Sort file:- Sittingbourne, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 18 July, 2024.


Earliest 1770-

Bull Hotel

Closed 2012

67 High Street


Rose and Bull

Above postcard, date unknown, also showing the "Rose."

Rose 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910, also showing the "Rose," kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bull Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown. Also showing the "Rose Inn."

Bull 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the "Rose."

Bull 1924

Above photo, circa 1924, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bull Hotel 1970s

Above photo circa 1970s.

Bull 2007

Above photo 2007 by John Salmon Creative Commons Licence.

Bull sign 2007

Above sign 2007.


The pub was situated opposite the "Rose Inn."

The pub closed in 2012.


Bull 2016

Above Google image, July 2016.

Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 23 January 1770.


From Mr. JAMES EYRE, out of a Carriage at the "Bull Inn" Yard, Sittingbourn, Five Cotton Counterpanes, Twenty-eight Yards of Crimson Check, one Flanders and two common Bed-ticks, and two Pair of small Blankets, and likewise the Door of the Carriage missing.

Whoever will give Information of the Person or Persons who stole the above Goods, to Mr. Johnson, at the "Globe," Chatham; Mr. Eagleson, at the "Flour de Luce," Canterbury; or at the "Bull" at Sittingbourn, so that the above Mr. Eyre may have them again, shall receive One Guinea Reward.


Kentish Gazette, 24 May, 1780.

"Bull Inn," Sittingbourne.

Elizabeth Williams returns her sincere thanks to the friends of her late husband for the very great encouragement they obliged him with; at the same time respectfully informs them and the public in general, that she continues to carry on the same business, and hopes, by her assiduity and attention, to engage the continuance of their favours, which will ever be gratefully acknowledge.

Post Chases and Saddle Horses, as usual.

May 12th, 1780.


From the Kentish Gazette, 19 February 1839.


THE BULL INN, SITTINGBOURNE, With early possession.

Apply at Mr. Vallance Brewery, Sittingbourne. If by letter, post-paid.


From the Kentish Gazette, 21 November 1843.


TO BE LET, with early possession, the "BULL," Sittingbourne. For particulars apply at the Sittingbourne Brewery.


Kentish Gazette, 7 January 1851.


The annual rent day of Lord Harris was held on Wednesday, at the "Bull Inn," where an excellent dinner was served by the worthy host to a large body of the tenantry.

On Thursday, the 2nd instant, the annual tradesman's dinner took place, when upwards of thirty members sat down to an excellent repast at the "Bull Inn." They were all of the first rate quality, and the spirit of the day was maintained in harmony and unanimity.


Kentish Gazette, 29 July 1851.


On Tuesday the 22nd inst., William Lewes was committed to Maidstone gaol by the Rev. Dr. Poore for having sold property stolen from the "Bull Inn," in April last. Police-constable Hayward having traced the property to Sheerness, and from the description given apprehended the prisoner, who was at once identified by the person who brought the articles.

Committed for trial.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 26 May, 1860.


The annual meeting for the encouragement of sheep shearers and mowers, established in 1836, is announced to take place at the back of the "Bull Inn," on Wednesday, th2 27th June. The balance in hand of this praiseworthy society in between £16. and £17. The annual subscriptions and donations for the past year amounted to £130 15s., whilst the total payments for awards of prizes, &c., amounted to £128 6s. 5d.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 12 January, 1861.


On Saturday afternoon an inquest was held at the "Bull Inn," before Thomas Hills Esq., coroner, and a respectable jury of which Mr. Goldsmith was the foreman, on the body of James Knott Bradley, aged 53, clerk to Mr. Mr. Smeed, the extensive brick-maker, and barge owner of Sittingbourne, who was found that morning in the office with his throat cut.

William Drake stated that he was a fellow clerk with the deceased to Mr. Smeed, in whose employ he had been fourteen or fifteen years, and witness about seven years. He saw him last alive, at the office about eight o'clock last evening, when witness left—and came again to the office this morning about half-past eight o’clock. The office was closed, and the key was in the door outside. He tried the door, and could not get in. He thought the door was out of repair, and waited about half an hour. He then made inquiries, and not finding anything of the deceased, he went to the brick-field and brought a carpenter back with him. They tried again to open the door, but could not, and were obliged to force open the shutter, and get into the office through the window. They found the deceased lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The door had been fastened on the inside by a bolt underneath the lock. He went for assistance, but deceased was quite dead. About eighteen months ago the deceased was very strange in his manners, and absented himself for some time. Within the last two or three days he had been light in his head. There was an absence of mind about him at times, but he never thought he would commit self-destruction. He used to express himself as labouring under great responsibility, which witness believed was not the case.

