Page Updated:- Monday, 23 December, 2024.


Earliest 1913

(Name from)

Grove Ferry Hotel


(Name to)



Grove Ferry

Above postcard date unknown, with kind permission from Eric Hartland.

Grove Ferry 1907

Above postcard, 1907.

Grove Ferry 1907

Above postcard, circa 1907.

Grove Ferry

Above photo, date unknown.

Grove Ferry flood

Above photo, showing flooded river, date unknown.

Grove Ferry Inn 1920

Above postcard, circa 1920.

Grove Ferry Inn 1929

Above postcard, 1929, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Grove Ferry 1937

Above postcard, 1937, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Grove Ferry Hotel 1956

Above photo, circa 1956, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Grove Ferry 1990

Above photo, September 1990, kindly sent by Philip Dymott.

Grove Ferry 1990

Above photo, September 1990, kindly sent by Philip Dymott.

Grove Ferry Inn

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Grove Ferry Inn 2010

Above photo 2011 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Grove Ferry Hotel from rear

Above photo by Paul Skelton, 23 May 2010, showing the Grove Ferry Hotel from the rear.

Grove Ferry sign 1986Grove Ferry sign 2010

Grove Ferry sign November 1986. Sign right 2010.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Grove Ferry 2015

Above photo 2015.


The Dover Express reported at the start of 1940 that all licences would be renewed except that of the Grove Ferry Hotel, which was under transfer.


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 October 1848.


(In consequence of the ill state of health of the present Owner and Proprietor, Mr. Epps.)

"Grove Ferry Tavern," the FERRY, COAL TRADE, rich PASTURE LAND, and Premises, in the parish of WICKHAMBREUX, in the county of Kent.

The Tavern premises consist of a capital and new-built Freehold House, erected by the present owner, with every regard to convenience, durability, and comfort on the site of the former Tavern, and on which there is now carrying on an excellent, profitable, and long-established tavern business; with bowling green, pleasure ground, kitchen garden, farm yard, with stabling, cow-house, piggery, and granary, all most substantially built and in excellent repair and condition.

The accommodation in the House consists of — On the Ground Floor, and which fronts the river Stour, — A large room, 33-fect by 10-feet (with a sliding partition to compose also two good sitting rooms), good sitting rooms, fronting the pleasure ground and garden, the bar, private parlour for the use of the family, large kitchen, scullery, dairy, and larder. On the First, or upper Floor — two sitting rooms, each about 16 feet by 16 feet; four bed rooms, water closet, servants’ room, and other conveniences. There are excellent and spacious cellars, consisting of sherry cellar, binned cellars spirit, bottling, and beer cellars. With every facility for carrying on a large wine and spirit trade, independent of the business of the Tavern and gardens. The whole well and conveniently arranged.
Also, connected with the house is the TAP, doing a good business in beer and spirits.

Together with a large and convenient COAL YARD, capable of holding 700 Tons of Coals, with sheds, and where an extensive Coal Business has been carried on by the present and former proprietors of the Tavern for Fifty Years past. The river Stour is within a few feet of the coal yard, and runs to Sandwich, where large vessels from the coal districts deposit their cargoes, thereby affording every facility for conveyance, being only Eight Miles therefrom.

And also, the ancient, valuable, and exclusive right of FERRIAGE over this part of the river Stour, and which has realized a large and permanent profit to the owners. Together with the Ferry Boat and its appurtenances.

And also, all that piece or parcel of very rich PASTURE LAND, containing about fifteen acres, more or less, adjoining the Tavern premises, and now in a most excellent and thriving condition.

The whole of the Property is near or adjoining the River Stour, in which there is some of the finest Trout Fishing; is surrounded with most picturesque scenery, and is within a few yards of one of the Stations called the "Grove Ferry Station," of the South-Eastern Railway Company; six miles from Canterbury and Herne Bay, and ten miles from Margate and Ramsgate; and presents an opportunity seldom to be met with, either for investment or personal occupation and superintendence.

The fixtures and fittings in and about the Hotel premises, applicable to carrying on the Hotel business, are to be taken at a fair valuation, to be made in the usual way, and the purchaser may have the option of taking the whole of the furniture, and any portion of the capital cellar of wines and spirits, at a fair valuation.

For further particulars apply to Thomas Mathew. Esq., of Nether Court, near Ramsgate; or to ROBERT WALKER, Esq., Solicitor, Canterbury.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 18 March 1893.

