75 High Street
01227 832213 / 07961955080
Above postcard, 1900. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing the "Red Lion" on
the left and "Plough and Harrow"
on the extreme right. |
Above postcard, circa 1904, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. The date was Sunday 3rd April
and the funeral was for John Fenner, junior. John was the second
engineer in the Bridge Fire Brigade, who was killed on duty on Thursday
31st March. He'd been firing the maroon, to summon the Brigade to a fire
in Pett Bottom, when the accident occurred. Mr Fenner was 28 years old
and lived at 6, Albert Terrace, Bridge. |
Above photo, from the same funeral. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1915, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing the pub
in the livery of W. E. & J. Rigden's Faversham Brewery. |
Above showing the reverse of the above 1920 postcard. This image
appeared on a publicity card for the pub. The licensee, J. T. Watson,
looks very pleased to be acting as Mine Host! The ladies are likely to
have been Mrs. Watson and possibly her sister. |
Above postcard, circa 1934, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, Wednesday 15th April 1936, The funeral, was that of John
Friend, licensee from 1912 to 1918 who, for 29 years, was also a member
of the Bridge Fire Brigade, serving as Second Officer. His co-licensee
was his wife, Louise. John Friend was only 46 at the time of his death
from a short illness.
The c.1925 pic of John Friend appeared in the Kentish Gazette the day
after his funeral. |
Above postcard, circa 1937. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo 1958, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1960. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo 30 August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo 30 August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo 15 October 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo 15 October 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo 15 October 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above map 1896. |
Above three photos
and sign left by Paul Skelton, 22 Aug 2008.
Red Lion sign right July 1991
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
Above photo, 2019, kindly sent by Rene Renault. |
Kentish Gazette 19 October 1790.
Last Thursday night or early on Friday morning, the dwelling house of
Mr. Kingsland, the "Red Lion," at Bridge, was broke into, the sundry
articles of apparel stolen thereout.
The same night the dwelling house
of Mr Fletcher, at Bridge, was broke into, and robbed of a watch and
some silver.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Tuesday 9 November 1802.
Red Lion, Bridge.
R. Kingsland having retired from the above house, returns his most
grateful thanks to his friends and the public, for the very liberal
encouragement he has experienced. He now begs leave to recommend to
their future favours R. Hubbard, (late of the "Prince of Orange,"
Canterbury, to whom he has resigned the business, and earnestly solicits
the continuance of their favour to him, which will add to those already
bestowed on their much obliged and humble servant.
Kentish Gazette, 12 August 1803.
LOST, from the "Red Lion," Bridge,
ON Friday, the 5th of August, a dark RED COW, about nine years old,
a graze on her left shoulder. Whoever will give information where
she now is, or will bring her to Mr. Hubbard, at the "Red Lion,"
Bridge, will be satisfied for their trouble:
Bridge, August 11, 1803.
Kent Gazette Reports 5 April 1805.
THE Annual Easter Plate will be run for on BARHAM DOWNS, on Easter
Tuesday; the Horses to be entered at the "Red Lion," Bridge, before
one o’clock, on the same day.
N. B. There will be a food ordinary at Mr. Hubbard's, "Red Lion,"
Dinner on table precisely at two o’clock.
Kentish Gazette, 12 August, 1806.
CANTERBURY RACES. "Red Lion Inn," Bridge.
R HUBBARD grateful for the many favours he has received, begs leave
to inform his friends that he has fitted up his House for their
At the same time informs them he has enlarged his Stables in a very
commodious manner.
N. B. An Ordinary will be provided on Thursday next, at two o'clock,
being entrance day.
August 11th, 1806.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 14 February 1809.
Feb 12, at Bridge, Mr. Richard Hubbard, landlord of the "Red Lion"
public house.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 28 January 1882.
January 25th, at the "Royal Oak Inn," Blean. Mr. Robert Eyers, late of
the "Red Lion Inn," Bridge, aged 36 years; much respected.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 21
September 1878.
