Page Updated:- Monday, 17 February, 2025.


Earliest 1740-

Green Man

Latest 1971

(Name to)

The Bay

St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe

Bowling Green, Green Man

Above photo by permission of Coastguard says "Bowling Green, "Green Man", St Margaret's Bay.

Green Man circa 1900

Green man circa 1900. The man standing in front of the window is George Cramp landlord of the pub at the time.

Green man circa 1900

Green man circa 1900.

Green Man 1900

Above photo circa 1900.

Green Man 1904

Above photo, July 1904.

Green Man St. Margarets Bay

Above date unknown.

Green Man

Above version is a coloured version of the one above this.

Green Man

Above postcard, date unknown.

Green Man 1913

Above postcard, circa 1913, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Green Man date unknown

Notice the seats by the side of the road which are half boats upended.

Green Man 1930s

Above postcard circa 1930s. Kindly sent by Graham Butterworth.

Greenn Man 1945

Above photo showing the war damage in 1945.

Gree Man 1956

Above photo, 1956. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Having been totally destroyed during WW2 (by our own troops!) the pub lay derelict for nearly 10 years. Before the war, it had been a tied house, within the estate of Thompson's Walmer Brewery which, in 1951, was acquired by Charrington's Anchor Brewery, London E1. One of Charrington's first projects was to commission the rebuilding of the pub, which re-opened in 1954: the year after Charrington's closed down the Walmer brewery and downgraded it to being merely a depot.

Green Man ledger

Thompson & Sons ledger. Creative Commons Licence.


Earliest reference found so far is in the Wingham Division Ale Licence list, which shows the "Green Man," St Margaret's at Cliffe, although I am sure they mean Bay, to be re-licensed for the sum of 8 shillings in 1740 indicating that the pub was present before 1740.

The occupant of the Green Man in 1782 was Stephen Peake although the 1740 directory spelled his name as Peke (much investigation into the Peake family by the late John Peake is deposited in St Margaret's History Society archives.)


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 2 March, 1839. Price 5d.


Considerable excitement was caused in the village of St. Margaret's at Cliff, on Saturday last, by the body of a female being washed up on shore. The attention of a person of the name of Kingsford was directed to the object from the number of sea-gulls hovering over the beach, and who on proceeding to the spot, discovered the body in question. It appeared to be that of a female between 30 and 40 years of age; in a complete state of nudity, with the exception of a pair of laced boot-shoes and white yarn stockings; from the appearance of which, there is no doubt that the deceased had moved in the most humble sphere of life. She had also on her finger, a wedding ring and guard, but no marks were discovered which might tend to identify the body. An inquest was held at the "Green Man," on Monday, before Mr. Delassaux, Coroner for the County; when the only evidence produce was that of Kingsford, who found the body, John Arnold, who assisted in removing it to a shed, and Mr. G. E. Rutley, Surgeon, of Dover, who, having viewed the body, stated that there were no external marks of violence, and that the livid appearance about the neck and breasts were, no doubt, the effect of decomposition. The Coroner ten addressed the Jury and stated, that there being no means of identifying the body, now any evidence of death having occurred through violence, the usual verdict on such occasions was, "Found dead," which was returned accordingly.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 February 1848.

A Body Found.

On Monday last two persons walking along the beach at St. Margaret’s at Cliffe, when near the light-houses, picked up the body of a man, apparently a sailor. It was evident the poor fellow had been dead for some days, and it was conjectured he formed one of the crew of a Folkestone boat lost about a fortnight ago; but notwithstanding every publicity has been given, no one has yet identified the body. He was dressed in the usual dress of the boatmen, with the addition of two pairs of green drawers. All the property found on him was a pocket-knife and an earring, which are now in the hands of William Knott, the constable, and which may perhaps lead to the identification of the body. An inquest was held on Thursday, at the "Green Man," St. Margaret’s Bay, by Mr. Delasaux, when no further evidence being adduced beyond that of the persons finding the body, the jury returned a verdict of "Found drowned."


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 25 October, 1871. Price 1d.


