Page Updated:- Wednesday, 03 July, 2024.


Earliest 1841-

New Inn

Latest 1953+

(Name to)



New Inn 1903

Above postcard, 1903.

New Inn 1930

Above photo, 1930, kindly sent by Michael Mirams.

New Inn bar 1951

Above photo, showing Mr. H Mills pouring out beer for Ginger, a 9 year old cart horse stops with his master. 26 October 1951.

New Inn 1953

Above photo, circa 1953.

New Inn

Above picture kindly sent to me by Suzannah Foad, of the Margate Local & Family History:- Click for Web page.


Found in Kelly's Directory 1899.

Changed name to the "White Stag" some time after 1934.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 30 May 1896.

A gift of literature.

A gift of a parcel of periodicals from Mr. Shane, "New Inn," Monkton, presented for the perusal of the Workhouse inmates, was reported.

A vote of thanks was passed to the giver.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 08 May 1897.

Monkton. Transfer.

At a sitting of the County Bench, at Ramsgate, on Wednesday, before Capt. L. W. Vaile (in the chair) and the Mayor of Ramsgate (Councillor L. Hart,) Mr. J. W. Scarlett made application for the licence of the "New Inn," Monkton, to be transferred from Mr. Shane to Mr. Owen, late of the "Railway Hotel," Deal, who had been selling at the former house for some little time past under temporary authority granted by the Bench.

Supt. Chaney offered no objection, and the application was granted.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 8 January 1898.

Monkton. Licence Transfer.

At a sitting of the County Bench at Ramsgate, on Tuesday, before Mr. H. Weigall (in the chair), Capt. L. W. Vaile, and Mr. W. Curling, the licence of the "New Inn," Monkton, was transferred to Mr. Brown.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 05 February 1898.

Monkton. No Corroboration.

At the County Petty Sessions, held at Ramsgate, on Tuesday, Frederick Shane, formerly of the "New Inn," Monkton, but now in Hemel Hempstead, was summonsed to show cause why he should not contribute towards the support of the female child of Gertrude Eastland, of which he was alleged to be the father.

Mr. C. J. Mercer, appeared for the complainant, while Mr. G. T. Drury defended.

It appeared from the evidence of complainant, a respectively dressed young woman in deep mourning, that she was 18 years of age. In February, 1896, she went as servant to the defendant at the "New Inn," Monkton, where defendant seduced her. Leaving the inn, he went to Whitstable, and invited her to visit him there. This she did, staying there for three days as a guest. Subsequently she went as servant to him at Dunstable. In September defendant sent her home, giving her money to pay her travelling expenses, in addition to that you as wages. He had also previously given her money to buy a watch chain. She gave birth to a female child in November last, of which defendant was the father.

Defendant, who have been served with a subpoena for the purpose, was called by Mr. Mercer, and flatly denied everything alleged by the complainant.

The bench retired to consider their decision, and on their return into Court, the Chairman said:- There is no corroboration in this case, and it must therefore be dismissed, but the costs of the subpoena on the defendant will be remitted.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 22 March 1902.

The Sale to Children Act. Monkton Parent and Publican Prosecuted.

At the Ramsgate County Petty Sessions, on Tuesday, before Mr. H. B. Hammond (in the chair,) Capt. L. W. Vaile, and Mr. J. W. D. Johnson.

Sarah Ann Read, of Parsonage Cottages, Monkton, was summoned for sending William Thomas Read, a person under the age of 14 years, to the "New Inn," Monkton, for the purpose of obtaining a quart of beer, not being sold or delivered in a corked or sealed vessel.

Defendant pleaded guilty, but said she was not aware of the law.

P.C. Ashby, K.C.C., said at 9:40 p.m. on the 4th inst he saw a boy with a bottle of beer coming from the "New Inn." Witness examine the bottle and found it was corked and not sealed. The boys said his age was 14 years, and Mrs. Read confirm this statement, adding that she could show witness a certificate. The next day witness went to Monkton school, where the register showed the boy was under 14 years of age. Witness saw defendant, who said "I'm sorry I told you a lie last night. He is only 13 and 6 months." Witness said he should report the case.

