Sort file:- Dover, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 30 November, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1841-

Golden Lion

Open 2024+

11 Priory Street and Priory Place


01304 206825

Golden Lion 1892

The Golden Lion has not changed much since this painting by Mary Horseley dating 1892. To the right you can just see what was to become part of Charles Clout's shop.

Golden Lion

Above shows small section of a panoramic view, date unknown. By kind permission of Dover Library.


The earliest date Barry Smith mentioned this pub was 1846, but he also mentions a "Golden Lyon" that predates this one. However, in those days, spelling was rather phonetically and could have referred to this one and without an address I have an open mind. However, Alec Hasenson has sent me two articles that predate 1846 and certainly mention the "Golden Lion" not Lyon, however as I said above often spelling was unimportant. I will keep with Barry's earliest mention being 1846 until I prove further.

Already well established on this corner in 1846. It came about in the first place when two tenements combined. One of those was 3 Priory Place which had been used as a stable and storehouse.

Supplied by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, who bought out Thomas Walker's Phoenix Brewery in 1859 and registered as such in 1896, until bought out by Fremlin Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased in 1927, which later passed to Whitbread.

The Priory Street property opened at five a.m. from 1881. Reinstatement of war damage was permitted in 1949 at a cost of £135. A house of Fremlin.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 14 February, 1846. Price 5d.


Stephen Clark, one of the partied tried at Maidstone, in 1844, for the murder of police-constable Couchman, was brought up, charged with stealing a cheese from the shop of Mr. Kennett, baker, Priory Street.

Elizabeth Kennett, wife of the prosecutor, stated, - On Monday evening, shortly after ten o'clock, I went to the "Golden Lion," which is opposite to my residence, to fetch my supper beer. On returning I saw prisoner run from my shop with a cheese to priory Meadow, whither I followed him. I can swear positively to the prisoner, as it was a very moonlight night, and I was not above two yards from him when he left the shop. On his entering the meadow he went behind the wall, and I lost him. He was dressed as he now is. I then sent for my husband, who was at the "Comet" close by, and on his coming he and some others went in search of the prisoner, while I watched in the Priory Walk. Immediately afterwards I saw the prisoner coming out of the spot at which I had seen him enter. I instantly went up to him, and charged him with the theft, at the same time asking where the cheese was, to which he made no reply, but ran up the Folkestone Road. I ran after him, crying "stop thief!" and saw Mr. Amos, to whom I pointed out the prisoner, saying, "That is the man; stop him!" which he did, and with other assistance held him till the police came up, previous to which he had threatened to use his knife. The cheese was the only one we had in the shop. It was purchased of Mr. Matthews, and I saw my husband bring it into the shop. [The evidence of this witness was given in the most distinct and unequivocal manner, although confronted by the prisoner relative to the identity of this person.]

Richard Kennett, husband of the foregoing witness - I met my wife in the Priory Walk, who told me that a man had stolen the cheese from the shop, and pointed out the road by which he had escaped. I then went in pursuit, but did not see the prisoner till he was secured, and then with a policeman I went in search of the cheese, which we found in the back-yard in the Meadow, and but a short distance from the spot pointed out by my wife as the place at which the prisoner entered. The prisoner is the same man that I saw in custody.

Edward Small, a lad about 14 years of age, stated that he saw the prisoner lurking about Mr. Kennet's shop, about 10 minutes after 10, on the night in question. I had just left my occupation at the Museum, and had reached my home when Mrs. Kennett came and said someone had robbed the shop. I have known the prisoner ever since the murder of Couchman, the police-constable.

The prisoner, who denied taking the cheese, was then committed for trial at the next sessions. He asked to be liberated on bail, which was refused by the Mayor.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 22 October, 1859.


George Watson, 32, labourer, was charged with stealing, at Dover, on the 27th of September last, a sheepskin coat of the value of 10s., the property of William Ames; to which he pleaded not guilty.

Mr. Bridge prosecuted.

William Ames, landlord of the "Golden Lion," Priory Street - On the evening of the 27th Sept., between  8 and 9 o'clock, the prisoner came into my house. He was served with a pint of beer, which was taken to him in the tap-room, after which he came and asked me if I wanted a man in the stable. There i a room at the rear of the tap-room, where the coat produced was hanging between 8 and 9. At a quarter to ten o'clock the coat was missing. By going through that room persons quitting the tap-room may leave the house by a back door. I believe prisoner must have gone out that way, as he did not pass by the bar.

