Sort file:- Canterbury, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 03 December, 2024.


Earliest 1741-

(Name from)

Flying Horse


(Name to)

1 Dover Street (Upper Bridge Street)

(Cattle Market 1838Stapletons Guide)


Flying Horse 1866

Above photo, 1866, kindly submitted by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1924

Above photo, circa 1924. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1938

Above photo, circa 1938, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

White Horse 1940.

Above photo showing the "Flying Horse" shortly after the 1940 Luftwaffe air raid on Canterbury.

Flying Horse 1946

Above photo, circa 1946, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1951

Above photo, circa 1951, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1955

Above photo, circa 1955, kindly submitted by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1960

Above photo, 1960, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Flying Horse 1960

Above photo, 1960, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Flying Horse 1960

Above photo, 1960, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Flying Horse 1965

Above photograph by Edward Wilmot 1965.

Flying Horse 1969

Above photo, circa 1969, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1970

Above photo, circa 1970, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Caption on back reads:- Another of the fine city of Canterbury's old inns, The Flying Horse date from 1574 and is rightly a listed building. During the coaching era, it was Canterbury's principal coaching inn for the London/Dover run and is one of the three Canterbury inns to have a tunnel to the Cathedral. With very little change to its interior, it offers warm hospitality, with a full range of Whitbread's beers, including Mild Ale and a wide range of bar snacks. A restaurant is to be opened shortly. Good parking facilities..."

Flying Horse licensees 1978

Above photo, 1978, showing licensees Iris and Bill ????

Flying Horse 1980

Above photo, circa 1980, kindly sent by Jim Hurling. (USA).

Flying Horse 1990

Above photo, 1990, kindly sent by Garth Wyver.

Flying Horse 2009

Above picture taken from Google in March 2009.

New Flying Horse 2010

Above photo, circa 2010.

Flying Horse 2016

Above photo, January 2016, kindly taken and sent by Doug Pratt.

Flying Horse 2016

Above photo, January 2016, kindly taken and sent by Doug Pratt.

Flying Horse 2016

Above photo, January 2016, kindly taken and sent by Doug Pratt.

Flying Horse sign 2016

Above photo, January 2016, kindly taken and sent by Doug Pratt.

Flying Horse sign 1980sFltying Horse sign 1986

Flying Horse sign left 1980s, sign right April 1986

Flying Horse sign 1992Flying Horse sign 2016

Above sign left, October 1992, sign right, 2016.

All above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Bus station area 1965

Above shows a picture of the works in 1965 when the bus station was being created in St. George's Lane. The "Flying Horse" is the building top left.


Previously known as the "Rose" but on the licensing list of 1792 as the "Flying Horse."

Further research has found reference to the pub known under this name in 1768 as shown below.


From the Kentish Weekly Post, 17 May 1741.

Wednesday May 20.

To the worthy FREEMEN of the City of Canterbury who are Interest if Sir THOMAS HALES.


You are desired to meet the Friends of Sir Thomas, tomorrow Morning, being the Day of Election, at either of the following Houses, viz.

The "King's Head," in High Street,

The "Fountain," St. Margarets,

The "Dolphin," Burgate,

The "Rose," St. Georges,

The "Black Boy," Burgate,

The "Flying Horse," Dover Lane,

The "Three Compasses," St. Peter's,

The "Golden Lyon," St. Peter's,

The "Mitre," High Street,

The "Rising Sun," St. Dunstan's,

The "Black Swan," North Gate,

The "White Swan," North Gate,

The "Tolerated Soldier," North Gate,

The "Fox and Seven Stars," St. Alphage,

The "Saracen's Head," St. Pauls,

The "Maiden Head," Wincheap,

The "Two Brewers," St. Mildred's,

The "Seven Stars," St. Alphage,

The "Three Tuns," St. Margaret's.


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 9 July to Wednesday, 13 July, 1768. Price 2d


On Friday last out of the Deal Coach between Sandwich and Canterbury. A small Box of Jewellers Goods, containing Watches, &c. – Whoever has found it, and will bring it to Mr. Robert Purvis, at the “Flying Horse” in Canterbury, or the Printer of this Paper, shall have Five Guineas Reward; or if any Person will give Intelligence of the said Box, so that it may be had again, shall be entitled to the like Reward.

N.B. The Person who lost the above Box, being apprehensive some persons may doubt the Veracity in paying the Reward, which the Finder may depend o being paid him, subjoins the Receipt of the People who found another Box of his lost at the same Time.

Deal, July 10, 1768.

One of the Two Boxes left yesterday between Sandwich and Canterbury, has been found by Us and delivered to the Proprietor, who has rewarded Us to Our Satisfaction.


