Page Updated:- Wednesday, 26 February, 2025.


Earliest 1740-

Red Lion

Closed 2015

Canterbury Road


Red Lion at Wingham

Red Lion date unknown.

Outside the Red Lion, circa 1896

Outside the Red Lion, circa 1860.

Red Lion 1900

Above photo, circa 1900. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 1903

Above photo, 1903. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 1903

Above photo, 1903. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion

Above photo, date unknown.

Red Lion 1906

Above postcard circa 1906. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 1907

Above postcard, circa 1907, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 1920

Above photo, circa 1920. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Wingham Volunteer Fire Brigade on parade (the Fire Station lay between the "Red Lion" and the "Dog Inn") with District Officer Petley (mounted, with the black belt) William Temple holding the horses and Brigade Officers Percy Branford, Charles Elgar and Ernest Lovell standing in front of the fire tender.

Red Lion

Above photo, date unknown.

Red Lion 1931

Above photo, circa 1931, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 1936

Above photo, 1936. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. The sign to the left of the front door advertises The Friars Cinema , which was showing Will Hay in "When There's a Will." To the right is a Gardner's Ash Brewery delivery lorry.

Red Lion 1946

Above photo, 1946, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 1949

Above photo, 1949, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion

Above photo, date unknown.

Red Lion 1953

Above photo, circa 1953.

Red Lion 1960

Above postcard, circa 1960. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion drawing 1967

Above print, circa 1967, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. At the time this drawing was made, the pub was owned by Tomson & Wotton's Ramsgate Brewery, which was taken over and closed by Whitbread's in 1968.

Red Lion print

Above print taken from the book "Old Country Inns of England."

Red Lion, Wingham 2009 Red Lion Sign, Wingham 2009

Above photos taken by Paul Skelton, 26 July 2009.

Red Lion at Wingham Oct 2007 Red Lion at Wingham
Wingham map 1896

Above map 1896.

Red Lion at WinghamRed Lion sign 1991

Above photos and sign left taken by Paul Skelton 2007.

Sign right October 1991 with thanks from Brian Curtis

Red Lion 1980s

Above photo kindly sent and taken by John Fagg in the 1980s.

Red Lion at Wingham

Red Lion at Wingham, 1960, from WHLS Collection.

Red Lion, Wingham

Above photograph circa 1960, kindly supplied by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate Historical Society.

Red Lion token 17th century

Above token 17th century, kindly sent by Mark Reed.

O = IOHN SOLLEY IN (centre has a lion rampant)

R = WINGHAM IN KENT (centre has I.P.S)


The "Red Lion" is steeped in history, and dates from the thirteenth century. It may have formed part of the Canonical College set up in 1286 by Archbishop Peckham, but was more likely the Market House; a weekly market, to be held on Tuesdays, was licensed by Henry III in 1252. The Wingham Petty Sessions were held at the inn until a proper sessions house was built in 1886.

There are records showing a Harvey Charity meeting being held there on 1st April 1680. The Harvey charity so I am informed has something to do with the physician William Harvey who died in 1657.

During the 17th century an The Civil War, the Palmers and the Oxendens, two great families of Wingham were deciding whether to follow the King or Parliament in the Civil War. However, John Boys of Trapham, a member of Parliamentary Committee which governed the district under the rule of Cromwell, sat at the Red Lion, where they held their meetings, to the embarrassment of Thomas Palmer, an avowed Royalist, who lived opposite. It was the Oxenden family who managed to keep the temperature down and the community alive and the village remained neutral.

Right up until 1886 the Petty Constables responsible for public order, served writs and escorted offenders to Petty Sessions held at the Red Lion.

The houses between the Old Canonry and the Red Lion are the only visible remains of the houses occupied by the canons. They were erected in the 14th Century or 15th Century as residences for the canons. Hence, in the 19th Century they were called Canon Row.

Kelly's Directory 1899 referred to the "Red Lion" as a family & commercial hotel & posting house, with billiards.


