Sort file:- Canterbury, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 19 October, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1803


Open 2024+

37 St Dunstan's Street


01227 634150

Monument 1910

Above postcard 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Monument 1953

Above photo circa 1953, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Monument 1957

Above photo, circa 1957, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Monument 1960

Above photo, 1960, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Monument 1965

Above photograph by Edward Wilmot 1965.

Monument 2009

Above photo 2009 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.


Above photos taken by Paul Skelton, 19 May 2012.

Monument sign 1974Monument sign 1986

Monument sign left October 1974, sign right July 1986.

Monument sign 1991Monument sign

Above sign left May 1991, sign right by Paul Skelton 2012

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis


This premises gained its name from a monument that used to stand in the street between the inn and St. Dunstan's Church, which was in the form of a cross. The premises can be traced back to 1803.

West Indian cricketer Bernard Julien lodged at the "Monument" whist playing for the Kent cricket team and at the time was popular with crickets including John Shepherd.

The sign shown from 1987 and above in 1991 for some reason represented the war memorial in Buttermarket and not the one mentioned in the form of a cross.


Kentish Gazette, 16 May, 1806.


BY Tender of Rent, on Lease, for the term of 14 years from Michaelmas 1806.

Lot 1. All that well-established PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of the "Blue Anchor," with the buildings, yards, gardens, and appurtenances, situate in Littlebourne street, in the county of Kent.

Lot 2. All that other well-established PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of the "King's Arms," with the buildings and appurtenances, situate in Saint Peter's-street, in the city of Canterbury.

Lot 3. All that other well-established PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of the "Monument," with the garden and appurtenances, situate in the parish of Saint Dunstan, in the said county of Kent.

Lot 4. All that other well-established PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of "Prince Charles," with the stable and yard, situate in the parish of Holy Cross Westgate, in the said country of Kent.

Lot 5. All that well-established CAPITAL INN, or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of "Sir John Falstaff," with the coach-houses, stables, yards, gardens, and appurtenances, situate in the said parish of Holy Cross Westgate.

All the above lots are in the occupation of Mr. John Abbott, or his undertenants.

Tenders of rent, for either or any of the above lots, to be delivered sealed up, on or before the 18th June next, to Mr. Cumming, of Canterbury; of whom, in the mean time, the conditions of letting may be seen.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 September 1810.


Sunday, Mrs. Gill, wife of Mr. Charles Gill, landlord of the "Monument" public-house. St. Dunstan's, Canterbury.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 September 1810.


Sept. 9, Mrs. Gill, wife of Mr. Gill, landlord of the "Monument" public house, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 11 July 1820.



The "SIR JOHN FALSTAFF INN," and the house known as the "PRINCE CHARLES," in the Parish of Westgate; the "MONUMENT," in the parish of St. Dunstan’s; and the "ANCHOR," in the parish of Littlebourne, in the County of Kent; and the "KING’S ARMS," situated in the parish of St. Peter's in the City of Canterbury.

They are Let to John Abbott, Esq., St. Dunstan's by Lease, which will expire at Michaelmas next.

Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. GURNEY CROASDILL, Thannington Court.


Kentish Gazette, 30 October 1849.

An inquest was held on Saturday last before T. T. DeLasaux, Esq., at the "Monument" public-house, St. Dunstan’s, on the body of Thomas Harman, a vender of sweetmeats at St. Dunstan’s. From the evidence brought forward it appeared that deceased had been drinking freely of rum, &c , the evening previous; he was taken home and put to bed, and on being visited shortly afterwards it was found he had expired. Mr. Holttum, surgeon, was called in, and found deceased had been seized with a fit, which had in all probability been induced by his being placed in a recumbent position while in a state of intoxication.

Verdict accordingly.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 3 December 1857.


