Sort file:- Dover, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 01 February, 2025.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Barry Smith and Paul Skelton

Earliest 1823

Prince Regent

Latest 1983

16 Market Square Pikes 1924 

20 Market Square Kelly's Directory 1956

Market Place Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1839Pigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847


Prince Regent 1926

Mrs. Elva Chudley kindly sent me the above photo of the Prince Regent in 1926, the licensee name above the door is Chas. Wright. She says, "On the right Fred Sims then I think Arthur Ives. The man on the left unknown."

Prince Regent

In this old photo of Dover Market, Joan Wheatley is the small child in the front of the group taken outside the Prince Regent pub. Read her story, "Click here".

Mrs. Elva Chudley says, "On researching my family history I came across your web sit displaying a photo of the Prince Regent P.H. in Market St. I was surprised to see several members of my family in the group photo taken outside the Prince Regent P.H. It looks as if it is a wedding photo, Frederick Sims and Gladys (nee Oram) my Grandparents are on the far left. My Grandfather was stationed in Dover with the Royal Signals where he met and married my Grandmother, Gladys Oram who was born in Dover. I believe the bride may be Doris James (a local girl) who married Arthur Ives my Grandfathers friend also in the Royal Signals. Also spotted Gt. Grandmother Charlotte Geary (nee Oram nee Ward).


Prince Regent and Elephant and Hind

Above showing the "Prince Regent" centre, and the "Elephant and Hind" right.

Prince Regent missing

Above photo showing the same view after demolition of the "Prince Regent."

Prince Regent circa 1960

Above photo circa 1960, kindly supplied by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate History Society.

Prince Regent circa 1980

Above photo circa 1980 by Barry Smith.

Prince Regent circa 1980

Above photo circa 1980 by Barry Smith.

Prince Regent inside

Above photo, date unknown, but I believe just after closure. Kindly sent by Kenneth Chapman.

Prince Regent circa 1989

Above photo, circa 1989 by Barry Smith.

Prince Regent circa 1989 back

Above photo, circa 1989 by Barry Smith.

Prince Regent circa 1989 back

Above photo, circa 1989 by Barry Smith.

Prince Regent

Above photo February 1989.


On the corner with Tavernor's Lane and Market Lane, the material used for its construction gave the impression of antiquity or perhaps of penny pinching.


The back wall in particular seemed to have been erected with any odd bricks or stone which were lying conveniently around at the time.


It was always referred to as the "Regent Inn" or "Regent Wine Vaults" during the last century and Edward Thompson served there in 1823.


Dover Chronicle 24 November 1838.

"Flower of Kent."

Grand Booth, (adjoining the "Prince Regent Inn.)

J. Brockman and Co. Begs most respectfully to inform the visitors, Millitary and Naval Officers, and the Public generally of Dover and its Vicinity, that they have engaged the Splendid Booth called the "Flower of Kent," adjoining the Prince Regent Wine Vaults; which will be Superbly Illuminated with thousands of brilliant Variegated Lamps, in all kinds of devices.

Excellent Refreshments will be provided. Wines, Spirits, Stout, Ale, &c., of the very best quality.

A Superior Band from London is engaged expressly for this Booth.

(I believe this was a pop-up pub set up for a short time for the town fair and run at the time by the landlord of the "Prince Regent." There is further reference to this at the "Crown and Anchor Tavern." Paul Skelton.)


From the Dover Telegraph 23rd November 1833.

Regent Wine Bar. Market Place Dover.

John Brockman most respectfully begs to return thanks to the inhabitants of Dover and its vicinity, for the great support he has received since commencing business at the above establishment, and trusts, by careful selection of his stock, which will warrant genuine, to receive a continuance of their patronage.

J. B. Begs to call attention to the following lists of prices. The unequalled celebrated Liquid Gin, or the Double Cream of the Valley; also his Plin Gin unsweetened, both which are warranted to be of the full strength, and the strongest that is allowed to be sold by Act of Parliament, 12s 6d. by the gallon. Fine Old Cognacq Brandy 3s. 5d. the best Wine Brandy 15s; fine Old Jamaican Rum 13s; Patent Hollands, 13s; sold by appointment; Whisky, 16s; Milk Punch, Dantzic Spruce and a variety of Cordials 13s. Wines in bottle and Draught; fine Old Port, Sherry, Cape, Tent, Buccellas, Madeira, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Mountain, Marsala, Hock, Moselle, and Claret, equally responsible. Barclay and Perkins fine Stout and Porter, Flint and Kingsford's find Canterbury Ale & Beer.

N. B. Families supplied in quantity and orders punctually attended to.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 25 May, 1837.



At the "Royal Oak Inn," on Monday the 5th day of June, 1837, at 2 o''Clock in the Afternoon unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice (will be given,) all that Messuage or Tenament, or PUBLIC-HOUSE called the "PRINCE REGENT," with the Building Ground, and appurtenances thereto belonging, situate in the Market Place, Dover, to either with the adjoining Messuage or Tenement, or Public-house, called the "REGENT TAP." - Subject to the present Lessee's unexpired Term of ? years from the 6th of January last.

For further Particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, or to

MR. KENNETT, Solicitor.



A "Regent Tap", later called "Young England", dispensed beer from Market Lane in 1851 and Buckham or Buckman kept the "Regent Wine Vaults" in 1853. The "Tap" did not come under his supervision, that being kept by Hewing, but the "Regent Tavern" was covered by the licence of the "Regent Wine Vaults". The "Tap" itself seems to have been something of a hot seat. The many doubtful characters who congregated there, with every encouragement from the owner, were responsible for many a licensee losing his living.


All the pent up fury of years was said to have boiled over one Saturday night in May 1853. During that disturbance the fighting was said to take place from the top to the bottom of the house. The keeper was taken away to answer a few questions but he told the police that the proprietor should answer, as also did his follower, when his turn came shortly afterwards.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 17 May, 1878


James Brighton, seaman, was charged with deserting from the ship, William Crundall, then lying in Dover Harbour.

William Bayley, a clerk of the Customs, produced a duplicate of the articles of agreement, by which it was shown that the prisoner shipped for £3 10s. 0d. per month, on a voyage from Dover to Dantizic.

Mr. James Crundall said: I am part owner of the brig William Crundall. She has now left on a voyage to the north. The prisoner shiopped as an able-seaman. I paid him £1 12s. 6d. in advance. While I was talking to the Captain the prisoner came up to be in a bullying manner and asked me if ballasting was fit work for a sailor. I said certainly, it's your work. He said he would see be d______ first before he would do it, and I then ordered him to go on board. I told him that it was a very unpleasant thing for me to have to put a man in gaol, but I should certainly have to do so if he refused to work. He then burst out laughing and began to abuse me. I then sent for a Policeman; but when the Constable came I thought I would give him another chance. Prisoner then promised to do some work. I then ordered him to assist in unloading the cart, which he commenced doing. When the cart was nearly empty the Harbour clock struck twelve. He then said he should not do any more. I told him he would have to finish, which he did. At ten minutes past one he came ashore, and went into the “mechanic's Arms.” I watched for his coming out. The Constable and I went and asked the landlord if the prisoner was in the house, and he said he was not. The Policeman eventually found him in the “Regent” public-house. The ship went to sea yesterday morning.

Police-constable Cook deposed to finding the prisoner in the “Regent” public-house on Saturday evening, drunk and asleep. He thereupon took him to the Police-station.

Prisoner said he had hurt his back, and was unable to do his work. He denied being away all day, but was at work in the afternoon.

The Bench committed the prisoner to fourteen days with hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 26 July, 1878


William King, a private belonging to the 58th Regiment, was charged with stealing from the South Front Barrack, two pairs of trousers, one pair of boots, a muffler, one Guernsey, and a felt hat, the property of William Smith, of the value of £3.

