Sort file:- Hythe, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 16 December, 2024.


Earliest 1506

Swan Commercial Inn

Open 2020+

59 (131) (33) High Street


01303 267236

Swan Commercial Hotel

Above photo, circa 1904 showing George Elliott in the doorway, kindly sent by Basil Elliott.

Swan Commercial Hotel

Above photo, circa 1904 kindly sent by Basil Elliott.

Swan Inn 1983

Above photo taken 31 August 1983, kindly sent by Chris Excell.

Swan Hotel sign 1991

Swan Hotel sign March 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Swan card

The above sign, wasn't actually designed and released by Whitbread, but has been designed by Robert Greenham in the same style as the card sets they distributed as a representation of what the sign looked like. Robert says:- This was based on the image which appeared on Whitbread's metal map for East Kent which was painted by D. W. Burley in 1950, on commission from Whitbread.

Whitbread metal map 1950

The above metal map, kindly sent by Robert Greenham was released, in 1950 and painted by D. W. Burley, and was titled Inn-Signia of Whitbread Houses in East Kent, Whitbread & Co Ltd. The Inn Signs designed by:- M. C. Balston, Vena Chalker, Kathleen M Claxton, K. M. Doyle, Ralph Ellis, Marjorie Hutton, Harvey James, Prudence Rae-Martin, Violet Rutter, L. Toynbee and Kit Watson.

Swan Hotel 2013

Above photo, April 2013, by Trevor Hayman.

Swan Hotel 2017

Above photo, circa 2017.

Swan Hotel 2018

Above photo 2018.


Full name for this is the "Swan Commercial Inn, Family Hotel and Posting House."

The "Swan Hotel" was first mentioned in 1506, and was a popular coaching inn for many years. A milestone set into the wall of the inn informed coach travellers that it was 12 miles to Ashford and 71 miles to London from Hythe. At least, it was then, long before the M20 was built. The well-to-do may have steered clear of the "Swan" in the mid-nineteenth century, when the Inland Revenue Officer was accommodated at the inn. Pigot's Directory of 1832 says this was also the Excise Office.

The Census of 1891 stated that the stables were unoccupied.

By 2013 part of the building was operating as a Nepalese restaurant, the rest still being a hotel.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 14 September to Saturday, 17 September, 1768. Price 2d.


On Thursday the 29th of Inst, about two o'Clock, at the “Swan” at Hythe.

Seven Acres of Pasture Land in the Parish of Salt Wood, about 2 Miles distant from Hythe; now in the Occupation of Mr. Knight Kennett.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 16 October, to Saturday, 22 October, 1768. Price 2d.


On Wednesday last the 19th Instant.

Between Folkestone and Brabourn.

A Snuff-coloured Coat, Two Waistcoats, Two Shirts, and a pair of Flannel Drawers, the whole tied up in a Sack, with the above Things therein contained, and will bring the same to Thomas Marsh, Patten-maker, at Sandwich, Edward Marsh at the “Rose and Crown,” Harbledown, or to the “Swan” at Hythe, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward.


From the Kentish Gazette, Friday 12 June, 1792.

Tuesday was married in the parish church of the versham, Mr. Howard, of the "Swan Inn," Hythe to Miss S. Sparks, gardener of Faversham.


Kentish Gazette, 13 November, 1804.


Wednesday died Mr. Wm. Howard, of the "Swan Inn," Hythe.


Kent Gazette Reports 30 July 1805.


ALL Persons having any Demands on the Effects of the late Mr. William Howard, of Hythe, Innkeeper, deceased, are desired to send an account thereof immediately to Mrs. Sarah Howard, his widow and executrix, at the "Swan Inn" there. And all persons who were indebted to the late Mr. Howard, at the tune of his death, are hereby require to pay the amount of their several debts to the said Mrs. Howard, within a month from this day, or they will be immediately afterwards legally proceeded against for the recovery of such debts.

Hythe, July, 26, 1805.