The defendant, a coastguard stationed at St. Margaret's Bay, was summoned by the complainant, the landlord of the “Green Man” public-house, which is in the same neighbourhood, for the payment for 20s. 3d., balance of account for liquors supplied at different times, for consumption off the premises, to the defendant or the members of his family. The defendant did not deny his liability, but declared that he had paid 10s. of the amount; and it appeared that he had paid the balance, 10s. 3d., into Court. A bill was produced by the defendant showing several payments on account, including the disputed 10s.; but Mrs. Cramp, the wife of the complainant, who said she kept the books, declared that the entry of 10s. on account was not in her hand writing. She produced her books, which showed that the amount she now claimed was due from the defendant; and in reply to the Judge she said she allowed no one in her house to settle bills or to credit payments but herself; and repeated that the entry of the 10s. shown upon the bill was entirely unknown to her. The wife of the defendant was called, and also protested that the sum of 10s. had been paid on account. She produced her daughter, a child about 12 years of age, who had paid the last instalment that was acknowledged, and she said that when she paid this sum (5s.) the sum of 10s. was already acknowledged on the bill.

The Judge, remarking that it was a very difficult case to decide, gave an order in defendant's favour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 1 May, 1896.


A little boy, aged eight years old, the son of Chief Engineer of the Lighthouse, fell over the cliff at South Foreland, last night about 7 o'clock, and was killed.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 May, 1896.


Mr. R. M. Mercer, Coroner for East Kent, held an inquiry at the South Foreland Lighthouse on Friday, respecting the death of the eight-year-old son of James Core, chief engineer at the lighthouse, who was killed by falling over the cliff, a distance of 260 feet, as briefly reported last week. The following gentlemen were the Jury: Messrs. J. H. Stone (foreman), A. E. Doubleday, T. Dilnot, G. Laslett, J. Madge, P. Ogle, H. Upton, M. Upton, E. Viner, F. W. Summers, D. Spain, G. Wellard, and G. Hember.

The body having been viewed, the following evidence was taken:-

James Core, of the trinity Lighthouse Service, said: I have been stationed at the South Foreland for the past two years. The deceased lad was my son, Thomas Bryce Core, eight years of age. About a quarter to seven yesterday evening I was told by my sister-in-law that my boy had fallen over the cliff. I obtained some ropes and was lowered down the cliff some way to the westward of where he had fallen. The depth of the cliff there is about 260 feet. There was no other means of getting to the body down the cliff than by a rope. When I got to him, my boy was quite dead. We brought him to the top and removed the body to the lighthouse. The children have since told me they were down beside where he had fallen over about a month ago, and had set up a “gin” there to catch rabbits.

James Core, 12 years of age, brother of the deceased, said: I was out yesterday evening with my brother and another boy named Johnny Ayers, playing near the top of the cliff. I last saw my brother down by the low light on the coast path, running along. I was some way from him, standing by the gate of the path, and Ayers, who was on an ash heap, told me deceased was going down to the rabbit hole. I heard no cry. After a little while Ayers called me and said he could see nothing of my brother, and I went back and looked for him. Finding him nowhere about, I said to Johnny Ayers that he must have fallen over, and I ran up to the house and told my aunt. I could see Ayers all the time I was beside the gate; he did not go down to where my brother was. The rabbit holes are quite on the edge of the cliff, and we have to get down on the grass if we want to see our traps.

By the Foreman: I have always found it safe there.

John Ayres, 9 years of age, son of a coastguard, said: I was playing with the deceased and his brother yesterday evening, but I did not see him fall over the cliff. I did not hear any cry. When we could not find him, we went to the edge of the cliff and looked over, and James Core then ran up to the house. We had set a gin on the grass to catch rabbits about two or three feet from the edge of the cliff. Deceased was gone about ten minutes before we missed him. We did not visit the rabbit holes every day, but I had been down there very often. We were not playing near the edge of the cliff. The grass is very long there, and there are little blackthorn bushes near where our gin is set up. I believe it is dangerous there.

By the Foreman: I have never been told not to play there, neither have I heard deceased warned not to do so.

The Jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death by falling over the cliff.” The Foreman, on behalf of the Jury, expressed their deep sympathy with the father and family, and gave it as their opinion that no blame be attachable to anyone.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 May, 1896.


On Wednesday afternoon the fifth fatal fall from the cliffs between Dover and St. Margaret's during the last six weeks, occurred. A young fellow named William Gilbert Hooker, a son of one of the Masters of the South Foreland College, Ramsgate, about 17 years of age, accompanied by a companion, walked along the bottom of the cliff towards Dover. When just beyond the iron step ladder which leads up to the caves under the South Foreland Lights, something up the cliff attracted the young fellows, presumably nests, and they commenced to climb up. They succeeded in getting up about a quarter way, the survivor being the highest when Hooker slipped and fell to the bottom. His companion horror stricken, managed to get down and found that his unfortunate friend, although alive was insensible, and was bleeding from a terrible wound on the head. After placing him as comfortably as circumstances would permit he ran to St. Margaret's Bay for assistance. A medical man was sent for, and young Drew, one of the Bay boatmen put off in a boat. Hooker was by this means brought round to St. Margaret's bay, and Dr. Pollock was present on the beach when the boat came ashore. The insensible lad was at once carried to the “Green Man” public house where he was surgically attended to. It was found that no bones were broken, but that Hooker was suffering from a severe wound and concussion. It was at first intended to bring him to Dover Hospital, but his condition was far too critical for that, and as there was no accommodation at the “Green Man” the sufferer was taken to Drew's house. Here he remained insensible until after ten, when he died, the Curate having been present the whole of the evening. Death was due to concussion of the brain. The inquest had not been definitely fixed, but will probably take place either this afternoon or to-morrow morning.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 15 May, 1896.