William Smith said: I am a sailor belonging to Woolwich. I came down to Dover last Saturday morning. I went to the “Prince Regent” public-house, Market lane, about nine o'clock the same evening, where I saw the prisoner at the bar. I got into conversation with him about enlisting, and he promised to take me to the barracks the same night. I went with him to the barracks and slept with him. I slept in his bed and prisoner slept on the floor beside me. I took off my clothes, which consisted of two pairs of trousers, a Guernsey, a muffler, a pair of boots and felt hat, and put them on the ground at the foot of the bed. When I awoke about half-past five the next morning, I found that the prisoner was gone and my clothes also. I then gave information to the Military Authorities. I was aloud to remain in barracks up till last night. I saw the prisoner yesterday in the guard-room and there at once identified my Guernsey and felt hat, which he was then wearing. The things were then taken off him and given to me. I asked the prisoner where my trousers and boots were and he said he had them on, but they were not mine. The lining was torn out of the hat. The value of the articles stolen is £3 0s.0d.

By the prisoner: They were not my trousers you had on. I told you I belonged to the Militia.

Provost-sergeant Thomas Hayes said: the prisoner belongs to my Regiment. He was absent on the morning of the 21st. yesterday afternoon he was brought back by the Police, having been taken up at Whitfield as a deserter. He was then dressed in plain clothes and had on a Guernsey, a pair of tweed trousers, a black felt hat, and a pair of elastic side boots. I took the last witness to the guard-room and showed the prisoner to him, and he immediately identified the things by the marks on them. I reported the case to the Adjutant and prisoner was handed over to the civil authorities this morning.

By the Bench: prisoner didn't make any statement in the guard-room, but said he could get the trousers; they were about three miles away.

The prisoner pleaded “Guilty” to the charge, and the Bench sentenced him to six months' imprisonment with hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 23 August, 1878


James Page was charged with stealing one coat from a van in Castle Street.

Thomas Elgar said: I am a drayman in the employ of John Tritton, of Staple. I was in Dover outside the “Prince Regent” public-house he and another man came up to me and asked if I wanted any help, and I said “yes,” and the man that asked me helped me. The prisoner went away, and when I went to Cliffe's brewery I saw him there and he helped me to unload. He rode with me in the van to the “Antwerp” stables and unharnessed the horse. We left the van outside. I went with the horse inside and the two men stood outside in the van. I was gone about half an hour and then returned to the van. Both men were gone, and my coat was missing (now produced). I gave information to the Police and I did not see my coat before the evening, when the prisoner was along with a Police-constable with the coat on. I gave him then into custody. The value of the coat was £1. Both men were strangers to me.

P.C. Brace said: Yesterday afternoon about five o'clock I received information that a coat had been lost, and I went to the Market Square where I saw the prisoner going through the Market Lane with the coat on. From the information I believed it was he, and I sent to the last witness to come and follow me. I went after the prisoner and overtook him by Fishmonger's Lane. I told him I should detain him until the prosecutor came up, and prosecutor identified prisoner and gave him in charge for stealing a coat from his van. The prisoner in reply said he did not steal the coat, and that the prosecutor said he might wear it to keep himself dry. There was a man named Bartlett following him, and prosecutor said he was the other man. He went away directly he saw me go up to prisoner.

Prisoner said the prosecutor gave it him to keep himself dry, and he pleaded “not guilty.”

Committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 11 October, 1878


G. Martin was charged with assaulting Police-constable Corry, and refusing to leave the “Prince Regent Inn.”

John Longley, landlord of the “Prince Regent Inn,” Market Square, said: On Saturday evening, about ten minutes past ten, the prisoner had been in the house some time, and after a little while he became quarrelsome. I requested him to leave, but he would not, and used bad language. I called Police-constable Corry. When he came the prisoner struck the Police-constable, but he was afterwards put out.
Police-constable Corry said: I was called in the “Prince Regent” about ten o'clock. I saw the prisoner in front of the bar, using bad language, and the landlord told me to put him out. I told him to go, when he struck me in the neck. I then run him out of the door, and with more assistance I took him to the station. The prisoner was not drunk.

Prisoner was fined £1, and 7s. costs, or in default 14 days' imprisonment. The money was paid.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 11 August, 1889. Price 1d.


At the monthly meeting of the Dover Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society, held at the “Regent Inn” on Wednesday, the 3rd instant, Mr. J. Ward, of the “Priory Hotel,” was appointed vice-chairman in the place of the late Mr. Isaac Kemp.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 16 January, 1891. Price 1d.


We are authorised to say that there is no foundation for the statement made by the Chronicle last week that Sir Richard Dickeson had purchased the “Regent Inn.” There is no doubt it would be a great public improvement if the Market Place public buildings were isolated by the removal of the “Regent,” but, seeing that Sir Richard Dickeson and Company have good approaches to their spacious block of property, both from the Market Square, and Queen Street, the advantage of the removal to them, should hardly compensate for the outlay.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 13 March, 1890. Price 1d.


Thomas Davis was charged with being drunk, and begging in the Market Square.

Police-constable Pilcher said that on Sunday night, he was on duty in plain clothes. At quarter past nine he was sent for to put the prisoner out of the “Regent,” public house. Prisoner then went into the “Walmer Castle,” and he heard him beg. The prisoner was drunk. Having received complaints of him before, he took him into custody.

The prisoner was sent to prison for ten days with hard labour.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 8 February, 1901. Price 1d.


Kate Doyle was charged with being drunk and disorderly and refusing to quit the “Prince Regent Inn,” Market Square.

Police Sergeant Baker, Market Inspector, said that at noon on Monday the landlord of the “Prince Regent” asked him to eject the prisoner, who was sitting on the floor in front of the fire. He had refused to server her beer. Witness put her out with the assistance of the landlord. She then became troublesome and very violent. She had to be strapped on to the ambulance, and her language on the way to the Station was disgusting. She was drunk.

W. H. Doble, the landlord, said that on Monday prisoner came in and called for a glass of beer. It was drawn, but then witness saw the woman had had too much and he went and took it away again. She immediately dropped down in front of the fire on the floor. Witness then had her ejected by Police Sergeant Baker.

Prisoner said she came out of the Union, and had only had three glasses of beef before she went to the “Regent.”

A man in the gallery said he would like to give evidence.

William Rogers, Adrian Street, a labourer, said that on Monday close on twelve he was in the “Regent,” when the good lady in the dock came in and called for a glass of beer, and was served. She stood by the fire for a few minutes, and the barmaid objected to her being there, and said she had no business in the public bar, and she went for the landlord, who tried to take the beer from prisoner and spilt it over a letter she had with her. She then squatted down in front of the fire to dry it. The landlord then sent for the Inspector.

Prisoner promised to go back to the Union, and was discharged.



Perhaps a bit quieter by 1900 when five a.m. opening was allowed. Although 1910 a fracas saw the landlord have a glass smashed over his head in a fight that broke out in the pub.


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 4 April, 1902. Price 1d.


Frederick O'Dell was charged with smashing a glass panel of a door, value £1 15s., the property of James Watson, proprietor of the “Prince Regent” public house, Market Square.

James Watson said that just before two o'clock the previous afternoon the prisoner and his mates came into the house and had a drink. After that they went out again, but returned about 3.30 and stayed until five. When they were there the prisoner's wife and his brother-in-law's wife came in, and a few words were spoken between the men and the women, which turned to blows. Witness had the prisoner ejected, but he immediately returned and put his fist through the glass. The value was stated to be £1 15s. by the insurance agent. Witness was standing close to the prisoner when he struck the panel.