Kentish Gazette, 23 December, 1806.

GREAT COAT taken by mistake.

THE person who took a wrong GREAT COAT from the PASSAGE, of the "Swan Inn," at Hythe, (whither it had been removed to from a place of safety by the Landlady) Thursday the 18th instant, and which contained a POCKET BOOK and a NOTE BOOK, of considerable value to the owner, is earnestly requested, without fail, to send or bring them back again to the same place next Market Day, Wednesday the 24th instant; and it is natural for the owner to hope, and indeed concludes, (from the superior sort of coat which was left in its stead) that it has fallen into the hands of one who would not be guilty of prying into the contents of either book, to gratify an idle curiosity, which, if done, can be for no other purpose, as the owner's name is very conspicuous upon the covers.

90th December, 1806.


From the Kentish Gazette, Friday 7 April, 1809.


Whereas, in the Night of the 25th January last a Stable, belonging to Mrs. Sarah Howard, at the "Swan Inn," in Hythe, in the County of Kent, was feloniously broken open, and a Horse, lately distained from William Beck, by George Clark, Officer of Excise, of Hythe, aforesaid, stolen therefrom:-

I hereby offer a Reward of Twenty Pounds for the discovery and apprehension of the person who stole the said Horse, to be paid by me on conviction.

Dover, Kent, 11th March 1809.

Isaac Broadhurst, Collector of Excise.


From an account dated 1814, kindly sent by Basil Elliott.

THE "Swan” Inn. (1814.)

Hythe, Sunday, 26th June, 1814.

THE expected arrival of the Royal Visitors of Old England, caused an assemblage of the most animated description, at Hythe, on Sunday. The houses were profusely decorated with oak boughs and laurels, and in several parts of the town, banners, flags, &c. were displayed. The “Swan” inn was particularly distinguished for its appearance in this respect, and exhibited a very large flag, made purposely of white, with a blue cross—also a motto, alluding to the present joyous occasion, environed by a wreath of oak, with flags, &c. Thirty pairs of post-horses were provided by Mr. Knott, who had also placed under his direction several sets of the Artillery Horses; and the promptitude with which the several carriages were forwarded from the Inn, excited admiration, from the excellent arrangement it developed. His Majesty, the King of Prussia, accompanied by his sons, in one of the royal carriages, arrived about half-past four, was loudly greeted, and proceeded in a few minutes without alighting.

The Emperor of Russia, accompanied by the Duchess of Oldenburgh, did not arrive till past eight. The town’s people had made preparations for drawing his Majesty through the town, but the rapidity with which he travelled rendered their attempt fruitless. On arriving at the “Swan” Inn, the Emperor and the Duchess alighted from their travelling carriage, and were received by Richard Shipdem Esq., Mayor, and a number of ladies and gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood. They remained about an hour, during which time they took refreshments of tea, coffee, &c. Mrs. Nicolay did the honours of the tables, assisted by the fair and accomplished daughter of William Deedes, Esq. His Majesty and the Duchess shook hands, conversed familiarly with many persons, and left the town about a quarter-past nine, followed by the greetings of the people, to whom their free and affable deportment endeared them.

The King of Prussia reached the "York Hotel," Dover, at about six Sunday evening.

The Emperor of Russia about 11 o’clock.


Kentish Chronicle, 17 March, 1829.


On Monday six sailors were marched to the "Swan Inn," Hythe, in the midst of 70 of the Preventive Service men, who were fully armed, and taken into Court.

Mr. Deeds and Mr. Brockman were the Magistrates who presided.

Several officers and men engaged in the Blockade Service were examined - and said they said that, having suspected that the Lugger (the Scorpion) was engaged in smuggling, they were on the look out, and in the evening gave chase to the Lugger; on nearing her they found a boat containing 45 tubs of spirits, but no one on board; - some of the witnesses said they saw the boat cut from the Lugger - others that they did not.

