Sort file:- Ramsgate, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 09 January, 2025.


Earliest 1869

Granville Hotel

Closed 1991

Victoria Parade


Granville postcard

Above postcard date unknown, kindly sent by Michael Coomber.

Granville 1878

Above engraving 1878.

Granville Marina 1878

Above engraving showing the Granville Marina 1878.

Granville Marina 1878

Above engraving showing the Granville Marina 1878.

Granville Hotel engraving

Above engraving, date unknown.

Granville Hotel Entrance Hall 1900

Above photo showing the entrance hall, 1900.

The Sketch, Wednesday 14 April 1909.

Granville Hotel motors 1909


Messrs. Spiers and Pond, proprietors of the well-known Empire Hotels, have devised a new and attractive form of week-end holiday. They will convey visitors from London to Ramsgate by motor, through the lovely Kentish scenery, for a week-end stay at their "Granville Hotel," at the modest inclusive charge of £2 2s. These trips promise to be very popular, and the scheme will probably be extended to their other hotels, and for longer periods.

Granville Hotel 1913

Above postcard, 1913.

Granville Hotel 1919

Above postcard, 1919, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Granville Hotel 1929

Above postcard, postmarked 20 July 1929.

Granville Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, from the Isle of Thanet Collection.

Granville Hotel

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission Roy Moore,

Granville Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, by kind permission Roy Moore,

Granville Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, by kind permission Roy Moore,

Above photo, date unknown by Benedict Kelly.

Granville Hotel ruins

Above photo, circa 1940, by kind permission Roy Moore,


Opened in 1869, also addressed at Victoria Parade, East Cliff and Victoria Road in 1890.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 25 June 1870.


The season of 1870 was ushered in with a flourish of trumpets. Generally it comes upon the inhabitants, not unawares, nor at all unwelcome, but somewhat gradually. On Tuesday its advent was proclaimed by music and pageant, and Ramsgate, with eyes folly rubbed and broad awake, after a long winters repose, smiled at the tokens of promise. Much of the popular excitement arose from a deeper motive, however, than the occurrence of a holiday. The day was intended to herald a new era for Ramsgate, to deal a death-blow to the hum-drum monotony of the dead past, and at the same time to give a trifle of help to the living present, and make a dear highway for a lively future. So far as Ramsgate is concerned, we will adopt Mr. Loogfellow’s recommendation, and let the dead past deal with its own affairs. Ramsgate is to be for the future a new town, a city upon the hill, bearing the name of St. Lawrence-on-Sea. This is the idea which Mr. Welby Pugin, son of the celebrated architect, is carrying out at an immense cost of money, and we are told that the inhabitants of Ramsgate, so far from being jealous of the innovation, recognise the seeds of prosperity in it. Ramsgate was part of the parish of St. Lawrence until it became a separate parish between 60 and 70 years since. The East Cliff is in St. Lawrence, and upon the late Lady Truro’s estate Mr. Pugin has begun his city, as they do in the Far West, by building an hotel. The "Granville" is just such a building as Ramsgate wants, and we were not surprised at being told that, instead of robbing the smaller hotels of custom, it had attracted visitors who would not otherwise have come, and after becoming full had sent the surplus to find accommodation in the town. The hotel, having been designed, furniture and all, by Mr. Pugin, is of course to the backbone Gothic, after saying which, it is perhaps necessary to add that this, great comfort is equal to its elaborate adornments. The sea ebbs and flows 90 feet beneath. There are Turkish baths, sea-water laid on to every floor, south, east, and west aspects, sea-water plunges, a tanned ride before the front door, and a croquet and promenading lawn excavated to a considerable depth to meet the requirements of invalids. This device, it is said, makes the temperature "equal to that of Nice." The jubilation of Tuesday consisted, first, in the public opening of this large croquet lawn, where band music assisted the promenaders. The visitors were next taken through a long dark tunnel from the top of the cliff to the sands—a novel and easy, though to the originator expensive and troublesome, way of saving distance. A new road towards the Foreland is being laid down parallel with the beach. A drive through the town brought the visitors to the steam works, where screeching saws, and flying wheels, and whistling plains were manufacturing the fittings and furniture which Mr. Pugin intends to introduce into the mansions now being built on his property. The charming little church of St. Augustine on the West Cliff fell in the route, and another halt was inevitable. Mr. Pugin kindly permitted such visitors as desired it to see the principal rooms in his own house, which are modelled on the same architectural style as his father's church and the Benedictine College near. A banquet, of course, was on the afternoon programme, and, equally of course, the programme in this respect was not departed from. Mr. Pugin, in a post-prandial speech, enthusiastically pictured prosperity for Ramsgate, and a great future for the new city which he wishes to see covering the breezy cliff. After more music and promenading, there was an operatic concert in a large new hall attached to the hotel—an exceedingly pretty room fitted up for theatrical as well as musical representations. There was a numerous, fashionable, and well-pleasing audience, and the singing of the Sisters Doria, Miss Lyndhurat, Mdlle. Elise, Mr. Bell, Mr. Sutcliffe, and Mons. Waldeck, under the conductorship of Mr. Lansdowne Cottell, roused them to continual applause. After the concert the company promenaded on the lawn and on the promenades till midnight. Chinese lanterns by the handled illuminated every part of the grounds, coloured fires at intervals lit up the surrounding buildings, and over the sea the moon, rising higher every moment, marked a diamond-studded pathway miles in length. Here Ramsgate held revelry by night, the young folks talked sentiment and dreamed dreams on the edge of the cliff, or romped and sung on the dry sward, and the oldest inhabitants filled the seats, and looked on with placid content. Outside of the grounds crowds gazed at the pretty sight within, much pleased that although they could not mingle with the festive throng they could hear the music and see the lanterns free of cost. Under the personal management of Mr. Pugin himself, Mr. Clemson of the hotel, and M. Lavigiere, who in a gorgeous uniform and gold epaulettes, took charge of the artistic portion of the entertainment, the inaugural day passed off without a hitch. Even in the small hours Ramsgate was "keeping it up." At one in the morning we heard—did any one ever go to the seaside without hearing said or sung—" What are the wild waves saying?" They were saying nothing whatever, but noiselessly stealing in as if, in the face of that other tide in the affairs of Ramsgate which the good people were now taking at its turn, common politeness impelled a decent silence and glassy flow.


