13 High Street
Above photo, date unknown, by Douglas West. |
From the Whitstable Times and Tankerton Press, 9 September, 1939.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 14 September 1867. Price 1d.
The annual licensing Sessions for the Home Division of the County of
Kent were held at Canterbury on Saturday last.
The Magistrates granted a license for the "Prince of Wales,” High
Street, to William John Marrett.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 14 December 1867. Price 1d.
At the St. Augustine's Petty Sessions, on Saturday, William John
Merritt, landlord of the “Prince of Wales” public-house, Whitstable, was
charged with suffering gaming by means of dice to take place in his
house, on the night of the 28 November.
Police-instructor Bates proved the service of the summons, and stated
that on the night in question, while outside the house, he heard
raffling for money going on, and after listening for half an hour, he
entered the room, and found several men engaged in raffling for pints of
beer, but on his appearance one of them endeavoured to hide the dice by
sitting on them. The landlord then left the room with him, and attempted
to persuade him to overlook the matter.
Defendant's wife attended to answer the charge, and stated that her
husband was ill. She entirely denied that money or beer had been raffled
for, affirming that the men were merely amusing themselves with the
dice, which did not belong to the landlord.
Charles Merritt, defendant's brother, appeared to corroborate this
statement, and said the dice had been brought into the room by him, and
that he had commenced throwing them for pastime when the constable
entered. This witness was severely censured by the Bench for his evident
Ultimately the Magistrates inflicted a fine of 10s. and 10s. costs,
which was paid.
After some unimportant business had been transacted the Court rose.
From the Whitstable Times, 19 February, 1944.
Drunk and Disorderly.
Albert S Farrugia (33), of 55, Station Road, Whitstable, a Merchant Navy
stoker, was summoned at a special sitting of the St. Augustine's Petty
Session at Canterbury on Monday for being drunk and disorderly.
P.W.R. Thorley stated that at 10.30 p.m. on February 13th he was called
to Whitstable High Street where he saw Farrugia acting in a disorderly
manner. He was drunk and had smashed the glass panel in the door of the
"Prince of Wales" public house. Defender refused to go home and upon
being cautioned and charged at the Whitstable Police Station said: "I'll
smash the pub up. If I don't do it to-night I will do it to-morrow."
Because of his condition and in case he did not understand the charge
witness again charged Farrugia at a later date.
There was a 10/- fine.
Renumbering of the street occurred around about 1881, and this premises
has also been identified as Number 6.
I am informed that the original building was pulled down in 1898 and was
rebuilt closer to the road, probably causing further confusion for the
numbering. It
later became the Job Centre.
Above Google image, June 2014. |
I am informed that the building, does have it's original cellar is about
to open as a Turkish Restaurant.
ADAMS Thomas 1851-61+ (mentioned only as Master Baker age 58 in 1851 )
MARRETT William John Sept/1867+

MERRITT Mary Elizabeth Mrs 1871-74+ (age 34 in 1871 )
ROWDEN John 1881+
ROWDEN William 1882+
FRIEND John Solly 1889-1903+ (age 54 in 1901 )

WATERS Harry 1907+
MOSH James 1911-24+ (age 54 in 1911 )

COTTEW J R 1930+
KNIGHT Daisy Eliza to 2/Jan/1946
GAMBLE Robert Lawrence 2/Jan/1946+
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1924