The chase was resumed and after firing several guns at her she was taken - the crew making no resistance. Lieutenant Stewart said on boarding, "Wood, I hope I have not hurt any if your men? - when Drayner replied, "you do not care who you shoot."

There was much, contradictory evidence, and though Mr. Brockman, the Solicitor, pointed it out, the Magistrates convicted the six men.


From South Eastern Gazette 13 April 1830.


April 6, at Hythe, Mrs. Knott, wife of Mr. Knott, formerly of the "Swan Inn," in that town.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 February 1840.


(The following was in response to Queen Victoria's recent marriage to Prince Albert on 10 February 1840. Paul Skelton.)

The day was ushered in by the ringing of bells. A dinner was prepared at the "Swan Inn" at five o'clock, which was attended by the mayor and principal inhabitants. In the evening the band paraded the town, and several houses were illuminated. The children of the National Schools were plentifully regaled with plum cake and wine, to drink the health's of the illustrious Queen and Prince. A numerous party also assembled at the "White Hart Inn;" the evening was spent with the greatest cordiality, and many loyal and patriotic toasts were drunk.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 February 1842.


The brothers of the Hythe Lodge of Odd Fellows dined together at the "Swan Inn," in this town, on Wednesday evening, to celebrate the christening of the Prince of Wales, and also to commemorate their fifteenth anniversary. After dinner, the brothers retired to their splendid lodge-room, which was tastefully fitted up for the occasion, when "the Queen," "the Prince of Wales," "Prince Albert," "the Queen Dowager, and the rest of the Royal Family," and other loyal toasts were drunk with the honours of the Order, and the evening passed off with that harmony and good fellowship which ever characterises the meetings of this fraternity.


From the Kentish Gazette, 15 March 1842.


On Monday evening about six o’clock, Duke Ferdinand and his two sons and suite, changed horses at the "Swan Inn," on their route to Dover to Brighton. A great many persons congregated upon the occasion, anxious to get a view of them, and were not disappointed.

From the Kentish Gazette 3 November 1846.


That the Courts baron of the Guardians of Sir Courtenay Honywood (a minor), Baronet, Lord of the several Manors hereinafter named, will be holden on the days and places following, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon:-

Bodsham, Clavertion and Elmsted:- On Monday, the 9th of November, at the "George Inn," Stone Street.

Ashenfield and Waltham:- On Wednesday, the 11th of November next, at the "Lord Nelson Inn," Waltham.

Blackhouse, Caseborne, Enbrook and Street:- On Thursday, the 12th of November next, at the "Swan Inn," Hythe.

When and where all persons owing suit and service to the said Courts are requested to make their personal appearance to do their suit and service, and pay their arrears of Quit Rent and relief, due to the Lord of the Manors.

Robert Furley, Steward.

Ashford, October 28th, 1846.


Kentish Gazette, 2 December 1851.


ALL Persons having any Claim on ROBERT CLARK, late of the "Swan Inn," in HYTHE, in Kent, Victualler, are requested to send the particulars of each claim to Mr. Edward Watts. Solicitor. Hythe, within Ten Days from the date hereof, or they will be precluded from participation in the dividend about to be declared.

By order the Trustees.

Edward Watts Hythe, 28th November, 1851.


South Eastern Gazette, 18 December, 1860.



(Unless previously sold by private contract), at the "Swan Hotel," Hythe, on Wednesday, the 2nd day of January, 1861, at One for Two o’clock in the afternoon, By Messrs. RONALDS & SON.


Lot 1:- A Comfortable and commodious Dwelling-house, &c., called "Cambridge House," and large walled garden, situate in the High-street, Hythe, late in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Hunt Brooke, and now of Mr. Thomas Baker, as yearly tenant.

The house containing 12 rooms. The garden has a front-age to the back road now called Bartholomew-street of about 96ft. The depth from front to rear of the house and garden is about 140ft.

A valuable piece of LAND, with Two Cottages thereon, situate on the North side of Bartholomew-street (opposite the said garden), haring a frontage to the said street of about 33ft., by a depth of about 23ft., and now in the occupation of William Elgar and Thomas Lukehurst.

