Sort file:- Dover, September, 2022.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 28 September, 2022.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1713-


Latest 1851+ (Name to)

5 Bulwark Street

Commercial Quay



The Dover Chronicles on 7 May 1842, printed a list of "Inns & Innkeepers of Dover A.D. 1713. Unfortunately no addresses were given.


From the Dover Chronicles, 7 May 1842.

Dover Innkeepers 1713


This was closed for misconduct in 1849 but James Barker managed to reopen the following year. I don't know for how long although have reference to this in 1859. Another "Globe" was active on Commercial Quay in 1859-60 however. Could this be one and the same?

It has been suggested that the pub later became the "Blue Post."


From the Kentish Post or Canterbury News-Letter, September 5-8, 1753. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

For Sale at the Globe Alehouse, near Archcliff Fort, September 17, several tenements.


From the Kentish Post, February 29-March 3, 1764. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Sale of a Sloop at the House of John Fagg, known by the Sign of the "Globe," at the Pier in Dover.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports Advertiser, 17 February, 1849.

The landlord of the "Globe," in Bulwark Street, was fined £5, and 11s. costs, for keeping a disorderly house, of which a complaint was made on the Monday previous.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports Advertiser, 17 February, 1849.

George C. B. Rolfe, hawker, charged with stealing a tobacco box at the "Globe" Inn. From the evidence, it appeared that the box had been handed to Rolfe, who had requested a pipe of tobacco; that it them passed through the hands of several present in the room, and not being returned to the owner, the present charge was made against Rolfe, as the party to whom the box had been delivered by the prosecutor. - The Bench considered that no felony had been intended, and, after some advisory remarks, discharged the prisoner.




BLACK Price 1713+

FAGG John 1764+

CLARK Mrs 1844

NEAL 1849

BARKER James 1850 Dover Telegraph

Last pub licensee had WRAY John 1851+ Next pub licensee had (age 51 in 1851Census)


Dover TelegraphFrom the Dover Telegraph


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