Defendant repeated the statement that she did not know she was doing wrong when she sent the boy for the beer.

Charles Brown, licensee of the "New Inn," Monkton, was summoned for unlawfully and knowingly allowing Sarah Jane Brown to sell at such premises a quart of beer to the boy Read, in a vessel not corked or sealed, as required by the Intoxicating Liquors (sale to Children) Act, 1901.

Defendant pleaded not guilty.

P.C. Ashby gave evidence that he heard Mrs. Brown say to the boy:- "If you see a policeman outside tell him you have turned 14." Mrs. Brown told witness the boy had said he was 14.

William Read, age 13 and 7 months, said he had told Mrs. Brown he was in his 14th year, and she said. "If you meet a policeman outside tell him you are 14."

Defendant said his wife served the boy because he said he was 14 years of age. He (defendant) did not hear his wife make the remarks about what the boy was to tell the policeman.

The Bench ordered the parent to pay the costs 9s., and find the publican 20s, including costs, the Chairman stated that the licence would not be endorsed.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 3 May 1902.

Fatality to a cyclist. Ramsgate man killed.

Mr. Thomas Lee, of Ramsgate, met with a terrible accident while cycling on Sunday, when, in trying to avoid a collision with a wagonette, he was thrown into the road, sustaining such severe injuries that he died the next day.

The County Coroner (Mr. R. M. Mercer) conducted an inquest at the "New Inn," Monkton, on Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. S. M. Smith was Foreman of the jury.

Dr. O. C. Worthington., of Minster, deposed that he was called to the "New Inn," Monkton, about 10:30 on Sunday morning, and he there found the deceased in a collapsed and semi-conscious state. Upon examination, witness found there was a wound on the right cheek, about 2 inches long, an abrasion on the forehead, a lacerated wound on the bridge of the nose, a fracture of the nasal bone, and bruises on both eyelids. There was no fracture of the skull as far as witness could see, but most probably there was a fracture at the base of the skull. There were severe contusion marks all over the face. In witnesses opinion deceased died from a clot on the brain, as result of a fracture at the base of the skull. Witness dressed deceased's wounds and put him on a couch in the bar parlour, wrapped him in blankets, kept him very quiet, and paid him two or three visits before death. He was semi-conscious when witness first saw him, and he never regained consciousness. He was unconscious on Sunday night, and died at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon. Witness new the history of the case. It was perfectly obvious that deceased had met with a very severe fall. The accident occurred at Chalk Pit Hill, Monckton.

Alfred Luckett, residing at 33, Effingham Street, Ramsgate, grocer's assistant, deposed on Sunday he was riding a cycle in company with a deceased, who was a wine merchant's assistant, employed by Messrs. Page and Son, Ramsgate. They left St. Lawrence about 10:15 in the morning, for a short spin, intending to go to Monkton. When descending Chalk Pit Hill deceased was about 5 yards in front of witness. A wagonnett was going in the same direction in front of deceased. When they got near the wagonette it veered out of its course, leaving deceased and witness only about two feet in which the pass it on the right side. Just before they got to the vehicle it seems that deceased applied his front brake. Witness saw the front wheel of deceased's machine wobble about three times, and deceased then went down. He fell under his machine, and did not pitch over the handlebars. He fell on his face, and the cycle was on top of him. Witness turned his machine out into the fields and fell off. I will go in at about 10 miles an hour at the time. Witness picked deceased up, and he seemed to be unconscious. Mr. Strangtham and a friend with him, who was riding the cycle, came up, and with their assistance witness lifted deceased up, and put him into the wagonette, witness having shouted to the persons in the wagonette as soon as he picked deceased up. At this time witness did not then know who was driving the wagonette, but subsequently the driver told him that his wife (who was in the vehicle) had called his attention to the fact that some cyclists were coming behind, but the driver did not hear what his wife said. He turned around to hear what she said, and witness thought by that movement he pulled the horses head round. The driver had the horse well in hand, and appeared to be quite fit to drive. The wagonnette was not going at an undo pace, and witness did not consider there was any negligence on the part of the driver. Witness got into the wagonette, called Dr. Worthington, and fetched the machines. Deceased had a free will (Swift) and back pedalling hub. That was a new departure and an American patent. A person could bring a machine up directly by applying this break. Deceased was a light man, and could have gone into the field as witness had done, but witness believe that deceased lost his hand. These front brakes are very powerful. Witness has one on his machine, but had never used it. He had often tested it and found that it pulled him up very suddenly. It could be moderated by the purpose of the thumb. The thumb alone could put on such strong pressure as would bring the machine up instantly. The break applied to both sides of the wheel.