Lot 2:— All that large and well-built MESSUAGE and Ground, situate in Bartholomew-street aforesaid, and called "The Prince of Prussia," now used as a Beerhouse, and let to Charles Steinbach, as monthly tenant.

The house contains good basement and sixteen large rooms, and is admirably adapted to be used as a lodging-house for officers attending the School of Musketry at Hythe.

A COTTAGE adjoining the messuage, also let to the the Charles Steinbach, as monthly tenant.

Lot 3:- An old-established BEER-HOUSE, celled "The Nag’s Head," situate at the West end of Hythe, opposite the Barracks, on the Dymchurch-road, with the stable, coachhouse, and ground thereto belonging. Also a Shop and Two good Cottages adjoining

Portions of the purchase money may, if required, be advanced on mortgage.

For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, High-street, Hythe; Mr. Edward Watts, Solicitor, Hythe; or Messrs. Brockman and Harribone, Solicitor, Folkestone.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 6 July, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


The members of this association and their friends intend holding a meeting at Hythe on Friday, the 5th instant. They purpose meeting at Westenhanger (Hythe) station, at ten o’clock, and taking a ramble through Sandling Park, Brockly, and the Fish Ponds, thence to the “Swan Hotel,” Hythe, where a cold collation will be provided by Mr. George Cobay. After this they will adjourn to the Town Hall for a conversazione. The locality being unusually picturesque and beautiful, there will doubtless be a large number of the members and their friends present on the occasion. The Dean of Canterbury will preside.


Southeastern Gazette 5 May 1863

Advertisement extract: Messrs. Ronalds and Son have been favoured with instructions to sell by auction on Thursday, the 14th day of May, 1863, at the "Swan Hotel," Hythe at 2 for 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the following desirable freehold property:

Lot 1 A brick and timber built commodious beerhouse called the "Three Horse Shoes," containing 6 bedrooms, large tap room, and 2 parlours, bar, excellent cellar, wash-house and stable, also one 4 room brick-built cottage at the rear of the above, producing a yearly rental of £44 2s.

Further particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers, High Street, Hythe, or to Messrs. Knocker and Wilks, Solicitors, Hythe.


Dover Chronicle 9 May 1863

Advertisement extract: Messrs. Ronalds and Son have been favoured with instructions to sell by auction on Thursday, the 14th day of May, 1863, at the "Swan Hotel," Hythe at 2 for 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the following desirable freehold property:

Lot 1 A brick and timber built commodious beerhouse called the "Three Horse Shoes," containing 6 bedrooms, large tap room, and 2 parlours, bar, excellent cellar, wash-house and stable, also one 4 room brick-built cottage at the rear of the above, producing a yearly rental of £44 2s.

Further particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers, High Street, Hythe, or to Messrs. Knocker and Wilks, Solicitors, Hythe.


From Kentish Chronicle 30 March 1867


On Wednesday last a presentation dinner took place at the "Swan Hotel, Hythe, given to J. Jones, Esq., in acknowledgment of the support he has given to the sport of coursing for many years past. The chair was occupied by John Denne, Esq., who presented the testimonial, a splendid silver epergne, appropriately decorated with hares' "scuts," a heap of which was placed on the top of the epergne, to J. Jones, Esq. The inscription on the epergne was as follows:- "Presented to J. Jones, Esq., by his coursing friends, as a memento of their esteem, 1st March, 1867." We understand that the value of the testimonial was upwards of sixty pounds. Mr. Jones in responding said that he desired to thank them from his heart for the kind feeling which had prompted them to present him with such a valuable mark of their respect. He should never forget to prize the testimonial for which he most heartily thanked them.


Kentish Gazette, 15 March, 1870.

HYTHE. Accident.

