Page Updated Littlebourne:- Wednesday, 05 February, 2025.


Earliest 1783-

Anchor Inn

Closed Mar 2017

Bekesbourne Lane


Anchor 1903

Above photo 1903. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Anchor 1907

Above photo circa 1907. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Anchor and King William IV 1907

Panoramic version of above also showing the "King William IV."


Above photo, date unknown.

Anchor 1913

Above photo circa 1913.  Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe, who says the small boy grew up to be a Mr Holloway.

Anchor 1910

Above postcard 1910. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Anchor and King William IV 1932

Above postcard, circa 1932, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Anchor 1937

Above photo, circa 1937, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Anchor 1952

Above photo, 1952, also showing the "King William IV." Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Anchor 1963

Above photo, March 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley.

Anchor 1963

Above photo, April 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley.


Above photo, date unknown.

Anchor, Littlebourne

Above photo taken from Google Street, 2010.

Anchor Inn, Littlebourne

Above photo taken from Google Street, 2010.

Anchor 1991Anchor Inn sign 1991

Anchor signs October 1991.

Anchor sign 1995Anchor sign 2019

Above sign left, June 1995 with thanks from Brian Curtis Sign right, 2019 by Dougie Moon.

Anchor 2019

Above photo taken and sent by Dougie Moon, 6 May 2019.

Above photo taken and sent by Dougie Moon, 6 May 2019.

Anchor 2019

Above photo taken and sent by Dougie Moon, 6 May 2019.

Anchor 2020

Above photo April 2020, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


16th century and timber framed the Anchor is reputed to be the oldest pub in the village and is a Grade II listed building.

The Anchor Inn stands on the junction of The Green and the High Street and is a significant focal point when approaching the village from the east. A real anchor hangs outside.

There is reference to a "Blue Anchor" mentioned in the Wingham Division Ale Licences list of 1740, but it is unknown as yet whether the two are related.


Kentish Gazette, Saturday 3 May 1783.

Henry Pot, begs to inform the public, that he intends setting out from the "Golden Lion," near Kingsbridge, Canterbury on Monday next, for Deal, and returns the same day, and on Thursday and Saturday, with a light caravan fit for passengers and parcels of any kind, and on the most reasonable terms.

Parcels taken in, for the above caravan, at the "Golden Lion," and at the "Fleece," in Canterbury, and at the "Three Compasses" at Deal.

Those who please to favour him with their commands may depend upon the general care and punctuality, and a grateful acknowledgement.

By their humble servant, Henry Pott. The above caravan stops at the "Anchor," Littlebourne; the "Dog," Wingham; and the "Bell," at Sandwich.


Kentish Gazette, 11 July 1820.



The "SIR JOHN FALSTAFF INN," and the house known as the "PRINCE CHARLES," in the Parish of Westgate; the "MONUMENT," in the parish of St. Dunstan’s; and the "ANCHOR," in the parish of Littlebourne, in the County of Kent; and the "KING’S ARMS," situated in the parish of St. Peter's in the City of Canterbury.

They are Let to John Abbott, Esq., St. Dunstan's by Lease, which will expire at Michaelmas next.

Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. GURNEY CROASDILL, Thannington Court.


From the Kentish Gazette 20 November 1838.


On WEDNESDAY, the 28th of November, at the "Anchor," Littlebourn, at Three o’clock, about 13 ACRES of UNDERWOOD, in Pine and Littlebourn Hill Woods.

James Maple, Woodreeve, will show the Falls.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 April 1846.


On Easter Tuesday the Members of the Original Benefit Society held their Sixth Anniversary, at the "Anchor Inn," after partaking of a substantial dinner, provided by their worthy Host and President. Mr. Wyver, they repaired to Wickham Church, preceded by the Wickham band and banners bearing mottoes appropriate to the occasion, where a very excellent and impressive sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Plumptre, after which the members returned to the Club House, each receiving 4s. 6d., being the overplus of the subscriptions after relieving 32 sick members. The club spent the evening together in the utmost harmony; the health of the Honorary Members was drunk with many thanks for their kindness. Songs interspersed, with some excellent music by the band enlivened the party till near eleven o'clock, when all departed highly delighted with the day's proceedings.


Kentish Gazette, 16 May 1854.


Wyver, May 13, in Chantry Lane, Canterbury, Heather, the wife of J. Wyver, late of the "Anchor Inn," Littleborne, aged 53 years.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 3 March, 1860.


On Friday last, Charles Harwood Esq., Judge of the East Kent County Courts, held a special sitting in the Council Chamber of the Guildhall, for the purpose of admitting to bail, Edward St. John Mildmay, an insolvent debtor, in the gaol at Westgate. The usual documentations having been duly signed and produced, George Stone, licensed victualler, and John Usher, licensed appraiser, were accepted as bail for the appearance of the said insolvent at the next Court, to be held on the 21st inst. At the request of Mr. Fielding, his Honour also admitted Henry Jones Holman, general dealer, &c., of Littlebourne to bail, his bondsmen being Charles Smith, victualler and Edward Hewett, brewer, both of Littlebourne.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 23 February, 1861.


