Sort file:- Canterbury, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 26 August, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1868-

(Name from)



19 High Street


Greyhound 1888

Above photo, circa 1888, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Greyhound 1890

Above photo, circa 1890, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Canterbury map 1874

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.

Above image taken from Google, July 2009, shows the Royal Museum and Free Library at 18-19 High Street. The site of the  former "Greyhound" is the left part of the Royal Museum next to the white building to the left, now (2017) French Connection.

Former Greyhound 2020

Above photo, kinly taken and sent by Rory Kehoe, October 2020.


According to the Historic Canterbury web site, the premises was once called the "Sir Robert Peel," but changed name some time before 1874.


From the Whitstable Times, 23 March 1867. Price 1d.


George Robinson was charged with assaulting Corporal James Meeley (3rd Dragoon Guards) on Saturday evening last, at half-past ten o'clock.

The prosecutor stated that lie was in the “Greyhound” public-house, on the evening of Saturday last, and, at about half-past ten, a female called him out of the public house. On his going out the prisoner came up to him, and commenced striking him. A tussle ensued, and they both fell to the ground together; a policeman picked them up, and conveyed them to the police station. He (the prosecutor) believed the woman called him out on purpose because the man should hit him. He was perfectly sober at the time, and had never seen prisoner before.

The prisons said it was an accident. He was rather the worse for liquor on the evening in question and, as he was passing the “Greyhound,” complainant came out, and he (defendant) fell against him. Before he could apologise, prosecutor struck him. A woman, who was with the prisoner that ensuing, corroborated his statements; and P.C. Kemp, haring stated that the prisoner was drunk when he took him in custody.

The Magistrates fined prisoner 10s. and the costs, or, in default, to be sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment in the city gaol.


Maidstone Telegraph and West Kent Messenger. 28 August 1870.


Monday. (Before the Mayor, Alderman Matters, Charlet Collard, Esq., and Alderman Brock.)

Charlotte Walker, a girl in the employ of Mr. Furner, landlord of the “Greyhound,'' was charged with stealing 1s. 6d. from the till in the bar, and having pleaded guilty, she was sentenced to 14 days in Maidstone Gaol, the Magistrates receiving a good account of her previous conduct.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 September 1879.


Annie Tucker, a young woman, was brought up in custody charged with refusing to quit the "Greyhound Public-house, High-street, and with being disorderly on Saturday night.

Mr. Parker, the landlord, said that on Saturday night a little after ten o’clock the prisoner went into his bar, and after remaining a short time she became very abusive. She made use of bad language, and when he asked her to leave she refused. They turned her out by one door, but she immediately returned by another.

The prisoner said she went into the house, and while there she was insulted. They ordered her out, and as she was going she accidentally put her hand through a pane of glass. There was another charge against the prisoner of doing wilful damage to a pane of glass in the door. Parker said that after she was turned out, Tucker stood and deliberately smashed a square of plate glass in the doorway. She struck the glass a violent blow in the centre. It was worth £1 2s. Prisoner, who repeated that she had been insulted, was fined altogether 10s. and 13s. costs and ordered to pay the amount of damage, £1 2s., or 21 days' hard labour.



I believe this building, along with the one next door, that being the "George and Dragon Family and Commercial Hotel and Posting House." In 1898 the Hon J. C. Beaney M.D. from Australia made the Munificent Bequest of the Public Library to the Mayor and Corporation of his native City of Canterbury, and the Institute and Royal Museum opened in 1899.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 17 August 1895.


The Surveyor produced before the Beaney Bequest Committee the plans of the Beaney institute for the "George and Dragon" and "Greyhound" site, the Sun Street Stores site, the Guildhall site, and the Cattle Market site, and reported as to the accommodation which each site would provide, and gave approximate estimates of the cost of same; and, after a long discussion, the Committee recommended that the "George and Dragon" and "Greyhound" site be purchased for the erection of the institute.

The Deputation of the Friendly Societies attended the meeting of the whole House Committee and the Surveyor produced the plans prepared by him for the proposed Beaney Institute.

The Committee recommended that the "George and Dragon" and "Greyhound" site be adopted and purchased for the erection of the Institute.

The Mayor proposed the confirmation of the minutes and Councillor Russell seconded.

Councillor Harris asked if they knew how much they had to pay for the site.

After some discussion the Town Clerk read the letters he had received on the subject. Messrs. Flint and Son were willing to take £2,400 for the "George and Dragon" with an Additional £300 for valuation and compensation to the tenant. The owners of the "Greyhound" public house were willing to sell for £1,200, but they said nothing about the valuation for the tenant.

Councillor Warren thought they ought not to purchase before they had more money in hand. Councillor Harris suggested that the subject should be referred back to the Committee.

Councillor Horsley suggested that they should not purchase the site before receiving some more money.

Alderman Hart said there was nothing to be gained by delay.

Councillor Harris moved as an amendment that the question be referred back to the Committee.

Councillor Goulden seconded.

The proposition was carried by eight votes to seven, and the minutes were confirmed.



FURNER Mr 1868-70+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Maidstone Telegraph

SHEPPARD John 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

PARKER Charles William 1878-82+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Census

TAYLOR Mrs Jane Elizabeth F 1891+ (age 43 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891

ANDREWS Thomas 1889+ Historic Canterbury web siteElectoral Register


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1878

Electoral RegisterElectoral Register


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
