Sort file:- Dover, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 20 October, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1842-

Prince Albert

Open 2020+

83 Biggin Street Pikes 1923Pikes 1932-33

84 Biggin Street Post Office Directory 1874

86 Biggin Street in 1899 Kelly's Directory 1899


01304 204272.

Prince Albert 1910

Above photo circa 1910, kindly sent by Paul Wells.

Prince Albert 1927

Above photo showing the pub circa 1927.

Photo taken from

Prince Albert, 1920s

Above photograph shows the "Prince Albert" right, and also just in shot, the sign for the old "Salutation," taken circa 1930.

Prince Albert 1940

Above photo 1940, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. As the siren sounds, pedestrians hurry for cover from a Luftwaffe raid during the Battle of Britain.

Montgomery 1946

Above photo, April 1946. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery taking the salute at the Dover War Memorial, accompanied by the Mayor, Arther T Goodfellow. During his visit, Monty was granted the freedom of Dover.

Prince Albert 1970

Above photo from the John Gilham collection, circa 1950.

Prince Albert 1950

Above photo circa 1950.

Queen 1958

The Queen passing through in 1958.

Prince Albert 1970

Above photograph shows the "Prince Albert" 1970.

From an article in the Dover Mercury 7 January 1999 by Joe Harman.

False rumour of flowing beer in 1889

Prince Albert

THE Prince Albert public house in Dover seems to have been listed since 1847, but I have not been able to find an earlier name.

I have found a licensed victualler in the 1841 census in Biggin Street whom I cannot relate to any hostelry.

However we do know that a Mr Walker, a local brewer, lived in a house here and moved away about 1840.

In July 1879, when it was being rebuilt, the workmen found complete skeletons which may have related to the nearby St Edmund's Chapel or an earlier building in this area.

In October 1889 there was a gas explosion in the cellar which did considerable damage to the contents but no injury to the staff or customers apart from shock.

They all piled out into the street and a large crowd gathered. Someone started a rumour that beer was running down the street but it was untrue.

The building was immediately closed for the insurance agents to come and assess the damage.

The present building seems to date from the rebuild of 1879 as the cast iron lintels over the upstairs windows would be of that period.

Prince Albert 1966

Above showing the "Prince Albert" in 1966.

Prince Albert circa 1980

Prince Albert circa 1980 (Photo by Barry Smith)

Prince Albert circa 1987

Prince Albert circa 1987 (Photo by Paul Skelton)

Prince Albert 1988

Above photo, 6 June 1988.

Prince Albert sign 1991

Prince Albert sign October 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Prince Albert Nov 1984

IN these, troubled times, a police-officer is delegated to watch over the Remembrance Service from a vantage point on the Prince Albert. November 1984.


Certainly present in 1847 when it was under offer to let and it was also said to be there, at the top of the street, in 1764, but I do not possess any concrete evidence to show this as yet.


From the Kentish Gazette, 15 August 1843.

Lucky Escape.

On Wednesday, Mr. Ralph, of the "Prince Albert," having returned from the country where he had been on business in a cart with a spirited horse, left the same for an instant at his door, when the animal dashed off at a furious rate up the Canterbury road, running over and killing two fat sheep belonging to Mr. Webb, the butcher, and which happened to be in the road at the time, near the New Town Hall. The horse continued his career, galloping very fast—went through the two turnpike gates—passed the Canterbury and Herne Bay coaches and omnibus, and was only arrested in his progress at Ewell, where it ran against the corner of the public house and upset the cart, when it was secured; astonishing to say, without having caused injury to any man, woman, or child, although the road in many places was thronged with numbers of the rising generation; the animal itself was not hurt, neither did the cart nor harness receive any damage whatever. The sheep were the only victims.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 17 July, 1847. Price 5d.


To be Let, with immediate possession, THE PRINCE ALBERT INN, Near the Maison Dieu.

With all the STABLING, LOFTS, &c., and the PATENT WEIGHING MACHINE, now doing a good trade. For particulars enquire of the Premises.


Kentish Gazette, 23 March 1852.

On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Read, of the "Prince Albert," Biggin Street, was accidentally thrown from a pony phaeton, and sustained several severe contusions from the fall. A lad in his employ who was previously driving met with a similar disaster some minutes before; and while Mr. Read was attempting to catch the reins as they fell from the lad's hands, he himself was precipitated from the vehicle.

Both were injured—the lad but slightly.


Kentish Gazette, 14 February 1854.


Welfare:- Feb 7, at Dover, Mr. George Welfare, landlord of the "Prince Albert," which he had taken only three weeks before.


Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 21 April 1855.


John Foster, who for the last fourteen yearn has had the management of the Stable Department of the "Royal Oak Hotel," respectfully informs his Friends and the Public that he has taken the above House, and trusts by attention to those who may honour him with their patronages and the supply of articles of superior quality, to merit a share of general favour.