On Friday, C. J. Fox, Esq., deputy-coroner, and a respectable jury, held an inquest at the “Anchor Inn,” Littlebourne, touching the death of George Fisher, a child aged four years.

The inquiry having been formally opened, Caroline, wife of John Fisher, railway labourer, deposed:— The deceased was my son. On Friday morning last, the 8th of February, about eight o’clock, the deceased had gone down stairs an usual in his night gown to be dressed before the fire, I was upstairs and was just coming down with his clothes to dress him when I heard him scream. I immediately went to him and found his bed-gown in flames. I put them out and wrapt him in a blanket and took him to the doctor at once, who said he was very much burnt about the arms and chest, and ordered me to apply oiled rags to the injured parts, which I did; but the deceased died yesterday morning about nine o'clock from the injuries received. He told me soon after the accident that he was getting the teapot from the hob, and that the fire set light to his bed gown. No other witnesses were called, and the coroner having summed up, the jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death.”


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 17 May 1884.


On 6th May, at the "Anchor Inn," Littlebourne, Gilbert, eldest son of John Lawrence, aged 38 years.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 16 August, 1889.


On Monday the Dover Licensed Victuallers had their day in the country, driving out in a number of carriages by Eastry to Wingham, where they dined at the “Lion,” and then continuing their drive halted at the “Anchor,” Littlebourne, for tea. The day was very enjoyable.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 26 May 1900. Price 1d.


Upon the receipt of news of the relief of Mefeking, which did not reach this patriotic village until Saturday morning, the villagers were very buy decorating in commemoration of the occasion. A firing party of nine was very quickly got together, and, under a very able Sergeant Major, formed up in Mr. de Trefford's brewery yard and fired 21 volleys, which very soon brought nearly the whole of the pariah together, and alter the firing was does Mr. de Trafford, with his usual good nature, kindly invited anyone to walk into the brewery cellar and drink a bumper to "B. P." which was very heartily responded to. Than a smoking concert was arranged to take place in the large room at the "Anchor" at 8 o'clock in the evening, and notices were posted round, great thanks being due to the usual parishioners who generally undertake to carry out such entertainments, especially Dr. Morris and Mr. H. Holman. The room was filled to overflowing, when Dr. Morris kindly took the chair and Mr. B. Holman acted as accompanist. Letters were read from Mrs. Philips, of Lee Priory, and Mr. S. Hameay, of Howletts, quite failing in with the views of holding a smoking concert for the benefit of the sufferers at Mafeking. Apologies were also sent from Mr. de Trafford and several other gentlemen for being unable to attend. Amongst the very large company present were the Rev. R. A. Westhorpe, Mr. Philps, Mr. S. H. Lound, Mr. J. K. Pembrook, Mr. G. Tomlin Mr. L. S. Gardener, Mr. P. Fetherstone. Mr. G. Smith, Mr. A. Sargeaunt, Mr. S. AIlen, Mr. J. P. Duthoit, Mr. John Dathoit, Mr. J. Mayer, Mr. A, A. Castle, and many others.

The fallowing capital programme was gone through and considering the limited amount of time to arrange the concert the success that attended it speaks well for the musical talent of the village:-

Plano Solo. Mr. H. Holman.

Song. The Anchor's Weighed. Mr. A. Sargeaunt.

Comic song. Mr. Philps.

Song. Round goes the wheel. Mr. J. Mayes.

Song. The ship that never returned. Mr. T. Pilcher. sen.

Comic song. Mr. Gore Tomlin.

Song. Stand by your country. Mr. H. Holman.

Song. Staunch and True. Mr. G Smith.

Comic song. The Whistling Coon. Mr. Philips.

Song. The Bugle Call. Mr. T. Impett.

Song. The tight little island. Mr W. L. Sands.

God save the Queen.

The second comic song by Mr. Philps was exceptionally good, the whistling part being well rendered. During the evening very appropriate speeches were made by the Rev. R. A. Weathorpe, Dr. Morris, Mr. J. K. Pembrook, and Mr. S. B. Lound. Upon the box being sent round, the substantial sum of £8 6s. was collected for the sufferers.


From the Whitstable Times, 8 December, 1900.


The East Kent Coroner (R. M. Mercer, Esq.) held an inquest at the "Anchor," Littlebourne, on Saturday, touching the death of Marianne Ann Smith, a widow, aged 76, who committed suicide.

George Smith, painter, of Littlebourne, identified the body of deceased as that of his mother.