Illustrated London News. Saturday 02 December 1871.


OZONODISED BATHS at the "GRANVILLE HOTEL," Isle of Thanet. Boarding Terms for the Winter Season, now commenced, 10s. 6d. a day. Address the Manager.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier and Southern Counties Herald. 25 July 1873. Price 1d.


The Hornet last week had the following on Ramsgate:— The "Granville Hotel" is not to be transformed into a monastery at present.


From the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, Saturday 4 August 1877.

It is with great pleasure we announce the fact that Mr. Boulter, the gentleman who has been so successfully running the "Orleans" coach between the New Orleans Club at Twickenham and London, has, with a party of very influential friends, arranged to run the coach from the "Granville," St. Lawrence on Sea, to Canterbury, commencing on 6th August next. The coach will start at ten o'clock daily, and will take up passengers en route to the "White Hart Hotel," Margate, and again at the "Beach House Hotel," Westgate on Sea, at which place the horses will be changed. It will then proceed by Upstreet and Sarre to Canterbury. This will be a very great addition to the pleasures already so plentifully showered upon visitors to the Isle of Thanet, as it is a well-known and undoubted fact that a finer team of horses or a better appointed coach does not run out of London.


From the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, Saturday 4 August 1877.

The Granville Hotel.

Our readers will be surprised to hear that the "Granville" has again changed hands. It appears that the successful management of Mr. Jefferis has enabled the proprietors to leave, on very favourable terms, both this and the "Beach House Hotel", at Westgate. The new tenant is Mr. Quartermain East, of the "Queen's Hotel," St. Martin le Grand, to whom we beg to offer a hearty welcome to Ramsgate. Mr. Jefferis, on retiring from the appointment of which he has held with such success and popularity, will carry with him the hearty good wishes of a large number of his fellow townspeople and we believe he will be missed at the local board, where he has evinced a great interest in the welfare of the Town generally his chief aim having been to secure the drainage, and other improvements, of the Sir Moses Montythore Ward, which he represents, and a better approach to the Sands and the East Cliff.


Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News 24 May 1884.


The re-decoration of this hotel is now complete, and under entirely new proprietorship. It is highly recommended by many medical men, and is patronised by the nobility, members of Parliament, county families, and professional men generally. Present terms 10s. 6d. per day (except at Whitsuntide), including attendance, bed room, and full board. The Granville express runs daily, leaving Holbom Viaduct 3.10 p.m. and Victoria 3.15 p.m. arriving at Ramsgate at 5.15 p.m.

Tariff on Application.

The Granville Band plays daily during table d’hôte.

Turkish, ozone, plunge, needle, hot and cold, sea water, and pine baths.


Illustrated London News, Saturday 25 May 1889.



Granville Hotel 1889

This Hotel possesses every modern and sanitary improvement. It is finely situated on the East Cliff facing the sea, and commands splendid views of the Downs, the Gull Stream (the great nautical highway of the world), the South Foreland. the valley of the Stour, and, in clear weather, the coast of France in the distance. It contains all the accommodation of a high-class Hotel, together with a suite of Baths which for extent and completeness are unequalled in the world, all of which can be reached without leaving the Hotel. They comprise Ozone, so specially useful in the treatment of rheumatism, and rheumatic gout; Turkish, Douche, Sea-Water Plunge, Hot and Cold Sea-Water, Electric and all descriptions of Hydropathic Baths. Masseurs (male and female) reside on the premises. There is also a well-appointed Table-d’Hote, Billiard-Room, Private Garden with Lawn Tennis Ground, and good Coachhouse and Stabling. In addition to the Public Rooms there are numerous Suites of Private Apartments, together with nearly 200 additional Bed-Rooms.


