Page Updated:- Sunday, 17 November, 2024.


Earliest 1768

White Horse

Dec 2020

(Name to)

53 High Street


01227 833830

White Horse 1883

Above photo circa 1883, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1909

Above photo, circa 1909, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1932

Above postcard circa 1932, kindly supplied by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1934

Above postcard, circa 1934, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1935

Above photo, circa 1935, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse Tudor fireplace 1935

Above postcard, circa 1935, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1958

Above photo, circa 1958, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1960

Above photo 30 August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley.

White Horse 1960

Above photo 30 August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley.

White Horse 1963

Above photo 5 March 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley.

White Horse late 1960s

Above photo late 1960s, kindly sent by Clive Bowley.

White Horse at Bridge circa 1970

White Horse at Bridge circa 1970.

Bridge map 1896

Above map 1896.

White Horse at Bridge White Horse sign at Bridge

Above two photos by Paul Skelton, 22 Aug 2008.

White Horse sign 1985White Horse sign 1991

White Horse sign left July 1985, right July 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

White Horse sign 2017

Above sign 2017.

White Horse card 1951

Above aluminium card issued June 1951. Sign series 3 number 42.

From the book "Inns of Kent"; Whitbread & Co. Ltd.; 1948.

White Horse sign 1948

Leaving Canterbury by the Dover road, you will come after three miles to Bridge, and there in the centre of the village The "White Horse" stands to welcome you. This inn was once a 'baiting' or halting house, hardly distant enough from Dover for a full stage but convenient for a change of horses. It is neet and proper that the forge should be next door, thus providing yet another example of that happy English disposition to live by taking in each other's washing. Shoeing the horses changed at the inn would be hot work and the pint of Kentish ale literally at the elbow a pleasant means of returning patronage; and so, no doubt, both smith and innkeeper prospered through the centuries until the New Iron Age.

The "White Horse" is old, as may be seen from the Tudor fireplace in the large bar with its moulded beams above. Dimly seen in the background of the cellar behind the bar are many barrels with neat linen covers, waiting to be broached, for here all beer is drawn direct from the wood. On the lintel of the great fireplace may be seen the remains -- now, alas, almost indecipherable -- of a white horse painted long, long ago; surely a rare place to find an inn sign!

The front of The "White Horse" is Regency, or very early simple Victorian. There is a car park and, behind, the kind of garden only Kent can produce -- but then it is in the heart of the Garden of England and Bridge is surrounded by orchards, parks and the seats of the gentry and nobility, most of whom, one is glad to hear, are content to share their wide domains, temporarily at least, with those who can appreciate to the full the beauties of nature.



I have reference to this pub from the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle September 1768, when the paper advertised the sale of household furniture of Colonel Parr, at his House in Burgate Street, Canterbury. It was stated that catalogues could be obtained from this public house. See Notes of 1768.


Kentish Gazette 22 March 1769.

This is to acquaint all lovers of auriculars, that on Thursday the 6th of April, will be an Auricular Feast, at Sarah Gilbert's, the "White Horse, in Bridge: The best flower produced, will be entitled to a Guinea; the second best to Fifteen Shillings. Each Flower that is entitled to a Prize, must have Six Pips. And every Person that shews a Flower, must have had it in his Possession Fourteen Days before the Day of shewing, which must be attested upon Oath if required. No Person will be entitled to a Prize, but who has subscribed Half a Crown Three Months before the Day of shewing, unless he makes it up Five Shillings on the Feast Day, before One o'Clock. No Flower to be entitled to a Prize, unless it is in the House before One o'Clock. And no Person to win two Prizes. Every Person that shews a Flower to appoint an Umpire.

N. B. There will be a good Twelvepenny Ordinary at One o'Clock.


From the Kentish Gazette, February 27 to March 3, 1770. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Cock-fighting at the White Horse in Bridge, March 6, 1770.


From the Kentish Gazette, 5 January 1774.


On Tuesday Evening, the 4th of Instant, between Canterbury and Halfway House to Dover.


Containing three Shirts, two Neckcloths, two Pair of Stockings, a Pair of Boot Stockings, a Pair of Shoes, a Pair of Boot Shoes, a Pair of Gloves, and two Books.