Ann Bambury, of Littlebourne, stated that she had been sleeping in the deceased’s house. The deceased had been suffering from bronchitis for about six weeks. During the past week she had been much better. At 3.15 a.m. on the 1st inst. witness gave her a glass of brandy and milk and then went back to bed, but on getting up at 7 a.m. found her gone. Witness went and looked for her, but could not find her. She went to Mr. Smith’s, her son's, but deceased was not there. Witness went back and seeing a chair placed near a water butt, close to the back door, she looked in and saw the deceased lying there. She got assistance and got the deceased out—some five or ten minutes later. Witness thought it looked as if deceased got in legs first. She had not been quite right in her talk lately. Witness thought she had changed during the last six weeks. Witness never heard the deceased go out, but witness was a little deaf and probably was asleep. Deceased had only her night dress and night cap on.

Dr. Morris, of Littlebourne, deposed that the deceased suffered from bronchitis and general debility. Of late she seemed better. The last week or so deceased was changing mentally—so much so that the previous week he told the relatives that they should provide a permanent nurse or she would have to be sent away. The nurse was actually coming that night. Witness thought it was a case of temporary aberration. She had been thoroughly looked after and no expense considered.

The Coroner summed up and the jury returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst temporarily insane."


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 8 November, 1907.


Arthur James Cook of the "Anchor," Littlebourne, was granted an extension of one hour on December 5th on the occasion of the annual dinner of the Littlebourne Cottage Gardners' Society.


Dover Express 2nd July 1909.


Wingham Petty Sessions Before H. F. Plumptre, C. W. Firebrace, I. F. Godfrey Esqrs, and the Rev S. G. H. Sargent.

The landlords of the "Anchor Inn" and the "Basketmaker’s Arms," Littlebourne, were each granted an hour’s extension for July 29th, the occasion of the flower show.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 4 November, 1910.


Mr. A. J. Cooper, of the "Anchor Inn," Littlebourne, applied for an extension from 10 to 11 p.m. on the 24th inst., when it was proposed to hold a smoking concert. - Granted.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 February, 1918.


The Superintendent's report for the past year were read and these showed that the licensee of the two houses in Littlebourne were proceeded against in in July for selling intoxicating liquor out of hours.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 4 January, 1924. Price 1½d.


An extension was granted for the "Anchor," Littlebourne, for the Sports Club dinner on January 19th.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 13 June 1931.


The death occurred at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital on Thursday of Mr. W. C. Martin, licensee of the “Anchor,” Littlebourne. He had been at Littlebourne about ten years and had taken a keen interest in the British Legion and other activities of the district. He served throughout the Great War and when he was commissioned he was transferred to The Buffs. The funeral took place at Littlebourne on Saturday afternoon, when those present included members of the British Legion, representatives of the 17/21 Lancers (with which Mr. Martin strved in India). The Buffs. Past and Present Association The Buffs. R.A.O.B., A.O.D., Littlebourne Recreation Club, Birchington C.C., A.O.F., Lesser Stour C.C., and Littlebourne Dart Club.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 28 October, 1938. Price 1½d.


The licensee of the “Anchor,” Littlebourne was granted an extension until 10.30 p.m. on October 29th for a harvest supper.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 10 April 1953.


The licence of the "Anchor Inn," Littlebourne was changed at the Wingham Sessions, Canterbury. Mr. Borrett, is leaving the trade for health reasons, is taking over the Galleon Restaurant  at Eastry. He has been for some years the hon. secretary of the Wingham and District L.V.A.



The pub appears to be boarded up and closed (March 2017.)

Latest news, December 2018, the pub has been submitted for change of use to 4 dwellings and is being contested by CAMRA. Latest news is that permission has been granted to convert the building into two houses.



SPIKER Thomas 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

SPICKETT Mary 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

WYVER John 1838-54+ Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847 (clothes dealer & victualler)

SMITH Charles 1858-61+ Melville's 1858 (alsoagent to the European Life and Annuity Society age 32 in 1861Census)

LAWRENCE John 1874-84+ (age 64 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882

SANDS William Lewis 1891-03+ (age 46 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1891Kelly's 1899Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903 (and insurance agent Kelly's 1899)

COOK Arthur James Nov/1907 Dover Express

COOPER Mr A J to 1910+ Dover Express

FAGG William John Next pub licensee had 1913-May/15 Post Office Directory 1913Dover Express

STROUD William 1922+

MARTIN William George to June/1931 dec'd

Adimistratrix of above to Sept/1931 Dover Express

CREASY William Edwin Sept/1931-Mar/38 Dover ExpressKelly's 1934

BRUNTON Stanley Frank Mar/1938-41+ (age 39 in 1939) Dover Express

BRUNTON Phyllis B 1942+ Dover Express

BARKER Cyril 1946

BARKER Robert 1947 (son of above)

BORRETT George to Apr/1953 Dover Express

PRIOR J J 1961+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