By the prisoner - I am quite positive you did not go out by the front door.

Police-constable Thomas Irons - On the morning of the 28th September, about a quarter past 1, I was on duty in Council House Street, when I saw the prisoner with the coat produced under his arm. I asked him what he had got, and he said a coat, and that he had got it from the Crimea. I told him I did not believe him, but he repeated his statement, and said he would stick to it "like a leech." (Laughter.) He was very violent on my taking him into custody, and struck me. I was obliged to get assistance to convey him to the station-house. He afterwards, when at the police station, cried, and said if he had not been a fool he might have had a good character.

In defence the prisoner said he was intoxicated when taken into custody - too much so to remember exactly how he came by the coat, except, that he bought it off a man nearly as drunk as himself for 5s. He told a long story as to the manner of his encountering the unknown and drunken individual, and the incidents of the bargain, but what he said was not material.

Irons, recalled buy the Recorder, said that the prisoner was a little the worse for liquor when apprehended; he knew perfectly well, however, what he was about.

The Jury declined to believe the statement the prisoner had offered in defence, and after the learned Recorder had briefly summed up the evidence - pointing out the fact that the prisoner had not been seen to take the coat, but remarking that if it were necessary to bring an eye-witness to the robbery of all articles stolen very little protection to property would be afforded.

The Jury returned a verdict of guilty.

The prisoner was also detained upon a charge of stealing at Dover, on the same day, a coat and a leather tobacco-pouch, value 5s., the property of George Baker.

In this case Mr. Dashwood appeared for the prosecution, but a conviction already recorded it was not necessary to go into it.

The prisoner, on being asked by the Recorder what he had to say for himself, said that previous to being apprehended by the police for this offence - of which, he assured the Court, notwithstanding the view the Jury had taken of the case, he was as innocent as the Recorder himself - he had been employed in the docks here.

The learned Recorder remarked that this made his case much less excusable than he had at first thought it, for he had imagined it probable that he might have been in a state of distress at the time of committing this offence. His defence, therefore instead of assisting him, only made him (the learned Recorder) believe that he was a very hardened person. As he was not known, however, he would derive the benefit of the Court supposing that this was his first offence, but he (the Recorder) warned him against coming there again, for if he did he would assuredly be condemned to penal servitude. There would be no doubt that he had stolen the coat, and for this offence the sentence of the Court was that he be kept to hard labour in the gaol of the borough for six calendar months.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 14 October, 1870.


Mr. Amos, the landlord of the “Golden Lion,” Priory Street, attended the Court, to correct an impression which had got abroad among his neighbours, in consequence of a statement relative to a case which was before the Bench on Friday last. On that day the landlord of the “Laurel Tree,” a public-house near to his own, had been summoned before the Bench, and he was informed that a sergeant Johnstone had stated in his evidence that the information which had led to the summons being taken out was furnished to him by a licensed victualler living in the same street. Now he was the only licensed victualler living in the street, and the statement had had the effect of bringing him into very ill repute with his neighbours, and he attended, having required the Superintendent to order Johnstone to be present, in order to confront him and challenge him to say in his presence whether he had ever furnished him with information. He had kept the “Golden Lion” twenty years without a single complaint; but he had quite enough to do to conduct his own house in an orderly manner without troubling himself about his neighbours.

Johnstone said he had made no such statement as that attributed to him; and this disposal was confirmed by the Magistrates' Clerk, who said that what Johnstone had stated was that he received information from a licensed victualler; but did not state the name of the street in which the person resided.


From the Dover Express. 1872.

Drunkenness and Assault.

John Wood an elderly man was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the Golden Lion and assaulting the landlord and also with assaulting P.C. Ash.