F. Arthur, S. Reynolds.


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 6 August to Wednesday, 10 August, 1768. Price 2d


From William Peake, at Vinson, near Margate, in the Isle of Thanet.

A Dunn Mare, four years old, with a long Tail, a black Lift down her back, a white face, and three or four white Feet. – Also a Brown Gelding, belonging to Henry Scoats, of Hegrows in the Isle aforesaid, with a Star in his Face, nick'd Tail, and one white Foot behind.

Whoever will bring one or both to Mr. Pervis, at the “Flying Horse” near the Cattle Market, Canterbury, shall receive two Guineas Reward for each.


Kentish Gazette, 1 February, 1783.


Yesterday morning, died Mr. Purvis, Master of the "Flying Horse", in this city.


From the Kentish Gazette, 11-15 June 1790.

Charles HOLLANDS, Victualler, Canterbury Gives notice that his wife BEAN is not credit-worthy, will not be answerable for debts incurred by her. She is said to have "gone off" with Serjt. SNOWDEN of the 15th Regt. Light Dragoons, Greenwich OR with Private LISHMAN "whom she frequently sent the serving maid after, to the "Red Lion" in the Borough, to come up to her, at convenient times". "Wanted, an elderly housekeeper."


From the Kentish Gazette, 10 August 1790.

Charles HOLLANDS, Canterbury of the "Flying Horse" near Cattle Market, recently taken over the public house.


Kentish Gazette 22 September 1812.


Begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public in general for the numerous favours he has experienced from them while at the "Flying-Horse," Canterbury, and informs them that he has removed from thence to "Woolpack Inn," Chilham, where he hopes that by continuing his exertions to render every accommodation, and by keeping good liquors, to have a continuance of those favours, which it will ever be his study and pride most gratefully to acknowledge and maintain.

Neat Wines, good Beds, Stabling, etc.


Kentish Gazette 18 May 1819.

On Tuesday, as a lad of the name of Henry Wright, aged 14 years, servant of Mr. Pellett, of the "Flying Horse," in this city, was leading a horse in a cart, loaded with straw, the animal suddenly took fright, by which he was unfortunately thrown down, and his leg much cut; but it is hoped not dangerously.


Kentish Chronicle, 22 September, 1829.

About 3 weeks ago a man and woman, who went as brother and sister by the name of Sharpe, arrived at the "Flying Horse Inn," Canterbury, and pretended they were in want of a shop and premises to open as an oil and colour warehouse.

They made application to Mr. Eastes, of whom they had a house in Sun-street, employing Mr. Potter to fit up the same, and ordered several articles of wearing apparel and household furniture from the
tradesman of the town to be sent to the new dwelling.

On Monday evening, having previously obtained from Mr. Pellett a spirited dark brown mare, 5 years old, a dark brown chaise with drab lining, on grasshopper springs, from Messrs. Hancock and Theobalds, and harness, with half-moon ornament, of Mr. Solly, (which is it is almost needless to say were not paid for,) the parties left the "Flying Horse," stating that they were going to Whitstable for a drive. It is, however, since understood that they took the London Road, leaving the good folks of this place to lament their credulity and loss to the amount of upwards £100. The fellow is about 26 years of age, 5 ft 5 inches high, shallow complexion, dark hair, and was dressed in dark brown clothes. The woman appeared about 18, and was attired in a black silk gown and red shawl. She is very short and stout. We hope this information will put the inhabitants of other places on their guard against these Sharpe people.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 26 January 1830.

Queen Square.

A young man, who gave his name John Riches Kent, was charged with stealing a horse belonging to Mr. Pellet, landlord of the "Flying Horse Inn," at Canterbury. It appeared that in September last the prisoner, who assumes the name of Sharpe, and a young female about 18 years of age, and passed for his sister, took up their residence in Canterbury, said they were about to enter into business, and by other false representations obtained goods to a considerable amount from different tradesmen; from one the prisoner obtained a chaise, from another a quantity of cutlery and tin-ware, from another a chaise and harness, and from Mr. Pellet a horse. He then suddenly left Canterbury, accompanied by his sister, and took with him the principal part of the property he has obtained from tradesmen. Shortly afterwards, the horse was discovered at a stable in a Vauxhall Road, where the prisoner had sold it. After defrauding several tradesmen in London of goods, the prisoners started for Gloucester, took extensive premises in Westgate Street, and placarded the city with large notices, stating his intentions to open premises with an extensive assortment of the most valuable jewellery. He then passed by the name of John Riches, and was accompanied by the young female, who was represented as his wife. In the course of three weeks, while he was at Gloucester, he obtained a variety of goods from tradesmen, to the amount of between £400 and £500, and gave orders to the manufacturers at Birmingham for jewellery to the amount of nearly £2,000; fortunately, however, the plot was discovered before the jewellery was delivered. A tradesman in Gloucester, seeing that there was no chance of obtaining any money for his goods, arrested the prisoner, and he was sent to Gloucester gaol. There he was discovered by Mr. Pellet, and conveyed to London on his charge. The prisoner declined saying anything in his defence, and was remanded.