Police-constable Hambrook said that the previous afternoon he was called to the “Prince Regent” by a barmaid. He saw the last witness and also the broken door. The prisoner was standing in the Market Square, and on witness asking him what he did it for he replied that they would not let him in. Witness then took him into custody. The prisoner was very drunk.

The prisoner was fined 5/- and 7/- costs, and ordered to pay the damage, £1. 15s. £2 7s. in all, or in default 14 days hard labour. He was allowed a week in which to pay the money.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 29 April, 1904. Price 1d


Permission was granted to Mr. W. J. Dolbear to draw at the "Prince Regent," Market Square, the outgoing tenant being Mr. J. H. Watson, who has been ordered to leave Dover on account of his health.


From the Dover Express, Friday 10 December, 1909.


At the Dover Police Court on Friday the Magistrates (the Mayor, Mr. J. L. Bradley, Mr. W. Bradley, Mr. W. J. Bussey, and F. G. Wright) approved a slight alteration to the "Prince Regent."


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 1 April, 1910.



At the Dover Police Court on Tuesday, before Messrs. F. G. Wright and W. J. Bussey.

Elizabeth Gardner, 6, Mount Pleasant, was charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm on Charles Wallace, landlord of the "Prince Regent," by throwing a glass at him.

Charles Wallace, landlord of the "Prince Regent," Market Square, whose head and eyes were wrapped in bandages, said about a quarter to ten last night the prisoner's husband came into the bar alone. I refused to serve him with anything to drink, I refused to serve him as the prisoner had been to the house half an hour earlier with a poker in her hand, running after a man who had come in. When I would not serve the prisoner's husband he commenced to strike the customer's in the public bar. As I went round to separate them the prisoner opened the door, came inside, and picked up a pint glass off a barrel and threw it at me, and shouted to her husband to run away at once. The glass struck me on the forehead, stunning me, and it broke on my forehead. The parts of the glass produced were picked up in the bar. I was bleeding terribly when one of the police came. My wife and a man were present. When P.C. Fox came the prisoner and her husband had gone. I knew her as Mrs. Collins. Two police constables, one of whom was P.C. Howden, attended to me, and Dr. Howden also came. The prisoner was brought to the house half an hour afterwards. I am certain she is the woman. I saw her pick up the glass, but could not get at her. Her daughter came in with her. It was not the daughter that picked up the glass, but the prisoner. I do not say the glass was meant for me but for someone else in the bar, but I copped it.

Prisoner: I am innocent of the crime.

Henry Dowle, 13, Hartley Street, said; On Monday night, I was at the "Prince Regent," just before 10 o'clock. I saw a man named Jack Baker come in. The landlord refused to serve him, and he created a disturbance, and struck my brother. My brother took his own part. The landlord came round the bar to part them. My brother ran out into the Empire and fetched a policeman. The prisoner and her daughter came into the bar. She picked a pint glass up and flung it across the bar. It struck the landlord on the head and it broke. She was close to the landlord at the time.

The prisoner: What a wicked man!

The Magistrate directed the prisoner to keep quiet.

The prisoner: I must tell the truth.

Witness: I am certain she threw it. The landlord bled very much, and a doctor was sent for. I was there when the police came.

The prisoner said that the witness was the cause of the row. She hit him over the head with a poker as he said he was going to serve them all alike.

Dr. Howden said: I was called to the Market Square, where it was stated that a man was bleeding to death. I was taken to the "Prince Regent," and found the landlord bleeding freely from wounds on his face. I stopped the bleeding. There were three or four wounds on the forehead and bridge of the nose. The eyes escaped. The wounds were superficial.

P.S. Fox said: I was fetched to the "Prince Regent," and saw the landlord, and he complained of being assaulted by the prisoner. I found her at 6, Mount Pleasant. I asked her if she had been in the "Prince Regent" that evening. She said, "Yes, an hour and a hald ago." It was then 10.45. I brought her back to the "Prince Regent," and the landlord identified her as having thrown a glass at him. "She said; "I am innocent. Jack Baker, the man I live with, threw the glass, and my daughter who was there saw it." She was sober.

The prisoner: I think it very hard for me to be put on for other people when the man who I live with did it. I want him brought to the Court; he is indoors. I want him brought to the Court so that I can have satisfaction.

Mrs. Ellen Jones, 5, Mount Pleasant, the daughter of the prisoner, said: My mother lives with a man named Jack Baker. At a quarter to ten last night I went to the "Prince Regent" with my brother. John Baker and another man walked into the Regent after Mr. Doyle, who had blacked his eye. Baker went to hit Dowle, but could not get at him. He then hit his brother, John Baker then picked up a glass to hit Dowle, and instead struck the landlord. My mother is innocent of the crime. Baker is at home. He will come if fetched, but will say someone else did it.

The Magistrates ordered Baker to be sent for.

In answer to further questions witness said that her mother never went out after nine o'clock, when she had gone to the Regent with a poker in her hand. She did not go out after. P.C. Baker came to arrest Baker for being a deserter from the Royal West Kent Regiment, but she had his discharge papers.

Another sister came forward to give evidence, but, she made a cheeky remark to the Magistrates as she came up, and was then ordered to stand down.

On the man Baker being brought forward, the Magistrate's Clerk, addressing him, said: You were in this case; you were in the Regent last night; that is where you got your black eye? - Yes.

This woman here is charged with throwing a glass at the landlord. You are not obliged to give evidence in this case, as the allegation is that you threw the glass? - I do no know who threw it. I am certain and sure she did not as she was not there. There were glasses going for five or six minutes from all parts. There were five or six fighting there, and I was given a black eye.

The Chief Constable: You had the black eye before this happened. A man gave you the black eye on the top of Military Hill.

Baker: I was hit in the eye at the top of Military Hill and the Regent too.

The Magistrate's Clerk: Why did you not come down before?

Baker: I felt too ill.

The prisoner: This man I live with threw the glass.

Baker: I own the truth; I did.

The Magistrates Clerk: You cannot blow hot and cold like that; stand down.

The Magistrates said they had given very great care to this case. It was a very lamentable thing to have these orgies in public houses. It appeared to be very disgraceful to all concerned, and to throw glasses was very dangerous; someone might have been killed. As to the witnesses the prisoner had brought, they did not believe a word they had said, and the prisoner would go to prison for two months' hard labour.


From the Dover Express, Friday 23 January, 1914


At the Dover Police Court on Tuesday, before Messrs. Edward Chitty (in the chair), and F. Wright.

Horace Fry was charged with having been drunk and disorderly in "The Prince Regent," public house, Market Square, and further, with wilfully breaking a glass panel in the bar door of the public house, doing damage to the amount of 40/-, the property of Mr. Walter B. Warner, licensed victualler.

Mr. W. B. Warner, the licensee of the "Prince Regent," Market Square, said: The prisoner came in about 10.40 p.m. yesterday. He was not sober, and called for two penny-worth of ale. I refused to serve him, and ordered him to leave the premises. He refused to go, and demanded an explanation as to why he should not be served. I told him it was because he was drunk. Two soldiers, who were in the bar, tried to persuade him to leave, but he struck one of them in the right eye. The two soldiers pushed him outside, and shut the door on him. Prisoner went round to the public bar door in the Market Square and as about to walk in when I shut the door, and kept it shut. I remained there for a few minutes, and, as he appeared to be going away I turned to leave the door when I heard the glass panel smashed. I ran out and caught hold of the prisoner, and asked him what he had done it for. He said, "I have done it." I said that I would have to give him in charge and he said "Well, I have done it." There were two police officers in the Market, and I handed prisoner over to them. I value the damage at £2.

Prisoner said that he was going out of the door, and the two soldiers said something to him and followed him out.

Witness: They did not leave the house.

Prisoner: The window was broken in self defence.