On Tuesday night last, a little after ten o’clock, two officers in a dog-cart, belonging we believe to Mr. Ovenden, of the “Swan Hotel,” were driving at a rapid rate into Hythe along the Sandgale Road, and when near the “Bell Inn” they came into collision with another vehicle going in the opposite direction. The two occupants of the dog-cart were pitched out head foremost; the cart was turned completely over, and both shafts broken off. Mr. Spain, of the “Bell Inn,” Mr. H. V. Laker, and others rendered immediate assistance, whilst another person went for Mr. Hackney, surgeon. Both gentlemen appeared to be rather severely cut about their face and other parts of their head, and bled very much. After receiving medical assistance they were taken to their quarters. The vehicle which they ran against was apparently not damaged, as the parties in it drove off shortly after the occurrence.


Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 13 August 1898.


At the Police Court on Wednesday, before Mr. J. J. Jeal, Richard Charles Carlile was charged with obtaining by false pretences goods to the value of 14s. from Mr. Thomas Elliott, landlord of the "Swan Hotel," Hythe.

On three occasions prisoner, by means of written orders, purporting to be signed by J. Elgee, had delivered to him bottled beer, provisions, etc. Prisoner's father-in-law, on being called, repudiated the signatures. Prisoner was further charged with a like offence in respect of Daniel West, Hythe. The manager gave evidence that prisoner tendered an order signed E. Elgee for six bottles of Bass, value 7s 11d. Prisoner urged that this order was signed by his wife, with the authority of her father. Prisoner was committed to the Quarter Sessions.


From the transfer document dated 28 November 1904.

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made the 28th day of November One thousand nine hundred and seven BETWEEN THOMAS ELLIOTT of Osborne House Seabrook Road Hythe in the County Of Kent Gentleman of the one part and GEORGE EDWARD ELLIOTT of the Swan Hotel Hythe aforesaid Licensed Victualler (Son of the said Thomas Elliott) of the other part WHEREAS by an Indenture of Lease dated the twenty first day of March One thousand eight hundred and ninety two and made between Henry Bean Mackeson of Hythe in the County of Kent Brewer trading as "Mackeson and Company" of the one part and the said Thomas Elliott of the others part ALL THAT messuage Hotel and premises known by the name or sign of the "Swan Hotel" situate in the High Street at Hythe aforesaid AND ALSO all that yard situate opposite or near to the said Hotel and occupied and used in connection therewith TOGETHER with the Stables and Coach houses erected and standing upon the said yard were demised unto the said Thomas Elliott from the sixth day of April One thousand eight hundred and ninety two for the term of twenty one years at the yearly rent of One hundred and sixteen pounds ten shillings and subject to the covenants and conditions therein contained AND WHEREAS the freehold of the said premises is now vested subject to the said case in a Company called "Mackeson and Company (Limited) " AND WHEREAS the said George Edward Elliott has for the past five years with the consent of the said Thomas Elliott and with the knowledge and approbation of the Directors of Mackeson and Company limited applied for and at the present time holds all licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors in force in respect of the said premises AND WHEREAS it has been agreed between the parties hereto that on the thirty first day of October last the value of the Stock in trade Furniture and Fixtures in the said Swan Hotel and premises and of the horses carts carriages harness implements stock of corn straw and fodder and all other chattels in or about the yard opposite or near to the said Swan Hotel and premises the whole of which are the personal property of the said Thomas Elliott was Two thousand five hundred pounds AND WHEREAS from the first November instant it has been agreed between the parties hereto that the said George Edward Elliott shall take and receive for his own benefit alone (subject to the terms herein contained) all the profits the said business of a Licensed Victualler Job Master and Livery Stable Keeper carried on upon the said premises or any part thereof or to be hereafter carried on upon the same up to and including the sixth day of April One thousand nine hundred and thirteen unless this Agreement is determined before that date in manner hereinafter provided.

NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the parties hereto:-

1. THAT the said George Edward Elliott shall so long as this Agreement continues in existence pay to the said Thomas Elliott the sum of One hundred and twenty pounds per annum by equal quarterly payments on the first day of February the first day of May the first day of August and the first day of November clear of all deductions the first payment to be made on the first day of February next.