Bishopsbourne. Fire and Loss of Life.
It is our painful duty this week to record a fatal fire at
Bishopsbourne, which occurred early on Wednesday morning. It seems
that shortly after 1 o'clock, midnight, flames were seen issuing
from a thatched roof cottage on the estate of Matthew Bell, Esq.,
the property of which is in the occupation of Mr. Perkins, tenant
farmer. The cottage, which had only one floor, was occupied by Mrs.
Clayton, of the advanced age of 94 years, who lived entirely by
herself, and who was known to be an old lady of somewhat peculiar
habits, sometimes going to bed as early as five o'clock and other
times being seen moving about her cottage at very late hours of the
night. The Bridge Volunteer Fire Brigade were summoned at 1:50 a.m.
and were on the scene of the fire - about 2 miles distance - within
the remarkably short space of 30-minutes. The brigade under the
superintendence of first Lieutenant R. Smith (the Marquis
Conyngham's land steward) and 2nd Lieutenant F. J. D. Sam's, and we
believe every man was in attendance. On the arrival of the brigade
the whole of the cottage was in flames, and as no one had seen
anything of Mrs. Clayson the worst fears were entertained respecting
her. There was no water obtainable within a distance of 380 feet,
but the brigade laid on a hose with commendable promptitude, and
very soon a copious supply of water was being poured on the heat of
burning debris, for there was nothing else left. As quickly as could
be, search was made among the ruins for the body of the aged
occupant of the cottage, and it was found lying near the window,
literally burnt to a cinder, and headless. A further search resulted
in the finding of the head, which, becoming disconnected from the
body, had fallen over a joist in the floor. The exertions of the
fireman with directed both to the extinguishing of the flames and
preventing their coming into contact with the adjoining cottages;
fortunately the wind, which was very high, was blowing in an
opposite direction, or there is little doubt that the whole of the
cottages would have been burnt down. The fire was put out by 4:45,
and the charred remains of the body were removed a sergeant of
police to a stable, there to await an inquest. The Rev. T. Hirst,
the Vicar of the parish, was present at the fire, and, together with
other persons, bore testimony to the promptitude and strenuous
exertions of the fire brigade, which were most praiseworthy. Thanks
are also due to Mr. Eyres, of the "Lion
Inn," Bridge, for the prompt manner in which he horsed the
engine. It should be added that the night was exceedingly dark and
tempestuous, which rendered the task of the fireman all the more
difficult. Of course it is impossible to say how the fire
originated; there can only be conjecture, and the most probable
thing would seem to be that the old lady had a candle burning in her
bedroom, which by some means ignited the bed clothes. It is stated
that some boys who were on the scene soon after the fire was
discovered saw the unfortunate woman at the window; but we cannot
vouch for the truth of this. It appears that Mrs. Bell had tried to
induce the old lady either to leave the cottage or have someone to
live with her, but she declined to accede to either request. The
cottage was insured in the Kent fire office.
The county coroner, T. T. Delasaux, Esq., held an inquest on the
remains of Mrs. Clayson at Bishopsbourne on Thursday.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 21 August, 1891. Price 1d.
The employees of Mr. F. A. Tunbridge, builder, Alkham, Dover, had their
annual outing on Saturday last. Owing to the liberality of the employer,
together with subscriptions from the various firms with which he deals,
the men enjoyed a capital treat, at a very small personal outlay. Mr. Burbridge's vehicles carried the party, numbering 28, to Boughton, where
a capital repast was provided by the landlord of the “George Inn.” The
afternoon was spent in various ways, and the return journey was
commenced at five p.m. A halt for tea was made at the “Red Lion” Bridge,
and an impromptu entertainment was subsequently arranged. The health of
Mr. Tunbridge was drank with Kentish Fire, to which he suitable
responded. The weather was gloriously fine, and the party reached home
delighted with the long and enjoyable day's outing.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 14 July 1894. Price 1d.