P.C. Vincent said: Yesterday, about 10.30 p.m. whilst on duty in the Market Square I hard a smash of glass in the direction of "The prince Regent." I went towards the house, and saw Mr. Warner detaining the prisoner. Mr. Warner complained that the prisoner had broken the glass pane in the bar door. I saw that the pane was broken. Mr. Warner gave prisoner into custody, and at the Police Station prisoner was charged, but made no reply.

Prisoner had nothing further to say.

The Chief Constable said that he was a Dover man, and had always behaved himself very well. He was married, and had a family, and was in good work. He believed that for some years prisoner was in the Navy. He had not been charged before.

The Chairman said that the Bench would take into consideration prisoner's good character and the fact of his having a wife and family. He was liable to a fine of 40/- and £5 for the two charges, or two month's imprisonment. It was fortunate that he had not been charged by the soldier for assault. He (the Chairman) hoped that this would be a warning to him, and hoped that prisoner would give up the drink, which it appeared, had led him into very serious difficulty. Prisoner would have to pay the costs 6/- in each case, and £2 the amount of the damage.

Prisoner's wife paid 12/- costs, and prisoner was allowed a fortnight in which to pay the £2.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 15 May, 1914. Price 1d.


The licensee of the "Prince Regent," Market Square, was transferred from Mr. J. B. Webb to Mr. E. Hillier, of the "White Horse," Bishop Stortford. A letter was read from Dr. Morrison to the effect that it was necessary for Mrs. Webb to leave Dover for her health, Mr. Webb stating that that was the reason for his giving up the licence.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 5 February, 1915. Price 1d.


At the Dover Police Court on Wednesday, before Messrs. J. Scott, and W. D. Atkins.

James Berry, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the Market Square.

Prisoner: I was not guilty of drunkenness, I only had five pints all day yesterday.

P.C. Perkins gave evidence that on Tuesday evening at 8.15 he saw the prisoner ejected from the “Prince Regent” in the market Square, and as he would not go away, but created a disturbance and then went back to the public house.

Prisoner: You are a liar and I must call you one. As soon as I came out of the bar you caught hold of both my hands and would not give me a chance.

The Chairman: Let him finish his evidence. You are doing yourself harm by going on in this way.

Witness continuing said he gave prisoner a chance to get away but he went back to the house and the landlord turned him out again, and so witness arrested him.

Prisoner: Did not you fix me by both hands? Did you give me a chance?

Witness: I asked you to go away quietly.

Prisoner (shouting): You did not give me a chance.

The Chairman: Don't spoil your chance by going o like this. Do you want to ask anything else?

Prisoner: No. His words are not true.

Ernest Hillyar, landlord of the “Prince Regent,” said the prisoner was in the four-ale bar the previous evening and caused a disturbance. He wanted to fight a man. He never purchased any beer.

Prisoner: You served me all day long. How did I get drunk if I never had any beer?

Witness: I never served you and I was in charge of the bar. Continuing, witness said: As the prisoner created a disturbance I put him out. I could not say truthfully whether he was drunk or not, but I should say he had had some. I did not hear what occurred between P.C. Perkins and the prisoner.

By Mr. Scott: Witness saw prisoner in the bar in the afternoon, but could not say when he came in in the evening.

Prisoner: When you pushed me out of the door did not the Policeman catch hold of me without giving me a chance.

Witness: I shut the door and did not see what happened then.

Prisoner: I was not drunk for I never had more than ten half-pints of beer yesterday, and working in the meantime. You don't call that much.

Mr. Atkins: What do you call the meantime?

Prisoner: Pushing a barrow in the meantime. Ten half-pints is not heavy drinking. A man came into the house and challenged me to fight. I had to take my part.

Several previous convictions were proved against defendant and he was fined 10s. and 7s. costs. The money being paid.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 21 December, 1923. Price 1½d.


Mr. Jones of the “Prince Regent,” Market Square, asked for the extension of the music and singing licence to dancing, for a room downstairs, which it was stated would hold thirty couples. – A temporary licence until transfer day was granted.



Certainly a popular house in world war two. It had closed for the duration on 11th October 1940 but Moody, who had been with the house since 1935, reopened in 1941 and was succeeded by his wife Doris in 1964.


Prince Regent inside 1968

Above photo, showing the inside of the pub circa 1968.

Prince Regent inside 1968

Above photo, showing the inside of the pub circa 1968.

Prince Regent locals 1968

Locals inside the pub circa 1968. Doris Moody behind the bar.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 21 January, 1921.


The transfer of the licensee of the "Prince Regent," Market Square, from Mr. George Wood to Mr. George Coe, of the "Greyhound," Union Row. - Mr. Chitty asked if this house was not one of the houses which had been a difficult one to run, an did the Chief Constable consider that the new tenant would be able to carry out the duties satisfactorily? -  Chief Constable Green said that the licensee was a life-long abstainer, and he had had no complaints since Mr. Coe had been there, December 20th.


From an email received 16 February 2024.

From a letter written by G A Taylor, a Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve trainee Signalman, on 28th January 1940.

Dover Comparison.

When I went down to the Calvi the other day I was struck, probably because I was about in daylight, which is a rare thing for me, by the great difference in what you might call social circumstances between living at the Castle and being a Trawlerman.

From the Castle you descend to the town through a more or less high-class residential area and arrive in the Market Square. You frequent quiet, decorous pubs (relatively speaking) and generally move in widely accepted circles.

But as a Trawlerman you approach the town from the opposite side. You get ashore at the dock steps, pass warily under the swinging coal grabs and along past the docked ships which, nowadays, stripped for action, painted grey and streaked with salt, always seem to be breathless and in a hurry, as if they really can’t afford to waste all this time in dock. Then you come to the fringe of the small dockland where the railway sidings overflow onto the roads and the roads end abruptly on the unprotected edge of the dock. You turn right, continuing past (if you must be pure) the famous dockside pubs; past The Mitre, The York House and then you come to The Clarendon which marks the beginning of the notorious Snargate Street, the Wapping High Street of Dover. This is the main artery between the docks and the town. It is a narrow street, too curving to be called straight yet straight enough to be a pretty direct route. A road as doubtful geographically as it is morally and once entered upon you can’t leave it from one end to the other, for it is joined by only one other street and that is a short road, at the town end, leading towards the Front.

Snargate Street is the social centre of the Dover Patrol and as such, is entitled to its share of glory, though tougher things than glory have come to a bad end there, for even in daylight, its dirty twin rows of buildings and small scowling shops, many empty, with shattered windows and debris filled interiors, lend it a very sinister aspect. And no part of the town is as conscientious about its black-out, though it is doubtful if such careful shuttering of windows and masking of doorways comes from a sense of duty so much as a sense of profit.

But amidst this huddled crowd of cafés, second-hand bookshops, barbers and chemists there are four places that any Trawlerman will know. There’s The Royal Hippodrome where, for sixpence, you can see a two-hour variety show (of sorts) with strip-tease thrown in. There’s the Salvation Army Hostel where anybody’s welcome. There’s the Working Men’s Club which admits Service members for a shilling a quarter and makes them welcome, providing they can stand up and keep fairly quiet. There’s The Invicta public house where anybody’s welcome while he’s sufficiently in possession of his senses to spend any money he has been so misguided as to bring ashore with him.

Leading out of Snargate at one end is a narrow, dark passage which winds its furtive way, after many twists, into the Market Square. Down this passage is the most famous pub of all, The Prince Regent.

There you’ll find Dinah, the barmaid, who at present is having all her teeth out and has seized on this singularly inappropriate moment to start gazing archly at all the new customers (and a few old ones) and remark that as it’s Leap Year, she really is going to get herself a boy.

