Page Updated Westgate on Sea:- Monday, 01 April, 2024.


Earliest 1877-

Beach House Hotel

Latest 1921+

Beach Road

Westgate on Sea

Beach House Hotel 1878

Above engraving 1878.


Hopefully information to arrive soon. Local knowledge needed here, plus photographs please.


From the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, Saturday 4 August 1877.

It is with great pleasure we announce the fact that Mr. Boulter, the gentleman who has been so successfully running the "Orleans" coach between the New Orleans Club at Twickenham and London, has, with a party of very influential friends, arranged to run the coach from the "Granville," St. Lawrence on Sea, to Canterbury, commencing on 6th August next. The coach will start at ten o'clock daily, and will take up passengers en route to the "White Hart Hotel," Margate, and again at the "Beach House Hotel," Westgate on Sea, at which place the horses will be changed. It will then proceed by Upstreet and Sarre to Canterbury. This will be a very great addition to the pleasures already so plentifully showered upon visitors to the Isle of Thanet, as it is a well-known and undoubted fact that a finer team of horses or a better appointed coach does not run out of London.


Tenbury Wells Advertiser, Tuesday 2 November 1886.

Action Against a Liberal Candidate.

In The Westminster County Court, the case of Wootton v. Davis has been on for hearing before Judge Bailey.

The plaintiff, Messrs. Thomson and Wootton, were brewers, of Ramsgate, and the action was for recovery of £40.0s. 9d. from Mr. Edward Davis, the proprietor of the "Beach House Hotel" and the "Southampton Arms," Westgate-on-Sea, for beer supplied.

Mr. Prosser and Mr. Denman were counsel for the plaintiff; Mr. Ellis Davis appeared for the defendant.

John Foster, plaintiff's manager, sworn that the amount claimed was still owing.

Mr. Davies in cross-examination:- You are a Conservative? (laughter).

Witness:- I know that.

Mr. Davis:- You being a Conservative and my client a Liberal, you thought you would harass him in his candidature for your district? (Isle of Thanet).

Witness:- No, we did not.

Mr. Davis:- It is not strange that you you only found out you have better sue him for a transaction in 1880 when he was canvassing in 1885?

Witness:- We could not find him in 1884.

Mr. Davies:- His name has never been out of the directory.
For the defence Mr. Davis asserted that his client had paid for everything supplied up to the time that he disposed of his interest in the business, and that the action was nothing more or less than a Tory dodge. It was no new thing for a person to have a writ issued against him directly he became a candidate for Parliament, with a view of damaging him in the eyes of the electors.

The judge gave the verdict for the plaintiffs for the amount claimed and costs.



HENDERSON John 1880+

DYSON James Edwin 1881-82+ (age 30 in 1881Census)

DAVIS Edward 1886+

???? 1890

Unoccupied 1891

THOMAS B 1903+

SWATCHMANN Charles Francis 1921+ (age 33 in 1921Census)




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-