Sort file:- Canterbury, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 29 July, 2024.


Earliest 1029-

Fountain and Tap

Latest 1938+

16 Rose Lane / St. Margaret's Street


Rose Lane 2009

Above picture taken from Google showing Rose Lane July 2009.


The area was extensively bombed and damaged during the second world war and all buildings demolished and new ones built.

The "Fountain Tap" contained livery stables.


The "Fountain Tap" was obviously the tap for the "Fountain Hotel" also referred to as the "Fountain Tavern" which according to the following article, was the oldest inn in the country.


I have managed to trace written evidence of it back as far as 1768 from the following passage in the Kentish Gazette.


From the Kentish Weekly Post, 17 May 1741.

Wednesday May 20.

To the worthy FREEMEN of the City of Canterbury who are Interest if Sir THOMAS HALES.


You are desired to meet the Friends of Sir Thomas, tomorrow Morning, being the Day of Election, at either of the following Houses, viz.

The "King's Head," in High Street,

The "Fountain," St. Margarets,

The "Dolphin," Burgate,

The "Rose," St. Georges,

The "Black Boy," Burgate,

The "Flying Horse," Dover Lane,

The "Three Compasses," St. Peter's,

The "Golden Lyon," St. Peter's,

The "Mitre," High Street,

The "Rising Sun," St. Dunstan's,

The "Black Swan," North Gate,

The "White Swan," North Gate,

The "Tolerated Soldier," North Gate,

The "Fox and Seven Stars," St. Alphage,

The "Saracen's Head," St. Pauls,

The "Maiden Head," Wincheap,

The "Two Brewers," St. Mildred's,

The "Seven Stars," St. Alphage,

The "Three Tuns," St. Margaret's.


From Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 17 May 1746.

William Luddington.

Barber and Peruke-maker, over against the Fountain Tavern in Canterbury.

Has a Curious Hand from LONDON, who maketh all sorts of Wigs to a very great Perfection, after the Newest and Genteelest Mode; which are sold at a very reasonable Rate. NB. He likewise Cuts and Curls Hair, makes ladies Tates?, and Gentlemen’s Locks after the Venetian Mode.


Sussex Advertiser, Monday 30 August 1762.

Country News. Canterbury August 25th.

Friday last a young man going to the necessary house at the "Fountain Inn" his this City, found upon the seat a handkerchief, and a course bag, as he thought, full of nails; but opening it, found it to contain gold and silver. On which he went out and locked the garden door, in order to consult the landlord. But seeing a well dressed man going up the yard asked whether he had lost anything. He putting his hand to his pockets, seemed surprised, and said he missed a bag of money. The young man (who had a wife and children) said if he would follow him he would help him to it; then unlocked the garden door, and shewed him the bag with the money in it. The Londoner look'd cross, took it, and did not even thank him. This being talked of, it is supposed he heard of his behaviour, wherefore when he took horse next morning he ordered the man a bottle of wine; which was scornfully refused. 'Tis thought the bag contained about £300. The person, we hear, was a wholesale grocer from London.


From the Kentish Gazette, Wednesday, 13 July to Saturday, 16 July, 1768. Price 2d


To the Highest Bidder at the “Fountain” in Canterbury; on Monday the first Day of August next, between the Hours of Four and Five in the Afternoon, the following Freehold Estate, viz.

A Messuage or Tenement, called BRANDRED, with the Barn, Stable, Buildings, Orchard, and Seventy-two Acres, more or less, of Arable and Pasture thereto belonging; lying and being in the several Parishes of Acris, Swingfield, and Elham, and now let on Lease to John Bass, at the yearly Rent of £34, two Years of which Lease are to come at Michaelmas next. – For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Matson, Attorney, at Sandwich.


From the Kentish Gazette, Saturday, 20 August to Wednesday, 24 August, 1768. Price 2d

The Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen educated at the King's School, in Christ-Church, Canterbury, will be held at the “Fountain Tavern” in this City, Tomorrow, being the 25th of August, where the Company of any Gentleman who is willing to encourage the Charity (tho' not educated at the School,) will be very acceptable.

Sir Brooke Bridges, Bart.

The Rev. Dr. Dampler,

The Rev. Mr. Evans.



From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Saturday, 22 October, to Wednesday 26 October, 1768. Price 2d.