Good and well-aired Beds, Wines, Spirits, Bottle and Draught Ales and Porter.

GOOD STABLING, The Guano Store and Patent Weigh Bridge will be attended to by the Principal himself.



The number varies over the years as some of the properties were rebuilt. That applied to this inn when it was purchased by Burden from Barnett in July 1879. I am also under the impression that it was rebuilt again in 1907 but my notes do nothing to confirm that.


From information I have received from Malcolm Kidby:- "In November 1842 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visited Walmer Castle and stayed for sometime and visited the surrounding area including Dover. There were many celebrations and salutes not just on land, but by the Royal Navy and fisherman private yachts etc. who were sheltering from a great storm at the time which lasted for a number of days. To celebrate the unexpected visit many townspeople decorated their properties and although there is no specific mention this could well be the reason the Prince Albert was thus named." That would infer that the house is even older, and would have had another name then. I always keep an open mind. There was a pub called the "Evening Star" that I have traced from 1838 but no trace after 1842, operating from address of 50 Biggin Street. Perhaps this was indeed this pub. The address of 50 Biggin Street was also listed as being the "Three Tuns" between 1792 to 1854. There is an error here somewhere that I haven't quite got to the bottom of yet.


I have also been informed, but alas no proof, that prior to the pub being called the "Prince Albert" it was known as the "Cross Roads." I am not sure about the name of this as the roads are not quite what I would envisage as a cross as one would depict it, and the name of "Cross Roads" most certainly hasn't been found to date in the Dover area, or indeed to date on this web site. Closest to that name I do know about is the "Cross Keys" but that was on Custom House Quay. If the name Cross does come into it at all, I would suggest that perhaps it was the "St. Andrew's Cross" which is listed as being in Biggin Street in the 1545 records when Andrew Davey was licensee, but the building is certainly not the same one we see today.


The executors of Walker sold for £800 in May 1859. A bit of local excitement worth mentioning happened on 2 October 1889 when the bar was wrecked by an explosion in the cellar.


Supplied by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, who bought out Thomas Walker's Phoenix Brewery in 1859 and registered as such in 1896, until bought out by Fremlin Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased in 1927, which later passed to Whitbread.


Serving Whitbread today, (1989) from one large bar which was the inspiration of William Hagger in 1978.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 9 July 1861.

Moldash. Melancholy Death.

During the period the East Kent Mounted Rifles were assembled at Dover for training, in the course of last month, and accident occurred to Mr. Chaney, of Moldash Farm, near Ashford, one of the members of the corps, on his return from drill, his horse stumbling, on turning the corner of Biggin Street, leading to the "Prince Albert" stables, and falling with him to the ground. One of Mr. Chaney's feet was injured but no serious consequences were at first apprehended. The case, however, afterwards assumed a more serious aspect, and notwithstanding the most skilful medical assistance, lock-jaw supervened, and ended in Mr. Chaney's death. On the occasion of his internment at Ashford, on Monday, the band of the regiment and nearly every member of his troops were present in token of their regards for his memory.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 23 April, 1864.


Yesterday (Friday) morning Mr. Wellard, the landlord of the "Prince Albert Inn," Biggin Street, was found suspended in a loft at the rear of his premises, life being extinct. An inquest was to be held last evening by the borough coroner, W. H. Payr, Esq., but we publish too early to give a report of the proceedings in our present issue.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 30 April, 1864.


W. H. Payn, Esq., coroner, held an inquest at the “Prince Albert Inn,” Biggin street, Dover, on Friday evening, on the body of Mr. George Wellard, the landlord of the “Prince Albert” who had that morning committed suicide by hanging himself.

Henry Appleton, an ostler, stated that on going up into a loft at the rear of the “Prince Albert,” shortly before eleven o’clock on Friday morning, he saw deceased suspended by a halter. He had seen deceased before breakfast, when his conduct appeared very strange. The deceased had lately been addicted to intemperance.

P.C. Corrie cut the rope by which he was hanging and he then fell down about four feet on the floor. Mr. Walter, surgeon, said he was called in to see the deceased, who had hung himself, and on examination found the deceased had died from strangulation about two hours before the body had been discovered.

About a fortnight since he attended the deceased professionally for threatened delirium tremens.

The jury returned a verdict of “Temporary insanity.”


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 9 April, 1864.


Joseph Gambrell, a gunner in the 2nd Brigade Royal Artillery, was charged with breaking two squares of glass at the "Prince Albert" public-house, Biggin Street, and also with destroying a bed and rug at the station-house.

Joseph Wellard, the landlord of the "Prince Albert", said, about nine the previous evening the prisoner came to his house and called for a glass of porter. He served him, and the prisoner (who was then too all appearances sober) stood in front of the bar about half-an-hour smoking his pipe. On going out, he fell against the window and broke two panes of glass - not designedly, he thought, but through intoxication; an on asking him if he were going to pay for the damage he had done, he said he was not. He then put him out of the house, and in doing so the prisoner slipped down on to the road. This seemed to exasperate him very much; for he abused him (complainant) in a "tremendous" manner, and afterwards wilfully broke three panes either with his fist or stick. He was then given into custody of the police. The amount of damage committed was 4s.