From Kentish Gazette 05 April 1836.


At the house of her niece, Charles-street, Soho-square, London, Mrs. Chappell, widow of Mr. S. Chappell, many years landlord of the "Flying Horse," Canterbury, and of the "Woolpack Inn," Chilham.


Kentish Gazette, 18 June 1844.


June 12, after a severe illness, Mr. E. C. Raynor, landlord of the "Flying Horse," Canterbury, aged 38, leaving a wife and four small children.


Kentish Gazette, 12 August 1851.


Pellett:— August 8, Mr. Thomas Pellett, aged 64 years, late of the "Flying Horse," Canterbury.


South Eastern Gazette, 12 March, 1860.


On the 2nd inst., suddenly, at Liverpool, Mrs. Rayner, late of the "Flying Horse Inn," Canterbury.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 1 September, 1860.


(Before the Mayor, T. Philpott, E, Holttum, William Plummer, and Peter Marten, Esqrs.)

Mr. Blackburn, of Dover-street, complained that Mr. Gillman, baker, of Upper Bridge-street, had caused an obstruction on the footway by having a child’s perambulator standing at his door, and also by having his bread-barrow standing in the road, he also preferred a charge against Mr. Browning, of the "Flying Horse Inn," for having abused him. The frivolous nature of the charges excited some merriment among the bystanders, and the Mayor and Magistrates appeared to think the complaint of a very trifling character, and as little could be gathered from the complainant's statement of a tangible character, the Mayor called on Mr. Gillman and Mr. Browning, who were in attendance (having received notice from the police authorities to attend at the Mayor's request) to give the bench what information they could on the subject.

Mr. Gillman said:— This "old chap" (a laugh) was very annoying and troublesome because he (Mr. Gillman) had made him pay a penny which he (complainant) owed him. It was true that the child’s chaise was at the door when the "old chap" passed, but as soon as it could be it was taken in-doors; and with reference to the bread-barrow, it only stood in the carriage road while it was being loaded, and not on the footway at all.

Mr. Browning stated to the court that seeing complainant very annoying towards Mr. Gilham he asked him "How long he had been a common informer," and no other words passed between them. The Mayor then observed that the footpaths must not be obstructed in any way, and no doubt it would not occur again, nor would Mr. Browning make any further remarks, with which he thought Mr. Blackburn should be satisfied; and that in future such complaints as he had made against Mr. Gillman had better be left to the police officers.


Kentish Gazette, 11 January 1876.


Before the Mayor and R. Y. Fill, Esq.

Joseph Hadlow was summoned by Frederick Hills, on Saturday.

The complainant said between two and thee o'clock on Saturday afternoon, he was at the "Flying Horse Inn", where defendant "jobbed" him in the eye with a whip-handle twice, the second time knocking him down.

The defendant said the complainant knocked him down before he did anything to him. He admitted that he poked the whip-handle into the complainant's eye.

Fined 1s., and 14s. costs, or seven days' imprisonment.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 September 1884.


Before the Mayor (H. B. Wilson, Esq.), R. Y. Fill, and H. Hart, Esqrs.


James Savage, was charged with stealing a cart, the property of Alexander Barber.

Mr. G. Collard prosecuted, and Mr. John Minter (Folkestone) defended.

Prosecutor was recalled, and, in answer to Mr. Minter, he said:- Prisoner bought the cart in the "Flying Horse" yard. He paid £6 10s. for the cart, and a pony and harness, and I wrote the receipt. I agreed to stand in with him and to be partners in any profit which might be made after he had got his £6 10s. Mr. H. Olive agreed to repair the cart for the sum of £3 5s. The pony was sold for £8. I afterwards bought two ponies. They were sold, and I had my share. I went to Herne Bay with prisoner. He bought a pony from Mr. King for £7 10s. I did not ask him to sell the pony for £7 10s., divide the money, and let Mr. King whistle for his cash. I heard that prisoner owed a man at Sturry for a suit of clothes. I did not suggest that it was likely that some one would take the cart from Olive unless he signed a receipt to make it appear that the cart was mine.

Prisoner put his cross to the receipt at the "Beehive Inn;"

I did not. I paid £2 for the repair of the cart, and prisoner repaid me the money. Last Saturday week I saw prisoner with the cart at the "Eight Bells Inn," St. Dunstan’s.

William James Parker, landlord of the "Beehive Inn" was also recalled.

In answer to Mr. Minter he said:- When the receipt was signed prisoner did not say "Well, yes, I think I'll sign; I don’t suppose he wants to best me."