By Thomas Rowe.

All the Household Furniture, Linen, Plate, and China, of the Widow Hollands, deceased, at her late Dwelling House near the “Fountain Tavern;” consisting of Four Post and other Bedsteads, with Harateen, Check, and other Furniture; good Beds and Bedding; Mahogany Tables; Walnut tree Chairs; Chests and Drawers; Pier, and other Glasses; a good Eight-day Clock; a Brass Jack with Fixtures, Brass Stoves; Kitchen Ranges and Furniture; Brewing Vessels, with a Calk and Two Coppers, &c.

The sale to begin at 10 o'Clock, and to continue till all is sold. The Goods to be viewed and seen the Morning of the Day of Sale.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 3 May, to Saturday 6 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


The General Meeting of the Society for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen of this Diocese, will be held at the “Fountain Tavern”, on Thursday the 18th day of May instant, at eleven of the clock, when the Stewards are desired to bring in the Accounts.

A dinner will be provided.

Cant. May 5.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 3 May, to Saturday 6 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


The expenditure for the Vallies within the commission of Sewers for several limits in the Eastern Parts of the County of Kent, are to pass their accounts for the year last past, at the “Fountain Tavern,” Canterbury, on Thursday, the eleventh day of May next ensuing, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon.

Young Jeken,

Clerk to the said Commission.


From The Reading Mercury and Oxford Gazette, etc (Reading, England), Monday, May 17, 1773; pg. 2; Issue 592.

Sunday a lady, who had eloped from her husband, and carried off about £1500 in cash, besides trinkets, etc, was stopped at Dover, by two messengers, who were dispatched by Sir John Fielding for that purpose, just as she was on the point of embarking with a French hair-dresser, on board the Packet, for Calais, and brought back the same evening to the "Fountain Tavern" in Canterbury, on her way to London.


Kentish Gazette 10 January 1778.

John Aldersley, Late Servant to Mr. Farley, of the "Fountain Inn," Canterbury, begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public in general, that he has taken the "Sun Tavern," at Chatham, in Kent. Late in the Occupation of Mrs. Champion.

He has laid in a fresh stock of Wines of all sorts, with a good Larder, pleasant Lodging Rooms open to the River Medway, with a fine prospect to his Majesty's Dockyard.

Those Gentlemen, who please to favour him with their Commands, may depend upon the best Accommodations, which will be gratefully acknowledged, and esteemed by their most humble Servant at Command. John Aldersley.

Neat Post-Chaises, with able Horses and careful Drivers.


Kentish Gazette, 30 January, 1779.


Sunday died Mrs. Farley, wife of Mr. Farley, master of the "Fountain Inn," in the city.


Kentish Gazette, 15 May, 1779.

To be sold by private contract, or to be let on lease, for any term of years, all that well known and good accustomed inn called the "Fountain," with the Outhouses, Edifices, Buildings and Offices, thereunto belonging, which are particularly convenient; situated in a principal Street in the City of Canterbury, called St. Margarets Street, and now in the occupation of Mr. John Farley.

The stock to be taken at a fair appraisement, with the Coaches, Chaises, Horses, &c, and also a Brewhouse and Utensils belonging thereto.

For farther particulars enquire of the said Mr. Farley, or Mr. Slodden, Attorney-at-law, in Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 9 September, 1783.

Last night also died, Mrs. Phene, widow of James Phene, who formerly kept the "Fountain" in this city.


Kentish Gazette, 3 July, 1792.


Yesterday died, in the 80th year of his age, Mr. John Farley, formerly master of the "Fountain Inn" in this city.


Kentish Chronicles, 11 November, 1794.


Last week died, in this city, Mrs. Farley, widow of the late Mr. John Farley, formerly of the "Fountain."


Kentish Gazette 24 April 1801.

Tuesday last Daniel Robinson, servant to Mr. William Miles, of the "Fountain Inn," was committed by the mayor of this city to the house of correction, to be kept to hard labour two months, fore getting drunk, and driving the horses entrusted to his care so furiously as to overturn and entirely spoil a post-chase belong to the William Miles, and greatly endanger the life of a passenger therein.


Kentish Gazette 11 September 1801.

Yesterday died Mrs. Miles, wife of Mr. Miles, of the "Fountain Inn," in the city.