Police-constable Johnson proved the damage committed at the police-station. When the prisoner was locked in his cell, there was in it a bed and rug in good condition. About twelve o'clock the witness had occasion to lock another prisoner in the same cell, when he found the bed and rug torn to pieces. That morning the Superintendent asked the prisoner why he did it, and he replied that they had no business to put a drunken man in a place where there was anything destructible. The prisoner was not so drunk when he was brought in as not to know what he was about. He appeared more agitated than drunk. He was in the same state when he awoke that morning and would have destroyed the iron bedstead had he been able. The value of the bed and rug, which were the property of the Corporation, was 5s.

The prisoner had nothing to say in answer to the charge.

The Bench fined him 16s. (including damages and costs) in respect to the first charge, and 16s. (including damages and costs) in respect to the second charge. In default he was committed to 28 days' hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 18 September, 1868.


William Crawford was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and assaulting the police in the execution of their duty on the previous day. The prisoner was brought up handcuffed; but on being placed before the Magistrates the handcuffs were removed.

Police-constable William Corrie: Yesterday, about half-past twelve o'clock, the prisoner was on the pavement in Biggin Street, opposite the "Prince Albert." he was quarrelling with his wife. I told him to go away several times, as a crowd was collecting; but he refused, and on my getting near him, he struck me in the breast. People were just leaving church at the time, and the disturbance was very disgraceful. The prisoner, though drunk, knew what he was about. With the assistance of Sergeant Barton I took him to the police-station.

The prisoner had no questions to ask the policeman, and excused himself on the grounds of having had an interview with his brother, a soldier in the 4th, on the previous night. His brother had just come home from Abyssinia, and as he (prisoner) had not seen him for eight years, "of course" it was natural they should have some drink, and he indulged rather too freely. He was making his way to Folkestone, when his wife, who had also been drinking, became "outlandish," and he was endeavouring to bring her to reason when the policeman interfered.

The Magistrates sent Crawford to prison for seven days, in default of his paying a fine of 5s. and costs.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 23 June, 1871. Price 1d.


Benjamin Burville, a boatman, was summoned by Mary Ann Clark for unlawfully assaulting her on the 16th inst.

Mary Ann Clark deposed: My husband is a boatman. Between one and two o'clock last Friday I went to the “Prince Albert” public-house for my husband. Defendant and my husband were disputing about a boat, when defendant hit my husband, and a scuffle ensued. In the scuffle I pushed the defendant, and then he struck me.

Prisoner: Did you not scratch my face first?

Witness: No, I only pushed you.

The husband of the plaintiff corroborated his wife's evidence. He said that it was he himself who scratched the defendant's face, in his own defence.

Prisoner: You called my mother a sot and all kinds of things.

William Burville, brother of the defendant, deposed: I was in the “Prince Albert” with my brother last Friday, and I saw Clark there. He was aggravating my brother, and he afterwards gave him a slap on the face. Mrs. Clark called my mother a sot, and I am sure she was never a drunkard.

Defendant was fined 2s. 6d. and costs.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 25 April, 1873.


A summons had been issued charging a man named John Stokes with assaulting Mrs. Barnes, the landlady of the “Prince Albert Inn,” Biggin Street, on the 16th April; and as he did not appear, a warrant was issued for his apprehension.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 6 July, 1877. Price 1d.


George Thomas Bartholomew was summoned for assaulting William Jarvis, of Folkestone, by knocking him down and striking him in the face, on the 30th June, at the "Prince Albert" public-house, in Biggin Street.

Mr. Sanders said it was a very bad assault, but the prosecutor was not present.

Charles Handsall, private in the 10th Regt., said: On Saturday evening, about a quarter past ten, I was at the "Prince Albert," in Biggin Street. The prisoner was there with several others. As I was standing in front of the bar, a disturbance arose, and I saw the prisoner strike another man in the eye, causing blood to flow. The other man had not provoked him in any way. The prisoner apologised to the man for striking him when they were outside. The man gave him into custody.

Mr. Supt. Sanders said: On Saturday night the prisoner was brought to the station with Police-constable Bailey, about 20 minutes past ten, and charged with assaulting William Jarvis, who came with him to the station, and signed the charge. He said, in the presence of the prisoner, that he went to the back way of the "Prince Albert" from Priory Street. He was first of all knocked down by a little tinkerman, and on his return to the house the prisoner struck him in the face. The prosecutor was bleeding from a cut over the right eye, his lip was very much swollen inside, evidently from a blow in the teeth. The prisoner admitted striking the man. Prosecutor signed the charge and promised to attend here this morning. He is not in attendance.