And there’s Kay too. She’s a little dark girl, about nineteen years old, who’s “Kay” to literally hundreds of soldiers and sailors and, every night, she plays the accordion to them, anything they think of, and generally keeps them happy. Early in the war the Daily Mirror called her the ‘Modern Mlle from Armentières’, but she’s more than that, for not only does she keep the party happy, she keeps it scrupulously clean as well and that takes some doing, so more power to her elbow. I like Kay and so sometimes, when she gets fed up, which isn’t very often, she confides in me (very flattering this) and I play the piano for her to dance to, because she dearly loves to dance and gets few opportunities.

Kay 1940

And I like all this, probably because I’ve had so much fun; and, as I walked down Snargate in the morning I was reminded of those good times by the surprising number of people with whom I was acquainted. In the doorways of one or two sweaty-windowed cafés there stood waitresses, still sleepy-eyed, for Snargate naturally wakes late, who called a greeting of some sort after me. Then I met the Steward of the Working Men’s Club on his way to open the premises; then the hunch-back manager of The Hippodrome and the bent little boot repairer called to me from opposite sides of the street; and the barmaid of the Invicta, whitening the front step and not looking at all her usual come-hither self. And she knew and she didn’t mind. And there are Trawlermen by the dozen, mostly ashore on the early boat on the official errand of collecting the mails and the unofficial business of getting a quick beer, with others unofficially ashore for reasons of their own and obviously wearing a scolding conscience on their shoulders.

There I’ll stop the tour of the waterfront for tonight, but if I talk about teaching Kay a new tune, or meeting Sunshine in the Club, you’ll have a good idea of what I mean without further elaboration on my part, won’t you?


Later on, in April 1942 whilst serving on HMS Royal Eagle, the paddle steamer on which he crossed to Dunkirk, he came across a magazine on board ship and on April 8th he wrote as follows:-

We’ve been presented with some back copies of a big Yank magazine and in one I found the enclosed photo of Kay and thought you might like to see it. It was taken in September 1939 - you can tell that by all the white caps in evidence and the general air of smartness and comfort. She has the original of the photo framed on the wall just about where her back is. Dover, as I said, is following me about at the moment.

The photograph of Kay (from Life magazine apparently) that he described was in his papers.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 3 May, 1946.


At Dover, on Thursday, two Fusiliers of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Hugh Taggart and Samuel Swann, from the B.A.O.R., pleaded guilty to damaging windows at the "Prince Regent" public house and assaulting the landlord, Frederick Moody. Evidence was that the assault took place after defendants had been put out on account of their condition. Soon after, Mr. G Rowe, 20 Dour Street, who was in the Dovorian Restaurant, saw the soldiers smashing the windows, and followed them until he saw P.Sgt. Steel, who arrested them. Taggart was fined £3, and Swann £3, and £6 12s. costs for the windows.


Dover Express 9th August 1946.

Town, Port & Garrison.

The engagement is announced between James Bannister, eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Bannister of 19 Stanway Road, Ely, Cardiff, and Joan Moody, daughter of Mr. & Mrs F. Moody, “Prince Regent”, Market Square, Dover.


Dover Express 3rd September 1948. Town, port & garrison.

The wedding has been arranged between Joan, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. Moody, "Prince Regent", Market Square, Dover and "Jimmy", son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Bannister, 89 Stanway Road, Ely, Cardiff and will take place at St. Mary's Church on Saturday September 4th at 2.30.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 22 August 1952.


The maximum fine for the offence of £2 was imposed on Saturday by Dover Magistrates on Frederick John Caldwell, a 28 year-old labourer, of 9, Beaufoy Terrace, Dover, for being drunk and disorderly in Market Lane the previous night. Caldwell admitted the offence.

Sgt. Brown told the court that at 10.30 the previous night he was in the Market Square when he saw a crown near the "Prince Regent." Approaching the officer found that an argument had developed and he asked the people to go away. Caldwell refused to go and used obscene language so he was arrested and taken to the Police Station. Sgt. Brown added that at times Caldwell's language was atrocious and just before he was arrested there were some ladies in the nearby passage who must have heard the remarks.

Caldwell explained to the court that it was the first time he had ever been drunk and that it would never happen again.

Told there were no previous convictions the Chairman of the Magistrates (Mr. G. Golding) imposed a fine of £2 adding "this type of conduct must cease."


From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 12 September, 1952.

Magistrates Reduce Length

An application for an occasional licence to supply liquor at a dance at the Co-operative Hall from eight in the evening to one a.m. was refused by Dover magistrates on Friday after the Police had made observations in regard to a previous occasion. The licence was granted till midnight.

Making the application was Mrs. F. Moody, of the "Prince Regent," and the dance for which the drinks were required was the Dover Athletic Club's at the Co-operative Hall next month.

Inspector Wilkinson pointed out that on July 4th Mr S. Moody was granted an occasional licence to sell drinks in the same hall. Outside the hall there was a brawl in which a Police-Sergeant was assaulted.

Mrs. Moody agreed that there was an argument in the hall, but the men concerned were put out of the dance and the brawl occurred outside afterwards.

Mr. Byford (Chairman of the Magistrates) said the licences would be granted until midnight, but he would like to warn the licensees that any similar occurrence in future might jeopardise the application.


Contributed by Canterbury Libraries

People in story: Joan Wheatley

Location of story: Dover, Kent

Background to story: Civilian

Article ID: A3125080

Contributed on: 13 October 2004.

My Memories of WW2


I lived with my family, Dot and Fred Moody, in the Prince Regent public house, Market Square, Dover. War was imminent, so my parents had made arrangements for me and my younger sister and brother to leave Dover and stay with Grandparents in Chartham, later moving to Bracknell, where I attended school until I returned home at Christmas 1943.

The Prince Regent was a big public house with a very large room attached to the bars, every night was filled with army and navy personnel who came for a good "sing song" night out. My older sister, Kay, was a talented musician on the piano accordion and entertained the troops from opening time until closing time with all the wartime songs they could sing along to. A reporter from the Daily Mirror came down and wrote an article about this and took photos, which I still have.

My father was deaf so just kept all the boys under control but my Mother was like a Mother to them all. On many occasions if she thought any of the boys as she called them could not afford another pint she would take two shillings and give them change for ten shillings so that they could enjoy themselves for a bit longer.

The Dutch boys repaid my Mother for all her kindness by making her a VIP on three Reunion trips to Dover. On these occasions she was presented with an oil painting of the Market Square with searchlights trained on the Prince Regent painted by a Dutch artist and a beautiful very large Delft Ginger Jar (my description). She has also been mentioned in two books published in Holland written by Hans Larive, SOE, - MTB's Command and Gerard Degger, 1st Officer - MTB's.

Serving beer was non-stop from opening time to closing time so I also served behind the bar and got to know so many of the customers and prayed that they would be coming in another evening especially when they were recalled during the evening for duty, either to man the the great guns or to go to sea.

After closing time it was wash the glasses, sweep up and head for the caves for the night.

One morning we came home to find a shell had hit the Museum next door and a number of stuffed animals were laying on the flat roof, when we spoke about it people thought we were suffering from shell shock.

I have so many stories and memories perhaps one day I might write them down for my family to read.

(Click here)



In response to the above article, I have recently received the following email from Edward Cogdell.


Dear Sir,

While browsing on the internet, and thinking of my time in Dover (July 1940 -Feb 1941) I came across Mrs Joan Wheatley's story of The Prince Regent. My interest was instantly aroused. From the first night out I had in Dover until I left in 1941 it became my local. It brought back so many memories. I remember Mr & Mrs Moodie quite well and their daughter Kay, who we called Kath. In fact I was in the Regent the night Kath got engaged, and remember singing on the table as she played the accordion. I also remember the barmaid who was called Di, but not sure if her name was Diane or Dinah. But she was a niece of the Moodies and a cousin to Kath. She lived in the Regent but occasionally went home to Dymchurch. I am 89 years old and my thoughts often drift back to those torrid days of 1940, and wonder what happened to Kath and Di, and if they are still alive. Could you possibly put me in touch with Joan Wheatley?

Incidentally, many years ago I wrote a book about my Army life just for my Granddaughters to read, and the title of the book was '"TWO PINTS AND TWO BOB CHANGE", this confirms 'Mother Moodie' and her 2 shillings and 10 bob change.

Some years ago Ken Flint started a newsletter for the white cliffs veterans, and he intended to write a book, so I sent him some memories of mine, which he in time passed to a Mr Humphries who mentioned my Dover memories in his book. "SHELLFIRE CORNER." Hoping you can oblige and help me in my quest

Yours Sincerely,



P.S. My book was not for publishing.


Ted has kindly sent me a passage from his memoirs and given permission to publish on this web. The article is below.



Our Regiment, just recovering from the debacle of fighting in Norway, and re-equipped  with new boor guns and transport was once again the only fully mobile Light Anti Aircraft Regiment in the army.

Three days ago we had left Gails Camp in Ayrshire and rumbled southwards. And now we were traveling through Kent, 'the garden of England'. We had passed through Canterbury and fast approaching Dover.

Ted Cogdell a young gunner

Even before reaching this historic town, we could see the barrage balloons floating lazily but protectively in the blue sky. Our convoy rolled into the town square then up the hill giving me my first glimpse of Dover castle. It looked dominant, pugnacious and defiant in those early days and remained so till the war ended.

Dover with its white cliffs, harbour and breakwater, the town and its people saying “Standfast, they shall not pass” - This was Dover in 1940. Soon to be known as ‘Hellfire Corner'.

We had no time to look at the scenery, onwards along the Dover/Deal road, past Connaught barracks and no stopping at the Swingate pub for a pint. Most of Troop Headquarters drop off at the Radar station which for a few days was to be our Headquarters. But being a Dispatch Rider I had to carry on until all the guns were in positions already recced. - Turn right off the main road, and down the lane to St Margaret's. Drop a gun off here, another there, one by Bob Dares farm through the village and back along the cliff road and guns left looking out over the Straits.

Now I have to go around the gun sites again and collect the 'guns ready for action‘ reports from the Sergeants in charge. By the time I got back to the Radar station the lads not on duty had taken advantage of the liberty truck and gone for a pint or to take a look at their new home. The Troop Sergeant Major told me to make myself scarce, so I jumped on my bike and headed for Dover.

The first pub I found was the Prince Regent and this became my local when duty allowed. I managed to swallow 2 pints before closing time, then it was back to Headquarters.

Next morning at breakfast the conversation had turned to last night and the pub. ‘Scud' a gunner pal mentioned that the barmaid had asked, "who was the good looking Dispatch Rider that came in?" Being the only Dispatch Rider there, I said to Scud, "that was me". Scud didn't agree saying, I was an ugly b…..d!

The next night when I went to the pub, the barmaid was quite friendly, so much so, and to my embarrassment on other occasions when I went there, she would call out, “kiss me Taffy”, all in good fun. And totally worth it. When Len and I were broke we would somehow scrabble 2 shillings and off to the Regent. Due to Do and her Aunties kindness we would enjoy a goodnight out.

It was not all beer and skittles in Dover, in fact quite the reverse. It was the time when Hitler was hoping to destroy Britain's Airforce, and wipe our airfields out in preparation for his forces to invade Britain. What wishful thinking.

Dover nestling in the lee of the white cliffs and overlooked by the Castle was in fact the ‘frontline'. There were few days or nights that went by without being bombed or shelled from the French coast. For the Gunners it was not a case of one or two hours off. 'Stand to was one hour before sunrise and Stand down one hour after sunset if they were lucky,' While the air-raids were taking place and the guns were in action, other gunners were carrying ammunition to the guns or standing by to change the barrel if it got too hot, which it frequently did in long raids. When the all-clear sounded the cook would bring a much welcomed bucket of Char (tea) to the gunners, but there were times when the alarm went even before they could taste their tea or stand down.

It was 'plane left, plane right, height 10,000 or 15,000 feet. FIRE!!' This sort of action was a certainty day in day out. After our experiences in Norway, our aircraft recognition was very good, one glance and we could tell if the bombers were Dormers, Junkers or Heinekens and of course we had no problem picking the Junkers 87 Dive Bomber, the dive bomber with the fixed undercarriage.

Troop Headquarters moved from the Radar station and was now closer to the guns around St Margaret's. A couple of guns were deployed on the breakwater, which wasn't the healthiest of places.

One Sunday morning I took a truck and some lads to the beach to fill sand-bags to strengthen our gun positions. We were busy shovelling away, chatting and singing when a huge water spout erupted outside the breakwater. But no sign of enemy planes. However a few more huge splashes and we realised that Dover was being shelled. It was the first time in this war that the enemy had used their big guns to shell Dover. But first time or not, we were off that beach faster than the next shell could cross the water, (the date of the shelling Aug 12th 1940?)

Soon we had a 14 inch? Naval gun to fire across the Straits and Calais. These were defended by Heavy Anti-aircraft Guns and of course by 163 Light Anti-aircraft Regiment Battery, (my Battery). Winston Churchill came down to visit the big naval gun, which after the huge gun fired, it was named ‘Farting Winnie'. A German shell pitched in the field where our Headquarters and one of our guns was sited. Shrapnel ripped through the tent of the gun crew, and split the tent pole. Pieces of shrapnel was also found in the bed blankets of the gunners who were luckily on gun duty.

Two outstanding memories of Farting Winnie and Pooh (another big gun) was that when they fired the earth rumbled for minutes after, most upsetting for the people the other side of the straits. But I suppose that when they heard our guns firing, they did what we did when we heard theirs; count seventy and take cover!!

The other occasion was they fired early one morning without any warning. Our Nissen hut shook for days after, there was pandemonium in the darkness, until some one managed to light the hurricane lamp.

What a sight; Bob was trying to crawl under his bed boards which were only 4 inches high, and this with his blanket around him. In another corner of the hut, Les had his head between his legs and was trying to pull his shirt over his head, leaving his bottom exposed to all and sundry. (Many years later at a re-union dinner, George recalled the incident and said "Taff you sat up in bed and told us. 'You are all going to die and you don't like it'. My replied to George was, 'I was as frightened as the rest, but was trying to cheer you up'. George thought there must have been a better way."

Winnie and Pooh proved to be a nuisance to the Germans, they bombed the site where they thought the guns were, but again they were outwitted. Two wooden replicas had been built a few miles from the originals, and the Germans wasted their bombs on those. Whilst in Dover I don't think they ever discovered they had been hood winked.

One of my duties as a Dispatch Rider was to go out to the gun sites when an alarm sounded and stay until the all clear. Then collect the engagement reports from each gun. The report included. Such facts as; "number of planes engaged, damaged or destroyed and ammunition expended". So more often than not I could be on a gun site on the white cliffs, over looking the harbour and channel, which if you could forget where you were, would be a grandstand view. I could look across the straits and see enemy planes circling above Calais gaining height prior to sweeping across the 20 mile strip of sea to attack the little island that was to upset Hitler's plan of world domination.

The German targets could be a convoy of ships, Dover and its harbour. There were also the nearby airfields of Mantson, Hawkinge and other air fields of Kent. Many times I saw a convoy with their own barrage balloons floating protectively (hopefully) ailing through ‘bomb alley' hoping against all hope that they would get through safely.