William Amos said he was the landlord of the Golden Lion. On the previous evening between five and six o'clock the prisoner came into his house. He was intoxicated and on his asking for half-pint of beer witness refused to draw it. He said he should not go till he had it. but witness told him that he was certain he would. (Laughter) He then asked him if he would like to have one of the half-pint pots smashed about his ------- head and witness admitted that he would not relish it at all. (A laugh.) After telling him to go out of the house two or three times without effect witness went to see if he could find a policeman. As he was looking at one door the prisoner left by another and coming towards him endeavoured to pull him out of the house by his waistcoat. Witness however was to strong for him and threw him upon the ground where he held him till P.C. Ash came. P.C. Ash deposed to finding the complainant and the prisoner struggling on the ground in front of the Golden Lion. Complainant gave prisoner in charge for disorderly conduct and knowing the prisoner violent character he handcuffed him. He did this with great difficulty prisoner trying to bite him while he was doing so. On attempting to convey him to the Police Station he became very violent and kicked him on the leg. Assistance had to be procured and the prisoner had to be carried to the Police Station where his conduct was very violent. The prisoner said he had been to Diggle's Tower where he had taken too much refreshment and after leaving the tower he lost recollection. The magistrates commended the conduct of Mr. Amos in refusing to supply the prisoner with liquor. On the charge of drunkenness he would be fined 5s and costs or in default a week's imprisonment. For the assault on the police he would be imprisoned one month.


Information kindly supplied by Joyce Banks.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 11 May, 1877. Price 1d.


George Ballard, carter, was charged with having in his possession in the Priory Road 2 sacks containing 2 cwt. Of coals, value 4s., supposed to have been stolen.

Mr. Worsfold Mowll was defending.

Police-constable Suters said: I was on duty about seven o'clock last evening in the Priory Road. I saw the prisoner coming out of the stables of the “Golden Lion,” with a sack on his back. He went towards a cart that stood opposite Ayers' forge. I stopped him and asked him where he had the coals from he was carrying. He said, “I had them given me.” I asked who gave them to him, and he said, “Let me have a rest, and I will tell you some more about it.” He then said, “I met a man on the quay, and he asked me to take 2 cwt. Of coals for him and leave them somewhere near the “Red Cow.” I afterwards saw him and he told me to leave them at Charlton Bridge.” I was not satisfied with his statement and I took him into custody and charged him with having them in his possession, not giving a satisfactory account of the same. I took him to the station. He was charged and cautioned. He then said, “I did not steal them,” and repeated the same statement he had made to me. He did not know who the man was he had taken the coals for. He told Mr. Ayers, in my presence, to send the cart home as he should not be back again. One of the bags now produced is the same he had with him, the other I afterwards saw in the stables where he came from. There are no marks on either.

Stephen Solly, landlord of the “Golden Lion,” in Priory Street, said: The prisoner came to my house between five and six last evening and asked if he could leave two bags of coal in my stables, saying that a man would call for them later in the evening. I told him he light leave them, and he fetched two bags of coals from a cart and put them on a manger in the stables. There were several bags in the cart besides those two. He went away and returned in about three-quarters of an hour and asked for the coals. I said “Are they yours?” he said “Yes; don't you know me again.” I said “Yes, all right, take them away.” I opened the stable door for him and saw him take one bag. About half an hour afterwards the Constable same and told me to lock the other up, and I did so.

By the Bench: The prisoner has not at any time stabled his horse with me. I did not notice any difference in these bags from the others in the cart. I often have goods left at my house for and by country carriers.

Thomas Bere, carrier, living at Chapel Hill, said: The prisoner is in m y employ. I have been carting coals for Mr. Bussey up to the Heights. Prisoner went with my horse and cart to the Heights yesterday. I told him to look up my bags and if he could not find enough to ask Mr. Bussey to lend him some. My bags are not marked. I could not swear to the bags. I retail coals which I buy from Mr. Bussey. I had a ton the day before yesterday which were delivered by Mr. Bussey's man. I cannot say whether I have any coals similar to those which are now produced.

Joseph S. McCordell, coal-meter, in the employ of the Corporation, said he had been engaged on board the Reckless, lying at the Custom House Quay. Mr. Bussey owned the cargo. The prisoner was at the vessel about eight times the previous day and had about a ton of coal each time in bags. The prisoner threw down twenty bags each time and had them refilled. Witness had not seen the prisoner with any bags like the two produced.

Mr. Superintendent Sanders asked for a remand until Monday in order that Mr. Bussey should be summoned to appear to give evidence.

Mr. Mowll said Mr. Sanders must pledge his oath as to whether from the evidence of Mr. Bussey or any other person he thought could bring home the charge. He (Mr. Mowll) contended that not a tittle of evidence had been given from which a prima facia case could be made out.