Kentish Gazette 6 April 1802.

William Miles, of the "Fountain Inn," and J. Henwood, of the "Red Lion Inn," Canterbury, beg to inform their friends, and a public in general, that they have this day reduced their post into 15 pence per mile.

April 6th, 1802.


Kentish Gazette 6 August 1802.

Tuesday was married at Westgate, Mr. Miles, of the "Fountain Inn," to Mrs. Ratcliffe, both of this city.


Kentish Gazette 9 September 1802.


Whereas George Bourne, hostler to William Miles, at the "Fountain Inn," Canterbury, was conned on Saturday evening last the 4th of September 1802, with his Master's property to a considerable amount; whoever will apprehend and lodge him in safe custody, shall receive a reward of 5 guineas, and every other expense.

The said George Bourne is nearly 5 feet 10 inches high, about 23 years of age, of a light complexion, light hair, has a cast with his eyes, rather stoops in his walk, and has his name marked on his back of his right hand.


Kentish Gazette 14 September 1802.

Friday last was committed to Westgate gaol, by the Mayor, George Bourne, late hoistler to Mr. Miles of the "Fountain Inn," in this city, for having embezzled and run away with a considerable sum of money, his master's property; the prisoner was apprehended at Brighton, by the activity of the landlord of the "George Inn," Rye, and the vigilance of the constables at Brighton, the offence, we understand is, by a late statute, made felony.


From the Kentish Gazette, 3 January 1804. Price 6d.


FROM a post coach with four horses, which left the “Fountain Inn” at Canterbury on Wednesday evening the 14th instant.

A Box, containing three drawers, containing shells; supposed to have fallen off about three miles from Sittingbourne.

Whoever will bring the box, shells, &c. to the Printer of this paper, or to Lieut. Colonel D Robertson, No. 50, Hans Place, Sloan Street, London, will receive a reward of Five Guineas.


Kentish Gazette, 1 May, 1804.


On Friday last died, Mr. John Taylor, of the "Fountain Inn," in this city.


Kent Gazette Reports 18 June 1805.


St. Margaret's Street, Canterbury,

SAMUEL WRIGHT, grateful for the very liberal support he has experienced since entering on the above concern, respectfully begs to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, and in particular to families proceeding to the isle of Thanet and Coast of Kent, that he has lately fitted up his house, for their accommodation in every respect, in the completest possible manner; and trusts that those, who may be pleased to honour him with their visits, will find, his apartments and beds, clean, neat, and comfortable, a larder of every delicacy of the season, together with wines of the choicest flavour; and with much deference he assures them, that no attention will be omitted, on his part, to merit their future favours.

Good post chaises, glass coaches, &c. with able horses, at the shortest notice; also excellent stabling and lock-up coach-houses.
The Royal Mail Coach, to and from Dover to London, every night and morning.


From the Kentish Gazette Tuesday 4 October 1808.

Mr WRIGHT, of Fountain Inn, Canterbury: advert for upper servant and laundry maid.

From the Kentish Gazette, 13 February 1810.

An unfortunate event occurred this morning to a young man of the name of John Neighbour, who acted in the opacity of boots at the "Fountain Inn" in this city. Having gone into one of the rooms, it is supposed he took up a loaded pistol belonging to a gentleman who was about to depart on his journey, when, from some accidental cause it went off and almost instantly killed him. The ball having entered his throat just under the chin and come out at the hinder part of the head, from whence it passed through a pane of glass in the sash of the room.


From the Kentish Gazette, 13 February 1810.

This morning a melancholy accident happened at the "Fountain Inn," In this city: as ---- Neighbour, who was in the situation of Boots at the above Inn, was playing with a pistol, left by accident on the parlour table, not knowing it to be loaded, it unfortunately went off, and the contents entering his heart, caused instantaneous death.


From the Kentish Gazette, 16 February 1810.

An Inquest was taken on Tuesday, by Thomas Hammond, esq. the Coroner of this city, on the body of John Neighbours who shot himself with a pistol, at the "Fountain Inn," as stated in our last, when the Jury found a verdict of — Accidental Death.


From the Kentish Gazette, 16 February 1810.

On Tuesday, an inquest was held on the body of John Neighbour, the lad whom we mentioned on that day as having accidentally shot himself, at the "Fountain Tavern" in this city.

Verdict:— Accidental death.


Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1820.


GEORGE STARK, (many years Head Waiter at the "Fountain Inn," Canterbury.) very respectfully begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, and especially his friends, to whom from his late situation he is known, that he has entered on the above Inn, and trusts by attention to the convenience and comfort of his visitors, and by forwarding them with able Horses to obtain their patronage, which it will ever be his study and desire to deserve.

Wines of the best quality, good Stabling, and Lock up Coach Horses.


From the Kentish Gazette 17 July 1821.

City of Canterbury:

The MAYOR and COMMONALTY having resolved to DINE together at the "Fountain Tavern," on Thursday next, the 19th of July instant, in celebration of the CORONATION of his most gracious Majesty, King George the Fourth, will be gratified by the company of those of the Gentry and Clergy of the City, and its vicinity, and of their Fellow Citizens generally, who may wish to join them in honour of the event. Tickets at a SOVEREIGN each to include the Dinner, Dessert and Wine, to be had at the Bar of the "Fountain Tavern." Dinner on table at Four o'clock precisely. It is requested Tickets may be taken on or before Tuesday next, the 17th inst.


From the Kentish Gazette, 6 February 1838.

A singular accident occurred a few evenings since to the driver of a post-chaise belonging to Mr. Wright, of the "Fountain Hotel," Canterbury. When descending Staines’ Hill on his return from the Isle of Thanet, in company with several others, by a sudden jerk he was thrown off the bar into the snow. The accident was not perceived by the drivers of the chaises which followed, and fortunately passed without injuring the poor fellow, who lay stunned by his fall for a considerable time. The horses of the chaise he had been driving followed the other vehicles, and actually parsed them at a rapid rate, proceeding through Sturry and the turnpike which was open, and advanced as far as the High Street, without any further accident, when they were perceived to be without a driver, and stopped by an ostler who was looking for their return. Messengers were forthwith despatched after the missing post-boy, and he was found walking with the whip in his hand in a contrary direction from Canterbury, still in a state of partial insensibility.


From the Kentish Gazette, 19 March 1839.

On Wednesday the Earl of Cardigan and the officers of the 45th Light Dragoons gave a parting dinner, at the "Fountain Hotel," to the officers of the 45th Regiment, who are under orders for Windsor. The dinner was arranged in Wight's very best style; the splendid service of plate belonging to the mess of the 11th was used upon the occasion, and the fine brass band of the regiment was in attendance.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 December 1840.


Nov 28, in London, Samuel King, aged 32, son of the Widow King, late of the "Fountain Tap," Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 3 September 1844.

East Kent Agricultural Association.

At a general meeting of the members of the above Society, on Saturday at the "Fountain Hotel," Canterbury, Mr. Thomas White Collard, surveyor and land agent, of Canterbury, was elected to the office of Secretary, vacant by the demise of Mr. J. C. Abbott.


Kentish Gazette, 3 September 1844.



A GENERAL MEETING of the MEMBERS of this CLUB, will be holden at the "FOUNTAIN HOTEL," CANTERBURY, on SATURDAY, the 28th of SEPTEMBER instant, at Two for Three o'clock in the Afternoon.

Members who have not paid their Subscriptions, are earnestly requested to do so at their earliest convenience at Messrs. Hammond and Co.’s Canterbury Bank; or to the Treasurer; or the Honorary Secretary, at the Kentish Gazette Office, Canterbury.

All Demands upon the Club are requested to be forwarded without delay to the Honorary Secretary.


From the Kentish Gazette, 22 April 1845.


Sir J. M. TYLDES, President.

THE ANNUAL DINNER of the Members of this Club, and the Friends of the Noble Game of Cricket, will take place at the "Fountain Hotel," CANTERBURY, on FRIDAY, the 2nd day of May, 1845.

Dinner on Table at Five o'clock.

Tickets 5s. 6d. each, to be had at the Bar on or before Wednesday, the 30th of April.

Practice commences on the Ground on Monday, the 5th of May, and, in the absence of Matches, will continue through the season. Fuller Pilch, and his nephew, William Pilch, will be in attendance.

The Matches will be announced at a future time.

Subscribers of £1 and upwards are elected Members of the Club.