Mr. Minter, addressing the Bench for the prisoner, said there was not a single element in the case to convert it into one of theft. It was a matter entirely of account between the parties. Prisoner denied in the first place having signed the receipt.

Mr. Collard:- You cannot state that.

Mr. Minter:- "What I suggest is that this prosecution is undertaken with a view of getting this cart through closing prisoner's mouth. That which prosecutor has admitted is sufficient to put an end to a charge of theft.

The Bench, after conferring in private, said the case was one of account, and prisoner would therefore be discharged.

Barber had to pay 14s. costs and prisoner 2s.

Alderman Hart said the Superintendent had the cart.

Mr. Minter:- I shall have to ask the Superintendent to give the cart to my client. If he does not I shall have to give him into custody. (Laughter.)

Barber said he should take proceedings in the County Court.


From the Whitstable Times, 4 January, 1902.



George Scamp, Louis James Miller, and James Baker were charged with stealing thirteen bottles of spirits and twenty-five metal forks from the “Flying Horse,” Upper Bridge Street, on the previous evening.

Sergeant Hollands stated that at 10.40 the previous night he was on duty in Upper Bridge Street, where he met Miller coming from the direction of the “Flying Horse.” He noticed his pockets were bulky, and so stopped him and asked him what he had in his pockets. The prisoner said he had a piece of meat and was going to take it home to supper. Not feeling satisfied with this explanation, witness searched Miller, and in his right hand pocket found a full bottle of cherry brandy, while in his left-hand pocket he found a bottle of Scotch whiskey. In Miller’s overcoat pockets witness found twenty-five metal forks. Witness asked him how he accounted for the forks being in his possession and he replied “I know nothing about them. George Scamp gave me this coat to put on. It is his coat.” At 3.15 that morning witness went to No. 1, Church Lane, North gate, and by listening he heard talking inside. He gained admission, Mrs. Read, the occupier of the house, letting him in. In the front room he saw Scamp and Baker. On the table witness found an empty whiskey bottle, while on a side table he found an empty Holland's gin bottle. On the fireplace there was half a bottle of whiskey and also another scotch. Witness asked the prisoners Scamp and Baker how they accounted for the bottles being there. They said they knew nothing about them. With the assistance of P.C. J. Goddard witness took the prisoners to the police station. That morning he charged the three prisoners with stealing the spirits and the forks, and in answer to the charge Scamp said the landlord gave him three bottles of whiskey for a Christmas box, Baker said “Yes, he gave us three bottles,” while Miller made no reply.

Mr. Scripps who appeared for the defence of Scamp and Baker, submitted that there was nothing out or the ordinary in the men having a few bottles of spirits at Christmas-time, and that there was no charge to answer.

Superintendent Farmery said he only wished to call sufficient evidence that morning to justify asking for a remand, but as Mr. Scripp was not satisfied he would call the woman who occupied the house where the prisoners Scamp and Baker were found—Celle Read stated that she lived at 1, Church Lane, and was the wife of Samuel Read, a soldier now in South Africa. She went to had about 10.30 the previous night, but was aroused between two and three o'clock that morning. She looked out of the window and saw Baker, who asked witness to allow a woman to sleep at her house, for he had jest found her drunk in Broad Street. Knowing the woman, witness allowed her to he brought in. When witness opened the front door, Scant, Baker, and the woman came in. Baker asked witness to have a drink out of one of the bottles produced. Scamp went out for about ten minutes and returned with three bottles. She did not have a drink as she was now a teetotaller. The landlord of the “Flying Horse,” Mr. Lackford, was then called as a witness but he did not give evidence.

Superintendent Farmery said the house was changing hands on the following Wednesday. He asked that the case might he adjourned till Friday.

The Magistrates then remanded the prisoners till Friday, but allowed bail.


From the Whitstable Times, 11 January, 1902.


Ernest J. Lackford, was summoned for being drunk on 28th December on his licensed premises, the “Flying Horse Inn,” Upper Bridge Street.

It appeared that defendant, who had been landlord of the “Flying Horse” for several years, was found drunk in his bar parlour on 28th December. He had since left the house.

Defendant pleaded guilty and said he had been ill.

Fined 6s. and 12s. costs.


From the Whitstable Times, 18 January, 1902.


George Scamp, Louis James Miller, and James Baker were charged on remand with stealing thirteen bottles of spirits and twenty-five metal forks, from the “Flying Horse Inn,” on December 27th last.

Dr. Hardman, of Deal, appeared to defend Scamp and Baker.

Sergeant Holland's evidence was read over to him, to the effect that he had met Miller on the night of December 27 with bulky pockets, and discovered two bottles of spirits, and the forks in his possession, and that he subsequently apprehended Scamp and Baker at Mrs Reid’s house, Church Lane, Northgate, where he found the other four bottles produced.

