Sort file:- Canterbury, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 26 August, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1587-

George and Dragon Family and Commercial Hotel and Posting House

Latest 1897-

18 High Street


Canterbury map 1874

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon 1890s

Picture above pre 1897 showing the "George and Dragon" left . and the "Coach and Waggon" offices right.

George and Dragon

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

George and Dragon 1888

Above photo 1888, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon 1888

Above photo, circa 1888, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon 1888

Abobe photo, circa 1888.

George and Dragon 1890

Above photo, circa 1890, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon 1890

Above photo, circa 1890, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

George and Dragon 1890

Above photo 1890, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George and Dragon 1891

Above photo 1891, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


From the National Archives CC/JQ/388 1587-1591

Walloon's wife living at the George, High Street, Canterbury mentioned for encouraging her children in insanitary habits -


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 January, 1810.


January 4, Mrs. Ann Igglesden widow of Mr. Stephen Igglesden, and landlady the "George" public house, High-street, Canterbury.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 18 March 1834.


March 11, James Shrubsole, Borough of Staplegate, Canterbury, many years Porter at the "George and Dragon," High Street, aged 71.


From the Kentish Gazette, 13 June 1837.


After a long illness, Robert, son of Mr. Mendy, of the "George Inn," Canterbury, aged 37.


Kentish Gazette, 25 May 1847.


Mendry:— May 22, Mr. Mendey, landlord of the "George and Dragon Inn," High-street, Canterbury.


From the Tourist's Guide, 1847

"I took up my quarters at the "George and Dragon," High Street, from which coaches to London and all parts of the coast, leave four times a day. It was quite a jubilee in old Canterbury, not only on account of the races, but the ladies fair, for the benefit of the hospital, was going on in the large square in which the hospital stands. The nobility had come forward on this occasion, and Albion's fair, noble dames, condescended to take tables and dispose of the finery and fancy articles - and all who had a desire of partaking of their sweet smiles, and the many good things spread out on their fancy tables for sale, and have a chit-chat with noble dames, had an opportunity that week of so doing, which was not lost to the East Kent commoners and yeomanry. Among these ladies who had tables, were Lady Bagot, Countess of Nelson, Marchioness Conyngham, Lady Bridges, Lady Dickens, Countess of Winchelsea, Lady Gray de Ruthyn, Lady Harris, and the beautiful, young, and accomplished Countess of Guilford, from all of whom I made small purchases, after an introduction from Lord Sondes, who came over from Boulongne with me in the steamer, and to whom I was indebted for my accommodation at the "George and Dragon."


Kentish Gazette, 8 July 1851.

George and Dragon, High Street, Canterbury.

H. Bridges, (late of the "Gun," St Dunstan's.) Announces his removal to the above old established house. It has recently undergone considerable improvements, with a view of affording the best accommodation upon the most reasonable terms.

Excellent stabling and coach houses and good beds.

The proprietor has every confidence, that all who may patronise his establishment will find every essential comfort. The situation is particularly desirable, and convenient to the railway station.

Omnibuses to and from the North Kent Railway 6 times a day, and Conveyances daily to all parts of Kent.

June 27th, 1851.


Kentish Mercury 13 March 1852.

Thomas Brown (39, imp.) labourer, was charged with cutting and wounding William Selby, at Canterbury.

Mr Maxwell, for the prosecution, stated the case, from which it appear the prosecutor and the prisoner had been drinking together at the "George and Dragon" public house, at Canterbury; and the prisoner on leaving, being at the time much intoxicated, inflicted serious injury on the prosecutor.

The evidence bore out these facts, and the prisoner in defence, that he had not had any previous quarrel with the prosecutor (which the latter admitted); and that he had no malice against him.

The jury returned the verdict of guilty of cutting and wounding; when one of them said it was not his verdict; upon which they were directed to reconsider. After a few minutes reconsideration, they returned the verdict of guilty upon all counts.

His Lordship, in passing sentence, said the offence was of such as serious nature, that it called for a severe penalty, and sentence the prisoner to ten years transportation.


Faversham Gazette, 29 March, 1856.

Old Established Commercial Inn.



BEGS to assure visitors to the City and the Public generally, that his house, from its central situation and superior convenience, offers every accommodation combined with comfort, attention and economy, and he feels confident that those who favour him with their patronage, will find every advantage that can be secured by pood management and the greatest desire to give satisfaction.