The Members and Patrons of the Club are respectfully informed that the Subscriptions and Donations for the Season are due on the day of the Anniversary Dinner, and early payment is requested at the Canterbury Bank; or to the Honorary Secretary, Kentish Gazette Office, Canterbury.

W. M. SMITHSON, Hon Sec.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 April 1846.


Miller:— April 22, in Commercial-road, London. Mr. Amos Miller, aged 54, many years cook at the "Fountain Hotel," Canterbury.


From the Kentish Gazette, 5 May 1846.

White Lion £20 Burial Society.

The Quarterly Committee Meeting of this club, was holden at the above house, in Canterbury, on Thursday evening last, for the purpose of transacting the usual business, when the secretary reported that during the past quarter, there had been three deaths, and one withdrawal, and that there was one death uncollected, Mr. Amos Miller, formerly cook at the "Fountain Hotel." That the sum in hand was £12, over and above the £20 always in readiness in case of the death of a member. Ten members were enrolled during the evening, a few vacancies remaining for healthy persons between the ages of 25 and 45 years.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 August 1846.


IN one of the "Fountain Hotel" Carriages running from the Canterbury Railway Station, A MOURNING RING. The owner may receive it on application to Mr. Wright, "Royal Fountain Hotel," Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 23 March 1847.


Friends to the above Hunt are particularly requested to MEET at the "Fountain Hotel," WEDNESDAY, the 31st instant, at Twelve o'clock, when the question of the continuance of that Establishment must be decided.


Members of the Committee ending 5th April, 1847.

Hythe 22d March, 1847.


Dover Telegraph 2 June 1849

Auction Extract:

Canterbury: Important sale of the extensive brewery of Messrs. Flint, including thirty old-established inns and public houses. Mr. V. J. Collier has received instructions to sell by auction, at the "Fountain Hotel," Canterbury, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 26th and 27th of June, at twelve o'clock each day (in consequence of the death of the senior acting Partner and the retirement of the surviving Partners), the valuable property known as Messrs. Flint's Brewery, in Stour Street, Canterbury, and the inns, public houses, and other valuable property connected therewith.

The second day's sale, on Wednesday, 27th June, will comprise the following property:

Lot 46 – The "Lord Nelson," Radnor Street, near the harbour, Folkestone – Freehold

Lot 47 – The "Bricklayers' Arms," Fancy Street, Folkestone - Freehold

The Public Houses are for the most part in the occupation of unexceptionable tenants, and the majority of them are doing trades, both in beer and spirits, considerably above the average run of country houses, (none of them here been beer-shops; they are old licensed houses, with connections of long standing, thereby affording ample security for the permanence of the trade.) The premises generally are in a superior state of repair.

Particulars and plans (price 1s. Each) may be had of Messrs. Furleys & Mercer Solicitors, Canterbury; at the "Fountain Hotel;" and of Mr. V. J. Collier, 3, Moorgate Street, London.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 14 July, 1860.


A daring robbery committed at the "Fountain Hotel," either on Monday night, or Tuesday morning. It appears that, on retiring for the night, Lord Walsingham omitted to lock his bedroom door. On undressing, he placed his gold watch, gold chain, gold snuff box, and other articles of jewellery, on the dressing table; but on looking for them at eight o'clock the next morning they were gone. Information was given to the police, and a detective officer was sent at once to make the necessary inquiries. No clue has yet been discovered to lead to the detection of the thief.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 21 September 1867. Price 1d.


At the County Police Court on Monday, before P. Marten. Esq.. Wm. Harris was charged with stealing a bridle, value 30s.. the property of John Greenstreet, of the "Fountain Tap," Canterbury.

Charles Welch stated that he was in the employ of Mr. Greenstreet at the "Fountain Tap" stables; and was in charge of two horses on the 28th of August, at the "White Horse,” Bridge. Witness left the stables at about half-past two, and went back at five, when he missed the bridle produced by P.C. Creed.

William Searle, carrier of Faversham, said that on the 28th of August he was returning from Canterbury to Faversham, and saw the prisoner about seven o'clock in the evening. Prisoner asked witness to give him a ride in his waggon, and he did so. Prisoner had a bridle with him which he offered to witness; and he gave him 3s. for it. He afterwards delivered it to P.C. Creed.

P.C. Creed haring proved apprehending the prisoner, the case was remanded till Saturday.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 28 September 1867. Price 1d.