John George Harris, out of employ, stated that he had known the deceased for thirty years. He went and found the office in the condition described by last witness. He went in and saw the deceased lying on his left side on the floor. He turned him over and saw a razor lying underneath him. Witness had not known much of him, but eighteen months ago he was very strange. He always shaves in the office, and kept his razors there. He heard him frequently complain of his being light-headed.

Mr. George Smeed said the deceased had been in his employ for fourteen or fifteen years. He always had his confidence in everything. He was frequently so muddled that they could make nothing of him. He seemed completely bewildered. For the last few days he had been worse than usual. Papers that ought to have been given to him about the trial which should have come on that morning the deceased had kept without saving anything about them, and witness had not heard of them till since this occurrence. He had been in a low desponding way at times. He could imagine no other reason for his destroying himself.

Mr. Smith observed that within the last few days he had noticed a kind of aberration and despondency about the deceased.

Mr. Charles Holdrich Fisher, surgeon, stated that he had been called in to the deceased shortly after ten o'clock that morning. He found him lying on his left side with his throat cut almost from ear to ear, causing almost instantaneous death. It was a most determined case, dividing both carotid arteries and wind-pipe. From the evidence he had heard the deceased must have been in a slate of temporary insanity when he committed the act.

The Jury then returned a verdict that the deceased had died by cutting his throat when in a state of insanity.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 2 April 1867.

Sale of property.

A portion of the British Land Company Estate at East-end, Sittingbourne, advertised for sale by Mr. Whittingham on Tuesday last, at the "Bull Inn," was disposed off.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 13 April, 1867. Price 1d.


Michael Horan was charged with embezzling £10, the money of Fabian Paganelli, a Frenchman, his master, at Sittingbourne, on the 2nd of February, 1807.

Mr. Barrow defended the prisoner and Mr. G. Smith prosecuted.

The first witness called was Peter Carripata, who said:- I am manager to Mr. Paganelli, the prosecutor in this ease, and the occupier of Fulston Farm, Sittingbourne. One part of the farm is set apart for making bricks. The prisoner was in the same employ and received £2 10s. a week, as manager of the brick-making department. Prisoner had instructions given him to let a portion of the farm that was not used, and to get what he could for it per acre. Nothing was said at the time of the agreement about allowing any discount to the tenant, or commission to prisoner. Shortly after a man named Tappenden hired a portion of the farm, at the rate of £3 6s. per acre. Mr. Bishopp acted as valuer, and set the valuation at £76 12s. Mr. Bishopp was acting for both parties. Can't recollect exactly when the valuation took place, but I think it was in January. I do not know anything about the accounts, but I remember asking prisoner for a balance sheet, and he produced one in March. I asked him what he had calculated for valuation, and he said £76 12s. A few days after I went to the “Bull Hotel,” at Sittingbourne, and saw prisoner there. I asked him if he had received any more money for the valuation, and he replied that ha had entered all he had received from Mr. Tappenden. Mr. Tappenden was not then present. He came in afterwards and explained all about the money. I asked Horan again before Mr. Tappenden, if he had received more than £76 12s., and he said he had not. Mr. Tappenden said he had paid Horan £92 12s. Horan said that he allowed Mr. Tappenden £6 as discount, and that he kept the remaining £10 for commission. No agreement was made to that effect. I gave prisoner 10s. to pay his expenses to London, where he went to see his solicitor on the subject. I afterwards went to London on business, and we both went to the solicitor's together. When we were there I said it would have been better if prisoner had not acted as he had. But I did not persuade him to sign a document that would prevent him from being taken before the Magistrates.

Febian Paganelli, the prosecutor, was then called and Mr. Martinet was sworn to act as interpreter.

Prosecutor said that Horan was in his employ. He did not agree to allow him commission or to give him extra wages for letting a portion of the farm. Neither did be agree to allow the tenant any discount.

John Richard Bishopp said he was acting as valuer for Mr. Tappenden, at Fulston Farm. He agreed with Horan for £3 10s. per acre.

Mr. Tappenden said he occupied about seven acres of Fulston Farm, at Sittingbourne, at £3 10s. per acre. Prisoner did not inform him what was the fall amount of the valuation when he (Mr. Tsppenden) paid him, nor the number of acres he occupied. He paid prisoner in two cheques on 2nd of February, one for £76 12s. and the other for £10. Prisoner requested Mr. Tappenden to pay him the amount in two cheques but for what reason he did not know. Prisoner allowed him £6 for discount when he paid. The real amount was £92 12s. Mr. Tappenden said he was present at the “Bull Inn” when the subject was discussed. He was asked about the account, and he told them he paid Horan £86 12s. When prisoner was questioned about the remaining £10 he said at first he kept it for his services, and afterwards for commission. He (Mr. Tappenden) did not pay Mr. Bishopp for valuing. He acted as a friend. Prisoner proposed himself that Mr. Tappenden should have £6 discount. Prisoner said he was acting as Mr. Paganelli's agent. The Jury found the prisoner guilty and he was sentenced to six months hard labour.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 10 August 1901.