The prisoner had been charged on similar offences before.

The Bench thought the prosecutor should be summoned to attend, the Court could not be trifled with. The case was remanded until Friday.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 19 October, 1877. Price 1d.


Charles Parfett, landlord of the “Prince Albert,” was charged with threatening to stab his wife, Charlotte Parfett, on the 14th inst., with a knife which he then and there had in his hand.

Charlotte Parfett said: I am the wife of the defendant. I have been married to him 14 years. We keep the “Prince Albert” public-house, Biggin Street. On Sunday night a little past ten we went to bed. The defendant was the worse for liquor. Between eleven and twelve o'clock he became very restless and got out of bed three or four times. I obtained a light to see what he wanted. I left the light burning. He got into bed again and seemed quieter. Shortly after, he jumped up in the bed with the knife produced in his hand and said “It has come to a crisis now.” I snatched the knife from him and he fell back. The blade was open. I am afraid from what he did on that occasion and from his previous threats that he will do me some bodily harm.

Emma Parfett, daughter of the complainant, said since her father had been home he had threatened to knock her mother's brain out, and they were obliged to watch him, or they believed he would do her some injury.

In reply to Dr. Astley, the witness said her father had been home about a fortnight. He had threatened her mother before, and they had been obliged to send for the Police. He was drunk at the time.

By the defendant: I am sure you threatened mother.

The defendant said he had never threatened his wife, it was a great story. He had the knife in his hand, but it was to cut some tobacco with, and because his wife happened to see it she snatched it away and ran into her daughter's bedroom, and said he was going to cut her throat. The knife was only part of the way open.

Dr. Astley: Are you in the habit of smoking a pipe in the middle of the night?

Defendant: Well, I am, if I cannot get to sleep.

Dr. Astley: There's another thing, according to your daughter's evidence, you are in the habit of getting intoxicated?

Defendant: I do get a little worse for drink sometimes.

Dr. Astley: When you are in such a state do you know what you are doing?

Defendant: Sometimes I might not, but I am quite satisfied I did on this night; I was not incapable.

The Bench said the defendant would have to find two sureties in the sum of £50 each, to keep the peace between his wife for sixth months, and be bound over in his own recognizance's of £100, if failing to find these sureties, he would have to go below until he did.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 21 December, 1878


Elizabeth Amos was charged with being drunk and incapable, and with causing an obstruction on the footway in Biggin Street.

Police-constable Bath said: I was on duty in Biggin Street about 20 minutes past 11 on Saturday night. I saw the prisoner there with a crowd of about 30 young men. She was holding on the fence of the “Prince Albert.” As I was dispersing the crowd, she fell, and struck herself on the head, from which blood ran freely. I took her to Dr. Long's surgery, where her wounds were dressed twice, but she tore the bandages and strap off. I then took her into custody.

By the prisoner: You did not have a woman there who fell and broke her leg. You were not capable of taking care of herself.

The Superintendent stated that 7s. 6d. had been incurred at the station for doctor's fees, &c.

The bench fined her 10s. and the costs which, included the expenses incurred, amounting to £1 3s. 6d.

The money was paid.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 7 January, 1881. Price 1d.


An inquest was held on Thursday afternoon at the “Prince Albert” public-house, Biggin Street, before the Borough Coroner (W. H. Payne, Esq.), on the body of a woman named Ann Young.

Mr. Burt was foreman of the Jury, and the body having been viewed, the following evidence was adduced:-

George Young, labourer, of 2, Queen's Court, Biggin Street, said: The deceased, Ann Young, was my wife, her age being 63 years. Her health had not been good, having been under the doctor for the last 20 years, and in the hospital nine months out of the twelve for the last six years. She has been subject to dropsy. It is quite two months since we had a doctor to her. I wished her to have the parish doctor, or go in hospital, but she said she would not but would sooner jump out of the window, and was determined to lie and die where she was. On Tuesday morning I left the house about half-past five, giving her first cup of tea, putting the food she would need during the day in the room, and setting the fire, as she was unable to leave the house but could cross the room and light it when she wanted it. I went to Waldershare to work, and returned at night about half-past seven, and on going upstairs into the bedroom, I found her kneeling beside the bed with her face buried in the clothes, quite dead and cold. I went for a doctor who came shortly after and said she was quite dead, but didn't tell me the cause of death.

By the Foreman: She suffered through a very weak stomach, and the food left for her was seldom eaten.

Dr. Simpson said: On Tuesday, evening about a quarter to eight, I was called to see the deceased by the last witness, and found her in the bedroom in a half kneeling position before the bed, her face being buried in the bed-clothes, quite dead and cold. There were no marks of violence, so I came to the conclusion that she had fallen through weakness into that position, and was unable to move herself, and so became accidentally suffocated. She smelt strongly of spirits, and there was an empty bottle lying beside the bed which had contained whisky.