“The Granville Express." runs daily from Victoria (3.15) and Holborn Viaduct (3.10), by the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, arriving at 5.15, and from Charing-cross (3.25) and Cannon-street (3.33) by the South-Eastern Railway.

Opinions of the Press.

“The Granville at Ramsgate is flourishing, to judge by the run upon it. The hotel itself is a monument of reckless expenditure by that Early English architect, Mr. Pugin; but this, of course, is to the benefit of those who use it. The food, which used to be so-so, is now excellent; the air is so fresh and crisp, even during the spell of hot weather, that eating is a positive pleasure.”— Truth.

"From having been a long suffering victim to sciatica and rheumatism, I have tried most of the Continental waters with no such satisfactory result—except in the solitary case of Aix-les-Bains, perhaps—as the ozone baths at the hotel (the Granville), which afford the most efficacious relief to both complaints. As a hydropathic establishment, at which Turkish and other description of baths can be obtained, the Granville has undergone vast improvement since its occupation by Mr. Quartermaine East and his son. Mr. Bateman East; while the cuisine will compare with the Schweitzerhof at Lucerne, or any other renowned Continental hotel."— Morning Post.

“ Certainly no English hotel can produce the equal of its chef. The attendance is excellent. and if you wish to dine table d'hote-ically, you may do so with luxury and solid comfort.”

To Golfers. The St. George's Club Links are within Twenty Minutes' journey by Rail - constant Trains.


Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 01 July 1913.


The death occurred on Friday, at the "Granville Hotel," Ramsgate, of Major Arthur Hill, only son of Lord Arthur Hill, and cousin of the present Marquess of Downshire, who formerly resided at Wakehurst Place. The deceased, who was 39 years of age, belonged to the 5th Royal Irish Rifles, and was M.P. for West Down from 1898 to 1905. The funeral took place yesterday (Monday) at Easthampstead, Berkshire.


From The Yorkshire Evening Post, Monday, 10 February 1919.

Explosion of German Mine at Ramsgate.

Damage estimated at £4,000.

The explosion of a huge German mine near the Marine Pier at Ramsgate, briefly reported in our latest additions on Saturday, did great damage over an acre of at least 1 square mile. The receding tide had left foreshore between Ramsgate and Broadstairs strewn with sacks and flour, packets of lard, and timber, presumably from the wreck of the American vessel Piave; but the object which excited most interest was a mine standing 4 feet high.

It proved to be German, containing about 300 lb of explosive. When it was inspected by the naval authorities, it was found that one of the 6 horns containing the detonators was deeply embedded in the sands. Warned by the police of the possibility of an explosion, the inhabitants of houses and shops on the Marine Parade, about 200 yards away, evacuated their dwellings, and it was fortunate they did so, for no sooner had the waves, still backed by a bitterly cold Easterly wind, reached the mine than it turned over and exploded with a report heard all over the town.

The concussion was so tremendous that it was felt throughout an area of at least a square mile. Nearly every window in the houses on the Marine Parade was blown into the roadway, and much of the fabric damaged. Had they still been occupied at the time, the casualties would undoubtedly have been great.

Despite the height of the cliff, the premises on the upper promenade of the East Cliff suffered severely. The extent of the damage in this quarter spread from Wellington Crescent to Thanet Road embracing many boarding houses, the "Granville Hotel" (now unoccupied), and the "Hotel St. Cloud."

A rough estimate of the cost of replacing windows alone shows that the figure will be in the vicinity of £2,000. In addition probably almost as much will be required to cover the damage to the woodwork of frames and doors, and plaster ceilings, walls and furniture, to say nothing of the effect of the concussion on foundations and brickwork. The Corporation carts were required to remove the shattered glass. It is said that the mine was of a new type.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 20 October 1923.

Ramsgate. Going from Granville.

Yesterday the Ramsgate Bench granted the temporary transfer of a licence of the "Granville Hotel" from Mr. Arthur Skelsey to Mr. Amos Piper. In giving the decision the Chairman of the Bench (Mr. H. H. Green) said:- We are very sorry to think you are going. Mr. Skelsey.


Finally closed in 1946, although the bar continued till 1991. The premises has since been converted into 48 self-contained flats but still has a Grade 2 listing which it gained in October 1973.



LEVLALL William 1871+ (age 36 in 1871Census)

JEFFERIS Mr to Aug/1877

HENDERSON John 1880-81+ (manager age 50 in 1881Census)

EAST Quatermaine 1877-89+

EAST Samuel Bateman 1890-91+ (age 33 in 1891Census)

BLOTT Richard H 1901+ Next pub licensee had (age 27 in 1901Census)

???? 1903+

SKELSEY Arthur to Oct/1923

PIPER Amos Oct/1923+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