On Wednesday afternoon the funeral of poor young Hooker took place at Ramsgate Cemetery. It was attended by many of the students at the South Eastern College and other sympathisers. The first part of the ceremony took place at Christ Church, in the presence of a sympathetic congregation.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 20 April, 1900. Price 1d.


Mr. George Perry, who is at present acting as landlord of the "Green Man," applied for a formal transfer of the license from the late landlord, Mr. Cramp. The license indenture had been lost prior to the transfer.

The application was adjourned till the Sessions at Wingham on May 3rd.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 May, 1900.


Mr. George Berry renewed his application to draw at the “Green Man,” St. Margaret's. It will be remembered that at the last court the license issued to the out-going tenant, Mr. George Cramp, was said to be lost. The license had now been found, and as Mr. berry's testimonials from the Motor Bus Co. and from the Coastguards were very satisfactory, the temporary transfer was granted.


Dover Express 21st September 1900.


The landlord of the Green Man, Mr. G. H. Perry, applied that his full name, George Henry, should be inserted in the licence instead of only his first name, George, which he had given when the licence was transferred to him. The Inland Revenue pointed out the error when he went to pay for the licence and gave his full name.

The Chairman, Mr. Burch Rosher, considered the applicant ought to prove which was his right name and insisted on a baptism certificate being produced.

The Clerk was instructed to amend the licence when this was done.


From the Dover Express, Friday 16 October, 1903.


George Berry, landlord of the "Green Man Inn," was granted an hour’s extension on October 17th, for a harvest supper.

The Chairman: There is not much harvest at St. Margarets!

Mr. Berry: It is not very grand!


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 1 March, 1912. Price 1d.


An occasional licence for the supply of refreshments was granted to Mr. G. Berry, of the "Green Man," St. Margaret's on the occasion of a Conservative smoking concert at the Parish Hall.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 22 December, 1922. Price 1½d.


Mr. Wellard of the "Green Man," St. Margaret's, was granted an extension for the annual Slate Club dinner on the 30th December.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 20 April, 1923. Price 1½d.


Mr. W. A. Wellard, of the "Green Man," St. Margaret's, was granted an extension for a reunion dinner of Old Comrades of the Zeebrugge Raid.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 21 December, 1923. Price 1½d.


Mr. Wellard of the "Green Man," St. Margaret's, was granted an extension for the slate club supper on December 22nd.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 22 March, 1929. Price 1½d.


Plans were submitted for alterations to the “Green Man,” St. Margaret's, enabling better supervision over the bar parlour and improving the bar parlour, which was small.

The plans were approved.



Being sheltered by the bay, it was warm enough there in summer months for the landlord to grow mangoes in his garden.

In 1940 the building was requisitioned by the Army for the war effort in training. During the WW2 the Bay was actually used as a battle training area, and this is how the original pub became damaged beyond repair.

Certainly not the same building as we see today, as the original was bombed by "friendly fire" and had to be rebuilt in the 1950s and now renamed the "Coastguard."


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 9 July, 1937.


The County Petty Sessions  were held at Wingham on Thursday, before Viscount Hawarden, Messrs. C. J. Burgess and W. G. Chandler, and Miss Tower.


Mr. N. G. Goodwin, formerly of Margate, applied for the transfer  of the licence of the "Green Man," St. Margaret's By, from Mr. J. Davis.

The Chairman said that the Magistrates felt they would have to refuse the application as the police testimonial of the applicant was not good enough.