Mr. Sanders was sworn and the case remanded until Monday, prisoner being admitted bail.


[Before T. E. Back, R. Dickeson, R. Rees, R. H. Jones, and F. S. Pierce, Esqrs.]


George Ballard was charged on remand with having in his possession two sacks of coals supposed to have been stolen.

The evidence previously taken was used. Mr. Worsfold Mowll defended.

Mr. James Bussey, coal merchant, residing in Dover, was called and said the defendant had been engaged in carting coals from his vessel in the harbour to the Heights. He could not swear to the coals produced but they were similar to those the vessel had been discharging.

The case was then dismissed.


From the Dover Express, 23 June, 1939.

The Magistrates approved plans for alterations to the bars and tenants' accommodation at the "Golden Lion."


From the Dover Express. 18 June 1948.


Dover Magistrates on Friday approved the following applications for alterations to licensed premises:-

Conversion of the private and saloon bars of the "Golden Lion," Priory Place, into one large saloon bar.

Golden Lion and Red Cow 1970

Above photo showing the "Golden Lion" and on the right, the "Red Cow" in 1970.

Golden Lion Circa 1980

Above photo supplied by Barry Smith circa 1980

Golden Lion 1986

Above photo, 1986, kindly supplied by Michael Lock.

Golden Lion circa 1987

Golden Lion circa 1987 (Photo by Paul Skelton)

Golden Lion sign 1991

Golden Lion sign October 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

From the Dover Express 2 August 1998.

Trio of local pubs have new owners.

THREE pubs in Deal and Dover have new bosses after brewery giants Whitbread sold 253 pubs nationally to Avebury Taverns in a deal worth £42.5 million.

The Three Horseshoes in Deal and The Golden Lion and The Primrose in Dover are part of the sell-off by the leased pub division of Whitbread, Whitbread Pub Partnerships. Giving Avebury Taverns their first foothold in the Kentish pub scene.

Managing director of Pub Partnerships Stewart Miller said the sale was part of a continuing review of their estate. This included shedding the businesses which were not part of the long-term strategy.

Avebury's commercial director Ian Frost; said all tenancy agreements would remain, and the inns would continue trading as tra ditional community pubs.

The company was launched last year with backing from the Japanese securities company Diawa.


From the Dover Express, 11 November 2004. By Ciara Hill.

The humble winkle at the Golden Lion.

Golden Lion Winkle Club

FOR those in the know, the phrase 'winkles up' will make perfect sense. For the rest of us, the idea of keeping a shell in your pocket at all times seems a little bizarre, but reporter CIARA HILL visited the Golden Lion to find out why the humble winkle is so important to so many people...


WALKING into the Golden Lion in Dover for the first time, one is blissfully unaware of entering Winkle Club madness and that life is about to change forever.

Landlord and winkle club chairman Rab Burt, 41, has been at the pub for eight years.

He is an ex-serviceman with a cheeky caginess that rests nicely with a thick Edinburgh accent.

He said: "About 12 years ago, I was just hitchhiking around and I ended up in Dover. I wasn't planning on coming here but I've just been here ever since."

Rab and wife Teresa run the pub together, but to call it just a pub would deny the community of people who reside in the place.

It's 10am and there are about half a dozen people propping up the bar - all the regulars know the full winkle story.

Rab said: "It started about six years ago when we all went on a drinking outing to Hastings.

After a few drinks we saw a huge bronze winkle statue in the town and thought 'that's a good idea, let's give it a go'."

The first Winkle Club was set up in 1900 by fishermen in Hastings, to help underprivileged families in the town.

The story is now an international one, as there are clubs all over the world and local photographer, Phil Wyborn-Brown, 52, was on hand to give a much needed explanation.

He said: "People can't get their heads around the lack of structure with Winkle Clubs.

"It's not a registered charity, the members' names aren't kept on record, it's just simple, we raise money and it goes straight to the people who need it.

"Sometimes we get calls from clubs in America or South Africa and they say 'winkles up' and so we get them out."

This is the moment when it all gets a little crazy. The moment Phil has uttered those two magical words the whole pub is reaching for their winkles.

The little shells have to be kept on your person at all times, although I am reliably informed that women can keep them in their purses if they have no pockets.

Phil said: "I used to be the royal photographer and when I wag on a shoot with the Queen Mother I called, 'winkles up'.

