Sort file:- Deal, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 31 March, 2021.


Earliest 1870

(Name from)

Pier Hotel

Latest 1987

(Name to)

19 Beach Street

90 Beach Street Post Office Directory 1874


Pier Hotel 1952

Above photograph showing the "Pier Hotel" 1952.

Pier Hotel ledger

Thompson & Son ledger. Creative Commons Licence.

From the Dover Mercury, 22 October, 2009.

Fancy goods, books and Walmer stout

by Judith Gaunt.

Pier Hotel

LOOKING back at the history of Deal's town centre, it seems many shops and homes were demolished for road widening projects.

This week's old Now and Then photo shows just one example of the disappearance of a few seafront properties.

It illustrates a quieter, traffic free Beach Street, at the junction of Broad Street, compared to the busy scene motorists drive past today.

The photograph was taken by a Mrs Broom, who claimed to be Britain's first female press photographer.

The house on the right of the Broad Street junction was later demolished for road widening. Alongside was Edwin Frederick Giraud's stationer and printer, bookseller, newspaper agent and toys and fancy good shop, which was in a prime position to take advantage of the trade from visitors to the seaside.

The shop was later run by Miss Giraud and included a marine library, run by Charles Edward Mudie, a publisher who created a lending service throughout the country.

On the far left of the old photograph was Mangilli's cafe and restaurant, run by Italian Achille Mangilli and later by Tobia and Rosa Mangilli. The business became the Imperial Restaurant and then The Pegasus Cafe, popular with teenagers for egg and chips on a Saturday night.

Ian Dunkerley and his wife Linda bought the premises in 1987 as a restaurant and 10 years later bought The Pier Hotel next door, transforming the two properties into the award-winning business it is today.

The photograph shows that the Pier was under the ownership of Thompson & Son, the Walmer brewery. Ales, stout and porter were sold, according to the hand signing on the front of the corner property.

Former Pier Hotel 2009.

Above shows the same scene today 2009.


Pier Hotel, circa 1950s

Picture kindly supplied by Sue Solley, date circa 1950s.


In 1861, according to the Deal History Society, the premises was called the "Sandwich Arms", although the main part of the building today displays the year 1926 on the frontage when it was rebuilt from an earlier premises.

The "Pier Hotel" changed name to "Dunkerleys" around 1987.


A Charrington & Co. outlet in 1974 Library archives 1974



HAYMAN William Henry 1870-78+ Post Office Directory 1874The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

SPICER John William 1880-82+ Post Office Directory 1882The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

STARTUP George Edwards 1886+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

ABBOTT Maria Mrs 1889-91+ (widow age 54 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1891The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

HOLBROOK James 1891+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

CHITTENDEN Edward Walter 1891-99+ Kelly's 1899The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

NASH Thomas 1904-10+ Pikes 1908The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

PARMENTER W G 1914-15+ Deal library 1914

COLLINS M A 1924+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

WELTON Louis William 1924-44+ Next pub licensee had The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

HARGRAVES A J 19/May/45-53 The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers


SETTON P J 1953 The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

BROOKES H F 1953-58+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

STEWART J E Jan/1959-66+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

NEALE Richard H 1971-74 The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersLibrary archives 1974 Charrington & Co

EVANS Alan 1980+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

ATTFIELD Kenneth Apr/1982+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

KAVRAZONI Petros & Katherine Dec/1982+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

RADCLIFFE Jean Ivy & BRANCH Margaret Ann 1985+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

RADCLIFFE Jean Ivy & BRANCH Margaret Ann and BRANCH James & MORGAN John and Jean Ivy 1992+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers

RADCLIFFE Jean Ivy & BRANCH Margaret Ann and BRANCH James & MORGAN John and Jean Ivy & REILLY Michael & CORBETT Catherine 1994+ The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Pikes 1908From Pikes 1908

Deal library 1914Deal Library List 1914

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

The Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and RogersThe Old Pubs of Deal and Walmer by Glover and Rogers


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