Kentish Gazette 12 January 1802.

Sunday last died Mrs. Beale, of the "Red Lyon, Wingham, who has left the family of six small children to lament her loss.


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 January 1804. Price 6d.


ON Thursday the 12th of January, 1804, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the “Red Lion,” Wingham, (if not sold by private contract.)

Sixteen' Acres of Marsh Land, lying in the parish of Wickhambreux; to be put up in three lots for the better convenience of the purchasers.

Apply to Jarvis Bing, of Wickham, who will shew the land.

Kentish Gazette 4 June 1819.

Last week the "Red Lion" public house at Wingham, was robbed of about 1 gallon of rum, some brandy, and other articles by the robbers breaking in at the cellar doors.


Kentish Gazette, 28 July 1820.


July 21, after a severe illness of nine weeks, which she bore with true Christian fortitude and resignation, Mrs. Holness, of the "Red Lion," Wingham, whose open, generous, sincere, and feeling heart, endeared her to all who knew her, and has left her friends to deplore the loss of a kind and indulgent relative.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 28 January, 1860.


A public meeting of the inhabitants of the district, favorable to the establishment of a Rifle Corps, was held at the "Red Lion Hotel," Wingham, on Monday afternoon. The meeting was called by a notice bearing the names of Sir B. W. Bridges, Bart., M.P.; G. W. D'Aeth, Esq.

W. Oxenden Hammond, Esq.; and N. H. D'Aeth, Esq.; and among the gentlemen present were - Sir B. W. Bridges, Bart., M.P., J. P. Plumptre, Esq., Vice-Admiral D'Aeth, W. O. Hammond, Esq., N. H. D'Aeth, Esq., Mr. Dowker, Mr. Minter, Mr. Kingsford, Mr. S. M. Hilton, Captain Swann, Captain Cox, Mr. Kersey, Mr. Bushell, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Dodd, and the Rev. Mr. Jenner &c. &c.

Sir B. W. bridges, Bart., M.P., took the chair, and on rising to open the proceedings said that he had very great pleasure in accepting the chair on that occasion. There were two important questions which required consideration. First, was it expedient to form a volunteer corps? and if that should be answered in the affirmative, then what steps they could take with view to this formation? He should be glad to hear any remarks which any gentleman wished to address to the meeting on the subject.

J. P. Plumptre, Esq., rose to propose the first resolution. He said that, in his opinion, Wingham had the neighbourhood ought to have a volunteer corps. Wingham was the centre of a very important district in which a large corps might be formed, if a number of the leading inhabitants would take the initiative; and which he wished then to call the "Wingham Corps." he would propose, "That in the opinion of this meeting, it was fit and expedient that a volunteer corps of some kind should be formed for Wingham and the immediate neighbourhood."

W. O. Hammond, Esq., as one of the gentlemen whose names were appended to the requisition convening the meeting, felt that he ought to offer some explanations personal to himself. Since the notice was published, he had received the offer of an appointment in connection with a movement in another place, which, however was not sufficiently matured to justify him in saying more about it at that time. Should the movement succeed, he should not be able to support a corps at Wingham, either by personal service or with subscriptions as he at first intended. Had it not been for that circumstance he should have been prepared to lay before that meeting a proposition to establish a light field battery, which in case of invasion might be made to render very efficient service. With a company of 24 members, they would be able to work a battery of two six or nine pound guns. He would not, under existing circumstances, introduce a motion to that effect; but, should the offer which had been made to him, not lead to any result, he should be most happy to render any services he could to a volunteer corps at Wingham. He had great pleasure in seconding the proposition of Mr. Plumptre.

The motion on being put to the meeting, was carried unanimously.

Vice-Admiral D'Aeth said that, having resolved to establish a volunteer corps, they would not be able to do anything more on that occasion. Their next step should be to call a more general meeting for the purpose of enrolling members. He would propose a resolution to that effect.