Sittingbourne. Sad End of An Hotel Proprietor.

An inquest was held on Thursday evening touching the death of Mr. Arthur Brownlow, 54, proprietor of the "Bull Hotel," Sittingbourne, who was found in the morning dead in his room. Mr. Brownlow, who was a very stout man, had dropped to sleep in his chair, and, overbalancing himself, had fallen between a chest of drawers and the wall wedging himself in so tightly that he was suffocated.

"Death from suffocation by misadventure" was the verdict returned.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 10 August 1901.

Sad end of an hotel proprietor.

An inquest was held on Thursday evening touching the Death of Mr. Arthur Brownlow, 54, proprietor of the "Bull Hotel," Sittingbourne, who was found in the morning dead in his room. Mr. Brownlow, who was a very stout man, had dropped asleep in his chair, and, over balancing himself, had fallen between a chest of drawers and the wall, wedging himself in so tightly that he was suffocated.

Death from suffocation by misadventure was the verdict returned.


Dover Express. Friday 27 October 1911.

Ladies Hat Plume Mistaken For Ehe Green Flag.

While Mrs. Thorne, wife of the proprietor of the "Bull Hotel," Sittingbourne, was seeing some friends off by train on Thursday evening of last week, the train suddenly started before the luggage and passengers were in, and it had to be pulled up again. It was ascertained that a large green plume in Mrs. Thorne's hat had, in the distance, been mistaken for the guards green flag as a signal the line was clear, and this had caused the engine driver to start.


East Kent Gazette, Saturday 25 January 1946.

Licences Transferred.

At the Petty sessions on Monday the following licences were transferred:-

"Bull Hotel," Sittingbourne, from William Wickes tool Arthur Brownlow.


From the By Megan Carr, 21 July 2023.

Tacos Locos in Sittingbourne, in the former Bull Inn pub, up for sale on Rightmove.

A Mexican restaurant based in an historic pub is up for sale.

The building occupied by Tacos Locos in Sittingbourne High Street is on the market for £750,000.

Former Bull 2023

Tacos Locos in Sittingbourne High Street.

Musa Kivrak opened the branch in the former Bull Inn pub, a listed building, in January 2018. He has another in Canterbury.

But now the property, which is described as being a development opportunity with two bars, is listed on Rightmove.

The estate agent’s description of the building says: “Tacos Locos is a large two-storey restaurant and bar, in the heart of Sittingbourne High Street, surrounded by bars, restaurants and retail businesses.

Musa Kivrak 2023

Musa Kivrak.

“The design of the building lends itself very well to operating two separate businesses within it, there are two separate entrances.”

Rightmove has also suggested buyers could also have the opportunity to convert the large property into a luxury flat with a separate business on the ground floor.

However, this is subject to a successful planning application.

The Tex-Mex restaurant is based at the former Bull Inn, which was first documented as a watering hole in 1770. It closed in 2012.

The Mexican was not the only project Mr Kivrak had planned for the town.

He opened Amalfi in the old Woolwich bank along Sittingbourne High Steet in 2019.

However, it closed in 2022 after trade struggled to recover following the pandemic.

The building has since become a Turkish restaurant under new owners.

Tacos Locos has been contacted for comment about whether or not it plans to shut.

Although the business did not respond to the News’ emails and calls it is understood the eatery is now only opening during the evening on Monday to Saturday and is no longer offering a dine-in option for lunch.


As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation. All emails are answered.



WILLIAMS Mr to May/1780 dec'd

WILLIAMS Elizabeth (widow) May/1780+

LISHAM George to Nov/1787 Next pub licensee had Kentish Gazette

HOGBEN David 1828-39+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

LUNNISS William 1840+

BOWMAN/BOORMAN William 1845-62 (also Posting House age 41 in 1851Census)

OWENS James 1870-82+ (also carriage & fly proprietor and brewer age 48 in 1881Census) (died 1889)

BROWNLOW Alfred 1899-Aug/1901+ (age 53 in 1901Census)

BROWNLOW F A Mrs 1903+

THORNE Thomas 1911+ (age 52 in 1911Census)

THORNE Julia Mary 1918-22+ (age 49 in 1911Census)

WICKES William to Jan/1946 East Kent Gazette

BROWNLOW Arthur Jan/1946+ East Kent Gazette


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


East Kent GazetteEast Kent Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-