At St. Augustine's Petty Sessions on Saturday William Harris was charged, on remand from Monday last, with stealing a bridle (the property of Mr. Greenstreet, of the "Fountain Tap," Canterbury,) at Badge, on Wednesday, the 28th of August. It will be remembered that that prisoner sold the bridle to a man named Searle, a carrier, of Faversham, for 3s.

Prisoner now pleaded guilty; and was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment, the Chairman at the same time telling Searle that he ought to be punished for having the bridle at such a price.


Kentish Gazette, 29 February 1876.


Mr. Finn, the proprietor of the "Fountain Hotel" in this city, has been victimised by a person who, according to his private card, is "Mr. Henry Doncaster." This individual, who it would seem, has all the appearance of a gentleman, went to the "Fountain" on the 5th inst., stating that he had just arrived from the Continent, and he took up his quarters at the hotel.

In conversation with the waiters he said he was expecting everyday a letter with a remittance of money. He sent his lines to the laundress, and on its return paid the charge made. This gave Mr. Finn confidence in his customer, but subsequently events did not tend to maintain it, for on Sunday evening, the 20th inst., Mr. Henry Doncaster suddenly, and without any slightest intimation, disappeared, together with the whole of his luggage excepting a portmanteau, which on being opened was found to contain a pair of shoes and a piece of tape. It should be stated that he "forgot" to pay his account before leaving. The man is described as about five feet ten inches in height, grey hair, with whiskers and moustache.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 21 January 1888.


Received:- £1.1s. 4d., collected by Mr. Prett's dog Fido, at the "George and Dragon Inn," Ash-next-Sandwich; and old linen from Mrs. H. Ward, "Fountain Hotel."


From the Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 10 May, 1907.


The author concludes that the oldest inn in England is “the Fountain” in Canterbury, where stayed the wife of Earl Goodwin when she went to meet her husband on his return from Denmark in 1029. This is a respectable antiquity indeed! It is also claimed for “The Fountain” that Archbishop Lanfranc stayed there during the rebuilding of his palace in 1070. “The story, also goes that the four knights who murdered Thomas a Becket made the house their meeting place. It has its place, too, in later history, in that it was a scene of gaiety and activity in the September of 1299, where the marriage of Edward I, to Margaret of France was solemnised at Canterbury Cathedral. Next, perhaps, comes the “Ostrich,” at Coinbrook, which, as it now stands, claims an existence of seven hundred years. “The George and Dragon,” at Speedhurst, in Kent, is assigned to the reign of the third Henry, and “The Running Horse” at Leatherhead, was referred to revilingly by Shelton in the time of Henry VIII.


From an email received, 7 May 2020.

Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton dined at Fountain Inn on his way to join his regiment in the Duke of Wellingtons Army.

He was killed at the battle of Waterloo which was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815. His body was lodged at Fountain Inn for one night on its return to London.

Sir Picton was originally buried at St Georges, Hanover Square, but is now interred in St Pauls Catherdral.

Kind Regards,

Danny Fitzmaurice.



PACKINGTON Henry to May/1714 dec'd (buried on the 16 May)

MOND Walter to Mar/1722 dec'd (buried on the 29 March)

BILES Mr 1768+ Kentish Gazette

FARLEY John 1774-79+ Kentish Gazette

PHENE James pre 1783

Last pub licensee had MILES William Nov/1787-1802+ Kentish Gazette

TAYLOR John to May/1804 dec'd

WRIGHT Samuel 1805-37+ Pigot's Directory 1824

KING Samuel 1838-Dec/40 dec'd aged 32 Stapletons Guide

WRIGHT Me 1846+

FINN William 1861-76+ (age 54 in 1861Census) (Fountain Hotel)

GREENSTEAD John 1862-82+ (age 60 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1862Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882

WARD H Mrs 1888+ (Fountain Hotel)

GREENSTEAD Mrs Ann 1891-July/1894 Post Office Directory 1891Whitstable Times

GREENSTEAD G July/1894+ Whitstable Times

GREENSTEAD Charles 1901+ (age 34 in 1901Census)

MERCER Alfred Edward 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

SINCLAIR Alex M 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

GORDON Mrs Florence 1930-38+ Post Office Directory 1930Post Office Directory 1938


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