Mr. Dowker regretted that Mr. Hammond had not given a few more details respecting the formation of a field battery.

Mr. N. H. D'Aeth said he must, however reluctantly oppose the resolution which had been proposed by his father. After some general remarks, he said he disapproved very strongly of volunteer corps electing their officers. The officers should be first appointed, and then the members should be enrolled under them. He had a proposition to make at the meeting, which was that he would undertake, with the approval of the meeting, to form a Volunteer Rifle Corps for the district subject to the approval of the Lord-Lieutenant of the County. Or, if the Lord-Lieutenant would appoint some other gentleman at Captain, to raise a corps, he (Mr. D'Aeth) would be glad to serve as a private. (Cheers.)

Vice-Admiral D'Aeth said, after hearing the offer made by his son, he would withdraw his motion.

J. P. Plumtre, Esq., proposed that the district comprise the following parishes:- Wingham, Preston, Elmstone, Stourmouth, Ickham, Littlebourne, Adisham. Goodnestone, Nonington, Womanswould, Chillenden, Knowlton, Wickhambreaux, Stodmarsh, Beakesbourne and Pattrixbourne.

Mr. Dowker seconded the motion, which was agreed to unanimously.

Capt. Cox proposed the appointment of a committee to make the necessary preparations for organising a corps for the district, specified in the last resolution, and that the following gentlemen be members of that committee, with the power oto add to their numbers:- Sir B. W. Bridges, Bart., M.P., Narb. D'Aeth, Esq., Mr. Curtis, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Dowker, Mr. Sankey, Capt. J. James, Mr. Kersey, Mr. Giraud, and Capt. Swann.

The resolution having been seconded by Capt, Swann was agreed to unanimously. Mr. Narb, H. D'Aeth was subsequently appointed Chairman of the Committee.

On the motion of Capt. Cox, seconded by Mr. Kersey, a resolution was passed pledging the meeting to accept Mr. Narb. H. D'Aeth as Captain of the Corps to be formed subject to the approval of the Lord Lieutenant of the County.

Mr. Kelsey proposed that a list of subscriptions and donations be opened to meet the expenses of forming and maintaining the corps.
Mr. Dowker seconded the resolution, and in doing so promised a donation of £10.

The resolution was agreed to without a single dissentient.

Several gentlemen afterwards put their names to the subscription list, and the proceedings terminated.


Kent Times, 3 May 1862.

WINGHAM. Inquest.

On Saturday afternoon last T. T. Delasaux, Esq., coroner, held an inquest at the "Red Lion" public-house, in this parish, on the body of James Featherstone, aged 58 years, a gardener, who committed suicide that morning. Wm. Rowman, of Ickham, labourer, said he saw the deceased at work that morning in Mr. Sankey’s garden, about eight o’clock. He then appeared as well as usual. About eleven o’clock witness had occasion to go to a lodge, and there found the deceased suspended by a piece of rope from a beam. Mr. F. H. Sankey, surgeon, said the deceased was in his employ as gardener, and had been so for twenty years, and upwards. He was called that morning to the deceased, whom he found dead. For the last two or three yearn the deceased had been in the habit of drinking, and had recently had much trouble with his wife and family. That, witnessed believed, had paved much upon the mind of the deceased. Verdict, "Temporary insanity." It was stated that the deceased’s wife had occasionally gone out and neglected his family and that he saw her go from her home on Saturday morning.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 22 January 1870.


On Thursday last, another rabbit shoot was held at Vennington, and excellent sport was had. Dinner was served at the “Red Lion” in the evening. The worthy host and hostess did all in their power to give satisfaction to their guests, and they succeeded admirably.


From the Whitstable Times, 6 August, 1870.


On Friday last, at the “Red Lion Inn,” Wingham, an inquest was held by Mr. Coroner Delasaux on the body of a male infant which had been found concealed in the bedding of a young woman in the service of Mr. Elgar, farmer, Wingham.

