Sort file:- Canterbury, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 03 June, 2024.


Earliest 1466-

Fleur de Lis Inn

Latest 1953+

34 High Street


Fleur de Lis 1905

Above photo, 1905.

Fleur de Lis 1915

Above photo, circa 1915, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Fleur de Lis Inn date unknown Fleur de Lis Inn

Above photos taken from the Historic Canterbury web site, date unknown showing the "Fleur de Lis Inn" on the left.

Fleur de Lis 1946

Above photo, circa 1946, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Fleur-de-Lis Inn 1958

Above photo, 1958. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Fleur de Lis window 1808

Above engraving 1808 showing the thirteenth century window in the courtyard of the hotel.

Fleur de Lis window 1895

Above photo, circa 1895, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Fleur de Lis Coffee Room

Above photo, showing the coffee room, date unknown.

Fleur de Lis Lounge

Above photo showing the lounge, date unknown.

Fleur de Lis Dining Room

Above photo showing the Dining Room, date unknown.

Vicinity of the Fleur de Lis

I believe the above picture taken from Google to be the same buildings as shown above.

Former Fleur de Lys

Above photo, date unknown by Darkstar.

Fleur de Lis Bill 1953

Above bill 1953, kindly sent by Mark Norman who says:- "Don't know if it's of any interest but going through my late father's papers I found this bill from Fleur De Lis Inn. It dates to my parent's honeymoon (they were married on 14th Feb 1953). It gives you an idea of the kind of facilities on offer (Servants' Board!)."


Mark Norman.


Bygge, a baker by trade, was twice Mayor of Canterbury (1460 and 1466). He had some interest in the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn," and may have built some part of it. His bequest of £10 towards the completion of St. George's Gate is noticed by Somner. His son John Bygge (Mayor, 1472, 1473, and 1474), owned and enlarged Cogan House.

A slightly different pronunciation of the "Fleur de Luce" is shown below from the Canterbury Gazette, but I'm pretty confident that this is referring to the same house in the High Street. I do not know when the name "Flower de Luce" became the "Fleur de Lis."


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 3 May, to Saturday 6 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


In the High Street, Canterbury, about Two Years ago, by a person unknown.

A large Iron Crank, with other materials thereunto belonging. Any person, describing the same, on paying the Charges and Advertisement, may have it again, by applying to Bernard Eagleson as above.

N.B. If not owned, it will be Sold by Auction, on Monday next, between Ten and Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, as the said “Flower de Luce.”


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 23 January 1770.


From Mr. JAMES EYRE, out of a Carriage at the "Bull Inn" Yard, Sittingbourn, Five Cotton Counterpanes, Twenty-eight Yards of Crimson Check, one Flanders and two common Bed-ticks, and two Pair of small Blankets, and likewise the Door of the Carriage missing.

Whoever will give Information of the Person or Persons who stole the above Goods, to Mr. Johnson, at the "Globe," Chatham; Mr. Eagleson, at the "Flour de Luce," Canterbury; or at the "Bull" at Sittingbourn, so that the above Mr. Eyre may have them again, shall receive One Guinea Reward.


Kentish Chronicles, 14 March, 1794.

Tuesday night last some thieves stole from the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn," in this city, a basket containing 19 white aprons, 13 white petticoats, 2 waistcoats, and a tablecloth, with which they got off undiscovered.


Kentish Gazette 15 February 1803. Canterbury

Friday last Walter Stevens, John Weekes, and Ann Stevens, were fully committed, for stealing a trunk from the "Fleur de Luce Inn," in this city.


Kentish Gazette, 18 November, 1804.


Friday died, Mrs. Browne, of the "Fleur de Lis Inn" in this city.


Kent Gazette Reports 26 April 1805.


WILLIAM FRIEND begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has taken the above INN, and assure; them his endeavours to accommodate in every department of his business, for the convenience and comfort of his customers, shall be such as to entitle him to their favours, which will be most gratefully acknowledged.

N. B. Wines and spirituous liquors of the best quality; good stabling, hay, corn, &c.

An Ordinary every Saturday at one o’clock.

A COOK wanted.


Kentish Gazette, 28 October, 1806.


Friday, Mr. Friend, landlord of the "Fleur de Lis Inn," in this City.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 January 1834. Price 7d.


THE Committee are requested to meet at the “Fleur-de-Lis Inn,” Canterbury.

On SATURDAY the 18th day of January instant, at Eleven o'Clock precisely, to appoint Stewards, &c. and arrange Premiums for the next Show Day.


Honorary Secretary.

Herne, Jan. 11th 1834.


From the Kentish Gazette, 21 November 1837.