Mr. Gerald Hardman (Deal), later in the morning, said that he hoped the magistrates would allow him to make an application, although they had already dealt with the matter. He had just been instructed on the matter, and felt that if the magistrates were to be convinced that the circumstances were such that it would be a gross hardship to refuse the application for a transfer they would not think it an improper thing to do to grant the transfer. He could only tell them that the Police did not oppose the application for the transfer, the Superintendent was not heard on the matter at all. The magistrates had before them references and a Police report which he had not seen. His instructions were that the present tenant of the "Green Man" was very ill, and the position was a very difficult one for the persons concerned. Mr. Goodwin had first class references from Messrs. Cobb, brewers, of Margate, and Messrs. Thompson, brewers, of Walmer, who were satisfied with the references he produced. He did not think those two firms of brewers were firms who would take tenants without a very careful enquiry.

Mr. Phillips, Valuer, Canterbury, said that the present tenant had to be removed to a nursing home. He had known Mr. Goodwin for about eighteen months when he (Mr. Goodwin) applied to him for a licence. The brewers said they were sorry to part with his services. Mr. Goodwin's references at Margate were satisfactory, and his application there was granted. He had been intimately associated with Mr. Goodwin for a year, and at Margate he ran his premises very well, and they were spotlessly clean.

Mr. Hardman (who had been handed the report fro the police at East Suffolk) observed that it stated that Mr. Goodwin was "a man of fairly sober habits." It also stated that he did not conduct the "Anchor" and the "Crown" Hotel too satisfactorily.

Mr. Phillips said that had he any knowledge that Mr. Goodwin was anything but sober he would not have submitted his name to the brewers. According to the references he received, Mr. Goodwin was a thoroughly honest, sober and industrious man.

Mr. Goodwin said that before coming south he held licences at Lowestoft. On two occasions he as warned for having customers on his premises after hours, but was never summoned. On one occasion it was a public house used by fisherman, and it was difficult to get them away at times, and the other was at a commercial hotel, and travellers staying there had friends in.

Mr. Hardman submitted that the Police report was only an expression of opinion, and it might be wrong.

Mr. Burgess said that it was an outstanding Police report. All Police reports he had read had been absolutely fair.

The Chairman, after the Magistrates had retired to consider the application, said that it had been decided not to grant a temporary transfer that day, but to make further enquiries from the Police first, to see what they meant. The full transfer would come before the Court at Dover next week.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 16 July, 1937.


The adjourned application for the transfer of the licence of the "Green Man," St. Margaret's, from John Davis to Gerald Nettleton Goodwin, came before the Justices for further consideration.

Mr. J. H. Mowll, appearing for the brewers, said his client had decided to go no further with that application and asked for the temporary transfer to Mr. Dredge, Manager Messrs. Thompson, Brewes. The present licensee, Mr. Davis, was very ill indeed and asked that he might be excused attendance at any further transfer there might be.

The Magistrates granted a temporary transfer of the licence to Mr. Dredge.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 22 July, 1938. Price 1½d.


Mr. P. A. G. Aldington, on behalf of the licensee of the “Green Man,” St. Margaret's Bay, applied for extensions to 11.45 p.m. on 23rd and 30th July, August 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th, and on August Bank Holiday Monday to 12.30 a.m. These were in order that those attending dances to be held on those dates on the lawn might be served with drinks.

Inspector Kitchingham said that he had been instructed by Superintendent Webb to oppose the applications as there was no clubroom on the premises where a dance could be held and the lawn was in front of the premises and there was nothing to prevent the general public just walking in and taking advantage of the extensions.

Mr. Aldington pointed out that a person could not go onto the property without trespassing.

The application was refused.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 26 June, 1953.


Rural Council Dislike the Design

FURTHER progress in the re-development of St. Margaret's Bay from its war and gale-damaged condition is foreshadowed by the proposal of the brewers, Messrs. Thompson and Son, Ltd., to rebuild the "Green Man."

But Dover Rural Council, whose coast protection works at the Bay have just been completed, do not like the design which the brewers have submitted.

A report before the Council at their monthly meeting recommended that, under the building by-laws, the plans submitted should have approved for five years only as the materials proposed to be used included short-lived materials.

On planning grounds, the final decision lies with the County Planning Department, and the Rural Council decided to inform that department that they object to the present design and suggest that they should be given power to approach the brewers direct with a view to obtaining a more satisfactory design.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 5 March, 1954.


Re-building Green Man 1954

Above shows a view of the work in progress this week


Hopes that the "Green Man," St. Margaret's Bay, would be rebuilt and ready in time to welcome visitors by Easter received a set-back during the recent unusually cold spell when brick-laying was stopped. Despite this, work of digging foundation trenches and clearing away excessive rubble went on and Messrs. Jenners, of Dover the firm of builders who are doing the work for Messrs. Charrington's, the brewers, hope that it will not be very long after Easter before the premises are ready.