By the Foreman: There was nothing suspicious whatever about the body.

The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased accidentally died through being suffocated in the bed-clothes while in a very weak state.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 3 June, 1881. Price 1d.


 An application was made for an extension of time at the "Prince Albert" public-house, Biggin Street, for a dinner.

The Bench would not grant the application, as it was a rule to allow extensions for balls, &c., but not for dinners.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 26 October, 1888. Price 1d.


Cecelia Mary Elmar, a young woman respectably dressed, was charged with being drunk and refusing to quit the “Prince Albert” licensed premises when requested to do so.

Mary Ann Burden said her brother kept the “Prince Albert,” and she resided there. The prisoner came into the house about two o'clock the previous afternoon and asked for half a quartern of gin, which she took away, and returned about five minutes afterwards and asked for a glass of stout. Witness refused to serve her as she saw the prisoner was drunk. She requested her to leave, but she refused, and witness afterwards sent for a police constable, who had to take her into custody, as she still refused to quit the house. The prisoner had on several occasions previously caused a disturbance at the house.

Police-constable Nash proved moving the prisoner from the house. She was drunk.

The Bench fined the prisoner 10s. and costs.

The money was paid by the prisoner's husband.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 4 October, 1889. Price 1d.



On Wednesday evening about six o'clock, the inhabitants of Biggin Street were startled by an explosion of gas which took place in the cellar of the “Prince Albert Inn,” at the junction of Biggin Street and Priory Road. The noise made by the explosion is variously described. One person, who was standing by the “Red Cow” in Folkestone Road, said it sounded like a cart load of crockery ware being upset. In the Police station it sounded as though the Salvation Army drum had a smart blow in front of the door. The neighbours opposite in Biggin Street, said it was louder than the guns of the Royal salute which had been fired just before, while others thought it was an earthquake. What it seemed like to those in the house would be difficult to describe; for they were rather too alarmed to collect their thoughts for a while. Miss Burden and the two barmaids were standing where the greatest wreck occurred, the shock, which they felt was terrific, but, fortunately, with the exception of a cut in the face received by Miss Burton, they sustained no injury. The cause of the explosion seems to have been in the cellar right under the private part of the bar, where there comes up a pipe to heat a beer muller. It seems that in putting barrels the connecting pipe had been disturbed. A strong escape of gas was noticed shortly before six, and Mr. R. Adams was sent for and asked if he would see what was the matter. He went down into the cellar and temporarily stopped the leak with soap, and then he lighted the gas, whereupon there was a terrific explosion, which blew him across the cellar. Fortunately he fell easily and was not hurt. The force of the explosion seemed to go upwards, for the bar overhead and the little parlour at the back were literally wrecked. The people in front of the bar as well as the barmaids rushed for the street, where a large crowd immediately collected, and very soon the most alarming rumours prevailed, it being reported down the town that the wine, spirits, and beer were running down the gutter in the street. The outside crowd had not so much to see, with the exception of a window looking on Priory Road being broken, and the deluge of liquor in the street was pure fiction. The house was immediately shut up and everything was allowed to remain as the explosion left it, until it had been inspected by the insurance agent. We had a look inside before anything had been disturbed. The bar which faces the junction of the two roads is horse-shoe shaped, and a part next Priory Road is partitioned off as the jug and bottle department. With the exception of this latter, the front of the bar did not seem to have suffered much, but here the glass and white porcelain jars were blown about in a manner that must have startled the jug and bottle customers much more than it did if the explosion had occurred at the time of serving out the supper beer. In looking over into the private part of the bar the floor seemed to be heaped up with the debris of broken bottles, decanters, cigar boxes, and large ornamental jars. The effect of the explosion seems to have been peculiar. In one case half a bottle of ginger beer was left standing on the inner edge of the bar, the top half having been cut off clean, leaving the lower part quite full. The heads of decanters were blown off, the remainder left standing. The greatest wreck was in the little private room behind the bar. The partition wall was ripped up and stripped of the plaster as though it had been struck by lightening; all the furniture was blown into confusion, pewter pots, silver coffee services, and glass ware lay on the floor amongst a mass of laths and plaster, umbrellas, walking sticks, and wearing apparel. The greatest wonder of all is that in such an explosion there should have been the three bar attendants right in the midst of it escaping comparatively unhurt.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 6 February, 1890. Price 1d.


Mr. J. Burden, of the “Prince Albert Inn,” applied for, and obtained a special license to supply refreshment at the Artillery Volunteer Ball, on Monday night, at the Town Hall.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 October, 1891. Price 1d.


Charles Rasmond was charged with stealing three gold lockets, value £3, the property of Mr. A. Luckhurst.