The first witness called was Mr. F. Elgar who said that on the afternoon of the previous day between 2 and 3 p.m., he went into the bedroom of his housemaid and smelling something offensive moved the bed from the mattress, and in doing so found the body of a male child in a state of putrefaction. In the room where the body was found slept a single woman named Jane Williams, together with one of witness’s children.

The housemaid admitted that the child belonged to her and that she had been delivered of the same the day after the fete at Canterbury, which was on the eight of June, and also that it was stillborn. A witness named Culver corroborated the above evidence. Mr. Lewis, surgeon, of Wingham, stated that he had examined the body and was unable to say whether; the child was born alive or not, but he believed it was a full-grown child.

The jury returned a verdict of “Still-born.”


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 3 May, 1878


These monthly sessions were held at the “Red Lion Inn,” Wingham on Thursday last, before J. Henderson, Esq., (in the chair), W. H. James, Esq., M.P., C. J. Plumptre, Esq., G. E. Toomer, Esq., J. J. Harvey, Esq., F. Phillips, Esq., and Major Dyson.


Mr. George Regis, of Denton, was summoned for allowing a nuisance to exist at the rear of two cottages owned by him, so as to be injurious to the public health.

The prosecutor was instituted by the district sanitary authorities, for whom Mr. Carder, solicitor, of Dover, appeared.

Evidence was adduced, showing that there was a pit containing objectionable matter in close proximity to the property in question, and an order to remove the nuisance was made.


George Coombs and James Sutton were charged with assaulting and robbing David Claringbould and Thomas browning on the highway leading from Wingham to Ash. The prosecutors had been drinking in a public-house in Wingham, and on leaving took a bottle of beer away with them. They rested on the homeward journey when the two defendants rushed from a hedge upon them, knocking them about, and took possession of the bottle of beer. The Bench, dismissed the charge of felony, but for the assault, which was a bad one, ordered each of the men to undergo two months hard labour in St. Augustine's Gaol.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 September 1884.


Before F. Philips, Esq., (chairman), Major Lawes, and W. O. Hammond, Esq.

This being the annual licensing day the following reports were received respecting the various districts in the division.

Superintendent Kewell stated:— Appended hereto is a list of Alehouses, beerhouses, and grocers within that part of the division, under my superintendence, and I beg respectfully to report that with two exceptions they have been well conducted during the past year. The exceptions is:  is the "Lion Inn," Wingham, kept by Alfred Orger, who I have found it necessary to caution for keeping open his premises after 10 pm. I have also received a report, that on Sunday last a party of men sang songs in a room facing the highway from about 7.30 till 8.30 p m. The window of this room was open and a crowd gathered outside. I do not think that such conduct should be permitted on licensed premises on the Sabbath. There are 49 alehouses, 38 beerhouses, and six grocers and others licensed to sell spirits, wine and beer. During the year 20 males and two females have been proceeded against for drunkenness and drunk and disorderly conduct. This is the same number that was proceeded against last year although the convictions are five more this year, one person having been convicted four times and one person three times. Satisfactory reports were also received from Superintendents Wood and Maxted in reference to the Home and Elham sections of the Division.

The Chairman stated that the whole of the renewals would be granted with one exception. There were a few trifling complaints, and one serious one against Mr. Orger, of the "Red Lion," for keeping a disorderly house on Sundays. The Bench would decline to grant this renewal for the present, and the case would be further considered that day fortnight.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 19 September, 1884. Price 1d.


The annual licensing sessions were taken in the Town Hall, on Thursday. There was a serious complaint against Mr. Orgar of the “Red Lion,” Wingham, which was adjourned from the Sessions, held at Wingham, on the 14th September, for further consideration. It appears from the evidence that there was some singing upstairs about 8 o'clock on Sunday evening. Mr. Mercer of Canterbury appeared on behalf of Mr. Orgar, and said that he was sorry for what had happened. Mr. Mercer stated that he had a witness to prove that there was no disturbance, but the singing was from hymn books, which he had asked for an hour before the policeman came in. Mr. mercer proved very plainly that there was no disturbance, only the singing upstairs which he said should not occur again.