Rumours were current that other persons had suffered from taking draughts purchases at Mr. Reeve's shop. In one case that of a man named Coppins, an old man 82 years of age, who died on Sunday week - they assumed a sufficient definite shape to render it the duty of the Coroner to institute further inquiries. He accordingly directed the body to be exhumed from the gave in S. Dunstan's churchyard, which wa done early on Monday morning. A post-mortem examination was afterwards made by Mr. Robert Tassess, and at three o'clock an inquest was held at the "Monument," St. Dunstan's before T. T. Delasaux, coroner for the district, and a respectable jury.

The Coroner said, there were no doubts aware on whose body they were about to hold the inquest, and that the circumstances of the inquiry were somewhat universal. The deceased was buried on Sunday week. Since then, however, a complaint had been made to him by a parishioner named White, to the effect that there was reason to believe that the deceased did not come to a natural but violent death. He requested the jury to give a dispassionate attention to the evidence to be brought before them.

The jury then viewed the body and the following evidence was taken.

Elizabeth Coppins, the widow of the deceased, deposed:- I live in the parish of St. Dunstan. The deceased was my husband and 82 years of age. He has been ill and has done no work for two months past. His death took place at about one o'clock in the afternoon of the 15th inst, in the parish of St. Dunstan. He had only been a little poorly before his death. On Monday night, the 14th inst., between seven and eight o'clock, I went to the shop of Mr. John Reeve, chemist, in St. Peter's Street, and asked him for a blue pill and black draught. I gave the pill to my husband overnight (Tuesday) I gave the draught to him, and he drank it from a glass in my presence. About an hour after he had taken the draught he seemed as if he could not walk. No other change took place till we got him into bed, assisted by Mr. Waite and my daughter. Then he turned very pale, and about two hours before he died he became very drowsy. He died in that state about one o'clock. I fetched the medicine in a vial. The one now produced is the same. It was a vial of my own which I had in the house. It was filled in the shop, nearly half full, from a small vial. I saw Mr. Reeve but he did not serve me. He told a lad in the shop to serve me and he did so. I did not have any medicine there before during my husband's illness.

By the Jury:- My husband had no medical attendance during his illness.

[The medical certificate signed by Mr. Charles Holttum, was put in. It attributed the death to chronic bronchitis.]

A Juror:- Is it usual for a medical man to give a certificate of death without having attended the deceased?

Mrs. Coppins said, in answer to another of the jury, that Mr. Holttum had attended her husband, but she could not say how long it was since he had done so.

By the Coroner:- My husband was a member of the Black Dog Club, of which Mr. Holttum is surgeon.

Nathaniel Waite:- I have known the deceased forty years. I frequently saw him. On Monday, the 14th December, I saw the deceased walking in St. Dunstan's Street at about three o'clock. The next morning at about a quarter to nine, I was called in by Mrs. Coppins. I went into the house and up-stairs, where I saw the deceased. I saw a great change in his appearance from Monday. He appeared to be in a fit. I advised Mrs. Coppins to get him into bed. He stared very much, and seemed stupefied. I spoke to him and he did not answer me. Mrs. Coppins spoke to him, and he made noise, as though he had heard me, and was not quite insensible.

Inspector Spratt here produced a full vial (the same that he purchased at Mr. Reeve's shop) and Mrs. Coppins being re-called, said that the bottle from which Mr. Reeve had poured the draught into her vial was similar to the one now produced by Spratt.

Inspector Spratt:- On Saturday last, the 26th, between two and three o'clock, I went to the house of deceased, and received from the last witness the empty vial produced, which she said was the one which contained the draught taken by the deceased.

Mr. Robert Tassell:- I am a surgeon. I made a post-mortem examination this day on the body of the deceased. The external appearance of the body showed no decomposition or any emaciation, but was to all appearance healthy. On removing the cranium the vessels of the brain were considerably congested, and very soft and friable. On examination of the heart it presented a fatty appearance, and was rather enlarged. The valves of the heart were healthy, with the exception of the aortic valve. The lungs were congested and the tubes more or less filled with mucous. The liver was congested, but otherwise healthy. The stomach contained about two ounces of thick brown fluid. I did not examine it minutely, because I thought further examination necessary. I should not like to give an opinion as to the cause of death. I cannot do so till the contents of the stomach have been analysed. There was about 1 1/2 oz. of fluid in the brain which was quite enough to to cause death, but I cannot say what produced the congestion. I think that the congestion of the various organs of the body would tend to produce death, but I should not anticipate a crisis coming on so suddenly without some exciting cause.