"As she should, she reached for hers, although it wasn't just any old winkle, it was a special solid gold one."

Over the years many famous people have become members of the organisation.

The Queen Mother was patron, and Winston Churchill and Lord Montgomery were both members. The Dover club is upholding the tradition of spreading the word to those in high places.

They recently wrote to the new Lord Warden and invited him to become their president.

Three days later, they received his reply which happily accepted the role.

Rab said: "We've got a special silver winkle for the admiral, and he will probably be paying us a visit at some stage in the near future."

The winkle costs £1 and then that's it, membership of a group of hundreds of Dovorians and thousands of people all over the world.

The objective is always to raise money, and the benefactors are local children who are in difficulties. The group will donate money in some instances but practical help is the norm.

Three young football teams in the area have got strips and equipment, Harbour school regularly receives help and there are two mobility chairs available on loan.

Basically the rule is they can achieve anything else for anybody else who needs it.

Phil said: "My daughter rang up once about a friend whose child had cancer of the eye and needed to be rushed to London.

"The family didn't have much money so we paid for their accommodation."

Over the years more than £20,000 has been donated to good causes by the Golden Lion club, and the winkle boys have become experts at sussing out the fraudsters.

Rab said: "We get calls from people saying, 'I'm terribly terribly ill, could you MOT my car and buy me a new TV?'.

"When somebody requests help we bounce it off each other and we haven't been taken in yet."

They take part in sponsored runs, sing karaoke, dress up, shave off and generally drink to raise their money.

It seems they will do almost anything - except bungee jumping. The average age of the members I met was 49, and they inform me that heart attacks may be the only result of such a venture.

They are busy men and were off later that day to present a new football strip to Seabrook primary school in Hythe.

The plans for the Christmas raffle, a five-mile sponsored run and a Winkle night in the pub are all under way.

It is very obvious that fundraising has become a way of life for regulars at the Golden Lion, a way of life which is led by the power of the humble winkle.


Golden Lion signGolden Lion sign

The various signs of The Golden Lion. 31 December 2007.

From the Dover Express 29 March 2007, by Yamurai Zendera.

Golden Lion Landlord, Rab Burt

Chew want to give up?

A JOVIAL pub landlord has come up with a novel way to poke fun at the impending smoking ban by giving punters free nicotine gum. Smokers will been banned from lighting up in public houses from July 1, but Rab Burt, 43, of The Golden Lion in Priory Street, Dover, said he will counter this by filling his ashtrays with Nicorette.

The father of two, who runs the pub with his wife Teresa, 44, will pay for the gum out of his own pocket as he believes the new law unfairly penalises smokers. Non-smoker Mr Burt said: "I'm making a point, financial gain is not my interest. Every person should have the choice of whether they want to smoke in a pub or not.

'This way when people come into my pub they will see that nothing has changed. They can still have their fix of nicotine legally if they choose to do that. It will be their choice and gives them another option." The former Royal Marine has written to the manufacturer of Nicorette gum to see if it will sponsor him, claiming his idea could help more people kick the habit.

Mr Burt said he thought his customers would see the funny side of his idea.

He added: "I want to make people smile. My customers know what I'm like.

"All the smokers will have to try a gum at first, and if they don't they will have to put £1 in the charity box."

The government predicts that about 600,000 people will give up smoking as a result of the law change.


From the Dover Mercury, 14 June 2007. By Mary Graham

Pubs and clubs 'ready for the big stub-out'

Nicotine gum to be put in ashtrays.

AN INNOVATIVE publican has hit upon a novel solution for helping his customers give up smoking when the ban comes into force.

Golden Lion Rab BurtRab Burt, landlord of The Golden Lion in Priory street, pictured left, will be placing nicotine replacement chewing gum into all of the pub's ashtrays.

The ashtrays will still be kept on the tables, reminiscent of the days before the ban, but nestling inside will be the gum.

If any of his customers nip outside to smoke, they will be gently encouraged to make a donation to the pub's charity collection pot.

Mr Burt's pub is a listed building and he has no space outside to make any adaptations. So if any of his customers do want to smoke, they will have to stand outside on the street.


From the Dover Express, 25 June, 2009

Winkling out cash by going to the bar

Golden Lion regulars on their annual charity pub crawl

Winkle club members

REGULARS from a Dover pub are celebrating their 10th annual bar crawl which has raised hundreds of pounds for good causes in the town.