Joseph Heginbotham Lee, of Bathurst, Codrington Road, Ramsgate, clerk at the Corporation Gasworks, said the deceased was his brother, his age being 33. Deceased was a good rider, and witness has seen him use the bicycle before. He had the brake put on that machine about 5 weeks previously, but witness thought that was about the first time he had used it. Witness had nothing to say about the driver of the Wagonette, and did not compute any negligence to him.

The jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased died from injuries sustained by the fall from bicycle.

The funeral of the late Mr. Thomas Lee took place on Thursday afternoon at St. Laurence Church Yard, the sad ceremony been attended by the Vice-President (Mr. T. C. Fuller,) captain, and other officers and members of the Ramsgate Cycling Club, to which the deceased gentleman belonged. The staff of Messrs. Page and Son were also present, and among those who attended, in addition to the relatives, where Mr. W. G. Page, Mr. Stanley, H. Page and Mr. W. Page. The vicar of St. Lawrence (Rev. T. G. Crosse) officiated. The coffin was born into the church between the ranks of the cyclist, all of whom wore the club badge, the ivy leaf, in the buttonhole. Among the wreaths was a beautiful one from the Ramsgate Cycling Club.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 23 September 1916.

Licence refused.

The Ramsgate County Bench (Capt. J. W. D. Hilton-Johnson, the Mayor of Ramsgate and Mr. M. J. Poole) on Tuesday heard an application for the temporary transfer of the licence of the "New Inn," Monkton, from Mr. James Stickles, who is retiring from business, to Mr. James Spain. Applicant had for the past 16 months had the licence at Hoath, but after hearing a report from Supt. A. Stone, K.C.C., the Bench refuse the application.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 21 October 1916.

Labour master to licensee.

At the Ramsgate County police caught on Tuesday, a licence of the "New Inn," Monkton, was transferred from Mr. J. Stickles to Mr. Alfred Charles Kingman, for many years labour master at Kingston-on-Thames Union.


Thanet Advertiser. Saturday 05 May 1923.

The Majesty of the Law.

Three magistrates, this assistant magistrates' clerk, two police inspectors and four pressman attended Ramsgate Police Court on Tuesday, when the only business was a temporary transfer of the licence of the "New Inn," Monkton, from Mr. Alfred Bush to Mr. Horace Jeffrey, of Faversham.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 22 May 1936.


Extensions until 11 p.m. on Whit-Saturday and 11:30 p.m. on Whit-Monday at the "Bell Inn," the "Freehold Inn," the "New Inn" and the "White Horse," Minster, and the "New Inn," Monkton, were granted by Ramsgate County magistrates on Tuesday.




ELDRIDGE Richard 1841-51+

ADAMS Frederick H 1871+ (age 33 in 1871Census)

ADAMS Emma 1881+ (widow age 43 in 1881Census)

HOLMES James 1885-91+ (age 55 in 1891Census)

SHANE Frederick 1896-May/97

OWEN Mr May/1897+ Next pub licensee had

BROWN/BROWSE Charles Jan/1898-1902+ (age 48 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1899

HODGMAN Frederick 1903-04+ Kelly's 1903

HODGMAN Arthur C 1905-06

CULLEN James Henry 1906-13+

STEGGLES/STICKLES James 1915-Oct/16+

KINGMAN Alfred Charles Oct/1916-22+

BUSH Alfred John to May/1923

JEFFREY Horace May/1923-24+

JEFFREY Mrs Clara Beatrice 1925+


GALPIN Percy 1929+

GALPIN Clara Beatrice Mrs 1930-34+ Kelly's 1934 (Nee Jeffrey)

WILKINSON Albert Edward 1936-51

MILES H J 1951-57+

READ Walter 1959+



Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-