The Magistrates renewed the license.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 14 April 1888.

Petty Sessions. Thursday.

An extension until 12 o'clock on the night of the 10th inst. was granted to Mrs. Mobbs, of the "Red Lion Inn," Wingham, on the occasion of a smoke pipe concert.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 21 August, 1891. Price 1d.


The Dover Licenses Victuallers' and their friends had their annual drive in the country on Monday. Leaving the Market Place, Dover, in a number of carriages which were added to on the way, they drove through Eastry and Ash to the “Lion Inn,” Wingham, where an excellent spread was put on the tables by Mrs. Hobbs. Mr. Alderman Birch, of Dover, occupied the chair, supported by Mr. Wiggins, Mr. Elms, and Mr. Arnold.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 22 February, 1895. Price 1d.


Permission was granted to the landlady of the "Lion," Wingham, to keep open after eleven on the occasion of the annual Volunteer Smoking Concert.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 8 November, 1907.


J. W. Clarke of the "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an occasional licence to sell at Waterlock Farm, Stourmouth, from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on November 8th, on the occasion of a farm sale.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 19 January, 1912.


An application was made by J. W. Clark, of the "Red Lion," Wingham, for permission to sell at a farm sale at Great Mongeham on January24th. Mr. Edward Chitty objected, as there were several public houses adjoining. It was pointed out that the proposal was to supply a lunch in arrangement with the auctioneers, and the application was granted.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 January, 1913. Price 1d.


Extensions of one hour were granted to Mr. Clark, of the “Red Lion,” Wingham, on Friday, January 31st; and to Mr. Cullen, of the “Charity,” Woodnesborough, on the 21st inst., on the occasion of Conservative Association smoking concerts.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 7 November, 1913. Price 1d.


The licence of the "Red Lion," Wingham was granted an extension from 10 to 11 p.m. on November 14th, for the annual smoking concert of the Conservative Association.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 9 May, 1914. Price 1d.


The licensee of the "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an occasional licence to sell refreshments at a stock sale at Reed Farm, Kingston, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., on May 14th.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 December, 1914. Price 1d.


An application was granted to the licensee of the "Red Lion," Wingham, for one hour's extension for a dinner of the special constables of the Wingham division.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 2 November, 1923. Price 1½d.


An occasional licence was granted to Mr. Burton, of the "Red Lion," Wingham, at the sale by auction of the Wingham Colliery plant on November 20th.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 May, 1924. Price 1½d.


Plans of alterations to the "Lion," Wingham, were approved. The licensee could not be present as he is seriously ill suffering from blood poisoning.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 3 October, 1924. Price 1½d.


The "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an occasional licence for a ploughing match at Wingham on November 6th.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 August, 1933. Price 1½d.


The licence of the "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an extension until 10.30 p.m. on December 30th, the occasion of the Fire Brigade Dinner.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 11 October, 1935. Price 1½d.


The licensee of the "Red Lion," Wingham was granted an extension from 10 to 11 p.m. on November 13th for a British Legion dinner and concert.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 7 August, 1936.


An extension was granted at the "Red Lion," Wingham, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on August 8th, for a wedding reception.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 15 January, 1937.

An extension was granted at the "Red Lion," Wingham, to 11 p.m. on January 20th for the annual dinner and concert of the Deal and District Coursing Club.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 12 Mach, 1937.

The licensee of the "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an extension on March 18th for an East Kent Cricketers' dinner.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 7 January 1938. Price 1½d.

An extension was granted to the "Red Lion," Wingham till 10.30 p.m. on 12th January, for a dinner and concert organised by Tapley's Motor Coy.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 13 January 1939.