Cartoon from Roy Humphrie's book "Hellfire Corner"

But it was not to be, out of the blue skies would swoop the German Bombers, mostly Dive-bombers, seeking their targets. The convoys zinged and sagged while the bombers attacked. But it was not always one sided, The Navy, Heavy Anti-aircraft Guns, and Light Anti-aircraft gunners had their successes. Bombers burst into flames, others with part of a wing, tail or fuselage shot away plunged into the sea.

Even as planes are destroyed so our ships are sunk by the German bombers. The ships carry vital supplies, food, oil, ammunition and other vital supplies. And to see a oil tanker hit resulting in the merchant sea men caught in the fire and drowned in a sea of oil is unforgettable.

Then without warning a silence steals over the area. The planes are gone and the guns silent. In time the all clear sounds and its time for me to complete my duty and visit the other gun sites for their reports.

A couple of days before my birthday there was a massive raid on a convoy, wave after wave of Junkers 87's with an escort of M. E. 109's tried to destroy a convoy. E-boats also joined in and 8 ships were sunk and several more damaged, including 2 destroyers.

The day after my birthday July 29th saw another vicious attack, there must have been 100 plus planes. Inside the harbour our old friend HMS Codrington who had been with us in Norway was sunk.

After furious days of action it was a relief to call in the Regent and hear the words ‘Kiss me Taffy' and enjoy a 2 pints and 2 bob change. I can recall the night when Kath the daughter got engaged, I stood on the table swaying to the beer not the music and with Kath playing the accordion, I sang Mexicali Rose. And we also slipped around the corner into Snargate Street and visited the cockle shop. What nights.

Good fortune and tragedy walk hand in hand. I had been given a few extra hours off so went to Dover early, promising to meet Len (my pal) in the Regent about 8. I went to the Grand to have a chat with the manager and his wife who I knew fairly well. Their first words were "Have a drop of whisky, Taff and celebrate our move to Cornwall". He explained that the constant bombing was affecting his wife's nerves. Therefore they were moving. Later I went to the Regent to meet Len and take him to the Grand to away farewell to our friends. Just back at the Regent the sirens went, so we stayed put. There was a terrific explosion which I think shook every building in Dover. After the all clear we made our way to the Grand, but the Grand was a wreck, just burning rubble with firemen fighting against the odds to rescue people. Len and I as did every other serviceman in the vicinity offered to help, but were turned away, the situation being hopeless. We returned to the Regent where for a short time the topic was the Grand. The music of Kath helped to dispel some of the gloom, and for Len and I, 2 Pints?

Life must go on, and life does go on. In a very short time I have learned, life is for living, live for today, there may be no tomorrow.

The summer of 1940 seemed to be one of long bright sunny days, but I suppose my memory has shut out the rainy days. I was fascinated by the Hurricanes and Spitfire pilots who battled so bravely against all odds. They weaved and zoomed around the skies taking the fight to the Germans and winning it. M.E. 109's came in on sneak raids shooting down the barrage balloons. However we claimed one balloon that summer. A rogue balloon had broken from its moorings and with its cable trailing went drifting across Dover ripping chimney pots and Slates from houses. So we had to shoot it down.

On another occasion a German pilot was parachuting down and I was determined to capture him and have his flying boots. I strapped on my revolver, jumped on the bike and followed his decent across fields and roads. But he came down in the Marine Camp, so my efforts were for nothing. 

Again years later at a re-union dinner the story had grown. It was said that "I captured the pilot, took his Iron Cross of him and never gave it back".

The cook on a site on the cliffs was taken ill. So they had no cook one of our drivers volunteered to do the cooking. And to create a good impression done the gunners a meat pie. At meal time he called out 'come and get it', the lads lined up with their mess tins, but Trig couldn't cut through the pastry, he couldn't even dent it with a 7lb hammer and legend has it that Trigs meat pie was used for door mat, and three weeks went by before there were any cracks or signs of wear and tear in the pie.

"The toughness of the pie is not true but we pulled Trigs leg, and the story grew".

Again at a Re-union I repeated this story, only to be shouted at by a pal, 'That wasn't Trig. I cooked that pie'!! No body was taking away the credit for his meat pie.

With so many raids happening, and our guns being in action day and night, ammo was quickly used up and a few times I had to take a convoy of trucks to ammo dumps and load up with shells. It was a bit hairy riding gunshot to a convoy of ammo. Knowing that any time you were near or in Dover you could be in the middle of an air-raid. On another occasion I had to take some guns to Hawkinge air-field, and sure enough a M.E.109 sneaked in and dropped a stick of bombs, which fortunately missed the convoy. But the blast, or was it fright knocked me off my bike. No time to worry, or hang about, Hawkinge needed those guns.

Battery Headquarters and Troop Headquarters moved into 2 bungalows in a dell behind the castle. The bungalows were ‘Marne and Bradlees. At the top of the hill was a barracks where Auxiliary Territorial Service (woman) were billeted. Sadly during a raid the barracks got hit and 17(??) girls were killed; can't trust my memory on this occasion.

The threat of invasion was growing and the order came for us to get our transport from the bus depot and keep it near our guns. Whether this was to be able to fall back with the guns, or go forward if the enemy came nobody told us. On second thoughts we could not go forward, we were already on the cliff tops. We also had to start all vehicles and run the engines for 10 minutes every hour. Eventually this was cancelled, and as August gave way to September the Royal Air Force, who had so bravely battled against great odds, convinced Hitler that his invasion plans would have to be postponed or even cancelled for all time.

Some say that an invasion force did leave France. There were tales of German bodies being washed up on the beaches as far away as Cornwall's sailor who came into the Regent and was a friend, told me that while on early morning patrol on his mine-sweeper, and just outside the breakwater there were hundreds of German bodies being swept away on the sea. Another pal of mine, Arthur, who was on the breakwater at the entrance to the harbour the same morning, confirmed this story. He and the gun crew had seen German bodies sweeping past. Many people believed the story to be true but there was never any confirmation. There were unofficial explanations and rumours. First, the invasion was tried, but the Royal Air Force shot the barges up as they left the French coast. Secondly, the Germans were on invasion maneuvers when again the Royal Air Force caught and bombed them. It was also said the Royal Air Force dropped fuel (high octane) on the sea and barges and set fire to them, causing great destruction.

Did the Germans try to invade us? Did the Royal Air Force catch, bomb and burn them?? The stories were told by men who were in Dover at the time when the threat of invasion was never greater. But there was never any official comment from the higher echelons, and morale had to be sustained.

The Battle of Britain began officially on July 10th 1940 and finished October 31st 1940.

My Regiment 55th Light Anti-aircraft  Regiment, Royal Artillery  had seen it through from beginning to end. In fact our stay in Dover and the air-fields of Kent stretched from early July 1940 to February 1941.

Perhaps its time for the Regiment to take a break. We had been subjected to continued bombing in Norway where night brought no relief; it was the time of the 'midnight sun.'

Now for 7 months we were again in the front line at Dover, sharing the bombing and shelling with the courageous people of the town. Dover as expected showed signs of wear and tear. Piles of rubble where buildings had previously stood. The shell of a church or chapel, stark reminders of the battle. Everywhere you could find shell holes and bomb craters that had been filled in. Along the cliff tops were buildings riddled by cannon-shells from attacking German aircraft as they tried to wipe out our gun crews.

On our last evening in Dover, Len and I went to the Regent to say our goodbyes. What a night, tinged with regret also relief. So we left that great bastion, the symbol of all that was British.

Optimistically, I thought where-ever I went, there would be a barmaid waiting who would shout 'kiss me Taffy' but more important let me have '2 pints and 2 bob change'.


By Edward Cogdell. 30/Dec/2007.


A brief composition of our Regiment. It was the 55th Light Anti-aircraft Regiment. It consisted of 3 Batterys - 163-164-165 all Light Anti-aircraft. The 3 Battery's between them were deployed at most of the airfields around Dover, Deal and Folkestone. My Battery being 163 was deployed around Dover and St. Margaret's,  at one time having a gun inside the castle grounds.