Whoever has found the aforesaid Sack, and will bring the same to Mr. Noyse, at the “Mermaid”, Canterbury, or to Mr. Palmer at the “White Horse” in Bridge, or to Mrs, Gibson at the “Royal Oak” in Dover, shall receive HALF A GUINEA Reward.


Kentish Gazette, 30 February, 1779.


The principal Creditors of James Caister, now or late in the Parish of Bridge, in the county of Kent, Carpenter and Wheelwrights, do intend to meet together on Thursday next, being the 18th day of this instant, February, precisely at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the sign of the "White Horse," in Bridge aforesaid; and will be glad that the other Creditors will attend, at the same time and place, to determine what steps are necessary to be taken in settling the said James Caister's affairs. And all the said creditors are requested, in the meantime, to send an account of their demands either to Mr. Sloddon or Mr. Bunce, Attorneys-at-law, in Canterbury.

February 15, 1779.


Kentish Gazette 6 October 1801.

Came Astray.

To the "White Horse," Bridge.

A dark brown Cart Mare; near hind leg white, star in her forehead, blinds of one-eyed. The owner may have her again by paying expenses, and applying to Richard Callcraft, at the "White Horse," Bridge. Bridge, Oct. 4, 1801.


From the Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 7 September 1819.


Free Public Houses and other estates,

To be Sold By Auction, By Messrs. White, (Without Reserve).

Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and before the Major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by a Commission of bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William Sankey, of the City of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the Guildhall, of the said city of Canterbury, on Wednesday next, the 22nd day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, (subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced.)
The following very Valuable Freehold Estates, in Lots.

Valuable Brewery free public houses and other Estates to be sold by auction by Mrs White without reserve.

Lot 28. A Messuage, called the "White Horse," stable, outhouses, yards, gardens, ground, and appurtenances, situate in or near Bridge-street, in the parish of Bridge, in the said county, and now in the occupation of Ann Chalcraft, widow.


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 April 1838.


John Minter was charged with stealing, on the 28th of January, at the parish of Bridge, one coat, one shirt, and other articles of wearing apparel, the property of Henry Sayer.

Henry Sayer lives at Bishopshbourn. On the day named in the indictment he was at the "White Horse," Bridge, he had with him a bundle containing wearing apparel, which he laid on a table in the passage leading to the bar, and in ten minutes missed it. A fortnight afterwards his father brought it to him. He did not see the prisoner at the inn. He took the coach, and proceeded on his way to London.

Cross-examined by Mr. Bodkin:— Was going to town to get work.

William Sayer, father of last witness, was at the "Red Lion," Bridge, on the day his son went. A man named George Lott exclaimed, on seeing Minter:— Here comes Minter with a bundle that he has been prigging. Lott said he would have it, and he struggled with the prisoner. Percy got it, and threw it over the table, and Lott picked it up. Witness knew the bundle, but had not said he knew it. Told Minter it was his son’s, and he would take care of it.

Cross-esamined:— Prisoner never said he found the bundle against Mr. Hodges's hay stack, and if anything was in it belonging to me I might have it.

Richard Sherrard:— Keeps "White Horse" at Bridge. Saw Minter there in the early part of the evening.

Cross-examined:— Mr. Hodges has a hay stack near my house. Prisoner was in Mr. H.'s employ, and passed the stack as he went to work.

Mr. Budkin said this was the most extraordinary robbery he ever heard of. People generally stole things for their own benefit. This person brought the bundle in precisely the same state as it was lost a fortnight ago. He took it almost to the same house from which it had been stolen. He thought there was no necessity to go at length into the evidence. It was idle to say the person was a thief — that he was guilty of felony in this instance.

Not Guilty.


From the Kentish Gazette, 7 July 1840.


THE Draft Apportionment of the agreed Rent-charge with maps and costs of commutation, are deposited at the "WHITE HORSE," and the Day of Appeal, is on THURSDAY, the 30th of July, at the same place, at Eleven o'clock-in the forenoon.

Robert LAKE. Apportioner.


From the Kentish Gazette, 3 November 1840.