In answer to Dr. Hardman witness said the coat produced was the one Miller was wearing at the time of his arrest, but in his opinion it would he much too small for Scamp. He had made no enquiries to fasten the coat upon Scamp although Miller said when arrested, that the coat belonged to Scamp. When he went to Mrs. Reid’s house Baker was fairly sober, and Scamp was under the influence of drink. None of the bottles produced bore Lackford’s name upon them. When arrested Scamp did not point out which of the three bottles had been given to him by Lackford as Christmas boxes.

In reply to Miller witness said prisoner’s statement that he had meat in his pocket for supper was correct. Prisoner did not also tell him he had two bottles of beer in his pocket; nor did prisoner say he had some forks.

Mrs. Reid’s evidence was next read over to her, to the effect that about twelve on the night of December 27th she allowed a woman named O’Brien to sleep at her house, and she was accompanied to the house by Scamp and Baker. Scamp left and fetched heck three bottles of spirits, and they were all there when Sergeant Jackson arrived later, and took away Scamp and Millar and the bottles.

In answer to Dr. Hardman witness said all three of them drank from the small square bottle produced, but she did not know what it contained. They asked her to drink, but she refused, as she was a teetotaller, and they then told her it was a teetotaller's drink. It was the colour of beer.

Ernest Alfred Luckford stated that on December 27th he was the landlord of the “Flying Horse,” but now lived at 37, Peacock Street, Gravesend, and was of no occupation. He kept the “Flying Horse” for nine years and two months, but had been drinking rather heavily latterly. The three prisoners were well known to him. The three prisoners were in the habit of frequenting his house, and on the day in question they were in and out all day. The six bottles produced were the same as he sold while at the public house, and he missed thirteen in all about 9 30 on the evening of the 27th of December. The bottles wars on a shelf in an opening in the serving bar. He was serving off and on all the evening, but was sometimes in the bar parlour, and when there he was unable to see what went on in the bar. To the hest of his recollection he gave Scamp one bottle of whiskey, and it would he similar to the one produced, and found in Miller’s pocket. He did not give anything at any time either to Baker or Miller. The forks found on Miller were kept in the kitchen, to which entrance could he gained by way of the public passage. He valued the six bottles of spirits at 17s. 6d. and the forks at £1. He did not miss the forks until they were shown to him by Sergt. Hollands. The Holland's gin was got from a London firm and he did not think the same kind was kind he found in any other “house” in Canterbury. He sometimes made use of the old bottles for sending out other liquor in, and sold them occasionally to the fair people. He might have served out cider in a Holland's gin bottle, but could not say positively. He was positive, however, that he did not serve any in this wav to either of the prisoners on the day in question.

He had labels with his own name upon them, which he sometimes stuck on his bottles, but not always. He had omitted to put it upon the thirteen bottles he missed. He only gave about three Christmas boxes this year as the house was changing hands. He certainly did not give 13.

In answer to Dr. Hardman witness said he had known Scamp aver since he had been at the “Flying Horse.” Scamp had used the house the whole time. Scamp had been practically a teetotaller for the last six months, and had been in the habit of drinking cider at his house. He did not borrow a sovereign from Scamp the same evening, nor did he call Scamp out between six and seven o’clock the same evening, and borrow first 2s., and then a sovereign, to the best of his recollection, although he might have done so. He had borrowed money from Scamp on previous occasions. It was about seven o'clock when he gave Scamp a bottle of whiskey. He had been in the habit of giving Scamp a bottle of whiskey at Christmas time. Scamp did not ask for another for Baker was not with him. Neither did he ask for another for his wife. He denied giving Scamp two other bottles of spirits. Scamp stayed in the house until about eleven o'clock. The woman O’Brien was there and drank cider and port mixed. Miller and Baker were in the taproom. He was not aware that his wife sold threepenny-worth of cider in a Holland's bottle to Scamp. He came to miss the bottles from the shelf by seeing a shadow as of an uplifted hand near the shelf. He was looking sideways and the moment he turned the shadow was gone. He was perfectly sure it was not Scamp’s arm as he was in the front bar the hand came from the passage. This was about a quarter of an hour before Sergeant Hollands brought Miller in. He knew 13 bottles ware gone because the valuers had been in and there were 16 bottles on this particular shelf. There were five other shelves in the bar, but he could not say how many bottles were on any of these.

In answer to Miller witness said it was true that he was sometimes so much under the influence of drink that his wife would not allow him to serve in the bar. Prisoner did clean out the stables on the 26th of December, and he had supplied Millar with any number of bottles. It was incorrect that a full bottle of whiskey was found in the stables once. He had never given any spirits whatever to Miller.