The license of the "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an extension until 11 p.m., on January 20th, for a social dance organised by the St. John Ambulance  A.R.P.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 29 September 1939.

The "Red Lion," Wingham, was granted an occasional license for stock sales at Wingham Court, on 4th October.


Dover Express 6th August 1948.


Very little business was before the Court at a sitting of the Wingham Petty Sessions at Dover on Thursday, Mr. T. G. Elphinston presiding.

Arthur Carruthers Riley, a doctor, of Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, was fined £1 for failing to observe a traffic sign at Wingham on June 22nd.

PC Hogben, Traffic Department, Sandwich, gave evidence of seeing defendant come out of the turning by the “Red Lion” where there was a “Halt at major road ahead” sign at about 15 mph without stopping.


Dover Express 15 September 1950.


When granting the temporary transfer of the licence of the "Red Lion," Wingham, from Mr. Albert P. Alexander to Mr. Arthur E. Martin, at Canterbury, yesterday (Thursday), the Chairman of the Wingham Magistrates (Mr. T. G. Elphinston), remarked that Mr. Alexander must be one of the oldest licensees in the area and had set a high standard for Mr. Martin to follow.


From the Dover Express, 25 April, 1980.

Druids 1920s

THE, Dover contingent of the Ancient Order of Druids, a friendly society with two lodges in the town in the 1920s - Lodge, 491, which met at the Prince of Orange," New Street, and Lodge 38, which held meetings at the Oddfellows headquarters in Pencester Road - pictured in the yard of the Red Lion at Wingham.

They met in Wingham in the early 1920s when a bid was made by Frank Aubrey Dunford, - pictured fifth from right in the second row, to set up a village branch.

Mr Dunford, who lived, at Waterlock Nursery, Wingham, was the father of Mr Bob Dunford, of Crabble Hill, whose wife, Sylvia, brought the picture to the Dover Express office.

"I wonder how many of those in the picture are I still alive," says Mr Dunford."


From the Dover Express, Friday, 1 January, 1971.


Jim and Ivy Betts

When the wind whistles in from the North sea at Richborough you realise that there's precious little between you and Siberia.

But this does not deter Mr. Jim Betts (above) and his wife Ivy who have just moved in to the "Red Lion" public house.

This has the distinction of being the only pub under the sign of the Wingham and Sandwich magistrates on the left bank of the river Stour.

It seems a long way from home for Worcestershire born Jim who has worked for over 30 years with oil companies starting with the old Russian Oil Products company a tax that often had turn chased off garage forecourts in pre war days.

But it's not so strange when you know that his wife was born Ivy Shilling in primrose Road, Dover and that Jim spent his war years serving in minesweepers based on Dover.


From accessed 17 June 2015.


Possibly by a man who committed suicide.

And that is all the information the above web gives.


Just heard (16 October 2014) the following news:-  The "Red Lion" in Wingham has been sold from Punch to a Mr Butcher, a developer. planning permission went in for conversion to 6 flats, but has mysteriously been removed.

May 2015, the pub has been registered as an "Asset of Community Value."


From the Dover Express, 14 January, 2016.


Neil Stuke & Paul Hollywood

Actor Neil Stuke and TV baker Paul Hollywood backed the campaign to save the "Red Lion."

BBC Bake Off star Paul Hollywood and Dr Foster actor Neil Stuke are backing calls to reopen two Dover district pubs.

The pair are supporting campaigns for the "Red Lion" in Wingham and the "Chequer Inn" in Ash.

The pubs are owned by Towns Hotels and HTW Construction which wants permission from Dover District Council to convert them into houses.

The plans have been opposed by people in both villages.

In Ash, two public meetings have been held to encourage support for reopening the Chequer Inn.

Neil Stuke tweeted: “Off to try & save a piece of our Heritage 2night the heart ripped out of village by @DoverDC & developers greed @ProtectPubs.”

A steering group has applied to Dover for an Asset of Community Value (ACV) order, which would protect the 15th century property from sale as anything other than a pub.