Albert E. Luckhurst, jeweller, 127, Snargate Street, said the prisoner came into his shop between three and four o'clock on Monday afternoon. He bought a watch, which he wished to have repaired. Witness went into the room at the back of the shop to do this. He had been there two minutes when he heard a noise like a case being opened. He went back to see what was the matter, and heard a clock fall, which was damaged to the extent of 7s. 6d. The clock was on the floor. Prisoner said he had knocked it down accidentally, and offered to make good the damage. He paid for the repairs to the watch, and said he would pay the money for the damage on Friday. He also looked at some goods, which he said he would purchase on Friday. In the evening witness missed three lockets from the case on which the clock was standing. The lockets produced were the same, and were worth £3. He gave the address of 13, Dour Street. Witness gave information to the Police.

Edward William Windsor, provision dealer, Cannon Street, said prisoner came into his shop on Monday afternoon. He was a customer. After serving him, the prisoner produced the three lockets and said, “Here is a cheap little lot,” and that he had just won them in a raffle, and cost him 1s. 6d., but were of no use to him. He asked him what he wanted for the small one, and prisoner said 1s. Witness said it would do for a child, and kept it till the Police came.

Thomas Francis, plumber, 11, York Street, said, that on Monday evening the prisoner came to his house to see his wife. She had known him for some time, and introduced him to witness who was talking to a gentleman in the shop. After he was gone she showed him two lockets in the presence of the prisoner, who said he had won them in a raffle for 1s. 6d., and that witness' wife's mother, with whom prisoner lodges, had sent him over to witness to see if he would buy them for his little girls. Witness bought them for 5s. he identified prisoner at the “Prince Albert” yesterday. Prisoner had lodged at witness' wife's mother for about three months, and seemed to have nothing to do.

By the prisoner: You were under the influence of drink on Monday.

Police-sergeant Suters said that on the previous afternoon, shortly before three he was off duty. He went into the “Prince Albert.” He had previously had charge of this case, and had recovered the three lockets in the morning. The prisoner was in the bar, and asked to be allowed to pay for witness' drink, and he then thought he answered the description of the man witness was looking for. Witness said, “You will excuse me, I want to go out into the back,” and then went and fetched Francis, who identified prisoner as the man he bought the lockets from. Prisoner then asked witness to have a cigar, and he replied, “No; the fact is, I am going to take you into custody.” Prisoner asked what for, and witness explained the charge. Prisoner said he was in liquor, or he would not have done it. Witness took him into custody.

Sergeant Barton said they knew nothing of the prisoner, but he received a weekly allowance from his mother.

The accused was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 15 January, 1937. Price 1½d.


A practical joke by one of the guests at the Town Hall last Friday led to his appearance at the Police Court on Monday on a charge of stealing a bell, value 1s., from the "Prince Albert Hotel." The Chief Constable stated that when the defendant came out of the public house he was seen by P.C. Turner to take the bell out of his pocket and commence ringing it and as a result of interrogation he was arrested for its theft but admitted to bail. The Chairman of the bench, Mr. W. J. Barnes, told defendant that he had acted very foolishly but the Magistrates were going to be lenient and dismiss the case.


Dover Express, Friday 22 September 1939.

Breaches of Blackout Rules.

Helen Porter, of the "Prince Albert Hotel," Biggin Street, was also fined 10s. when she pleaded guilty to a similar offence at 10 p.m. on September 3rd.

Chief Inspector Saddleton said that a strong light was visible owing to inadequate screening in the public bar window. The curtain was thick enough, but insecurely fastened at the sides.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 26 January 1940.


There was an alarming accident in Biggin Street on Wednesday, shortly before 1 p.m. when an East Kent bus being driven towards the Post Office got into a skid near the "Prince Albert" Hotel, in pulling out to avoid obstructions. It slid across and mounted the pavement, the off-side scraping along the wall of the "Prince Albert," but the driver Mr. J Hatton, managed to turn it back into the road. Mrs. Watkins, of 29, Noah's Ark Road, who was on the pavement walking towards the Town Hall, had a remarkable escape from serious injury, although unfortunately, her left wrist was fractured.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 2 January 1942.


At the Dover Police Court on Saturday before Mr. W. B. Brett and Mrs. Morecroft.

Douglass Clapper (21) and Charles William Yarrington (21) soldiers, were charged with being concerned together in stealing fifteen bottles of beer, valued 13s. 6d., the property of Richard George Porter, from the "Prince Albert" public house, on 26th December.

On application from an officer, defendants were handed over to be dealt with by the Military Authorities.


Dover Express 10th May 1946.

Town, Port & Garrison.

The torrential rain early on Wednesday morning caused minor flooding and the National Fire Service was engaged in pumping out basements at 10 and 12 Park Street, the Dovorian Restaurant, Market Square and the “Prince Albert”, Biggin Street.


Dover Express 12th July 1946.

Town, Port & Garrison.

A three year old child, Leon Prescott of 21 Percival Terrace, struck by a car outside the “Prince Albert” in Biggin Street on Saturday, sustained a slight cut on the head.