In answer to the Superintendent witness said that at times during the day in question both he and his wife were in the sitting room, leaving the bar without anybody in it.

George Charles Reynolds a lad, living in Black Griffin Lane, and employed by Messrs. Smith and Son, at Canterbury East Station, stated that on the evening of the 27th of December he had occasion to go to the “Flying Horse,” to leave the Evening Standard. He was just about to mount his bicycle to go on when he saw Baker come out of another door. Baker came round to the front bar, and Scamp came out and handed two black bottles to Baker saying “Here’s two bottles of gin.” Baker put them under his coat, and ran up Rhodaus Town with them. As he ran along he dropped one, and smashed it. Biker did not stop but continued to run on. He thin mounted his machine, and informed the first constable he saw of what had occurred. He saw nothing of Miller.

In answer to Dr. Hardman witness said that when he went into the bar a woman present was singing.

The Chairman asked the boy whether Scamp said to Baker “Here’s two bottles of gin?”; or “Here’s two bottles Jim?” The soy said it was “Here’s two bottles of gin.”

Dr. Hardman: Baker’s name is certainly James.

In answer to Dr. Hardman witness said the two men must have seen him standing by. They did it perfectly openly.

Dr. Hardman, in addressing the Bench as to whether there was any case to answer, asked the bench to say there was none in regard to Scamp and Baker. There was not sufficient evidence he contended, that justified the bench in sending the two men for trial. It appeared that the prosecutor was before and after the alleged robbery more or lees under the influence of drink, and he submitted that there was no reliance to he placed upon his word. The whole case rested on whether Lackford gave Scamp three bottles or one. As to that he had a body of evidence, but he would not refer to that as he was submitting that there was no case to answer. Lackford said that “So far as he could recollect” he only gave one bottle of whiskey to Scamp. Was that the sort of evidence upon which to put a man to the expense and the anxiety of a charge on indictment. Lackford could not say whether Scamp lent him a sovereign or not. He might have done. He could not recollect simply because he was not sober. He asked them to at once dismiss from their minds the statement of Miller that the coat he was wearing at the time of his arrest belonged to Scamp. The evidence went to show that Miller only made the statement for reasons of his own. Miller had made the statement in Court that Scamp had nothing to do with him whatsoever. As a matter of fact they were not together, or associated in any way during the evening. Lackford had made the statement that there were 13 bottles of spirits missing, but was unable to say what they were. This was another instance of the untrustworthiness of Lackford’s evidence. The only remaining evidence was that of the boy from the book-stall. He submitted it did not amount to much, and the whole thing was done most openly between the two.

The Chairman had made the cute suggestion, which was probably correct that what Scamp said to Baker was “Here’s two bottles Jim.” He was much more likely to address his comrade by name then he was to state what the bottles contained. Altogether he submitted there was not a piece of reliable evidence upon which to send Scamp or Baker before a jury.

The Bench decided that the prisoners should be charged.

Miller elected to be dealt with, summarily, and pleaded “Guilty” to having stole what was found upon him.

Scamp and Baker elected to he tried by a jury should the Bench consider that there was a prima facie case against them.

The evidence for the defence was then taken.

Scamp in his witness box stated that he lived at 10, Stour street, and had been in the habit of going to the “Flying Horse” or the past seven or eight years. He had also hired the prosecutor’s stables there. For the past six months he had been a teetotaller, and on the night in question between six and seven o'clock he was at the “Flying Horse” when the landlord called him out and asked him to lend him 2s., to pay a man with. Prosecutor had often borrowed money from witness before. The landlord then asked him to lend him a sovereign, and witness replied “Yes; lend you 50 if you like.”

The Magistrate's Clerk:- Is it suggested at all that the spirits ware bought?

Dr. Hardman:- No, the contention is that the loan increased Lackford’s generosity, and that instead of one he gave three bottles.

Witness continuing rather upset this contention by stating that he asked for the Christmas box before he lent the money. After getting one for himself he said to Lackford “One bottle is no good between three of us, give me one for my mate” (meaning Baker). This the landlord gave him, and he then naked for one for his “missus” (meaning the woman O’Brien). Lackford said “That is not your wife, but here is one for her.” When Baker left he gave him the two bottles to take. They all left at eleven o’clock, and took some cider away with them in the square bottle produced. They then went straight down to Mrs. Reid’s, and when they got inside they drank the cider. He then went home to fetch the three bottles he had had given him. He could not say want was in the bottles when they opened them at Mrs. Raid’s but it was spirits of some sort. When charged at the police station he said that the three bottles had been given to him. The coat of Millar’s was nothing whatever to do with him, nor was he in Miller’s company at all during the evening.