The Winkle Club is based at the Golden Lion in Priory Street and for a decade members have taken the leisurely walk from River's "Dublin Man 0' War" pub back to their regular watering hole in the town centre.

Calling at various venues along the route and brandishing buckets to collect change from generous drinkers, the band of more than 60 revellers managed to raise £319.

Golden Lion landlord Rab Burt and his wife Teresa have run the pub for more than decade, and he explained how the idea for the Winkle Club came about.

The 47-year-old Scot said: "Some of our blokes from here went down to Hastings and found out about a club down there.

"It was started as a charity by fishermen and the money it raised went to the families of fishermen lost at sea. At the time, the Queen Mum was their patron. We just latched onto it and thought we would try and do a similar thing down here."

So the Golden Lion Winkle Club was started. In the years since it has raised more than £50,000 for good causes in the town, including Harbour School and the Aspen Unit in Whitfield.

Today the club has members all around the world and its patron is the Warden of the Cinque Ports, Admiral the Lord Boyce, who, like all members, is bound by a club tradition.

Rab explained: "We all carry a winkle in our pockets and if someone in the pub calls 'winkles' everyone has to show theirs. If you haven't got it then you pay £1 into the fund, but if everyone has theirs then the person who called has to pay."

The Lord Warden has a special silver winkle, but he is not immune from being called to produce it, and he was once caught out by the MP for Hastings while giving evidence in Parliament.


From the East Kent Mercury 21 April, 2011.


Popular landlord and landlady Rab and Theresa Burt are leaving the "Golden Lion" and their teams will move to the "Dew Drop." In 2004, when the league changed to its present structure, resources were limited and Rab and Teresa helped by paying towards trophies, all engraved to that effect.



Unfortunately closed in April 2011.


Pewter mug Pewter mug basePewter mug base enhanced

Above photos show a pewter mug kindly leant to me by Ben Skelton. The base of which is engraved "Golden Lion, Priory St. Dover." That obviously was serving ales at this house, but as to the date, as yet I have no idea. Right photo has been enhanced to show engravings.

Golden Lion pewter mugs 1880

Above tankards circa 1880.

Golden Lion pewter mug 1880

Above tankards circa 1880. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


Latest news is that workmen were seen on top of the roof and making the paintwork ready for a new coat at the end of September 2012, and news is the pub is soon to reopen.

It has been rumoured (unconfirmed) that Jim Gleason has bought the premises. Latest news says it is not under his management but the pub is again open for business. (2013)

2014, closed again.


Golden Lion 2014

Above photo by Paul Skelton, 29 March 2014.

From the Dover Express, 25 September 2014.

What do you think of the new paint job?

A TOWN centre pub’s paint job has got Dover talking this week.

Golden Lion 2014

The Golden Lion, on Priory Street, is replacing its terracotta exteriors with a vibrant green.

Express photographer Phil Medgett took pictures of the boozer on Friday as painters neared the end of their work.

Lifelong Dovorian Phil said: “It’s certainly eye-catching right on the roundabout there.”

Mum-of-two Mandy Saunders contacted the Express to give her views on the colour change.

She said: “I drive past there every day on the school run, and at first glance I’m not sure about it. Hopefully it’ll grow on me.”

Golden Lion September 2014

Above photo by Graham Butterworth 20 September 2014.


As you can see from the above photographs, the pub has had another make-over and opened again in September 2014.


From accessed 17 June 2015.


Named after the heraldry of Henry 1 and the dukes of Northumberland, the pub exhibits ghostly manifestations. These include a tall thin man in a Victorian style suit. His ghost enters through the front door, looks around and then disappears. Originally, the building was two cottages, with opened as an inn in 1846, when they advertised good stabling. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, they held a five am licence for early morning passengers leaving for the continent. There had been an earlier "Golden Lyon." It was opened in 1736 on a nearby site, almost in the shadow of Dover Castle. The present "Golden Lion" is, locals knew, locally as the ‘Golden Roarer'. Victorian author, Charles Dickens, is reputed to have rested here whilst awaiting a boat to the continent. It is a one bar pub with pictures of the local Winkle Club after one of Dickens's characters, which raises money for local charities and old photos of the pub along with maritime prints.

