5 Cumberland Place/8-10 Hereson Road
01843 593046
Elephant and Castle may be a corruption of Infanta da Castile, the title
given to the daughters of the Spanish Kings, but is also the crest of the
Cutler's Company.
The building can be dated to 1834.
Kentish Gazette, 4 May 1847.
Ramsgate and St. Lawrence, Thanet.
At the "Albion Hotel," Ramsgate, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of May,
1847, at Tow for Three o'clock
precisely in the afternoon, by order of the Trustees for Sale under the
Will of the late Captain John Wilson, in Eleven Lots.
LOT 4:- A MESSUAGE or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the sign of the "Elephant
and Castle," situate in the Parish of Saint Lawrence, Thanet, on the
north-west side of the Hereson Road; comprising 15 rooms, with a yard,
bakehouse, and oven in rear; let to Mr. William Parker, for a term which
will expire on the 11th October, 1851, at £30 yearly rent.
The buildings comprised in this Lot are extensive, and might, at a small
expense, be converted into three distinct dwelling houses.
Kentish Gazette, 20 June 1854.
Coroner's Inquest.
An inquest was held at the Town Hall on Monday Inst, before R. J.
Emmerson, Esq., coroner for the Cinque Ports, on the body of Jane
Wells, aged 18 years, who was found drowned in the basin of the
Royal Harbour, on Sunday night, at about 11 o'clock.
George Young deposed:— I am a fruiterer, and live in King Street;
deceased was my niece; she has been living with me as servant for 2
years and 6 months. She left home on Sunday afternoon, at a quarter
before 3 o'clock, to go to church. I have not seen her since till
this morning about 9 o'clock. I was informed by a person that came
to my house that a female was picked up in the basin drowned, and
was lying in one of the pier storehouses. I went there immediately,
and identified the body as that of my niece; her time to be home is
9 o'clock, but she often made it half-past nine. She has been
keeping company with a young man named Robert Edney. I went at a
quarter-past 10 o'clock on Sunday evening to Mr. Packer's, the
"Elephant and Castle," and asked one of Mr. Packer's daughters if
Edney was there; she said he was; I told her to ask him where he
left my niece. She brought word back that he left her at a quarter
before 10 o'clock against Mr. Ratcliffs fence, close to where she
lived. I went down the town, but could not tee anything of her; she
has never staid from home all night before.
Alfred John Ayers said:— I am a surgeon, and live in Queen-street,
at about 10 minutes to 12 o'clock on Sunday night, I was called to
go to the Pier storehouse to see a drowned woman. I went
immediately, and found deceased quite dead, my opinion is she had
been dead some time, from her body being found floating. I have
since examined the body; there are no marks of violence on her, only
merely a slight discolouring on the spine of the back; she was not
in the family way, and there were no other symptoms of her death but
from drowning. Other evidence was given, and the jury returned an
open verdict of "found drowned."
From the Kentish Chronicle. 27 August 1859. Price 1½d.
William Packer, of the “Elephant and Castle” Hereson road, fly
proprietor, appeared before the court, charged by Police-constable
Farley, with driving in the public streets from carriage-stand to
carriage-stand seeking for passengers, contrary to the Local Act of this
town. Defendant pleaded not guilty:- The case being proved by Police-constable
Farley and Minter, to the satisfaction of the Magistrates:- Parker was
fined 5s. and 13s. costs. Money paid. |
From the Thanet Advertiser, 21 August 1915.
The death took place on Tuesday of Mr. John Lawrence who, previous to
his retirement a few years ago had been the licensee of the
"Elephant and Castle Inn," Hereson Road, for a period of nearly twenty
From the Thanet Advertiser, Friday 23 June 1944.
Licence Transfer.
Ramsgate Magistrates on Monday consented to the transfer of the licence
of the "Elephant and Castle," Hereson Road, from Frederick John Paul to
George Edward Avery. One of Ramsgate best-known licences, Mr. Paul has
been in business in the town for many years. Before going to the
"Elephant and Castle" he was licensee of the "Australian Arms." Mr. Paul
has taken an active part in the work of the Isle of Thanet Licensed
Retailers' Protection Society and Mrs. Paul in the benevolent work of
the women's auxiliary.
Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 16 August 1949.
Died in Chair. Passing of Licensee.
Mr. George Edward Avery, licensee of the "Elephant and Castle Inn,"
Hereson-road, collapsed and died in a
chair at the premises on Thursday evening.
Mr. Avery, who was 63 years of age, had returned a few hours before from
a sea trip, during which he was
seasick. After he was taken suddenly ill Dr. P. Grugeon was called but
on arrival found Mr. Avery had
passed away.
The circumstances were reported to the East Kent Coroner (Mr. W. R.
Mowll), but after a post-mortem
examination by Dr. I. B. Morris, pathologist, had revealed death to be
due to natural causes, no inquest
was necessary.
PACKER/SACKER William 1841-74+ (age 64 in 1871 )
DANTON George 1881-82+ (age 27 in 1881 )
DANTON Emma Mrs 1890-91+
LAWRENCE John 1899-1907+

TURNER Henry William 1913-22+
PAUL Frederick John Apr/1928-June/44 (age 59 in 1939)
AVERY George Edward June/1944-Aug/49 dec'd
AVERY Sophia M A Mrs 12/Aug/1949-52
THOMAS William F E (son-in-law) 1952-55
STUBBS H T 1955-Mar/57
TAYLOR A N Mar/1957+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903