Sort file:- Canterbury, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 07 September, 2021.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1836-

Three Stags

Latest 1874+

2 Monastery Street (Church Street)


Broad Street map 1874

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.

Three Stags 1920

Above photo identified by Rory Kehoe.

Three Stags location 2017

Above photo taken September 2017 by Rory Kehoe. The building with the scaffolding is thought to be the pub, but war damage may have reduced this in size.


This is the street where Edward Bing used to manufacture his famous mineral waters at number 41 Monastery Street in 1884 right up to the 1960s. The mineral works were later bought by Silver Springs and they were still manufacturing the Red Bing till December 2012 in their Folkestone works, when they unfortunately went into liquidation and closed.

The "Three Stags" was also along this street, but to date I do not know exactly where, only that the pub has been traced to between 1840 and 1874.

Further information from Rory Kehoe says that the "Monastery Inn" and "Three Stags" are both shown on the Ordinance Survey Map of 1874. The "Monastery Inn" on the corner of Church Street, St. Paul's, and Monastery Street, with the "Monastery Inn" at 12, Church Street, Saint Paul's but no street number for the "Three Stags." They were situated almost opposite each other.


Dover Express 29 August 1863.


On Saturday evening Mr. Delasaux held an inquest, at the "Three Stags" public house, Canterbury, on the body of Richard Crump, aged 55, who had died suddenly at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, on the previous night. A Post Mortem examination showed that death resulted from disease of the heart, and the jury returned a verdict accordingly.




BRETT James John 1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840

BARNES Benjamin 1847-62+ (age 35 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

KEMPTON Castledine 1868-74+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Post Office Directory 1874


Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
