Page Updated:- Wednesday, 28 August, 2024.


Earliest 1866-

Dog and Bear

Latest ????

(Name to)

88 Rough Common Road

Rough Common


1874 map

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.

Dog and Bear 1950

Above postcard, 1950.

Dog and Bear

Dog and Bear photo by David Long, (Creative Commons License)

Dog and Bear sign 1985Dog and Bear sign 1986

Above sign left 1985, sign right August 1986.

With thanks from Roger Pester

Billy Nutt licensee

Above photo showing licensee Billy Nutt, circa 2009.


The "Dog and Bear" sign recall the old sport of bear-baiting.

The Maple family moved from the "Magpie" after a fire at that pub in 1874 continued to run the "Dog and Bear" until 1956 and were keep supporters of Harbledown Cricket Club, which plays its home games just down the road, behind Rough Common Village Hall.

An entry in Fremlin's 1950s publication called "Where shall we go," indicated the following:- Phone number - Canterbury 5183. Parking accommodation - 3 Coaches. Remarks - Piano available.


I believe this pub lost the Bear in its name and is now trading under the name the "Dog." When this happened, at present I do not know.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 8 September 1866.

St Augustine's Petty Sessions. Saturday. Annual Licensing Day.

The county Magistrates renewed the publicans' spirit licence today.

Applications were also heard for new licences, and, as well be seen by the following list, the majority of these were granted.

Licences granted, Herbert Ellis "Dog and Bear," Harbledown.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 13 January 1900. Price 1d.


The East Kent Coroner (R. M. Mercer, Esq ) held an inquest on Tuesday, at the “Dog and Bear,” Harbledown on the body of Harriet Hawkins.

Edward Hawkins, agricultural labourer, stated that deceased was his wife and was aged 72. About two weeks after hopping she went cutting bines at Mr. Barnet's farm. She accidentally pricked her hand with some wire, and about three or four days later she was taken ill. She went to bed where she had remained ever since, and died that morning.

Mr. H. O. Preston, surgeon, Canterbury, deposed that he was called to see deceased on the previous day. He found she was suffering from an injury to the right hand and high fever. It was case of acute blood poisoning. He attended her till her death, which was due to (1) injury to hand (2) acute blood poisoning resulting therefrom.

The jury returned a verdict accordingly.


Dover Express 21 August 1914.


A fire broke out on Sunday afternoon at the stables at the rear of the "Dog and Bear," Rough Common, Harbledown, near Canterbury, which resulted in the stable and six adjoining cottages being gutted. The damage is estimated at about £600. The origin of the outbreak is unknown.


From 20 March 2015.

A singer and pub landlord has been jailed for four years for indecency with a four-year-old boy.

Billy Nutt, who once supported Shirley Bassey on tour, stood shame-faced in the dock as a judge told him the offence had been an aberration and “utter madness”.

The gay 55-year-old, who runs the "Providence Inn" at Sandgate, Folkestone and previously ran the "Dog and Bear" pub in Canterbury, denied sexual assault, but was convicted by a jury.

Maidstone Crown Court heard Nutt, of Black Eagle Drive, Northfleet, was arrested after the boy told his mother what had happened.

“My reaction to police being at my door was total surprise,” he said. “I felt shocked, stunned, disbelief” - Billy Nutt

Prosecutor Catherine Farrelly said when police went to his flat last year “in plain sight” next to his bed was a gay pornographic magazine open on a page showing oral sex between two men.

Miss Farrelly said a forensic scientist examined the boy’s underpants he had been wearing at the time and saliva found on the front matched Nutt’s DNA profile.

Miss Farrelly said when the boy told his mother what had happened in the early part of last year he made a licking motion with his tongue.

The judge described Nutt's offences as "an aberration."

“She was stunned by what she heard,” she said. “She was shocked and upset.”

The boy repeated the allegation when interviewed by a police officer. “He told me not to tell anybody,” he said. “He said it was a secret.”

Nutt, who grew up in the Temple Hill area of Dartford, said he played in bands and went on to have a solo career, working in clubs and on cruise ships.

“I performed all over the world,” he said. “I decided to slow down. I’d had enough of driving 2,000 miles a week and rushing to get a boat or plane.

"It is not as glamorous as it sounds.”

Nutt said he decided to have “a more normal life” running pubs. He declared that he was “openly gay”.

He claimed he only tickled the boy and blew raspberries on his stomach. “I noticed he had a lot of saliva on his belly,” he said. “I wiped his belly.”

He said he believed the saliva would have been transferred from his hand onto the boy’s pants.

“My reaction to police being at my door was total surprise,” he said. “I felt shocked, stunned, disbelief.”

He added that he did not know how the gay magazine came to be open on the floor of his bedroom.

Nutt denied having a sexual interest in children and assaulting the boy.

Judge David Griffith-Jones QC made a restraining order banning Nutt from contact with the boy or his mother.

His name will appear on the sex offenders’ register and he will be barred from working with children.

A sexual harm prevention order banning unsupervised contact with children was made to protect the public.



ELLIS Herbert 1866-74+ (also baker age 34 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

Last pub licensee had MAPLE George 1875-5/Aug/98 dec'd (also baker age 49 in 1891 Census)Post Office Directory 1882

MAPLE Maria H Aug/1898-30 (widow also baker) CensusPost Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1922Post Office Directory 1930

MAPLE Harry to 1942

MAPLE Frederick John 1942-56 Post Office Directory 1938

NUTT Bill Next pub licensee had pre 2009



Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-