On or about the 2nd of October last, into the Premises of Mr. Sherrard, of the "White Horse," Bridge, a Couple of Black and White Pigs.

This is to give notice that unless the owner takes them away, on paying expenses, on all before the 14th inst., they will be sold by auction, in the Cattle Market, Canterbury, to defray the same.

"White Horse," Bridge, Nov 2, 1840.


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 September 1857.

This was licensing day. All the renewals were granted and applications for new licences by George Mackett, Herne Bay; William Wood, Herne Bay; William Williams, Bridge; and William Wilson, Bridge; were adjourned to this day three weeks.

The "White Horse," in Bridge, was transferred from Thomas Sherrard, to James Hornsby; and the "Plough," Harbledown, from Henry Bishop, to Thomas Sayer.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 8 December, 1860.


Mr. Fox held an inquest at the "White Horse Inn," on the body of Thomas Austen, 78 years of age, a pauper, who died in the Union on Monday night or early on Tuesday morning. An old man who slept in the same ward, heard the deceased make a gurgling noise; but he did nothing, as such a noise had often been made by the deceased.

The jury returned a verdict of "Natural death."


South Eastern Gazette, 11 December, 1860.

BRIDGE. Sudden Death at the Union.

On Wednesday last, C. J. Fox, Esq., held an inquest at the "White Horse Inn," on the body of Thomas Austen, who died suddenly during the night of Monday. It appeared that at 12 o’clock the deceased was heard to make a coughing noise. He having made a similar noise on previous occasions, no notice was taken of it. On the following morning the persons in the ward arose as usual, but finding that the deceased did not move John Stephenson proceeded to his bedside and found that he was dead.

Deceased had never complained of being unwell previously.

Mr. James Betts, the governor of the union, stated that the deceased had been an inmate of the workhouse between 16 and 17 years. Although the deceased had never complained of illness before, witness believed that he died from natural causes. A verdict to that effect was accordingly returned.



In The White Horse a famous brawl took place which is recorded in the Church Archives of Christopher Applegate, a contemporary of Marlowe, I am afraid my research hasn't given a date for the above.


From The Dover Express, Friday, May 11, 1934.


On Tuesday evening, the "White Horse" dart team defeated the Kent Flying Club dart team, from Bekesbourne, by 6-2.

Mr. Fairservice captained the winners and Mr. Ellen the losers. The musical interludes given by "Daisy" Miles and his boys, were greatly appreciated.


From an email received 11 May 2014.

I have been researching my family history for several years.

The 1911 census for the "White Horse" at Bridge, shows the following:-

William George Taylor aged 60 lincensed victualler born Ramsgate

Emma Taylor age 60 his wife assisting in the business born Rolvenden

Henry Prebble son-in-law assisting in the business born Elmstead

Agnes Maria Prebble daughter assisting in the business born Dungeness

Alfred James Austin who was Emma Taylor's brother and retired

Albert Bates who was a lodger


My maternal grandparents were Henry and Agnes Prebble and William Taylor was my grandmother's step father. She is described as his daughter on the census. Emma Taylor was my grandmother's step mother. My grandmother's father died when she was 4 months old and her mother married William Taylor. Her mother died soon after and William Taylor married Emma Austin. There were no further children.

I remember my grandmother saying there was a parrot at the pub but nothing else.

Hope the above will be of interest.



Angela Smith.


Saturday 30th June 2007. Ghost Search.

White Horse Inn, The Posting House, though Bridge is only half a stage from Dover. It has an 18th century exterior, with late medieval core. An Early 16th century inscription on the fireplace lintel is insitu. The house is visible in Schellinks' 1661 drawing of the High Street. Cathedral archives record a brawl here involving Christopher Applegate, a Marlowe contemporary, and the first meeting of the workhouse guardians was held here, 22 April 1835.


A good number of orbs were captured on camera when we visited this inn on our scanning appointment.

A male energy, who felt cold as he approached, made it clear that he considered himself to be the 'boss' of this establishment. He came across as stern, strict yet kind hearted and I feel that at one time he could well have been a Landlord. He was a full figure of a man who liked to smoke (you could tell that by the tobacco stains at the tip of his moustache); he was a lover of Ale and had a really deep belly laugh. This man would have passed over in the 1920's. A military man stepped in to see us while we were there, he said he had no connection with the building, yet had said that his regiment had marched passed this building (the feeling was the 16th century). He came dressed in a red/burgundy jacket, red hat with a black peak. This gentleman (name given as James Donald Caprice) was shot in the neck by a musket ball. Strong connections as a coaching house were given (before we knew that it was a coaching house) and that an unexpected distinguished guest would have stayed here over night. We were given that a horses shoe came off (guest in a carriage) and they stopped over for this to be taken care of. I shall have this looked into to establish if this is true, but we were told that the special guest was non other than Queen Victoria??

A number of children were also on site, two being sisters, Katrina 12 years & Josephine 8 years, the surname given was Cartela (unknown spelling). Small Leylines runs through this property.

We have the whole of the property to discover, the top floor (rooms in attic) felt not as welcoming as the rest of the abode!


The Investigation Report.

It was one of those venues, full of promise, but with little forthcoming on the night. It all seemed to be stop-start, with no flow.

We started with table tipping and although the table did move it was not the usual frantic movement, more of a stutter. We did however sit one of the female guests onto a stool and got Spirit to move the stool, but even this was limited to a small amount of movement and was over in a minute or two.

Our group then went to the living room and whilst standing in a circle several of the guests saw bright lights sparkle against the wall and move across the ceiling.

Steve felt a male energy but couldn't seem to connect with him. I managed to get some information, his name was James Harrington, he stood about 5'10" and was slim with dark hair. He then just left us with no further information. One of the guests said that her hands felt tingly and she felt a heavy weight on her shoulder.

We then tried some glasswork, but again it was just stop/start with no real evidence or information being gained. I then tried an experiment with one of the EMF meters. I asked Spirit to step forward and light up the lights on the meter, and the lights all flashed almost straight away. I asked if the Spirit was a male and the lights did not move, but when asked if they were female the meter lit up like a Christmas tree. I had the name of Mary given to me, and, when I asked if this was her name, again the lights just danced. Using the lights (flashing=yes) we gleaned the following. Mary has passed over in 1720 (one of the guest had picked up this year). She had passed of old age, without any illness or disease. She had been married and had 9 children, and was happy to be re-united with her family in the world of Spirit. When I asked if she would try to move the glass for us, she gave us a yes. Unfortunately the movement did not happen.

We then went for a break and several guests had a go of the Ouija board with various levels of success.

We held a grand séance with everyone to end the night, just to see if we could generate enough energy to tempt Spirit though. There was only one person forthcoming. He presented himself to me as P/O Ray Williams (or Williamson). He was about 5'6" tall and had short dark hair swept straight back. He was wearing a flying jacket (brown fur lined leather) and fur lined boots. He had passed over aged 19yrs in 1942. He showed me a scene where as his plane went to take off, the right hand side undercarriage just collapsed and the plane exploded. This was to have been his first time in action. Carole (our host) informed us that during the 2nd world war the pub had been used as a billet for air force officers.

Donna asked him if he would tell us his parents names and he replied his Mums name was Morag, but that was all that I could get from him before he left.

All in all bit of a disappointing night, but not a complete loss.

Many thanks to Carole for her hospitality and the tasty buffet.


Pete & Steve (Ghost Search Uk Paranormal investigators).



In the 1911 census, William Fairservice was given as living in Tonbridge being a professional cricketer for the Kent County Cricket, age 29.

Information received August 2016 says that the pub is still closed after suffering water damage sustained from the flooding of 2015. It is hoped that the pub will reopen.

I believe the pub is again open (2017.)

Closed again and boarded up December 2018. I heard there was a fire there in August and the pubco tenants just left. Latest news is there may be hope for this as the lease is still being advertised.


From the 16 April 2018.

Fire at White Horse Inn pub, Bridge.

Two fire engines were called to tackle a small blaze inside a historic country pub.

It broke out at the White Horse Inn in Bridge this evening.

Witnesses said flames could be seen coming from a room upstairs.