This was a claim for £27 5s. 2d. value of a horse and for keep of
another one. There was a counter claim for £5. Mr. H. Broughton for the plaintiff and Mr. R. M. Mercer for the defence. Thomas Lister Hinds, landlord of the “Red Lion Inn,” Bridge, deposed
that on Sunday, 3rd, June, defendant drove over to see him and defendant
said he thought he had a horse that would suit witness, witness went and
looked at it and said he would show it to the gentleman, but he would
have no transactions on Sunday, he should want a warrantee. But if he
came over on the Monday he would take his (witness') chestnut and
witness would give him £5. Defendant borrowed witness's chestnut to
drive home with. On the Monday his man tried the bay horse, and he came
back shortly afterwards and said something to witness. In the evening
defendant came over to see him bringing the chestnut, and witness went
to see him and said “You take your horse away, please, and leave mine
here, for it's not sound anywhere.” Defendant jumped up in his trap and
drove off. He wrote to the defendant asking him to return the chestnut
and take the other away. His wife was the only one present when he had
the conversation with Green. Not receiving the horse, he took out a
summons. He valued his horse at £18. He kept Green's horse from the 3rd
June to the present day, and charged 15s. a week for its keep. For the
hire of his horse he would charge 18s. a week. By Mr. Mercer: He bought the chestnut from Mr. Burrows. On the 3rd June
he lent defendant the horse. Hills was out with the horse when defendant
called when he came back. Green drove the chestnut back with his
consent. Witness did not say he would pay the £5 if defendant called for
it on the Monday. On the Monday defendant did not ask for the £5,
witness told him to leave his horse behind. Martha Hinds deposed that she was the wife of the last witness. On the
3rd June defendant came over to Bridge and plaintiff refused to deal on
a Sunday. Defendant offered to leave his horse to be tried and to drive
the chestnut horse back. She then corroborated what the last witness
said about the meeting on Monday. By Mr. Mercer:- Her husband was to pay £5. He made no arrangement about
defendant coming over to fetch the £5 on Monday. George Noble deposed that he was driver to Mr. Hinds. He corroborated
the evidence of plaintiff. Edward Taylor, servant in the employ of Mr. Hinds and Daniel Davidson
also corroborated. F. T. Green deposed that he was a carrier plying between Canterbury and
Sandwich. He had known Hinds for some time. In May he spoke about this
horse, which he said was going to Slater's, but which was not sold. On
the 3rd June he went over, and plaintiff said he had bought the horse,
but he could not see it as it had gone put. He wanted to know how much
witness would take in exchange for his horse. Plaintiff went inside and
wrote he would give £5 and take the bay, and witness was to have the
chestnut. He saw Hills come back, and witness went and looked at the
horse and said he would have it, and the chestnut horse was then put in
witness' cart. Plaintiff told him to come over on Monday for the £5.
When he went over on the Monday he asked for the £5. By his Honour:- He valued the chestnut at £12 or £13, and his own horse
at £17. Frederick Hills deposed that he was over at the “Red Lion” at Bridge, on
the 3rd June. He understood there had been a deal. John Carey deposed that on the day in question, when Hills and he got
back from the drive, the chestnut horse was put in Green's cart. His Honour gave judgment for £12 or the return of the horse, £1 5s. for
its keep, and £3 for the hire of the horse, or a total of £16 5s., to be
reduced to £4 5s. if the horse was returned within a week, and costs.
The counter-claim would be dismissed on plaintiff undertaking to return
the defendant's horse. |
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 2 February 1901. Price 1d.