The coroner said that under the circumstances the inquiry had better be adjourned till the following evening, to which the jury assented.


The jury re-assembled at eight o'clock, when the following additional evidence was taken:-

Mr. Tassell:- I should like to have Mrs. Coppins present, and examine her myself as to the symptoms her husband showed before death. It would assist me materially i forming my conclusion as to the cause of death. When a person has been taken out of his grave and a medical man has to give his opinion as to the cause of death, he naturally labours under a great difficulty, at least, unless he can ascertain some of the symptoms which preceded death.

The Coroner:- You cannot question Mrs. Coppins but I will read over the evidence she gave yesterday in which she described many of the symptoms of the deceased. (The Coroner then read over the evidence.)

A Juror:- There is a discrepancy between the evidence of Mrs. Coppins and that of Waite. She says that he waited to assist the deceased into bed; but he stated that he did not do so. Besides, I know that this man walked with great difficulty before; so that it may naturally be supposed that he could not walk well on the morning in question.

Mr. Tassell:- I only wished to ask Mrs. Coppins whether the deceased on the morning of his death became gradually drowsy, or whether he went off in a fit with screaming, or any noise?

The Coroner:- I think you may be sure that he went off gradually, for Mrs. Coppins said nothing about screaming or any noise having been made by the deceased.

Mr. J. Tassell then said, as evidence - I took the stomach of the deceased and put it into a jar, together with a portion of the small intestines, previously tying up the ends of the stomach. I sealed the jar and gave it into the hands of Inspector Spratt. I was present at the shop of Mr. Linford when the seal was broken - indeed, I broke it myself. That was of the evening of yesterday.

Mr. J. S. Linford said:- Yesterday I received from Inspector Spratt a jar containing the stomach of the deceased. It was opened in the presence of the last witness. It contained a stomach and the small intestines. Mr. Tassell assisted me to cut the stomach open, empty the contents (about 1 1/2 ox. of brown thick fluid), and scrape the inner coat, that we might have the whole of the contents. I washed the inner coat of the stomach with distilled waters. I examined the fluid and detected in it traces of meconic acid, the constituent which proves the presence of opium. I could not have discovered opium by itself. Opium is discovered and proved by the presence of its two constituents - meconic acid and morphine. I cannot positively say that the bottle produced (the one from which the deceased took his draught) has contained opium; but it is my firm opinion that it has. I took one drop of the mixture remaining in that bottle, and having subjected it to proper test, there resulted the usual sign of the presence of meconic acid, I can say positively that the stomach of the deceased contained opium (the presence of the meconic acid proves it. I cannot say what quantity, or whether enough to have caused death, because I only examined a very small quantity of the contents of the stomach. Morphia - the constituent which shows the presence of opium - is very readily absorbed in the system, and is very seldom found in the body after death.

Mr. Tassel was then re-examined, and said:- Having heard the evidence of Mr. Linford concerning the contents of the stomach, I can say the immediate cause of death was the fluid in the brain, and that this might have resulted either from apoplexy, or from poisoning by opium; because it has not been ascertained what quantity of the opium was in the stomach. Supposing that poison had been taken, it might have been so absorbed in the system to cause death; but old age is also a very liable to serious apoplexy. The body was in a healthy condition.

By the Jury:- A dose of opium would probably produce quicker effect upon an old man than a young one. If the stomach were empty at the time the poison was taken it would be more rapidly absorbed into the system, and less of it be found in the stomach. There has been no proof of the quantity of opium found in the stomach.