An ACV was granted last year but overturned after an appeal by the owner.


From the Dover Mercury, 29 September, 2016, by Gerry Warren.

Has Paul’s pub bid fallen flat?

Anxious wait for decision over housing plan.

The fate of a historic pub which celebrity baker Paul Hollywood had offered to save and re-open will now be decided by a planning inspector.

It follows a decision by Dover District Council’s planning committee to approve a scheme to convert the former Red Lion at Wingham into two homes.

It is a blow to campaigners who have long fought to resist the change of use in the hope of seeing it returned as a pub.

When the planning application was first submitted, Mr Hollywood, who lives in the village, is said to have put in an offer to buy the 13th century pub which closed over two years ago, but had no response. The campaign was also backed by actor Neil Stuke.

Objectors had been given three months by the council to come up with a rescue plan and financial backing for the pub to prove it could still be a viable business.

But the applicant, HTW construction/Towns Hotels, lodged the appeal on the grounds that Dover District Council had taken too long to make a decision.

While the council was still obliged to consider the application, a planning inspector will now have the final say.

Alex Lister, who has been leading the Save The Red Lion campaign, tried to persuade councillors not to grant approval.

He said there were two people interested in buying the pub and restoring it, but they had not be allowed access to make a proper assessment and survey.

In those circumstances, he argued, granting permission would go against the spirit of the previous committee hearing’s intentions to see if the pub might have a viable future.

But councillors agreed they had no powers to force the owner of the property to allow access to prospective buyers.

Afterwards Mr Lister said: “Although the application will now be decided by a planning inspector, the vote by members will carry some significant weight. I’m not overly confident and it doesn’t look good for us.

“It’s a pity because the vote was only 54 in favour and there were some different members at the previous hearing who were more sympathetic.”

Planning consultant for HTW Construction, Tim Flisher said: “The property was marketed for 10 months without a realistic offer and the council ordered a independent review of valuation, marketing and viability.

“The committee considered its findings and now the case is with the planning inspectorate.”


Latest news October 2017 suggests that the battle to save the pub has been lost and that it will be converted into flats.


Red Lion 2019

Above photo, August 2019, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Red Lion 2019

Above photo, August 2019, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


Not quite sure what happened with the age of Harriett White in the censes of 1841 and 1851, as she appears to be 45 and 34 respectively, both also showing her sister Eliza who does age the correct permitted 11 years.


From an account given by Pat Young.

My Grandfather, Percy Albert Alexander, was licensee of the "Red Lion" in Wingham from 1931 to 1951. My mother was 16 years old when they moved in, . I thought I would share this account my mother wrote about "Christmas at the Red Lion in the 1930s.

Christmas at the "Red Lion" in the 1930s.

Preparations for Christmas started two weeks before "THE DAY" with decorating the hotel. What a lovely place to decorate, with its dark beams and medieval atmosphere.

This job always took place after Saturday lunchtime closing to give us extra time. Care had to be taken where paper hangings were put because of the gas lights and open fires. With bunches of holly and of course mistletoe and the Xmas tree one really felt the first exciting stirrings of Christmas.

It think Christmas was more exciting in those days - one didn't see Xmas cards for sale in August. In many cases folks had to wait till various local "Thrift Clubs" paid out - usually the second week in December, before they could do their Christmas shopping. So it was one lovely grand rush, a habit I haven't broken.

Most pubs ran a Xmas draw and according to how much money was taken the number of prizes depended. Bottles of whiskey, gin and rum (12/6 or 62 1/2p a bot.) port, sherry (between 6/- (30p) and 4/6 (22 1/2p) a bot. Cigarettes 10/- (50p) a hundred, and cigars and chocolates. What a happy exciting evening it was when the draw took place a few nights before Xmas.

As the family could never be away for Xmas, relatives and friends came to us for the festive season. We were always a party of between twelve and twenty people.