In reply to the Superintendent he should say the whiskey was given him between seven and eight o’clock. He took the three bottles home himself.

In reply to Mr. Mercer witness said he gave the two bottles to Baker as the boy Reynolds had said, and Baker ran up to the “Riding Gate” with them to see if two girls were there whom they had promised to meet. They were not there, and Baker came straight beck and handed the two bottles back to witness unbroken. He admitted that Lackford could hardly know what he gave them as he was not himself.

Baker in the witness box said he lived at 7, Fortunes Passage, Stour Street. He corroborated Scamp about the Christmas boxes being given, and also about running up to the “Riding Gate” and coming back as the ladies were not there. He denied that he broke any bottle during the whole evening. He was not in Millar's company at any time daring the evening, and knew nothing about him.

Harry George Baker stated that on the day in question he was engaged as tapman at the public-house in question. During the evening he saw Mr. Lackford give Scamp a bottle of whiskey as a Christmas box. Scamp afterwards told him he had lent Lackford a sovereign and asked witness to remind Lackford about it the next morning. This was about eight o’clock and he then went home.

In reply to the Superintendent witness said the shelf from which Lackford gave Scamp his Christmas box was a different one from that from which the thirteen bottles were missed.

Mrs. Harris said her husband had been employed at the “Flying Horse” as ostler, and she was engaged in serving in the bar on the evening in question. Just before she left Lackford gave Scamp a bottle of spirits.

Mrs. Miles stated that her husband had been cleaning soma stables out for Mr. Lackford and on the evening in question she went for his money. She saw the landlord borrow it from Scamp between seven and eight o'clock. She also saw the three bottles of spirits given to Scamp by the landlord as Christmas boxes.

In reply to the Chairman witness said the landlord took all three bottles from the same shelf just beside the clock.

The bench retired to consider the evidence, and on returning the Chairman (Mr. Amos) said that Millar would be sentenced to one months' hard labour, and the other two would he committed to take their trial at the next Quarter Sessions. Bail would be allowed as before.


From the Whitstable Times, 25 January, 1902.


James Baker, 24, groom, and George Scamp, 32, dealer, were indicted for feloniously stealing four bottles of sprits, value 11s. 6d,the property of Ernest Alfred Lackford, on the 27th December, 1901, at Canterbury.

Both prisoners pleaded “not guilty.”

Mr. Pitman, instructed by Mr. J. Plummer, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. G. Thorn Drury, instructed by Mr. Bradley, Dover, defended the prisoners.

Ernest Alfred Lackford, formerly landlord of the “Flying Horse” identified the bottles produced as four of the thirteen bottles or spirits he missed on the 27th December.

In cross-examination witness admitted that he had known the two prisoners all the time he was landlord of the house and that he had been very friendly with them. He usually gave Scamp a Christmas box but he would not swear that Scamp asked for a Christmas box for his missus. He could swear that Scamp did not ask for a Christmas present for Baker. Just after he saw the shadow of a hand going up to the shelf he went to look and then missed the bottles of spirits. At that time Scamp was in front of the bar so it was not his hand that want up to the shelf. His hand went away very quickly and evidently the man went out of the front door of the house or out into the yard.

George Charles Reynolds, a boy employed at Messrs. Smith and Son's bookstall, repeated his evidence as to going to the house on the night in question to deliver the Evening Standard and when he left the place to seeing Scamp come out of the front bar with two bottles which he gave to Baker. Baker put them under his coat and ran away. As he ran he dropped one but did not stop to pick it up. When Scamp gave Baker the bottles he said “Here’s two bottles of gin.”

In cross-examination witness said his father was a police-constable. He did not think Scamp said to Baker “Here’s two bottles, Jim.”

Sergeant Hollands stated when he went to Mrs. Read’s house and saw the prisoners and found the bottles. Scamp said “I don’t know anything about the bottles” and Baker said “Nor do I.” He took them to the police station where he charged them. Scamp said Mr. Lackford gave him three bottles of spirits for a Christmas box and Baker said “Yes, that is right, the landlord gave us three bottles of spirits for a Christmas box.

In cross-examination witness stated there was nothing known against Baker except that he was charged with being drunk about ten years ago, while George Scamp had never been convicted of felony.

Mr. Drury called no witnesses for the defence.

Mr. Pitman said he wished to put in the depositions.

The Recorder said the usual statutory caution did not appear to have been giving to the two prisoners when they made statements before the Magistrates.

Superintendent Farmery was called and stated that the caution was read to the prisoners by the Magistrates Clerk.

The Acting Clerk of the Peace (Mr. J. F. Whichcord) then read the statements made by the prisoners before the Magistrates.

Mr. Pitman, in addressing the jury, asked whether it was consistent with innocent men for them to come out of a house with the bottles, and for one to run off so fast with them that he dropped one. Was it likely that men would act like this if the bottles of spirits were given them as a present.