The Coroner then summed up the evidence. You have now, gentlemen, he said, the whole of the testimony before you. It is quite clear that something was taken by the deceased shortly before his death; and that the medicine, whichever it was, was obtained from the shop of Mr. Reeve. It will be your duty to say from the evidence whether, supposing the deceased took that medicine, it caused his death. From the last sentence the surgeon said, he clearly throws considerable doubt on the point; because he tells us that the deceased died from one of two causes - serious apoplexy, or poisoning by opium. I entreat the jury to pause before by their verdict they incarcerate a person within the walls of a gaol on the charge of having committed a most serious offence, unless they believe that upon the subsequent trial which must take place a conviction will be obtained.

The Jury then consulted alone for about five minutes, and upon the re-admittance of the public they said it was their unanimous opinion that the death of the deceased was a natural one. They therefore returned a verdict to that effect.


South Eastern Gazette, 21 February, 1860.

Highway Robbery by Soldiers.

At the Friday’s sitting of the city justices, three privates of the 90th regt., named respectively John Hilton, William Smith, and John Wayland were charged with having committed a highway robbery on the person of Robert Davison, of Cross-street, St. Dunstan’s.

Prosecutor deposed that about 20 minutes before 12 on Wednesday night he was returning from the "Monument," in St. Dunstan’s-street, and had reached the corner of the street in which he resided, when the prisoner Smith seized him by the throat, threw him on the ground, and held him tightly down. The other prisoners then searched his pockets, but not finding any money, they took off his boots, and his pocket handkerchief from his pocket, and then ran away, He could not call for assistance, as he was held so tightly. He identified Smith, but could not speak positively to the other two men. He also identified the boots produced as his property. The landlady of the "Builders Arms," Cross-street, spoke to the three prisoners leaving the house about half-past 9 on Wednesday night, and returning about 10 the next morning, P.C. Towler saw the prisoners in the High-street at 12 o’clock on Wednesday night, and one of them remarked, "Look out, and you will have us before morning." Henry May spoke to seeing Smith and Hilton going down North-lane on Thursday morning, and a short distance further on he found the boots produced.

Prisoners pleaded their ignorance of the robbery, and asserted that they had never seen the prosecutor before.

They were committed for trial.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 13 March 1886.


A report of an analysis of a sample of water, which was condemned, having been read, Mr. Allen moved that the sample be analysed by an independent analyst.

Mr. Wells said the Medical Officer had stated in court that 30 grains was not unsafe for drinking purposes, while a sample from the pump at the Union which had 30 grains was condemned.

Mr. Wells referred to the result of the analysis of the water at Mr. Flint's brewery and the "Monument Inn," St. Dunstan's, as unsatisfactory.

The Town Clerk:— Then you say that to do my father a turn the City Analyst gave an improper report of the water.

Mr. Allen:— The analysis at St. Dunstan's has given, great dissatisfaction in that neighbourhood.

The Town Clerk having made some remarks Mr. Wells said he was only speaking words with no sense in them.

The Town Clerk:— I am not a professional man.

Mr. Wells:— Then you should not give an opinion.

Captain Lambert protested against Mr. Wells conduct. He said if they carried out what was proposed there was no use having an analyst, and they would have to change their Medical Officer, Surveyor and other officials.

Mr. Wells said he should do what he liked as long as he was in the Council.

Alderman Hart:— We cannot tolerate such conduct.

Mr. Wells said he could not help it, he was very cross over the matter.

Mr. Cross suggested that a duplicate sample should be taken and handed to the householder to have analysed if he wished.

It was understood that this in future would be done. Mr. Allen's proposition had no seconder, therefore the matter dropped.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 16 February 1901. Price 1d.


Edward Corbett was charged with stealing 11s. 6d. from the till of the “Monument Inn,” St. Dunstan's Street, on the previous day.

Emma Solly, wife of the landlord, deposed that prisoner came to the house about 4 o'clock on the previous day. She served him with a pint of beer for which he paid 2d., and left him sitting in the bar for about ten minutes. Whilst in her sitting room she heard the money drawer in the bar close and just as she entered she saw prisoner standing outside the bar in the act of closing the flap of the counter. She at once went to the till and found only sixpence left. She said to prisoner “You wicked man you have robbed my till.” He made no reply, and after a few seconds he handed her 11s. 6d. in silver, he then left the house. She subsequently gave information to the police.
P.C. Gilham deposed that at ten minutes to twelve the previous evening he apprehended the prisoner in St. Dunstane and took him to the police station where he was identified by prosecutrix. Witness charged him with stealing 11s. 6d. from the till of the “Monument Inn.” He said “How could I have stolen it when I handed it to her back.”

Prisoner, who seemed very strange in his manner, refused to say whether he would go for trial or be tried by the Magistrates.

He stated that he had been in Chartham Asylum and thought he ought to put away again.

The Superintendent applied for a remand until Friday and the bench granted the application.


From the By Gerry Warren, 26 November 2019.

Kent's first 100% vegan pub The Monument in Canterbury shuts.

The licensees of Kent's only vegan pub have called time on the business after reporting a "quiet summer".

Tom Boughton and Jo Brookman had been running the 19th century Monument in St Dunstan's, Canterbury, which won acclaim for its completely vegan-only menu.

Monument 2019

The Monument in St Dunstan's could re-open

They had hoped the growing appeal of veganism would entice more customers.

But the couple have handed in their notice to owners Shepherd Neame and posted on the pub's Facebook page that after "difficult deliberations", they have left to pursue "fantastic personal opportunities".

Now Shepherd Neame says the pub no longer fits in with its current business strategy and the company plans to put it up for sale as a going concern in January.

In their Facebook post Tom and Jo said they spent the last two-and-a-half years "putting our love, energy and enthusiasm into our tiny pub to create a truly magical vegan enterprise within the city of Canterbury and we’ve enjoyed every minute."

But the couple had suggested that trading was tough in an earlier Facebook post in September, writing: "Many small businesses in Canterbury don’t have the luxury of being on well-trodden tourist routes, and like them, we’ve had a quiet summer because of that.

Tom Boughton and Jo Brookman

Tom Boughton and Jo Brookman have left the Monument pub.

"We do still actively need the support of our local and vegan community otherwise independent businesses like us simply disappear overnight.

"With pubs going bust at a rate of 18 per week in the UK, if you want to see us stick around, much like other dietary specific businesses, you need to come and make the most of us."

The couple held a closing down party on Saturday, November 16, and Jo has announced that she has trained to become a personal fitness coach, also specialising in pole dancing fitness.

A Shepherd Neame spokesman said: “We can confirm that The Monument in Canterbury is currently closed, and will re-open in December under a temporary agreement.

"After careful consideration, the brewery has decided that the pub will go on sale in January, and will be sold as a going concern.

"It was not a decision taken lightly, but the pub does not fit with our current business strategy."


From an email received 7 July 2020.

Hi there, I’m sorting my Dad’s estate here in NZ, and came across this tankard - pictures below. I think it may have been something my grandfather, born 1890 in Guilford I think, collected in his travels. He lived in NZ from 1910 onward. The engraving appears cut by an electric tool, not cast. A quick google showed this: [British Pub Pewter Pint Tankard. Verification mark: crown - VR - 30 (Victoria Regina, Middlesex), 1870s.]. So, it may have some age and significance to the "Monument," or it could be a 70’s tourist piece. I hope it’s of some curiosity, at least.

Best wishes, Howard Vickridge.

Monument pewter tankardMonument pewter tankard Monument pewter tankard

From the By Lydia Chantler-Hicks, 1 April 2021.

Canterbury pub bought from Shepherd Neame by former poker star Sam Holden.

A former international poker star has bought a long-vacant city pub - where he plans to work behind the bar.

Sam Holden - who rose to fame after winning almost $1 million on the world poker stage - has traded in the baize for the beers after snapping up The Monument in St Dunstans, Canterbury.