Christmas Eve as might be expected was extremely busy and it would be 11.30pm or so before we cleared up after the night rush. Then we would all sit down to supper in the kitchen (which was where the dining room is now) because it contained the largest table to accommodate those presents.

I can remember those large rabbit and pork pies my mother and I had made which we had cold with pickled onions, red cabbage and chutney had prepared in the Autumn. I often wonder if we suffered from indigestion but cannot remember anyone succumbing to this complaint.

Christmas morning up early those of us who had work to do for there was a business to run. Sunday opening hours 12pm—2pm - 7pm-10pm. The morning session a busy one, that drink before the Christmas dinner.

We sat down to our lunch around 2.30pm my father always invited the four men who lived all the year in the "hopper's huts" situated at the bottom of the "stack Meadow", the field between the back of the school and Canterbury road. There was "old Bob" a veteran of the South African, war, "Long Ted", "Little Tom" and "George" to a dinner which we served in the "Bar parlour" then they were welcomed to spend the afternoon with a fire and pack of cards and later tea. They were too shy to join our party.

After lunch the ladies would wash up - the men to a comfy armchair and a cigar and a snooze in front of the fire.

When the cleaning up chore was done, mother insisted that tea was then laid, so a lace cloth went over the white linen one. It seems quite mad now but in most houses it was done. Food! bread and butter, jam, celery, cheese, sausage rolls, jam and lemon curd tarts, chocolate log, Christmas cake. This we had at 6 o'clock - I'm sure the cuppa went down best.

Christmas night I felt like Cinderella, I always had to do the first two hours in the bar. It was so quiet and empty - just a lad or two who wanted a break from their homes, it was deadly, especially when you could hear the rest enjoying themselves upstairs.
Dad would take over the last hour, during which some of our older customers would appear, having come cut for a breath of fresh air.

Now wait for it! the ladies would prepare supper cold meats, poultry, etc. trifles, jellies, blancmange, cheese - incredible but I suppose we still do it.

Then back to the drawing room for cards or a sing song, so ended Christmas day.

Boxing day was also busy. Normal opening hours - first drinks to all customers "on the house".

We always had a Boxing eve party in the large room at the rear of the "Lion", besides our relatives, many village friends were invited, we played party games, sang songs, danced. Imagine playing "MURDER" in the "Red Lion" it was a great favourite. This party went on to the early hours of the next morning.

The next day it was all over for another year. People were back to work, shops open, back to the farm etc. I confess a sadness that it was finished, but for a happy thought my birthday Jan 2nd - another party and more fun and more food.

Vera Maynard.



POWELL James 1740+ Wingham Ale Licences 1740

Beale 1802

WHITE Thomas 1828-39+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

WHITE Harriett 1840-58+ (age 34 in 1851Census) Pigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858

ANDREWS George 1861-74+ CensusPost Office Directory 1874

ANDREWS Elizabeth 1881-82 (widow age 70 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

ORGER Alfred 1884-85+ Dover Express

MOBBS Jane 1888-01+ (widow age 59 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1899

MOBBS Ethel M (Late administratrix) to May/1906 Dover Express

CLARK Joseph W May/1906-Oct16+ Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1914

HOWLAND Frank Herbert Oct/1816-18+ Dover Express

BURTON Owen 1922-Aug/25 Dover Express

OVENDEN Stanley John Aug/1925-Sept/31 Dover Express

ALEXANDER Albert Percy Sept/1931-Sept/50 Dover ExpressKelly's 1934

MARTIN Arthur E Sept/1950+ Dover Express

AMIES E G N 1961+

ADAM David & Helana 1967+

BETTS Jim 1971+ Dover Express

AMIES Beatrice G 1974+ Library archives 1974

Last pub licensee had EVANS John Apr/2003+

WADE Dave & Ann May/2014+


Wingham Ale Licences 1740From Wingham Division Ale Licences 1740 Ref: KAO - QRLV 3/1

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1914From the Post Office Directory 1914

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