2. THAT the said George Edward Elliott shall pay all rent accruing due after the thirty first day of October last and payable under the conditions of the hereinbefore recited Indenture of Lease and will also pay and discharge (in addition) all rates taxes duties assessments and charges whatsoever whether parliamentary parochial or of any other description which now are or during the continuance of this Agreement shall be imposed or charged on the premises.

3. ALL book debts owing to the business up to the thirty first day of October last shall belong to and shall be collected by the said Thomas Elliott.

4. THE said Thomas Elliott having paid all sums due for the excise licenses which will expire on the tenth day of October One thousand nine hundred and eight the said George Edward Elliott shall repay to him on or before the (blank) day of (blank) next the sum of Twenty seven pounds fifteen shillings being the proportionate value of the same from the first day of January next up to the said tenth day of October One thousand nine hundred and eight but the said George Edward Elliott shall not be called upon to repay to the said Thomas Elliott any sums for Licenses in respect of carriages or menservants which will expire on the thirty first day of December next or any part of the premiums under the Workmens Compensation Acts, or any similar Acts and the said George Edward Elliott shall have the benefit as from the first day of November instant of all policies of insurance effected by the said Thomas Elliott under the said Workmens Compensation Acts and the said similar Acts.

5. AS and from the first day of November instant the said George Edward Elliott shall in addition to the payment of rent rates taxes or other outgoings as hereinbefore mentioned pay the wages and all general expenses of the business of a Licensed Victualler Job Master and Livery Stable Keeper incident to the said premises and in particular shall pay during the continuance of this Agreement to Edith Elliott a Daughter of the said Thomas Elliott as wages the sum of Two pounds ten shillings per month so long as she may during the continuance of this Agreement elect to continue in her present service and carry out her duties to the satisfaction of the said Thomas Elliott her Father and the said George Edward Elliott shall in addition during such continuance of such service provide her with Board and Lodging in the same manner as she was provided with the same by the said Thomas Elliott up to the thirty first day of October last.

6. UNTIL the said George Edward Elliott shall exercise the option of purchase hereinafter provided he shall keep the furniture and fixtures stock in trade both live and dead both of the Swan Hotel and premises and of the yard and Stables in good repair and condition and shall from time to time as the stock of wine spirits and liquors shall be reduced by sale replace the same to the satisfaction of the said Thomas Elliott and insured against loss by fire in some Office to be approved by the said Thomas Elliott and shall expend all sums of money received under such policy of insurance in replacing any of the chattels and effects which may be either partly or wholly destroyed by fire.

7. THE said George Edward Elliott shall have the option at any time during the continuance of this Agreement of purchasing from the said Thomas Elliott the stock in trade furniture and fixtures in the said Swan Hotel and premises and also the horses carts carriages harness implements and all other chattels in or about the yard opposite or near to the said Swan Hotel and premises at the sum of Two thousand five hundred pounds and on such, payment the said Thomas Elliott shall transfer to the said George Edward Elliott the whole of the said Chattels.

8. THE said George Edward Elliott hereby agrees with the said Thomas Elliott that he will strictly conform with all the covenants and conditions on the Lessee's part contained in the said Indenture of Lessee hereinbefore recited and will hold the said Thomas Elliott indemnified in damages for any loss to be sustained by the said Thomas Elliott from any breach of the said covenants and conditions.
9. IF the said George Edward Elliott shall commit or permit any breach of any of the covenants and conditions contained in the said Indenture of Lease or if there shall be any breach of any of the conditions of this Agreement to be observed or performed by the said George Edward Elliott then it shall be lawful for the said Thomas Elliott by notice in writing to the said George Edward Elliott to forthwith terminate this Agreement in which event the said George Edward Elliott shall forthwith transfer to the said Thomas Elliott or has nominee all licenses relating to the said premises and clause 17 of the said Indenture of Lease and all the conditions and penalties thereof shall apply to this Agreement as if in the place of the Lessor therein mentioned the name of the said Thomas Elliott were inserted therein and in place of the Lessee therein mentioned the name of the said George Edward Elliott were inserted there in AS WITNESS the hands of the said parties the day and year first above writees to the signature of the said George Edward Elliott.