Marne and Broadlees

At the end of the garden of Broadlees was a football pitch, where in-between raids we had a kick about. But the new dock road was built over the football pitch. Talking to you is reviving so many memories of Dover, times and pals; many of the pals have long passed on. In fact I am only in touch with six from those days of 1939/40.


From the Dover Mercury, 23 February 2006.

Merry memories of Market Square.

THE article on the exhibition detailing the history of Dover Market Square in the Mercury last month proved very interesting to reader Joan Wheatley, of Beaconsfield Avenue.

Joan WheatleyHer sister, Kay Grove took four shops and the bays opposite in the Market Hall soon after the Second World War and Joan also worked with her.

"We started off with second-hand clothing which was on the racks in the bays," she said.

"When it rained, we had to bring all the items into the shops because at that time the roof had been blown off by the shelling and had not been replaced.

"Later on, when clothing came off coupons, we sold men's new clothing and then went on to furniture, new hats and jewellery, brass-ware and antiques.

"The Market Hall was a favourite shopping area for Dover people with the large variety of shops. Hiltons the butcher and grocer later became Wilson's fish shop. There was also Hammonds and Hearn's greengrocers, a wool shop, baby-wear shop and a shoe repairer, Charley Orme's cafe at the entrance and many others.

"Everyone had a thriving business until it was forced to close - a sad day for everyone."

Joan was also interested to see the reference to inns in our Those Were The Days feature, as her parents, Dot and Fred Moody, were licensees of the Prince Regent from 1934.

"When my father died my mother took over the licence and was there until she retired in 1971.

"The brewers could not date the property but I remember that every door in the living quarters had a sliding peep hole, so were they there to keep the shady occupants in order many years ago when it was called the Regent or Regent Tap? I have often wondered."


From the Dover Express. September 2011.


DOVER Market Square was shrouded in dense black smoke after a fire broke out at the old Prince Regent pub.

Two policemen braved falling debris from burning roof timbers to rescue three men, believed to be squatters, from inside the building.

Constables Bruce Smyth and Don Bacon were on patrol duty in the Market Square area when they saw smoke escaping from the roof.

The officers forced their way in and saw two men trying to get out. On the second floor, they found another man.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus searched the building to check there was no one else inside.

They were unable to prevent the second floor and roof from being completely destroyed.


From an email received 21 February 2012

I am in touch with a lady in Tunbridge Wells whose late husband served in The Buffs regiment from 1953-1956. While sorting through his effects she found this small card relating to the "Prince Regent" pub in Market Square Dover.

Is it some sort of I.D. or membership card issued by the pub in the mid 1950's? we would be interested in your comments.

If it helps, I do know that Ted was stationed at Old Park Barracks Dover from December 1954 until June 1955.

Kind regards Fred Scales ( ex The Buffs 1955-1957)

Prince Regent cardPrince Regent card

If anyone has any ideas about this, please email me at the address at the bottom of the page.


It was destined to close in 1974-75 and arrangements had been made to erect a replacement at the juncture of Queen Street and the new York Street. That scheme fell by the wayside when the old building was declared to be of architectural interest. The name of the new pub had been suggested as Captain Webb after the first channel swimmer, the opening being visualised in August 1975.


With that cancelled, it continued to retail for a few more years, closing finally in mid April 1983. Its demolition was sanctioned by the local authority in October 1983 but it was still standing in 1986 when the upper floors were damaged and the roof destroyed by fire on 23 September that year.


Perhaps appertaining to the name, the Prince Regent did make regular visits to the town after 1815 in order to receive allied sovereigns and heads of state, He was also here when Louis XVIII returned to France from exile on 23 April 1814.


The area did eventually see redevelopment in 1989. The pub was taken down as a consequence, in February that year. "Captain Webb" did make its debut but not in the original position planned. The lane was closed from 4 April 1989.



THOMPSON Edward 1823-39+ Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

BROCKMAN John 1833-41+ (age 45 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1840

OAKENFULL Henry 1847 Bagshaw's Directory 1847

GOSSIP William 1850 Dover Telegraph

LONGLEY John 1851+ (age 47 in 1851Census) (Regent)

PETTS Thomas Edward 1864-Jan/68 Dover Express (Regent)

LONGLEY John Newman Jan/1868-82+ Next pub licensee had (age 38 in 1871Census) Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882 (Regent)

Last pub licensee had YOUNG George Charles 1884-Sept/85 Next pub licensee had

HOPPER T Sept/1885+ Dover Express (of Hammersmith)

LOGAN William to Jan/1888 dec'd Dover Express

LOGAN Rosamond Butler (widow) Jan/1888+ Dover Express

Last pub licensee had DOBLE William Henry 1891-Aug/1901 (age 45 in 1891Census) Pikes 1895Kelly's Directory 1899Post Office Directory 1903Dover Express

WATSON James Henry Aug/1901-Apr/04 Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903Dover Express

Last pub licensee had DOLBEAR W James Apr/1904-05 Next pub licensee had Dover Express


GORLEY Frank Clark 1907-Mar/08 Dover ExpressPikes 1909

Last pub licensee had WALLACE Charles Mar/1908-11 end Dover Express

WARNER Walter Bridgeford 1911-Mar/14 Post Office Directory 1913Dover Express

Last pub licensee had WEBB Mr James B Mar-May/1914 Dover Express (After pub in Sellinge he had been in Canada)

HILLIER Ernest May/1914-17 (Dover Express of White Horse, Bishops Stortford)

WHITING Mr H W to Aug/1917 Dover Express temporary license

WOOD George John Arthur Next pub licensee had Aug/1917-30/Dec/20 Dover Express miner from Lydden

Last pub licensee had COE George 30/Dec/1920-Mar/22 Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1922

Last pub licensee had JONES Charles Thorne Mar/1922-24 Dover ExpressPikes 1924

DEPROSE WaIter G to Aug/1924 Dover Express

WRIGHT Charles Aug/1924-28 end Dover Express

HAZELL Percy Robert 1928-Dec/30 Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1930

Last pub licensee had WYLE Philip W Dec/1930-Oct/31 Next pub licensee had Dover Express

CALVERT Ernest Thomas Oct/1931-34 Dover ExpressPikes 1932-33 Next pub licensee had (Sub-postmaster, of Ramsgate)

Last pub licensee had MOODY Frederick 1934-Oct/1940 Post Office Directory 1938Pikes 1938-39Dover Express

CLINCH Ernest William Oct/1940-Oct/41 (Secretary to Gardener & Co) Dover Express

MOODY Frederick Oct/1941-56+ Dover ExpressPikes 48-49Kelly's Directory 1950Kelly's Directory 1953Kelly's Directory 1956

MOODY Doris 1964-71 end

ORGAN Anthony M (also "Primrose") & ELLIS C A 1974 Library archives 1974 Gardner & Co



McNELLY C 1977-78

HAY P 1978

BALSOM J 1979-80 end Next pub licensee had

JONES John 1980

CURRY William 1981-83 end



The Dover Express reported 15 May 1914:- "A letter was read from Dr. Morrison to the effect that it was necessary for Mrs. Webb to leave Dover for her health, Mr. Webb stating that that was the reason for his giving up the licence.


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-9

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Pikes 1895From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895

Kelly's Directory 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1901

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Pikes 1909From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Pikes 1924From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Pikes 1932-33From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Pikes 1938-39From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39

Pikes 48-49From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49

Kelly's Directory 1950From the Kelly's Directory 1950

Kelly's Directory 1953From the Kelly's Directory 1953

Kelly's Directory 1956From the Kelly's Directory 1956

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express

Dover TelegraphFrom the Dover Telegraph



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
