabling. Whilst doing so, in the room where the others were, the sergeant came in and took his name and address. He asked witness "What have you in front of you?" and he said "Nothing." Witness had not been in the house two minutes. Mr. Robinson, his friend, was with him in the room.

Cross-examined. He did not drink beer, but whisky.

Do you know who the whisky belonged to?

Yes; a man who has pleaded guilty.

Charles Alfred Robinson, of Alkham, a retired Army officer, said that he went into the "Four Bells" with Mr. Collard, when the police came in. They did not take witness’s name and address. He was next to the defendant, and he did not have any drink.

Cross-examined. He was not one of those who were in the cellar.

The defendants were invited to make any statement they wished to the Bench.

George Hobbs, of Langdon Abbey, a merchant seaman, said he was on leave and went to the sale. He was invited to dinner and tea at the public-house, and had only just got there to tea when the police arrived. He never had any drink.

Cross-examined. The policemen who said he was drinking from a pint glass were not speaking the truth.

None of the other defendants had anything else to say.

Mr. Mowll addressed the Bench, and said that they would understand the difficulty of two defensiveless persons when they saw the array of people there that day charged with consuming liquor. At these farm sales it was usual, to enable the licensee nearest the sale to make a little extra, to grant an occasional licence or an extension of hours, so that those disappointed at not getting what they were after or who were happy at having struck a bargain should have a little opportunity of refreshing themselves. The duty of the licensee was to keep his house open, and one could understand these people going there, expecting to be able to get a drink. It was nil right if the licensee was at home. He could say, "We cannot serve you." But when these people got inside they found only the invalid wife and her daughter, what could they do? They could not take them by the scruff of their necks and the seat of their trousers and throw them out. The citadel had to fall (laughter). If it had not, these people would have gone and helped themselves to the beer. He suggested that if the Bench convicted the licensee, it would be a very great hardship for an offence he was not morally responsible for.

The Bench were absent some time considering the case, and, on return, the Chairman said that they had given careful consideration of the matter and had come to the conclusion that, as far as the licensee was concerned, he must be fined. They were not saying anything in regard to the proprietary or otherwise of the Act of Parliament in its present condition. They bore in mind the fact that there had beeu extensions at farm sales, and it was a difficult thing for licensees to carry on their business, but they, as well as the police and the Bench, had a duty to perform. Walker would be fined the mitigated penalty of 20s. Against Percy Collard, James Graves and Hezekiah Oliver there was not sufficient evidence to warrant conviction, and those cases would be dismissed. In all the other cases there would be fines of 5s. each.

Walker:- I would have been more careful, but I had been in hospital three months.

The Chairman:- What do you want to say?

The defendant:- I think I might have got off (laughter).


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 October, 1924. Price 1½d.


The "Four Bells," East Langdon was granted an extension for R.A.O.B. concert on October 25th.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 27 January, 1927. Price 1½d.

The licensee of the "Four Bells," East Langdon, was granted an extension for the R.A.O.B. concert on 26th January.


From the minutes of the Langdon Parish Council 15 October 2007


The potholes outside "The Four Bells" have been repaired and the flood alongside The Green has been reported to an engineer for action. It was noted that the top surface of the road near the playing field has eroded and that a blocked gulley has cause flooding. A Maersk container and building rubble has appeared in a field on Archer's Court Road and this will be reported.




YOUDEN Thomas 1822-47+ (also labourer and publican in 1822 age 45 in 1841Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

YOUDEN/UDEN Ann Mrs 1858-74+ (age 62 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1874

PHILPOTT William 1877+

UPTON Henry Sept/1878-Nov/1881 (age 60 in 1881Census) Dover Express

STRAND Edwin Nov/1881-82+ (age 42 in 1881Census) Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1882

FINNIS Thomas 1882+

CHEESEMAN Arthur Henry 1899+ Kelly's 1899

HARRIS G to Sept/1900 Dover Express

JONES Ernest H Sept/1900-03+ (age 32 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903Dover Express

CAVEY Frank 1911+ (widower age 56 in 1911Census)

FINNIS Arthur Albert 1913-May/21 Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1914Dover Express

WALKER Thomas May/1921-Jan/24 Dover Express

STOCKLEY Henry Jan/1924-Oct/26 Dover Express

REX George Charles Oct/1926+ Dover Express

MONKS Thomas Joseph 1932-38+ Pikes 1932-33Kelly's 1934Pikes 1938-39

KING William Henry 1946-56+ Dover ExpressKelly's Directory 1950Kelly's Directory 1953Kelly's Directory 1956 (of Maidstone)

KELLY H 1961+

WILKES Fred to 1965+ Dover Express

ATKINS Andrew N 1974+ Library archives 1974 Charrington & Co


According to the Dover Express, Thomas Walker was a miner from Ripple before taking the pub in 1921.


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1914From the Post Office Directory 1914

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