The East Kent Coroner (R. M. Mercer, Esq.) held an inquest at the “Red
Lion,” Bridge, on Saturday, touching the death of George Frederick Rye. William Rye identified the body as that of his son. The deceased was
sixteen years of age and worked in the village. Thomas Philip Harvey stated that he was a gardener in the employ of
William Perry, of Bridge. At 1.5 pan. on the 25th inst. he saw the
deceased near the gate leading into Mr. Perry's premises. He was then
returning to his work. Witness spoke to him and the deceased then
appeared all right and said “How is the governor to-day?” About 2 p.m.
he went into the meadow at the back of Mr. Parry's house and saw the
deceased lying near the fowl ran. Witness did not go near him, but went
and asked Mr. Perry what was the matter with “George.” Mr. Perry went
out to him and came back and said deceased had shot himself. William Perry stated that he was a grocer at Bridge. At about two p.m.
on the day in question the previous witness came to him and said “What
is the matter with George.” Immediately he went to see what was the
matter and found the deceased lying partly on his back and partly on his
right side with a wound in his throat and witness' gun by the side of
him, apparently dead. "Witness sent at once for Dr. Moorhead and the
police. The gun was always kept in a shed. There were six cartridges
kept there also. The deceased had no right to go into the shed only by
witness's order. He had kept the gun in the shed for about two years. P.C. Wells, stationed at Bridge, stated that he was called to the
deceased by the witness Harvey. Witness saw the deceased lying in a
meadow at the back of Mr. Perry's house. He examined the body and found
a wound under the lower jaw and at the top of the bead. The skull was
shattered in pieces. He was quite dead. The gun was lying about two feet
from the body on the left side, with two cartridges in if. The right
hand one of which had recently been discharged. Witness searched the
clothing and found two pennies, a pocket knife, an empty money purse, a
note, pencil, etc. In the shed where the gun was kept witness found a
watch and chain, and a collar and necktie, belonging to the deceased.
The letter which was found on the deceased, was as follows:— Dear
Mother,—I have shot myself with Mr. Perry's gun at twenty to two. I have
left my watch and chain to G. Page, tell father he can have my money
purse, tell Tommy he can have my collars and tie. I have been a very bad
boy. Don't put yourself out about me.— Yours truly, G. Rye.— The Lord
gave and the Lord hath taken away. It appeared the lad had for three or four years delivered the newspapers
in the locality for Mr. Ladd, newsagent of Canterbury. Deceased got
wrong in his accounts by about 10s. and another boy was appointed to
take his place some few days back, but notwithstanding this the deceased
went to Bekesbourne station as usual and dispossessed the other lad of
the papers and delivered them himself as usual till the day of his
death. The Coroner summed up and the jury returned a verdict of “Suicide
during temporary Insanity.” |
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 19 August, 1904. Price 1d.
At the St. Augustine's Petty Sessions on Saturday, Herbert George Piper,
of Bridge, was summoned for refusing to quit the “Red Lion” public
house, and also with assaulting Frank Clayson the landlord. The affair,
which occurred on Bank Holiday, was one I which the defendant had been
requested to leave the premises no less than four times, and on each
occasion had refused, and on the landlord approaching him, he struck him
in the mouth. For the two offences the fines and costs amounted to £1
18s. 6d. in all.
From The Dover Express, Friday, May 11,
BRIDGE. Presentation of Billiards Cup.
At the "Red Lion" Inn on Wednesday, the final of the Finch Hatton
Billiards Cup for British Legion members was won by Mr. W. Divers, who
defeated Mr. W. H. Wass. The cup was presented to the winner by Capt. H.
E. Maslin, who also presented Mr. Wass and the two other semi-finalists,
Mr. H. Price and Mr. C. West, with prizes.
Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 12 May 1934.
Landlord of the "Red Lion Inn," Bridge, met with an accident while
driving his car at Boughton, near Faversham, on Tuesday afternoon. He
was conveyed to hospital, where he was found to have sustained a broken
leg and was suffering from head injuries.
From the Dover Express, 16 December 1951.