White Horse fire 2018

Fire crews at the scene.

Two fire engines were sent to the scene at around 7.45pm.

White Horse fire 2018

Flames could be seen coming from the pub.

A fire service spokesman said: "Everybody inside the property was evacuated safety and there were no reported injuries.

"Crews used breathing apparatus and a hose reel jet to extinguish the blaze.

"The cause isn't know at this stage."


From the By Marijke Hall, 9 March 2019.

Queen's former footman takes over as landlord of the White Horse Inn in Bridge.

A former footman to the Queen who served the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle is the new face behind the bar of a popular village pub.

Christian Diamant, who grew up in Eastling in Faversham and went to school in Canterbury, has taken over the pumps at the "White Horse Inn" in Bridge.

The executive chef says it feels like returning home after spending 20 years in Cornwall.

Christian Diament

Christian Diament who has taken over as landlord at the White Horse in Bridge. Picture: Chris Davey.

It’s coming home to village life,” he said.

“I have customers coming in who I knew from my teens.”

Christian admits he has packed a lot in over the years, working as a footman and under-butler for the Queen, serving at state visits and royal weddings such as that of Prince Edward and Sophie Wessex.

A move to Truro in Cornwall saw him running the area’s first gay nightclub and then opening his own bistro.

He was also an avid campaigner in the fight to legalise same-sex marriage as the founder and organiser of Cornwall Pride.

“To cut a long story short, I came back and took on Shepherd Neame’s "Royal Naval Reserve" in Whitstable,” he said.

White Horse 2019

The White Horse in Bridge. Picture: Chris Davey

“It’s an amazing high street pub, a great boozer.

“Shepherd Neame did a refurbishment but it wasn’t quite right for me.

“I now have the "Smack" in Whitstable and I was going to go to the "Blean Tavern" but that is now being sold so here I am.

“I love it.

“I’m a fun, flamboyant landlord who wakes up every day loving what I do.

White Horse staff 2019

Christian Diament and his team at the "White Horse" in Bridge. Picture: Chris Davey

“Coming to Bridge is like coming home.”

Mr Diamant, who lives at the family-friendly pub, writes the menus and has a “young, brilliant, chef” in the kitchen producing the food.

“I’m the landlord, the executive chef and general dogsbody,” he admits.

“I’ve brought a friend with me from London who is front-of-house, he’s worked at The Ivy, and my cousin is here from Madrid to work behind the bar.

“We have a great team.”


From the By Joe Wright, 1 October 2020.

Former footman to Queen who runs pub in Bridge, Canterbury, found with child abuse videos on phone.

A pub boss and former footman to the Queen found with child abuse videos on his phone has avoided community service to ensure his village boozer can continue to operate.

Christian Diamant, who owns the White Horse Inn in Bridge, near Canterbury , was spared unpaid work by a judge who said he had “no desire to upset his business”.

The 51-year-old, who previously served the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, appeared for sentencing at the city’s crown court on Friday having admitted having indecent pictures and videos of children on his iPhone.

He was found in possession of 29 indecent images and five videos when arrested by police in January.

He admitted to having an addiction to chatting with gay men on Grindr and sometimes having video calls and chats online to discuss and watch child sex abuse.

But his defence solicitor stressed that Diamant “did not have a sexual interest in children” and never shared the content with others.

Diamant was made the subject of a two-year community rehabilitation order with a condition that he attends a sex offenders programme.

The judge, Recorder Stuart Trimmer QC, said Diamant’s offending was something he “slipped into”, but that he shows desire to get back on track.

“You have shown you are deeply ashamed and desperate to address the causes of your offending,” he said.

“You’ve demonstrated steps to address offending and accepted what you have done. This sentence is to ensure you escape this and do not fall again.”

Recorder Trimmer said he had “no desire” to order Diamant carry out unpaid work as it would upset his current business at the White Horse.

Diamant, who grew up in Eastling in Faversham, was an under-butler for the Queen, serving at state visits and the wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex.

He took over the White Horse last year, describing himself as a “fun, flamboyant” pub owner.

Approached by KentOnline after his conviction, he said: “The judge made his judgement and was sympathetic to me trying to move forward and to protect jobs.”