Sam Holden 2011

Sam Holden, pictured in 2011 when he made the finals of the World Series of Poker tournament in Las Vegas. Picture: Chris Davey.

The Grade II-listed boozer, dating back to the early 1800s, has been sold off by brewing giant Shepherd Neame.

It was previously Kent's only vegan pub, boasting an entirely plant-based menu. But it closed at the start of last year after licensees reported a "quiet summer", and has since lain derelict.

Mr Holden now hopes to breathe fresh life into the premises, as he prepares to reopen it in June as an independent establishment.

He first moved to Canterbury as a student when he was 18, and it was while studying forensic science at the University of Kent (UKC) that he began playing poker.

He found fame at 22, when he made it to the final table of the World Series of Poker tournament in Las Vegas just a year after turning professional.

Sam Holden 2021

am Holden is looking forward to reopening The Monument.

He finished 9th, scooping an incredible $782,115, and later that year bagged $150,000 by winning a poker tournament in Cardiff.

The following year he returned to Vegas, finishing 55th in the world series event, earning a cool $128,384.

His success allowed him to enjoy four years travelling the globe, representing 888 Poker on the world stage.

"It was very good for me," he told KentOnline.

"I was doing a lot of travelling in those four years, and it was a really fun experience.

"But after that I was ready to move on and try different things - I didn't want to play poker for the rest of my life."

In 2014, Mr Holden returned to education, studying a second degree in philosophy at UKC.

Now 31 and "semi-retired" from the world of poker, he has set his sights on his next adventure - running a pub.

Mr Holden and his family have a long history of working in the hospitality industry, and he describes himself as passionate about British pubs and real ale.

Having bought The Monument, he hopes to carry out refurbishments on the premises before reopening in June.

“Having been looking for my next project for some time, I am delighted," he said.

"It's going to be a traditional pub but it's going to be a little bit quirky.

"The beauty is it's going to be completely independent, so it's going to be something a little bit different. I think it's going to be a cosy pub with a lot of character."

Mr Holden says the pub will offer a wide selection of "high-quality food and drink at a reasonable price".

"We've got a lovely garden here too, so hopefully we'll be able to make the most of the good weather when it comes," he added.

"I'm really passionate about Canterbury. I moved away for a couple of years and realised how much I loved it, which is why I moved back.

"So I really want this pub to be part of the community - for locals as well as people passing through.

"I'm really looking forward to inviting everyone, come the summer."

Having lived in Roper Road for eight years, Mr Holden has now moved into a five-bedroom owner's flat above the pub.

He says he plans to be behind the bar once it opens, offering punters a "warm welcome".

The pub was sold on a freehold basis, off a guide price of £360,000, by specialist business property adviser, Christie & Co.

A Shepherd Neame spokesman said: “Shepherd Neame put The Monument on the market in January 2020, before the pandemic began, to be sold as a going concern.

"It was not a decision taken lightly, but the pub did not fit with our business strategy. We currently have no plans to dispose of any other pubs in Canterbury or the surrounding area.”



RYE Mrs 1803+ Edward Wilmot Canterbury

GILL Charles 1810+

FINN John 1824+ Pigot's Directory 1824

GILBERT William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

PETTS Edward 1838-46+ (age 60 in 1841Census) Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Edward Wilmot Canterbury

HUNTER John 1847-51+ (age 34 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

DAWES I 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

GODDING S 1868+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

GODDEN Mrs Jane 1874-82+ (age 60 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882

GOLDSACK Alfred 1889-91+ (age 43 in 1891Census) Historic Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1891

SOLLY Albert 1901-03+ (age 45 in 1901Census) Whitstable TimesPost Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

MAXTED W 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

HODGES G W 1917-30+ Historic Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1922Post Office Directory 1930

WENHAM George 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

COLLINS Mr Tony & Mrs Oct/1969-87 Edward Wilmot Canterbury

???? Bob & Irene ????

BOUGHTON Tom & BROOKMAN Jo May/2017-Nov 2019


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Edward Wilmot CanterburyInns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot, 1988

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