Elliott signatures

From the By Sean Axtell, 20 June 2018.

Landlord Mihir Patel from Hythe's Swan Hotel 'Allowed drugs to be sold'.

A high street pub landlord who narrowly escaped being shutdown “allowed drugs to be sold on his premises”, a licensing chief claimed.

Cllr Michael Lyons took aim at Mihir Patel, landlord of the Swan Hotel in Hythe High Street, during Folkestone and Hythe District Council’s licensing sub-committee hearing.

Kent Police brought Mr Patel’s license under review amid allegations surrounding drugs, violence and under-age drinking.

Cllr Lyons said: “You have abused the system. You and your staff have accepted money knowing they were under-age.

“You have known about drug-taking going on in there and the sale of drugs in the premises and you have done nothing.

“A lot of locals do not frequent your hostelry because they feel threatened. Your clientele leave something to be desired.”

The comments came as Mr Patel narrowly escaped losing his license at the meeting on Tuesday.

Having been the licensee for two years, he faced stinging accusations surrounding under-age drinking, violence, loud music and opening beyond licensing hours.

PC Stephens said the Swan was largely known for being “the rough pub in Hythe”.

Giving evidence he told of an attack where one victim was kicked to the ground and stamped on.

When officers attended the pub the attacker was still at the venue.

However Swan staff told officers they couldn’t supply CCTV evidence because they were untrained to do so.

Similarly when a 17-year-old girl was set upon by two women a month before staff were unable to provide CCTV footage.

PC Stephens added the female toilets had been locked due to previous reports of patrons using them to take drugs.

He added that a colleague "believed that 80% of customers were under age and were all intoxicated".

Licensing officer Ms Farrell highlighted residents’ complaints and said she felt “vulnerable” when she attended.

She said: "There were mainly men in the bar area, all very loud and shouting on each visit that I made.

"I myself, on the last visit felt very vulnerable as they were intoxicated shouting out ‘who is that’ to the bar girl and ‘was she alright’.

“On our annual premise licence compliance inspections in Hythe so many business owners/managers in the high street complained or mentioned the bad running and management of The Swan.

"The loudness and drunkenness of all who drink in that premise. They also commented that it only attracts the same faces continuously as it’s not an establishment that families would wish to visit.”

Mahil Patel 2018

Mahir Patel.

Cllr Russell Tillson, committee chairman, said problems had to be remedied quickly while police and the council closely monitor the situation.

He mapped out a comprehensive list of rules Mr Patel must follow, including having registered door staff from 6pm every day.

An incident log and refusal book must be kept on the premises.

And staff must be trained on how to use the CCTV while employing a Challenge 25 policy.

Closing hours will need to be strictly adhered to running from 11.30pm Monday to Saturday and 11pm Sundays.

Mr Patel said: “If anyone has had too many drinks we will not serve them anymore.

“CCTV will be on at all times, video will be available for one month and police will have access to these images.

“You will not have a chance to receive a complaint.”


From the By Victoria Chessum, 2 September 2018.

The Swan Hotel in Hythe has appealed not to have door staff every night as it is 'costly'.

The well known venue has had to follow strict procedures in a last ditch attempt to stay open.

A pub that was on the teetering edge of closing down has asked the council to scrap a condition to have door staff outside every night.

The owner of the Swan Hotel in Hythe, Mihir Patel, appealed the council's strict decisions that were enforced back in June.

The pub, in the High Street, went before Folkestone and Hythe District Council's licensing committee earlier in the summer and was given "one last chance to turn things around".

It came after damning police reports of violence, under age drinking and disturbances.