The Charge of Stealing a Spoon.

At the Augustine's Petty Sessions on Saturday, Henry Pettman, Mariner, Whitstable, was charged on remand with stealing a silver plated tea spoon, the property of John Bing, "Grove Ferry Hotel." The evidence having been read over the prisoner was ordered to pay 20s. or in default 14 days'.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 19 January 1901. Price 1d.


Robert Osborn was charged with embezzling a sum of money, the property of Herbert Dalby Reeve, landlord of the "Grove Ferry Inn."

Only evidence of arrest was given by Superintendent Jacobs, who stated that he apprehended prisoner at his house at Upstreet, the previous evening, and he made no reply to the charge.

Prisoner was then remanded till Wednesday.


From the Whitstable Times, 23 August, 1902.

Louis John Irven was summoned by Mr. B. D. Reeve, proprietor of the “Grove Ferry Hotel,” for an assault, and for committing wilful damage. Mr. Stuart Sankey appeared for the complainant.

Complainant said that about 8.30 p.m. on July 17th, he heard a noise in the tap room of the hotel, and on going there he found a lot of men, including defendant, singing and making a great noise. He asked them to make less noise, and went away, but as the noise continued he went back again. The men wanted more beer which was refused, and he requested them to leave, and sent a boy to Upstreet to fetch a police constable. Defendant was near the door, and as he would not go out witness pushed him out, when defendant struck him twice, and then ran back and struck him several times more. Witness went in and shut the door and held it close. Defendant rushed at it and smashed the glass panels which cost 50s., and struck witness through the broken panels.

Minnie Evans, manageress, and Mary Bye, waitress, gave confirmatory evidence. In defence defendant said he and the others had been to the Ashford Horse Show. They want to the hotel and called for beer, and someone proposed a song and they all began to sing. Mr. Reeve took hold of him and pushed him out and kicked him several times. Mr. Reeve put his shoulder to the door, and as he did so out came the glass. Most of it fell outside. In cross-examination defendant said he was formerly in complainant’s employ as ferryman, but left of his own accord. He admitted he had been warned to keep away from the house.

John Adeley and George Knight gave evidence in support of defendant’s statement.

The Magistrates convicted Irven in both cases. For the assault they sentenced him to 14 days' hard labour without the option of a fine, and for the damage ordered him to pay 20s. fine and 20s. costs, and also 40s damage; and in default 14 days' hard labour to commence at the expiration of the other sentence.

Mr. Reeve was complimented by the Bench for bringing the case forward.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 14 January, 1938


The licensee of the "Grove Ferry," Hotel, Wickhambreaux, was granted an extension from 10.30 to 2. a.m. on February 16th, for the annual dinner and dance of the Wingham Licensed Victuallers' Association.


From the Dover Express, 9 February 1951.



There is now a faint ray of hope that a bridge will be built at Grove Ferry. Before the military bridge was dismantled alter the war it was extensively used for the transport of produce by farmers and market gardeners in the Wingham, Preston, Ash, Staple and Eastry areas.

Some time ago, the Kent County Council on the representations of the Bridge-Blean Rural District Council, approved the construction of a swing bridge at a cost at £4,000, but this was turned down by the Minister of Transport.

Recently, following a petition, signed by the residents of the area, the Minister of Transport (Mr. A. Barnes) stated that the County Council thought they now had a stronger case to lay before him, he was ready to consider a renewal of the application, but he had to wait for the Kent County Council to take the initiative. Wickhambreux Parish Council stress that the Kent County Council would now have a stronger case in view or the closing of the East Kent Light Railway which would deprive local industry of rail facilities.

Bridge-Blean Rural District Council has decided to support a renewal of the application by the Kent County Council.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 25 July, 1952.


Kent County Council is still in communication with the Ministry of Transport regarding the construction of a bridge at Grove Ferry.

Meantime, an arrangement has been made with the new owner of the Grove Ferry Hotel concerning repairs to the ferry and its future operations.




BING Misses 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

BING Misses M & A C 1934+ Kelly's 1934

GYGAX Leonard A to Sept/1937 Dover Express

TAYLOR Stephen Sept/1937+ Dover Express

SALMON R H to Feb/1949 Dover Express

BEW Charles C Feb/1949+ Dover Express


Last pub licensee had GUILFOYLE ???? late 1990s


Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