In an able speech Mr. Drury asked the jury to dissociate anything that they might have heard concerning the name of Scamp for there was nothing known against him of dishonesty during the whole time he had lived in Canterbury. Mr. Lackford, he submitted, was excited on the occasion and his evidence could not he relied upon. His evidence was not to he relied upon for he could not recollect properly what did take place on the night in question. It was extremely probable that Lackford was asked to make those presents and that he did give the bottles of spirits being in a very liberal mood. The case was full of doubt, and he submitted that there was never a case which was enveloped in more doubt than the present.

The Recorder having summed up the jury found both prisoners Not Guilty and they were discharged.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 14 October 1905.


Frederick Anderson, a publican, was summoned at St. Augustine's petty Sessions at Canterbury on Saturday to show cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of the illegitimate female child of Jane Jarvis, of which he was the alleged father.

Defendant did not appear.

Complainant said she was a single woman living at Bekesbourne. She produced a written agreement drawn up by Mr. P. Maylam, solicitor, according to which defendant promised to pay 3s. a week towards the maintenance of the child, which was born in 1903. He paid from November, 1903, up till June 10th this year and since that summons had been issued he had paid up to the end of September.

In reply to the Bench it was stated that defendant keeps the "Flying Horse" public-house at Canterbury.

The Bench ordered the defendant to pay 3s. a week until the child if fifteen years of age and they also ordered him to pay the costs 13s 6d.


From the Whitstable Times, 19 February, 1944.

Extra Half-Hour Refused.


On behalf of the Canterbury and District Licensed Victuallers Association at the Canterbury Brewster Sessions held on Thursday at the Canterbury Guildhall. Mr C. A. Gardner asked the Bench to consider, and, if they thought it advisable, advertise that they would hear an application for half-an-hour's extension of opening hours during Double Summer Time.

It was emphasised by Mr. Gardner that gardeners needed all the daylight possible to get on with food production. He suggested that, as an alternative, the opening time should be put back to 6.30 p.m. and the half-hour added later.

The Chairman of the Canterbury Licensed Victuallers' Association, Mr. F. G. Belsey, licensee of the "Flying Horse," Canterbury, stated that there was a definite public demand for such a concession—in fact the demand came from the public rather than from the licensees. He also thought it would be a good idea to alter the hours so that they could open and close half-an-hour later.

After retiring, the Chairman (Mr. Wright Hunt) announced that the justices had come to the conclusion that there was not sufficient ground on which to advertise the application to the general public and it would therefore be refused.



The Flying Horse is one of the city's oldest inns. It was built c.1574, and was once the main coaching inn for the London to Dover run. Additionally, the house was one of only three city inns with tunnels leading to the Cathedral.


The Inns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot's,1988, mentions a document, date circa 1945 that gives the description of clientele at the pub as being "Artisans, farmers,  and lorry drivers."

The pub was damaged in world war 2 air raids and the building was nearly demolished and rubble from the damage removed for the repair of other buildings, but the brewers decided to rebuild the damage.


I am informed that the pub was closed by Punch Taverns in 2015 and is due to re-open in 2016 as a restaurant called the "Corner House."



PURVIS Robert 1768-Feb/83 dec'd Kentish Gazette

HOLLAND Charles 1790-92+ Edward Wilmot Canterbury

PURVIS Mrs 1795 dec'd Edward Wilmot Canterbury

CHAPPEL Solomon 1799-Sept/1812 Next pub licensee had Edward Wilmot Canterbury

PELLATT/PELLETT/PELLET Thomas 1824-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

CRUX Ruth Mrs 1838-40+ Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840

RAYNER E C Mr to May/1844 dec'd age 38

RAYNER Harriet 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

RAYNER Mrs Ann 1858-2/Mar/60 dec'd Melville's 1858

BROWNING M 1860-62+ Post Office Directory 1862

WINCH J 1867-68+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

HOUSDEN Ann 1871+ (widow age 32 in 1871Census)

UNDERDOWN William 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

CROFT Alfred 1881-82+ CensusPost Office Directory 1882

SNELL Samuel 1891+ Post Office Directory 1891

LACKFORD Ernest Alfred J 1900-Jan/02 (age 36 in 1901Census)

MAXTED Henry Jan/1903 Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

Last pub licensee had ANDERSON Frederick Jan/1903-06

ROGERS Frank Next pub licensee had pre Apr/1912

COOPER Percy 1913-30+ Post Office Directory 1913Historic Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1922Post Office Directory 1930

BELSEY Frederick 1938+ Post Office Directory 1938

???? Bill & Iris 1978+


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Edward Wilmot CanterburyInns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot, 1988

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-