Market Place
Near the (Old) Town Hall Steps
I am assuming that this is the same premises as the "Prince
Regent," and details from this will be moved to the correct page
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 14 December, 1833. Price 7d.
John Brockman most respectfully begs to retain thanks to the
inhabitants of Dover and its vicinity, for the great support he has
received since commencing business at the above establishment, and
trusts, by a careful selection of his stock, which will warrant genuine,
to receive a continuance of their patronage.
J B begs to call attention to the following list of prices:- the
unequalled celebrated Liquid Gin, or the Double Cream of the Valley; also
his plain Gin unsweetened, both which are warranted to be of the full
strength, and the strongest that is allowed to be sold by act of
Parliament, 12s 6d by the gallon;: Fine old Cognac brandy, 13s; sold by
appointment; Whisky, 16s; Milk Punch, Dantzic Spruce and a variety of
Cordials, 13s: Wines in bottle and draught; Fine Old Port, Sherry, Cape,
Tent, Buccellas, Madeira, Lisbon, Tenerife, Mountain, Marsala, Hock,
Moselle, and Claret, equally responsible. Barelay and Perkins fine Stout
and Porter; Flint and Kingsforde's fine Canterbury Ale and Beer.
N.B. Families supplied in quantity, and orders punctually attended
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 7 January, 1837.
An Advertisement having appeared in the Dover Telegraph, of Saturday,
the 24th inst. offering for sale the above Premises, JOHN BROCKMAN
thinks it incumbent of him to debase the Public minded by stating that
he has no intention of relinquishing or giving up his Establishment -
that he has an unexpired Lease of Ten Years of the said Premises; and
supposing the Advertisement before alluded to many material prejudice
his business, he thinks it was a duty on the part of the Lessor or his
Solicitor, to have made an allusion to the Terms of his, J. B's Lease of
the Premises; and if purchased, that they were subject to an unexpired
Term of Ten Years.
J. B,. grateful to his Friends and the Public for the liberal
encouragement he has received for the last Four Years in the above
Establishment, begs to inform them that he has just received a large
supply of Foreign Wines and Spirits, which he continues to vend, either
Wholesale, or Retail, in Town and Country.
Dover, 30th December. 1836.
Kentish Gazette, 2 December 1851.
A few days since Mr. Harding, mess master of the Rifle Brigade, was
invited to a complimentary repast, at the "Regent Wine Vaults," given by
the purveyors, &c. of the mess department, as a farewell memento of
esteem for that gentleman on the eve of his leaving Dover for Bristol.
After the feast, the sentiments of respect generally entertained towards
the guest of the evening were repeatedly expressed, as were also the
sincere wishes of all present for his future prosperity. |
BROCKMAN John 1833-37+
GOSSIP Thomas 1850
From the Dover Telegraph