Dover Express 16th July 1948.


When opening time for public houses arrived on Wednesday evening, the manageress of the “Prince Albert” in Biggin Street, in charge during the temporary absence of the landlord, was unable to open the front door.

While would-be customers waited, the barmaid made repeated efforts to open the door, but, after half an hour, decided to call the Fire Brigade. They arrived with a ladder and a fireman got through a bedroom window and opened the door from the inside.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 29 January 1954.

Well-known Licensee Retires

"Prince Albert" Changes Hands.

After 24 years as licensee of the "Prince Albert" public house, in Biggin Street, Mr. Richard George Porter has retired. Dover magistrates on Monday agreed to the temporary transfer of the house to Mr. William Herbert Scotcher.

Mr. Porter - who is well-known in the town especially for his work in helping the former ex-Servicemen's Club - will continue to live in the area.

Mr. Scotcher and his wife will not be unknown in Dover. Mrs. Scotcher - before she married she was Miss Kathleen Tandy - lived for a number of years in Dover, and when she was about nine resided in the house next door to the "Prince Albert." Mr. Scotcher's mother was also a Dover woman. For the past 18 years Mr. Scotcher has been carrying on business as a fishmonger in Clapham.


From the Dover Express, 1st April 1999. By Peter Preston.

Police use spy cameras to trap thieving barman.

A DOVER barman caught stealing from the pub where he worked has been jailed for nine months.

Canterbury Crown Court ordered the sentence should run consecutively to a 15-month term Anthony Green is already serving for stealing money from a building society account belonging to Harry Cross, the man he was once employed to look after.

Green, 33, appeared in court on Tuesday and admitted stealing £100 from Roy Gilham at the Prince Albert, Dover, in June last year.

Andrew Collins, prosecuting, said that soon after Green, of Weavers Way, began working at the Prince Albert money began to go missing. A surveillance camera was installed in a cupboard where the till tray was put at night and Green was filmed taking money.

When questioned he said he sometime took subs in lieu of wages and said he had taken £10 for a taxi.

Mr Gilham said he would not have loaned Green, who earned £74 a week, the £100.

Peter Alcock, for Green, said he regretted the way he treated Mr Cross and admitted the theft.

Green had financial difficulties and there was a system in the pub where employees could get money from the till in lieu of wages and it was a temptation.


From the YourDover 17 November 2010


THE Prince Albert, in Dover, is a small town centre pub selling beers, wine, spirits, cider, coffee etc.

We sell food, which is all home made on the premises, using fresh and locally-sourced products.

The property is situated at the end of the precinct, opposite the town council offices.

There is pavement on all sides, so we don't have the pleasure of a garden or car park, but there are a couple of car parks in very easy walking distance, 200 metres away at the most.

We were recently granted planning permission and installed a large awning to one side of the pub, offering shelter for smokers.

Food on offer includes homemade soup of the day, with a fresh roll, fresh fish in beer batter with hand-cut chips, rump or sirloin steak, homemade burgers and cheesecake.

Inside the Prince Albert

The pub is open in winter from 9am, usually until 11.30pm, but we are licensed from 8 am until 2am, seven days a week. We serve food from 9am to 9pm, seven days a week.

We are expecting to open at 8am in the summer and maybe serve food a bit later, perhaps to 10pm.

Our staff are all dressed in uniform - dark green polo shirt with their name on the front and Prince Albert on the back, along with black trousers or skirt and black shoes.

We have table service, which is rare in pubs in this area, and is usually reserved for restaurants or wine bars.

We have live music from 8.30pm every Sunday, and sometimes on a Friday or Saturday evening as well.


From the Dover Express, Thursday, 10 February, 2011. 60p


Pub stages interactive exhibition

Report by Kathy Bailes

A PHOTOGRAPHIC tour of forgotten sites in Dover is to be displayed in a town centre pub.

The "Prince Albert" has commissioned Urban Decay, a trio of local photographers dedicated to discovering the history of forgotten places, to host an exhibition of photographs of hidden parts of Dover and the surrounding district.

Spokesman Grog Mckenzie said; "All these pictures will leave you wondering where they could be located. Many are walked past each day and lay in silent memory to a courageous era in Dover's history.

"Some have fallen so far into neglect that not even being on the Buildings at Risk Register can save them. They are gradually being reclaimed by mother nature, end may soon be lost forever.

"This photographic tour will highlight just a small part of what is hidden beneath your feel, and make you open your eyes to the lost parts of your town."

During the showing of Abandoned Dover, from April 9 to April 16, people will be able to view the photos both inside and outside the pub.

Much of the work on show will also be in themed frames, some made from abandoned materials, others put in shapes by laser work at Sandwich Technology School.

At the end of the week there will be a live graffiti demonstration at which a local artist will produce an 8ft by 4ft picture of Dover castle.

The event is free.