Golden Lion 2016

Above photo February 2016. Kindly sent by Colin Wood.

From the By Mary Harris, 30 November 2024.

Popular Kent pub with a spectacular castle backdrop sold at auction. The pub dates back to the 1800s.

Dating back to the 1800s, this pub found in the heart of Dover is known for its cosy atmosphere and friendly staff.

The Golden Lion pub which dates back to the 1800s went under the hammer with Clive Emson Auctioneers.

Golden Lion 2024

A popular Kent pub with a spectacular backdrop of a castle has been sold at auction. The Golden Lion pub which dates back to the 1800s went under the hammer with Clive Emson Auctioneers.

The pub sits on a corner in Dover and the view in the background is pretty special - it's Dover Castle in its prominent position on a hill. The pub has 4.5 stars out of a possible five on Tripadvisor, from 13 reviews.

The latest review says: "We were staying overnight in Dover having driven down the country. We called into The Golden Lion by chance. We had our dogs with us. We were given a very warm welcome and had a lovely evening chatting to the landlady and locals. Will visit again."

Golden Lion bar 2024

The pub has an L-shaped bar, a kitchen, spacious basement and there is accommodation on the first floor. The pub in Priory Street fetched its guide price of £180,000. The auctioneers said the pub was "currently operating under management who might be willing to remain for the new owner".

The Golden Lion sits near the A256 roundabout with the Folkestone Road. On its Facebook profile, the pub team says it's a "cracking local pub, friendly locals with a great atmosphere".

Jon Rimmer of Clive Emson Auctioneers said the pub was "a well-known and popular corner pub" and the manager's accommodation which had three bedrooms "does need improvement".

A check on the planning portal of Dover District Council shows there have been no planning applications for the site since March 1988. This was for a first floor extension and enclosure of the yard, which was approved.



KENNETT Henry 1841+ (age 60 in 1841Census)

AMES George 1847 Bagshaw's Directory 1847

AMES William 1850-72+ Melville's 1858 (aged 53 in 1871Census)

MORLEY Richard 1874-Jan/75 Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1874

EVANS Edward Jan/1875 (Engine Driver, 22, Clyde-road, Fulham) Dover Express

EVANS Mrs Charlotte 1875

SOLLEY Stephen 1877

HUBBARD Edward to Nov/1879 Dover Express

HUDDLESTONE James Jackson Nov/1879+ Dover ExpressF

FIELDER James 1881 (census) (Fielder from Harwich)

KITE Edward 1881-82 (age 40 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

Last pub licensee had TAPSELL William Apr/1883+ Next pub licensee had Dover Express

ROBBINS Walter Edwin 1891 Post Office Directory 1891

FILE EIgar Muggeridge 1895-1903 dec'd Pikes 1895Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

FILE Mrs 1903

COLLINS H 1907-May/09 Pikes 1909Dover Express

HOGBIN Alfred E P May/1909-13 dec'd Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1913

HOGBIN Mrs Nellie 1913


BUSSEY Mrs Nellie Jan/1914 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had CARDEN Mr J 1914-Sept/19 dec'd Dover Express

Last pub licensee had CARDEN Mrs Elizabeth Sept/1919 Dover Express

CORBISHLEY Alfred Thomas 1919-June/22 Post Office Directory 1922Dover Express

CLARKE William Thomas Archer June/1922-Aug/25 Dover ExpressPikes 1923Pikes 1924 (Former butcher of 122, London Road.)

Last pub licensee had KINGSFORD Charles Edward W Aug/1925-32 Post Office Directory 1930Pikes 1932-33

MONTAGUE George Edward 1932-Mar/41 Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39Dover Express

Last pub licensee had CORNWELL Mrs Ellen S Mar/1941-56+ Dover Express(Pikes 48-49 COLWELL Mrs E E)Kelly's Directory 1950Kelly's Directory 1953Kelly's Directory 1956

CHIVERS William E 1964-70

CHIVERS Mrs Adelaide Amy 1970-80 end Library archives 1974 Whitbread Fremlins

MANLEY Ike 1980-87

MANLEY Band R I 1987

BURT Rabb 1998-Apr/2011

Unknown Dec/2012+


 Ray A BLOWERS was serving behind the bar in 1972 and was the son-in-law of William and Amy Chivers.


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1923From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
