Sort file:- Ramsgate, September, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 03 September, 2024.


Earliest 1779

Rose and Crown

Latest ????

(Name to)

97 High Street



The name changed to the "Rose of England" as yet date unknown.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 25 February 1812.


Feb. 20, at St. Lawrence, Thanet, Mr. William Foat, butcher, to Mrs. Hobday, landlady of the "Rose and Crown," public-house, Ramsgate.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 04 May 1819.

As a proof of the remarkable mildness of the Spring, assisted by human art and care, Mr. Foot, of the "Rose and Crown" public-house, at Ramsgate, last Friday cut from a bed in his garden, a number of mushrooms, of about a bushel measure, and has for some time previous cut considerable quantities.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 26 January 1830.

A Coroners inquest was held onto Thursday se'nnight before W. R. A. Pettman Esq., Mayor and Coroner of Sandwich, on the body of William Foot, the landlord of the "Rose and Crown," High Street, Ramsgate, who on that day put a period to his existence by discharging the following piece to his head, which was literally shattered to atoms.

It appeared by the evidence, the deceased was missing the great part of the day, and on search being made he was found in the woodhouse at the back part of the premises, the door of which was locked.

Previous to committing the rash act, he most deliberately took off his hat and boots, the former was found suspended and the latter lying near the unfortunate man.

He had shortly before being served with a writ for the very trifling sum of £10, and there is every reason to believe he use the same as wadding, when he committed the fatal deed.

Verdict. Insanity.


From the Kentish Gazette 29 May 1838.

On Tuesday an inquest was held at the "Rose and Crown Inn," Ramsgate, before R. J. Emmerson, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Sarah Atwell, who was picked up in Union-row, quite dead the day previous. From the evidence adduced it appeared the deceased (who was about 18 years of age) had been about five weeks previously confined, and had been on that day assisting her stepmother in removing the furniture to fresh lodging, the fatigue of which caused her to rupture a blood-vessel near the heart, as she was returning to her late lodging, when she dropped down and instantly expired. A verdict was returned that she died by the visitation of God.


From the Kentish Gazette, 12 December 1843.


On the 1st inst., the annual meeting of the members of the Ramsgate £50 Burial Society took place at the "Rose and Crown Inn," for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, also to receive the report from the secretary, of the state of the funds, &c. The secretary stated that only one member had died during the present year, and only twelve members since the establishment of the society in May, 1839.


Kentish Gazette, 10 April 1849.


Hall:— March 31, at Ramsgate, Mr. John Hall, landlord of the "Rose and Crown Inn," aged 41.


Kentish Gazette, 6 May 1851.


Friend:- April 24, at Ramsgate, Mr. George Friend, of the "Rose and Crown Inn," age 41.


Southeastern Gazette, 16 August 1853.

Friday. (Before W. H. S. George and A. Crofton, Esqrs.)

Mary Ann Prince, who was before the bench on the previous day and discharged, was again brought up charged with creating a public annoyance. Police-constable Newman stated that he removed her at the request of Mrs. Fowler, from the "Rose and Crown Inn," and that she remained in the street halloing and shouting so that at length he was obliged to take her into custody, but her resistance was so great that he ultimately had to drive her to the station in a wheelbarrow.

Fined £2, costs 5s.; in default committed for two months.


Kentish Gazette, 24 January 1854.

Ramsgate. Police Court—Monday.

(Before the Hon. J. S. Laws, W. H. S. George, Shum Story, Esqrs., and the Rev. W. G. Sicklemore.)

A case came before the Court at the instance of Mrs. Catherine Miller, widow of Mr. George Miller, who died at the Brazils of cholera, and deceased being a member of the Ramsgate Friendly Union Burial Society, held at the "Rose and Crown," High-street, Ramsgate. a claim of £10 was made by the widow. Mr. Judge appeared for plaintiff. The secretary and the stewards appeared on summons to show cause why the £10 was not paid. They contended that deceased, by the club rules, was not a free member, in consequence of his not having paid the subscription for six calendar months previous to his death, and that they had tendered to plaintiff £3 being what she was entitled to, as well as 9s. 6d., being the money that had been paid for deceased since his death. He dying abroad it was not known to either party, that he was dead, until they were so informed by the owners of the vessel in which he left England. The widow refused to take the money tendered, and sued for the £10. A ticket was produced, signed by the secretary, Mr. Jarman, and also the names of two of the stewards, stating that deceased was a fine member, and that he was entitled to all the benefits of the society. This being the case, the magistrates retired from the Court, and in a few minutes returned, and stated to the stewards they were bound to abide by the condition expressed in the ticket produced, it being the act of their own secretary, and they directed the £10 to be paid to the widow, with 20s. 6d. costs.

Mr. Jarman, the secretary, observed he had given the ticket one month before he should have done, through a mistake. The case occupied the Court an hour and a half.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 21 July, 1860.


On Friday Mr. James Major, a bricklayer, was in the "Rose and Crown" partaking in a pint of beer, when he fell forwards and never spoke afterwards. He was removed home, and died at half-past nine o’clock on the following morning, leaving a widow and a large family.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 3 May, 1862.

St. Lawrence.

A running match took place here on Thursday between W Tucker and H. Maskell, both of Ramsgate, for £1 aside, when Tucker won by about a yard. The distance run was one hundred and fifty yards. After the race, the parties retired to Mr. Beasley’s, “Rose and Crown Inn,” Ramsgate, where a concert toot place. About 150 persons were present.


Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 11 January 1949.


An hour after calling "Time, ladles and gentlemen, please," at the "Rose and Crown Inn," High-street, Ramsgate, an Thursday evening, the licensee, Mr. Theophilus Richard Bean, passed away.

Mr. Bean, who was 77 years of age, had been unwell for several weeks, but he insisted on continuing with his work.
For 22 years Mr. Bean had been licensee of the "Rose and Crown," one of Ramsgate's oldest Inns. His widow, formerly Mrs. Penney, has been at the Inn for years.

Prior to coming to Ramsgate Mr. Bean was licensee of the "Leopard’s Head," Sturry, the licence of which was surrendered when the "Roman Galley" was built on Thanet-way.

Mr. Bean was born just outside Herne Bay and as a young man he entered the service of the old South Eastern Railway as a driver.

The funeral will take place this (Tuesday) morning.


The building can be dated to 1795 when it was known as the "Rose of England."



HOBDAY Mrs to Feb/1812 (married Foat)

FOOT William Feb/1812-Jan/30 dec'd Pigot's Directory 1828-29

FOOT Mary Jan/1830-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

KING John 1839-41+

HALL John 1847-31/Mar/49 dec'd

HALL Elizabeth 1851+ (widow age 44 in 1851Census)

FOWLER Mrs 1853+

STEVENSON James 1855+

STEVENSON Jane Mrs 1858+

BELSEY Zachariah 1861-67+ (also builder age 30 in 1861Census)

JOOP William 1871+ (age 49 in 1871Census)

MASEY George 1874+

HOUGHAM William Thomas 1890-1907+ (age 52 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

PENNEY George Charles 1913-22+

Last pub licensee had BEAN Theophilus Richard 1929-Jan/49 dec'd

PENNEY Thomas Charles 1951-57+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-