The building was transformed from a quaint 600-year-old inn to a state of chaotic rubble during the war when it was used as part of a Commando course. If, when these soldiers put their training into practice against the enemy, it was half as efficient as it was to that homely little pub at the Bay, then they more than played their part in the winning of the war.

Claims that the building is 600 years old and that the building was shattered by Commandos during the manoeuvres and not by enemy action have been backed up by discoveries made in the cellar which extends back into the face of the cliff at the rear of the building. Here we found several old coins dating back to 1378, a practice grenade, which was taken into custody by the local policeman, several rounds of both used and blank ammunition and some typical "British Tommy" phrases written on the walls.

Before the war the building had a frontage of some forty yards from which teas were served to visitors. This forefront will now be replaced by a car park for customers, with open tearooms both on a veranda in front of the building, on the ground floor, and on a specially prepared flat roof above the main building.

A lot has been done to restore as far as possible the flint facings on the wall. The builders even have hopes of retaining two drunken looking chimney stacks to gibe the premises a kind of antique look despite the fact that a lot of modern materials have had to be used.

The northern end of the building will be two-storey, with living accommodation for the licensee.

Bay windows will give diners a clear view of the Straits and, with the new sea wall and the recently-erected groynes holding back the shingle, bathing at St. Margaret's Bay should, in future, be popular.

The license of the "Green Man" has been held in abeyance for some thirteen or fourteen years and the premises' re-opening will be the first sign of permanent business returning to this once popular bay.


Green Man 1950s

Above photo, 1950s.

Green Man St Margarets

Green Man St Margaret's date unknown. After 1953.

Green Man 1959

Green Man St Margaret's, postmarked 1959.

Green Man 1954

Above photo 1954. Creative Commons Licence.

Green Man interior
Green Man
Green Man interior

Above three pictures are of the Green Man St Margaret's. By kind permission of the Coastguard. Date unknown. After 1953.

From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 26 April, 1963.

"Green Man" Raided.

A thief forced his way through the cellar flap of the Green Man public house in the Bay on Thursday night last week and stole £10 in cash. He ignored the stock.



Still the Green Man in 1965 according to Kelly's directory of 1965, this pub was later re-named the "Coastguard".


From an email received 18 July, 2013

The change of name from "Green Man" to "Coastguard" happened in 1971 and I was 24 at the time.

The pub was closed when I took over as manager with Charringtons. At the time a coastguard returned to St. Margaret's, so I took this opportunity for publicity and changed the name with the help of the coastguard and arranged helicopter etc. and that is just a little bit of info if this is of any interest.

Mike Griggs.


This is the closest pub to France a mere 20 miles away being situated just off the beach at St Margaret's Bay.

In was in the Bay that the Channel Tunnel Co began the first test boring in 1865. The bore discovered coal and the Channel tunnel project was pigeon-holed.



PEAKE Stephen 1740-82+ Wingham Ale Licences 1740

TAYLOR Henry & Mary 1841+ (age 70 & 65 in 1841)Census

DREW Stephen 1851-61 (age 37 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858

CRAMP George 1861-Apr/1900 dec'd (age 68 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1874Pikes 1889Pike 1890Piks 1891Pikes 1895Pikes 1896-7Pikes 1898Pikes 1899Pikes 1899-1900Dover Express

BERRY George Henry Apr/1900-Nov/21+ (also Naval pensioner age 51 in 1911Census) Kelly's 1903Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1914Post Office Directory 1918Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1922

WELLARD William Alfred Nov/1921-24+ Dover ExpressPikes 1924

DAVIS Mr John (Jack) 1930-Sept/37 Post Office Directory 1930Pikes 1932-33Dover Express

GRAY Mr C W Sept/1937-Mar/1939+ Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39Dover Express

COLSON Robert H Mar/1939-40 Next pub licensee had Dover Express

HAWKINS George A M 1954-June/57 Next pub licensee had Dover Express

MARTIN A E June/1957-Oct/64

AUSTEN A C Oct/1964-Feb/67

BEAUMONT  Feb/1967+


George Berry was also captain of the St, Margaret's Fire Brigade


Wingham Ale Licences 1740From Wingham Division Ale Licences 1740 Ref: KAO - QRLV 3/1

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Pikes 1889From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1889

Pike 1890From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1890

Piks 1891From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1891

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Pikes 1896-7From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1896-97

Pikes 1898From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1898

Pikes 1899From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1899

Pikes 1899-1900From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1899-1900

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1914From the Post Office Directory 1914

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
