Sort file:- Deal, July, 2021.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 31 July, 2021.


Earliest 1740

Harp Inn

Latest 1909

167 Middle Street Post Office Directory 1874

78 Middle Street Kelly's 1899

Beach Street Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29


Harp Inn

Above picture taken from I would say this was around 1900.

Former Harp

Above photo kindly supplied by Patricia Streater, February 2011.


There was a "Harp" listed in Pigot's directory 1828 with an address of Beach Street, and to date I am assuming the two are connected.


From the Kentish Post, June 21-25, 1740. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Sale of Beer at the Sign of the "Harp" in Deal, June 30th.

I am wondering whether this was it's opening advertisement.


From the Deal Borough Records, 1841.

Schedule of Deeds - Purchase of Capstan Ground opposite "Harp" of Ed. Iggulden.


From the Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Telegram, 15 September, 1858.


Tuesday, September 9th 1858

Thomas Joseph Turner, of the "Harp" beer house, in Middle Street, applied for a spirit licence. Application refused.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 16 October, 1909.


A meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority was held at the Guildhall, Canterbury, on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of Lord Harris, the other members of the Committee present being:- The Earl of Guilford, Lieut.-Col. S. Newton Dickenson, and Messrs. H. Fitzwalter Plumptre, H. S. Chapman. F. H. Wilbee, F. E. Burke, and H. H. Green.

Compensation in respect of a number of houses was allocated.

"The Harp," Middle Street, Deal, alehouse, tenant, Mr. Frederick Sawkins, brewers, East Kent Brewery Company, Ltd., Sandwich.

Total agreed upon £772, owners to receive £762, and tenant £10. and a receipt for £71 8s. 8d.



A J Langridge's research in 1977 mentions the "Harp Inn" in Middle Street and being near Oak Street, but unfortunately no further information. Oak Street connects Middle Street and Beach Street.

Thomas W Desormeaux also ran a barbers shop next door during his time at the inn.


From the East Kent Mercury, 27th November 1997.


By L. W. Cozens.

Not a lot of people know that the fish and chip shop in Middle Street, near Oak Street, was once the "Harp Inn." At the end of the last century the landlord was a Mr. Desmormeaux who was also a hairdresser.

Arnold Erridge says that this Desmormeaux was still the licensee in the 1890s, and the hairdressing saloon was entered through the bar and that Sunday mornings before opening hours was the most popular time to call for a hair cut and half pint of beer for 4d.


Sale of the manor of Chamberlain's Fee (KAO U.924 P 9/4) 1828

INNS in the sale catalogue

All that messuage or tenement No.159 in Beach Street, lately used as a Public House, and called or commonly known by the name or sign of the "Harp" with the cellar, yards, buildings, ground hereditaments and premises thereunto belonging, and now untenanted. These premises are subject to a lease granted to John Iggulden Esq. for 21 years from 29th September 1815 at the yearly rent of £2.1s.6d. and to a Covenant  therein contained for renewal thereof for a like term of 21 years at the end of 18 of the existing term, upon payment of a fine of £20.14s.0d. (Note, sold to Mr. Iggulden.)




RUSSELL William 1804+ (Beach Street)

PRESCOTT John Lawrence 1823-24+ Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1824

THOMPSON Zack 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29 (Beach Street)

HINDS George 1855+

TURNER Thomas Joseph Humer 1858-Sept/73(age 45 in 1871Census) Deal TelegramDeal Mercury

Last pub licensee had HUXSTEP Stephen Sept/1873-74+ Post Office Directory 1874Deal MercuryF

DESORMEAUX Thomas Walter 1878-91+ (also hair dresser age 45 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1882

LUSTED Joseph William 1897-99+ Kelly's 1899

THOMAS Henry 1989-99

WALLIS Rowlend Henry 1899-May/1900 Deal Mercury

PEEBLES David May/1900-03+ Kelly's 1903Deal Mercury

COLE Joseph 1905+

SAWKINS Frederick 1908+

HIGGINS Cyril 1908+

Closed by 1915 to become a butchers.


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Deal TelegramFrom the Deal Telegram



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