From the  5 October, 2020.

White Horse Inn at Bridge, near Canterbury, vandalised after owner’s child abuse conviction.

Villagers have condemned the “small-minded idiots” who vandalised a pub following the conviction of its boss for having child abuse videos on his iPhone.

Windows have been smashed at the White Horse Inn in Bridge, near Canterbury, which is run by Christian Diamant.

White Horse vandalised 2020

Windows have been boarded up following damage.

Police officers executed a search warrant at the pub in January following an investigation by the force’s Paedophile Online Investigation Team.

Diamant, 51, was arrested and last month admitted three counts of having indecent videos and images of children on his mobile.

He avoided jail and was spared unpaid work by a judge who said he had “no desire to upset his business”, ordering him to attend a sex offenders programme as part of a two-year community rehabilitation order.

But now the pub has been partly boarded up following the vandalism on Friday night.

Two men were reportedly seen causing the damage before leaving the area.

It is understood staff at the pub – unconnected in any way to Diamant’s crimes – have also suffered verbal abuse since his conviction.

One has even reportedly been forced to give up their accommodation at the village inn, fearing for their own safety.

Police have launched an investigation into the vandalism, which has been condemned by local residents.

Jane Meakin said: “I know it’s anger aimed at the owner, but what about the other staff who work there?”

The feelings were echoed on the Bridge Village Facebook page, where one commenter said: “These small-minded idiots obviously do not realise that the ‘offender’ is not actually there, and that they are doing nothing more than terrorising the innocent people that worked for him!”

Another added: “How sad that the building is being attacked. Neither the building, nor the resident staff are responsible for the crimes of the landlord.”

On its website, the White Horse Inn’s company number matches that of CD Food and Drink Limited, of which Diamant is the sole director.

Speculation on Facebook suggests he no longer remains at the pub, and that a new licensee is set to take it on.

Police say they are now appealing for any witnesses to Friday’s criminal damage, which happened at about 8.30pm.

They are also keen to access any CCTV which could help the investigation.



PALMER Mr 1774+

CALLCRAFT Richard 1801+


COLEGATE Frederick 1828-38 Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

SHERRARD Richard 1838-Sept/57 Pigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858 (also postmaster)

HORNSBY Charles F Sept/1857-74+ (age 38 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1862Post Office Directory 1874

WEBB James 1881-82+ (age 59 in 1881Census)Post Office Directory 1882

KENNETT James 1891+ (age 44 in 1891Census)

SHAIL George 1899-1903+ (age 50 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1899Kelly's 1903

TAYLOR William George 1911+ Census

THORNE Timothy 1913-Jan/1914 Post Office Directory 1913Dover ExpressWhitstable Times

Last pub licensee had COLLINGWOOD Edmund John Jan/1914-Jan/16 dec'd Whitstable TimesDover Express

COLLINGWOOD Alice Jan/1916+ Whitstable Times

GODDARD Mrs Dora F 1918+ Post Office Directory 1918

CHIDWICK William 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

DEAN Andrew Frank 1930+Post Office Directory 1930

FAIRSERVICE William John 1934-39+ (age 38? in 1939) Kelly's 1934Post Office Directory 1938

???? Carole 2008+

RAY Tony 2011+

Last pub licensee had DIAMENT Christian Mar/2019-Oct/2020


Kent County Cricket tem 1919

Above photo showing the Kent Cricket Team of 1919.

Back Row - E Humphreys, G. C. Collins, F. E. Woolley, Mr. W Hearne (Scorer), J. C. Hubble, J. Seymour.
Seated - W. J. Fairservice, Major W. S. Cornwallis, Lt. Col. L. H. W. Troughton (Captain), Mr. L. P. Hedges, Mr. J. L. Bryan.
On Ground - A. P. Freeman, H. T. W. Hardinge.

In 1919, Kent were runners up (to Yorkshire) in the County Championship - Played 17, Won 6 , Lost 1, Drawn 1.

I am informed that William Fairservice's claim to fame was that he  famously took the wicket of Dr. W. G. Grace as his first ever professional wicket.

W J Fairservice 1910


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