Refreshments, Wines, Spirits, Draught and Bottled Ales, Stout, ice., of the best quality. Omnibus conveyance to all parts of the County, and to the North Kent Railway.



From the Whitstable Times, 17 December, 1870.

Weir v. Cooper.

This was a summons against Mr. W. J. Cooper, one of the representatives in the Town Council of the Westgate ward, issued on the information of Mr. Weir, of St. Peter's-street, Canterbury, under the Municipal Corporation Act, 22 Vic, c 35, sec. 11 and 12, and 17 and 18 Vic., c. 102, sec. 23. The wording of the allegation was, “that the said W. J. Cooper did order and cause to be supplied several gallons of beer or other malt liquor to burgesses and voters of the said ward of Westgate in the said city, on Monday evening, the 31st of October, 1870, at the “George and Dragon Inn,” High-street, contrary to the statute in such case made and provided.”

Mr. Minter appeared for the latter, and said the action was brought for the recovery of a penalty of 40s. from the defendant, for treating at a municipal election in this city. He found that the plaintiff had omitted to subpoena an important witness in the case, which it was impossible to proceed with on that account. It was requisite that the nomination and election of members to the Town Council at the time stated in the summons should be proved, and this could, of course, only be done by calling the Town Clerk as a witness, and the production of the nomination papers. As the action was for the recovery of a penalty, he could not expect to get much favour shown him by the defendant, and, therefore, he thought the best way would be for him to consent to the case being struck out.

His Honour said of course it was only a matter of costs.

Mr. Minter said he understood that. He would agree to the case being struck out, to enable the witness to be subpoenaed by next Court day.

The case accordingly stands over.


The original premises was demolished in about 1897 to make way for a new building which was to become the Beaney Institute. The building opened on September 11th, 1899, and was partly paid for by a legacy of £10,000 left to the City by the late J.D. Beaney, M.D. of Melbourne, Australia who had been born in Canterbury. He left the money for "the erection and endowment of an institute for working men." It contains a free library and reading rooms on the ground floor, a museum above and a natural history section in the basement.

Next door at number 19 was the "Greyhound" I believe this was also demolished to make way for the Museum.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 17 August 1895.


The Surveyor produced before the Beaney Bequest Committee the plans of the Beaney institute for the "George and Dragon" and "Greyhound" site, the Sun Street Stores site, the Guildhall site, and the Cattle Market site, and reported as to the accommodation which each site would provide, and gave approximate estimates of the cost of same; and, after a long discussion, the Committee recommended that the "George and Dragon" and "Greyhound" site be purchased for the erection of the institute.

The Deputation of the Friendly Societies attended the meeting of the whole House Committee and the Surveyor produced the plans prepared by him for the proposed Beaney Institute.

The Committee recommended that the "George and Dragon" and "Greyhound" site be adopted and purchased for the erection of the Institute.

The Mayor proposed the confirmation of the minutes and Councillor Russell seconded.

Councillor Harris asked if they knew how much they had to pay for the site.

After some discussion the Town Clerk read the letters he had received on the subject. Messrs. Flint and Son were willing to take £2,400 for the "George and Dragon" with an Additional £300 for valuation and compensation to the tenant. The owners of the "Greyhound" public house were willing to sell for £1,200, but they said nothing about the valuation for the tenant.

Councillor Warren thought they ought not to purchase before they had more money in hand. Councillor Harris suggested that the subject should be referred back to the Committee.

Councillor Horsley suggested that they should not purchase the site before receiving some more money.

Alderman Hart said there was nothing to be gained by delay.

Councillor Harris moved as an amendment that the question be referred back to the Committee.

Councillor Goulden seconded.

The proposition was carried by eight votes to seven, and the minutes were confirmed.



IGGLESDEN Stephen 1795+

IGGLESDEN Ann (widow) 1800-10+

EASTON William 1824-28+ Next pub licensee had Pigot's Directory 1824

VIDGEN James 1832+ Historic Canterbury web sitePigot's Directory 1832-34

MENDEY John 1837-22/May/47 dec'd Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840

BLISSETT John 1847-51+ (age 45 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

GIBBS Charles L 1856-61+ (age 54 in 1861Census) Historic Canterbury web siteMelville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

WELLARD Richard 1861+ (age 35 in 1861Census)

BUTLER & WINTER 1868 Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

BUTLER William 1874-91+ (widower age 19 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882Historic Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1891

BLISSETT John date unknown Historic Canterbury web site


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