Admiralty pier walkway

Above shows Urban Decay's stunning shot of the Admiralty Pier walkway, which used to be the entrance to Western Docks station.


From the Dover Express, Thursday, 14 April, 2011. 60p


Report by Yamurai Zendera

A PHOTOGRAPHIC exhibition of forgotten sites in Dover has begun at the "Prince Albert."

The Biggin Street pub is displaying the work of three Kent based photographers known collectively as Urban Decay.

Greg McKenzie

All this year, pals Greg Mckenzie, Tony Pullen and Daniel Yeates have been taking pictures of old sites across the town.

When publican Steve Davies saw their work, he asked if they would like to use the "Prince Albert" as a gallery.

Abandoned Dover features 37 pictures on display inside and outside the pub. Some have been framed using driftwood and materials from charity shops and rubbish skips.

Former St Edmund's pupil Greg said the aim is to show an alternative view of Dover other than the port and castle.

He said: "There's lots of history hidden away. I'm not really interested in taking countryside views, I'm more interested in capturing things that are about to be pulled down or been left to rot.

The picture of the Admiralty Pier walkway has aroused most interest, Greg added.

"People think it's all shut yet it's Open 2014+ if you want to fish down there," he said.

Greg is keen for people to contribute their own photographs to the exhibition.

He said: "The pub is an open gallery. People should come down and use it as their canvas."

Steve said he would like themed exhibitions to continue after this one ends on Saturday.

He said: "Abandoned Dover is brilliant but I would like to see more artists who are interested in putting some shows together. It would be nice to have them running through the summer. It can be on anything."

Army Recruiting Offices

Above shows the roof of the old Army Recruiting Offices in Townwall Street.


From the Dover Express, Thursday, 28 June, 2012. 65p.


A WOMAN who was too drunk to appear before magistrates was told to go home and come back the next day when she was sober.

Catrina Tauden, 48, of Upper Road, Dover, got in trouble with police after being told to leave the town centre on June 9.

Officers eventually issued a Section 27 notice, used to order people away from a designated area to cut antisocial behaviour, and when she returned to the town centre she was arrested.

Tauden was late for court on Thursday (June 21) and her solicitor Leanne James confirmed her client was apparently “the worse for wear”.

She was brought before magistrates Paul Seward who ordered her to return the following morning.

“Be here on time and make sure you are sober,” he told her.

Last Friday, Tauden was back in court where she pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the direction of a police officer.

The court was told members of the public and the landlord of the "Prince Albert" pub had alerted police. She has “numerous previous convictions for being drunk and disorderly and like convictions,” the court heard.

Defending, Leanne James said her client is was “a lonely lady” who gets trouble from local youths.



Was closed for a short time in 2018 but reopened again in January of 2019 after a refurbishment.



RALPH Mr 1843+

NIBLETT R B 1847 Bagshaw's Directory 1847

READ Mr 1852+

WELFARE George Jan-7/Feb/1854 dec'd (three weeks licensee)

FORSTER John Apr/1855-61+ (age 51 in 1861Census) Melville's 1858

WELLARD Joseph to Apr/1864 dec'd Dover Express

WILLIAMS Daniel 1866-Oct/67 Dover Express

WELLARD George Oct/1867 (Of Canterbury) Dover Express

BARNES William 1871-74 (age 46 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

PARFITT Charles 1876

BURDEN John William 1881-91+ (age 36 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1882Dover Express

WRAIGHT G to Mar/1893 Dover Express

Last pub licensee had CROFT George Lawrence Mar/1893-Feb/97 Dover ExpressPikes 1895

Last pub licensee had APPLETON Thomas Feb/1897-1901 and 1912 Dover ExpressKelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903

CONE J 1907

Last pub licensee had APPLETON (Councillor) Thomas Nov/1912 Dover Express

WOOD Mr G Nov/1912+ Dover Express

NOAKES H 1914 end


WARNER Walter B 1919-25 end Pikes 1923Pikes 1924

WILSON William George 1925-Aug/27 Dover Express

STEVENS Samuel Aug/1927+ Dover Express (Late of H.M. Army)

PORTER Richard George 1930-Feb/54 end Pikes 48-49Dover Express

SCOTCHER William Albert Feb/1954-57 end Dover Express

MILLINGTON Edward Wilson 1957-62

POPPLE W 1964+

Last pub licensee had RICH Kenneth J 1971-77 end Library archives 1974 Whitbread Fremlins

HAGGER William 1977-83 end

BURR Peter 1983-84 end

Last pub licensee had GILHAM Ronald G 1984-2002+

DAVIES Steven 2010+

New licensee, name unknown as yet Nov/2011+

PAVELEY Debbie 2020+


The Dover Express reported that the temporary transfer from Councillor T. Appleton to Mr. G. Wood, of Messrs. Leney and Co. would subsequently be taken over by Mr. A. E. Ward.


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Pikes 1923From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
