Sort file:- Sandgate, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 03 August, 2024.


Earliest 1859

(Name from)

Royal Kent Hotel

Latest 1962

79-83 Sandgate High Street

Broadway Post Office Directory 1874


Royal Kent Hotel 1898

Above postcard, 1898.

Royal Kent Hotel 1908

Above postcard, date 1908, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Royal Kent Hotel 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910.

Royal Kent Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Royal kent Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel 1910

Above photo, circa 1910.

Royal Kent Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Royal Kent

Above photo, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Royal Kent Hotel engraving

Above engraving, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel

Above drawing, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel entrance

Above photo, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel card

Above card, showing the rear, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel advert 1939.

Above advert circa 1939, from the Burrow's R.A.C. County Map and Gazetteer, 4th edition. Kindly sent by TC.

Royal kent Hotel lawn

Above postcard, date unknown.

Royal Kent Hotel 1960

Above photo 1960.

Royal Kent Hotel demolition 1962

Above photo 1962. Also shows the "Royal Kent Tap."

Royal Kent Hotel demolition 1962

Above photo 1962. Also shows the "Royal Kent Tap."

Royal Kent Hotel 1962

Above photo showing the demolition in 1962.

Above photo, 1963, showing gap where "Royal Kent Hotel" stood. Also showing "Ship."


As well as the "Royal Kent Hotel" the the Post Office Directory 1874 mentions a "Royal Kent Hotel Tap" also of Broadway, Sandgate, and the licensee being a Mrs. Catherine Shave.

Taps were usually licensed premises attached to the Hotel, and often as not as an extension to the hotel building, but not always.

Neville Webb emailed me to say that "1894 a The "Royal Kent Hotel" Company Ltd., was formed resulting the extensive rebuilding of the hotel in its 20th century form and their bankruptcy in 1899." William and Jessie Watts were his great, great aunt and uncle and were licensees between 1874 and 1899.

Unfortunately, he also goes on to say that the building has been demolished. And also:-

"P.S.: The annex to the "Royal Kent Hotel" was known as the "Kent Tap" (refuge for the peasants!). But that was run by William's mother and brother during the same period. The brother John, returned back to their Devon roots and ended up running the "Britannia Hotel" on the quay in Ilfracombe. Interestingly, the Sandgate grapevine suggests The 'Royal', in what was the Kent Hotel or earlier 'New Inn', came from a visit by one of Queen Victoria's kids! Similarly, the same local grapevine in Ilfracombe, suggests that the Royal, which is what the Britannia Hotel became, was because another member of royalty decided that shooting grouse in Devon seemed a good idea!!!!!! I will leave you to draw your own conclusions!!!!!!


South Eastern Gazette, 27 November, 1860.

SANDGATE. Sudden Death.

Last week James Colyer, the ostler of the "Royal Kent Hotel" Mews, died very suddenly. He retired to rest on Friday evening, and complained of not being quite well, but nothing of a serious nature was apprehended. On Saturday morning his non-appearance at his usual time gave rise to suspicion, and his door being found locked, a ladder was procured, and an entrance to his room effected through the window, when he was found to be in a fit, from which he never rallied, and died in the course of the morning.

Singing Mouse.

One of these extraordinary animals is now to be seen at the "Royal Kent Hotel," Sandgate, it having been captured by an officer who has high attainments in natural history.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 1 December, 1860.


Last week James Colyer, the ostler of the "Royal Kent Hotel" Mews, died very suddenly. He retired to rest on Friday evening, and complained of not being quite well, but nothing of a serious nature was apprehended. On Saturday morning his non-appearance at his usual time gave rise to suspicion, and his door being found locked, a ladder was procured, and on entrance to his room effected through the window, when he was found to be in a fit, from which he never rallied, and died in the course of the morning.


South Eastern Gazette 28 May 1861.

Last week Mr. Thomas Griffen, farmer, Broadmead, went to Sandgate to transact some business, and put up his horse near the "Royal Kent Hotel." On returning towards Folkestone, with his man and Mr. Sparks (sic), of the Cherry Gardens, he had not proceeded further than the "Ship Hotel," when the wheel ran off, in consequence of some malicious person having drawn the lynch-pin. All the parties were thrown out, but fortunately none of them hurt. The cart, which was smashed to pieces, had only just come out of the coachmaker's hands with new axles.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 8 January 1870.


The monthly meeting of the Local Board of Health was held on Thursday evening last. Present, Mr. W. Pledge (chairman), and Messrs. Bateman, Woudman, and Harman. Mr. Keeler, the occupier of the "Old Kent Hotel," was ordered to repair the gutters round his premises which are in a bad condition.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 12 May 1900. Price 1d.


The East Kent Coroner (R. M. Mercer, Esq.) held an inquest on Thursday at the "Royal Kent Hotel" touching the death of Henry Hobbs, of Military Collage, Military Road, a pointer und decorator, about 66 years of age, who, on Wednesday morning, cut his throat with a razor. According to his son, for the last two or three days he had been confused and strange in his manner, and had suffered from bronchitis.

The jury returned a verdict of ‘‘Suicide whilst in a state of temporary insanity.


From the Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate and Cheriton Herald, 5 October, 1912.


Private lawn leading down to sea. Sheltered from North and Easterly winds. Central position, between Folkestone and Hythe. Near Shorncliffe Camp.

J. E. Tanare, Proprietor.



MARSH Richard 1824-32+ (posting & livery stables)

ROBERTS Richard 1851+ (age 73 in 1851Census)

DREW Henry 1858+ Melville's 1858

BARTRAM William 1861-62+ (also wine & spirit merchant age 37 in 1861) CensusPost Office Directory 1862

KEELER Adam 1871-74+ (age 40 in 1871Census) Post Office Directory 1874

WATTS William John & Jessie 1874-1899 (age 41 in 1891Census)

TANARE James Edgar 1899-1918+ Kelly's 1899Post Office Directory 1918 (age 34 in 1901Census)

TANARE Mrs Sarah Ann (proprietor) 1934+ Kelly's 1934


Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