Standing in a line across the main road outside the Red Lion, where
studs marking a pedestrian crossing have been removed, parents hold up
traffic while children, on their way home from school at mid-day on
Wednesday, cross in safety.
Protesting Parents Stop Traffic.
NOT content with mere verbal protests against the removal of the two
pedestrian crossings from their village, residents of Bridge have
decided on positive action.
Their chief complaint is that the crossings were largely used by
children attending the village school. So, on Friday morning - following
a parish meeting the previous night - residents turned out to form a
human barrier across the main road where the crossings used to be.
Despite pouring rain, parents and others stood in the road holding up
all traffic while the school children crossed in safety on their way to
This manoeuvre was twice repeated at lunch time and again in the
afternoon after school.
Volunteers have formed a rota and intend to keep up their
traffic-stopping activities until the authorities take notice and
restore the crossings.
Application has also been made to the Kent Education Committee for the
services of a paid traffic warden to see the children across the road.
After their half-term holiday the children returned to school on
Wednesday, and, in the morning and afternoon were seen safely across the
road by more than a dozen parents.
"We shall carry this out until they give us back our crossings,"
declared Mrs. Bishop. "While the crossings were there we felt that our
children were reasonably safe when they left school. Now, none of us
would know a moment's peace of mind unless we were there to see them
across safely."
At their meeting on Thursday evening the villagers expressed in strong
terms their indignation at the removal of the crossings.
The Vicar (the Rev. W. H. Gregory), declared the crossing had been
removed by the Ministry of Transport without consulting Parliament, and
said that the fact that they could do that was the first step towards
One notable character who must be mentioned was 1950s
licensee Lt Col (Retd) Walter Percy Gardener. Not that he is the subject to
the following claim to fame, but it's that of his daughter, Toni Gardiner,
who eventually married King Hussein on May 25, 1961. Apparently Walter
Gardiner met the King of Jordan while working as a secretarial assistant on
the film set of Lawrence of
The King had allowed troops to work as extras on this film and would
occasionally visit to see how things were progressing and the King
evidentially met his daughter there. After marrying the King of Jordan, she
converted to Islam and was renamed Muna al-Hussein and after the birth of
her first son on 30 January 1952 was given the title Her Royal Highness
Princess Muna al-Hussein. They had 4 children between them but divorced on
21 December 1971. She still keeps title Princess of Jordan and continues to
work and live there being involved in the development of nursing in the
country founding the Princess Muna Scholarship fund for nursing.
The Red Lion has recently (2008) been restored after a fire engulfed the
building, parts of which date from the 1580's and is a Grade II listed
building. Working closely with conservation staff at Canterbury Council, the
pub has been rebuilt and now includes an extended dining area.
During the work a Tudor dovecote was uncovered, which has been preserved
and incorporated into the new building. The pub also includes later
Victorian additions and a striking Georgian façade which makes this a real
‘landmark' pub in the area.
2006 the pub was seriously damaged in a fire but has recently been
renovated to its former glory.
KINGSLAND Mr 1790-Nov/1802
HUBBARD Richard Nov/1802-12/Feb/1809 dec'd
HAWKINS Thomas 1828-41+ (age 50 in 1841)
EYRES Joseph 1847-78+
licensed to let horses and carriage age 50 in 1861)
FINN George 1881-82+ (age 44 in 1881)
HINDS Thomas Lister 1894+
DOMMETT Samuel 1899+
ANDERSON Frederick
(age 36 in 1901)
CLAYSON Frank E Jan/1903-11+
(age 40 in
FRIEND John 1912-18+
WATSON J T 1920+
GOLDER Joseph C 1922+
ANCELL R S 1930+
BURTON George 1934-39+ (age 57 in 1939)
GARDINER Lt Col (Retd) Walter Percy 1950s
HARRINGTON Mike Aug/2007+
RENAULT Rene 2019+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the
Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1918
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From the Post Office Directory 1938
From the Dover Express
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald