Found to be trading from between 1743 and 1777.
From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 16 October, to Saturday, 22 October, 1768. Price 2d.
On Wednesday last the 19th Instant.
Between Folkestone and Brabourn. A Snuff-coloured Coat, Two Waistcoats, Two Shirts, and a pair of Flannel
Drawers, the whole tied up in a Sack, with the above Things therein
contained, and will bring the same to Thomas Marsh, Patten-maker, at
Sandwich, Edward Marsh at the “Rose and Crown,” Harbledown, or to the
“Swan” at Hythe, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. |
From Kentish Gazette 09 August 1769.
To be Sold, at Harbledown, A Very neat Post-Chaise, with a Laced Lining,
good Glasses, with a set of new Wheels and exceeding good Harness for
Four Horses, with a Box to take off:- Inquire of Mr. Marsh, at the "Rose
and Crown." The Price is Twenty six Guineas.
Kentish Gazette 18 October 1769.
Edward Marsh, takes this opportunity of acquainting his friends, and the
publick in general, that he is removed from the "Rose and Crown,"
Harbledown, to "Sir John Falstaff's," in Westgate, where he has laid in a
fresh Stock of Wines, etc. and has provided good Entertainment for Man
and Horse. Whoever shall be so obliging as to favour him with their
Custom, may depend on civil Usage, and the best Accommodation, by their
obedient humble Servant, Edward Marsh. N.B. A very good Post-chaise with able Horses to be Lett; and one
Post-chaise to be Sold. |
From the Kentish Gazette 24 December 1777.
To be Sold.
All that Messuage or tenement called or known by the name of the sign of
the "Rose and Crown"; together with Stables Out Houses, Yards, Gardens,
and one Acre and a half of of land, (more or less,) with the
Appurtenances thereunto be longing; situate, lying, and being in the
parish of St. Michael, Harbledown, in the County of Kent; now in the
occupation of Richard Ford.
For further particulars, enquire of R. H. Barham, Attorney-at-law,
Canterbury. |
MARSH Edward 1768-Oct/69

FORD Richard 1777 
Kentish Gazette