Sort file:- Sandwich, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 29 September, 2021.


Earliest 1865-

Richborough Castle

Latest 1873

Unknown address



Known to be in operation in 1865 but sold off and subsequently closed in September 1873.


From the Deal, Walmer & Sandwich Mercury, 22 September, 1865.


John Saunders was brought to the bar charged with stealing from the person of John Roy the sum of 18s.

John Roy deposed - I am a labourer, and live in Deal. On Sunday evening, about half-past 5 o'clock, I met the prisoner near Queen-street, and asked him if he would like to have a pint of beer. He said "Yes." We went to the "Nelson," where we had 4 or 5 pints of beer, and I paid for it. We left there about midnight, and went along Beach-street, towards the south-end drain, in company together. We both laid down near the drain, and I went to sleep. About 1 o'clock I was awakened by feeling the prisoner's hand in my pocket. He then ran away, and I found I had been robbed. I know I had four half-crowns, and eight shillings in silver. I followed and overtook him on Prospect-place. I told him he had taken 16 shillings from me, when he said he would kill me, and took out a knife. I called out "Police" and ran away up Beach-street. I went to sleep under a boat till about 4 o'clock, when Police-constable Spicer awoke me, and I told him I had been robbed. When I offered to treat the prisoner he told me he had no money. - At this stage of the proceedings it was elicited from the prosecutor that he had been drinking the whole of the day, and consequently must have been stupid. - It was stated by persons present that prisoner had shown 3 sovereigns on Friday to a landlady of a beer-house, and on Saturday a landlord saw 2 sovereigns and a half in his possession.

P.C. Henry George Spicer deposed - While on duty Saturday night, about 11 o'clock, I saw the prisoner and Roy drinking together at the bar of the "New Inn." They came out, and turned to the south, then turned back, the prisoner again enters the "New Inn," but the landlord turned him out. They next went in a northerly direction; I followed them, and went to fetch my lantern. On my return I met Sergeant Carvill, and while we were standing near the "Black Horse" we heard cries of "Police." It was the a quarter to one. We went in the direction of the cries, but could ascertain nothing until a quarter to four, when I found Roy asleep under a boat near the Pier.

John Garnet, landlord of the "Nelson" beer house deposed - Roy was in and out of my house on Friday, Saturday and Sunday several times. About a quarter to ten on Sunday night Roy and the prisoner came in together. Saunders fetched 3 pints of beer, and paid for it, and Roy engaged a bed for the two, for which he paid 8d. When I was in bed they began to run about the house, and wanted some more beer. I got up, gave Roy the 8d. back, and turned them out of the house. It might have been a few minutes past 11 o'clock. I saw Roy's hand, when he left, a half-sovereign and about 7s. or 8s. in silver. Roy was drunk and Saunders was sober.

John Dorman Warman deposed - I am head Constable of Sandwich. Having received information from Sergeant Cavell, who had traced the prisoner from Deal to Sandwich, I went in search, and found him in a public-house named the "Richborough Castle," when I charged him with highway robbery. I searched and found on him 4 half-crowns, 1 shilling, some coppers, and a purse, which I now produce. The coppers were in the purse, and the silver loose in his pocket.

In defence, Saunders said that when he left Roy he was asleep by the side of the drain, and he went on his way to Sandwich.

The prisoner was committed to take his trial at the next Quarter Sessions.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 20 September 1873.

Sandwich. "Richborough Castle Inn."

Early clearance sale. Mr. Fairman Wotton has been favoured with instructions from the proprietor (who is retiring from the business on account of the premises being sold.) To sell by auction, on Monday, September 22nd, 1873, at the above Inn, at 2 o'clock precisely, the furniture and utensils in trade, consisting of mahogany and deal tables, rush and cane-seated chairs, cosy chair, four-post bedstead and hangings, iron stumped bedstead, fenders, firesets, washstand and ware, clock, chest of drawers, night chair, swing glass, book case, meat covers, 15 stale ladder, garden tools, hundred Vols. of books, half-hatch door as fixed, flag-staff and flags, 12 gross matches, Kidderminster carpet, stair carpet, matting and mats, lamps, Very Antique Glass in Needlework, knives and forks, earthenware, glass, 10 quoits and stumps, pea sticks, binders, quantity of firewood, &c. &c.

The goods will be on view the morning of sell, and catalogues can be obtained of the auctioneer, High Street, Minster, Thanet.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