The council said Mr Patel had to have a radical shake-up in order to keep the business trading.

This included hiring door staff to stand outside from 6pm everyday, working CCTV which can be accessed quickly and easily, more staff training in alcohol handling and a Challenge 25 authority when serving punters.

Underage drinkers who tried their luck also had to be logged in a special book.

But now Mr Patel has asked the council to reconsider the decision to have door staff outside from 6pm everyday.

He has deemed it "disproportionate to the issues that the police had highlighted."

The report compiled by the council also says Mr Patel has said door staff are "extremely costly."

It said: "Mr Patel explained that it would be extremely costly to hire a member of door staff every night of the week and it could negatively impact his business."

A new council report by Andrew Head has confirmed that changes have been in place since the harsh restrictions were enforced.

His report says: "Licensing officers have visited The Swan Hotel on several occasions since the review, at different times of day and night.

"On each occasion they found the premises to be well-managed, quiet and calm, a noticeable difference from before the review.

"Mr Patel has changed some of the bar staff which appears to have had a positive effect on the premises, he has also worked hard to ensure the other conditions placed on the licence at the review are being met.

"CCTV is in place and staff have been trained to use it, staff have been trained in responsible alcohol retailing and Challenge 25."

Councillors will need to make a decision whether or not to remove the condition, modify it, or keep it as it is.

If standards start to slip as a result of relaxed restrictions, Mr Patel's licence can come back up for review.

The meeting where the full decision is due will take place on Monday, September 10 at 10am.


From the  13 September 2018.

Hythe landlord's licence relaxed after hotel 'revolution'.

Councillors have praised a hotel landlord for transforming his High Street business ‘from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan’.

Mihirbhal Patel, landlord of the "Swan Hotel" in Hythe, appeared before Folkestone & Hythe District Council’s licensing sub-committee on Monday (September 10) to appeal for one of the tough conditions on his licence to be relaxed.

They were imposed after a hearing in June was told of allegations including underage drinking, noise, violent disturbances, and drunken staff behind the bar.

But at Monday’s meeting the panel, made up of Councillors Russell Tillson, Michael Lyons and Susie Govett, heard there had been a raft of changes since then.

A report from the council’s licensing team said the venue was now “well-managed, quiet and calm.”

Outstanding improvement.

Cllr Lyons said the improvement had been “outstanding”, adding: “You have made every effort to conform to what you are doing.

“I have no qualms in saying that you are turning the whole thing around.”

Mr Patel said he had more plans for improvements, including creating a sports bar and grill for the bar area. He asked the panel to remove the condition forcing him to have licensed door staff on every day of the week.

Cllr Tillson said the venue must never again be allowed to get out of control.

He said: “The premises is now a sharp contrast to what it was in the middle of June.

“I said there needed to be a revolution and there has been.

Ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful swan.

“Obviously it’s much better that money is spent on improving the business rather than bouncers and it just may be that the ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful swan.”

Mr Patel said: “I have been humbled by the experience of the licence review but found it to be a positive experience.

“I am thankful for the support of the police and the licensing department.”

The panel agreed to remove the condition about door staff, but Mr Patel said he would employ them when events were taking place at the hotel, and for Bank Holiday weekends.




HOWARD William 1792-Nov/1804 dec'd

HOWARD Sarah (widow) Nov/1804-08+

KNOTT William 1828-30+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

PILCHER George 1832+ (also excise officer) Pigot's Directory 1832-34

PILCHER John 1839+

CLARKE Robert 1847-51 dec'd (age 41 in 1851Census)

BRAYNE Benjamin 1858+

COBAY George 1862+

OVENDEN George Henry 1870-82+ (age 38 in 1871Census)

ELLIOTT Thomas 1889-99+

ELLIOTT George E 1901-04+ (age 25 in 1901Census)

KENT Laurence Percy 1934-39+ (age 60 in 1939)

PATEL Mihirbhal 2016-18+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