ON THURSDAY EVENING, the 9th of November, 1837, between Harbledown and Canterbury.

A DRIVING BOX, containing a variety of Papers, of no value but to the owner. Any person bringing the box, with its contents, to the "Fleur-de-Lis," Canterbury, shall receive One Pound Reward.


Canterbury Weekly, 9 December, 1837.

Police Report, Canterbury.

Thursday, Nov, 30.

Before the Mayor, and a full Bench of Magistrates.

John Sickamore was charged with having committed a violent assault upon Henry Godsmark, at the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn," on the 27th ultimo.

Lieutenant Sicklemore apologised to the Bench for having omitted to attend on Monday, and also on the preceding day.

The complainant stated that he was in the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn," on the 27th of November, at about half-past nine in the evening. Lieutenant Sicklemore said I owe him a sovereign, and he would tell me I did so before all the company. I said he might do so; I never made a bet which I did not pay, if I lost it. He referred to Mr. Billiter, who was in the room; and who said he did not remember anything of the kind. Some of the company said that Lieutenant Sicklemore, "Why refer to Mr. Billiter, if you will not abide by what he says?" Lieutenant Sicklemore them raised his voice, and said, "You owe me a sovereign, and you know you do!" I said, "If you say so, it is a b----y lie." He then raised his stick, which was a heavy one, with a brass ferule, and struck me on the head, which was cut open, and I fell stunned; I became nearly insensible. Lieutenant Sicklemore then pitched him into me, and I found nearly fell down. Mr. Saxby took him away from me and I went out and got my head dressed.

Cross-examined by Mr. Sanke:- Think I was in the "leur-de-Lis" when Lieutenant Sicklemore came in - some conversation had occurred respecting the bet - would swear that I was stunned by the blow - did return afterwards to play at cards - played two or three rubbers - has been no bad feeling between Lieutenant Sicklemore - does not know what Mr. Bonburry has sold some horses in consequence of Lieutenant Sicklemore riding them - did not know that Lieutenant Sicklemore was a horse dealer - has had some conversation with Mr. Hyder, but he did not recommend me to prosecute.

Mr. Henry Billiter was at the "Fleur-de-Lis" on the evening referred to, and saw complainant and defendant their. Some altercation took place respecting a bet, and Lieutenant Sicklemore charged Mr. Godsmark with having made a bet which he refused to pay. Mr. Godsmark replied, "You are a b----y liar!" The blow was then given with a stick, it was a very awkward blow; and the parties then got together; they seem to be "cuddling" each other - they "hustled" together.

Cross-examined by Mr. Sankey:- Does not think Lieutenant Sicklemore of a quarrelsome deposition - did not see any blow struck by Godsmark in return. When Godsmark returned he called Lieutenant Sicklemore a coward for striking him when he was unarmed.

Mr. Sankey in defence, said he was somewhat relieved from a feeling of apprehension which he had entertained on behalf of his client. He had heard that a most unprovoked and violent assaults had been committed on Mr. Godsmark. He admitted the assault of being committed, but the provocation was so great that no gentleman could resist the impulse of indignation, when such language was applied to him, as that used by Mr. Godsmark.

Mr. Baker, clerk to Mr. Delasaux, prayed the Magistrates to refer the case to the sessions. As to the provocation referred to by Mr. Sankey, it was first given by the defendant; although the language used by Mr. Godsmark was, he admitted, somewhat gross, it was by no means the justification of the assault.

Mr. Sankey hoped the Magistrates with exercise the salutary power with which they were vested by the Legislature, and by a summary conviction put an end to the the litigation.

The Mayor, after consultation with the Magistrates stated that they were of opinion that the best course for them to take would be to leave the complainant to his remedy at the Sessions, and bound the defendant to appear at the next Sessions, himself in £20, and two sureties of £10, and in the meantime to keep the peace towards the compliment and all her Majesty's subjects.

Mr. Edward Greenwood and Mr. Edward Saxby became found for the defendant's appearance.

Kentish Chronicle.


Kentish Gazette, 14 May 1844.

KENT AND CANTERBURY CATTLE SHOW, and Society for Rewarding Laborers and Servants in East Kent.

A MEETING of the COMMITTEE of this Society will he holden at the "Fleur de Lis Inn," CANTERBURY, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of MAY instant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, when the attendance of any Subscriber will be esteemed a favour.

JOHN CHARLES ABBOTT, Hon, Sec. Canterbury, May 13, 1844.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 April 1846.


On Thursday last the Quarter Session for the City of Canterbury was held at the Guildhall, before J. Deedes, Esq., recorder. The mayor and other magistrates were also in the bench.

The following were sworn the graud jury:— Messrs. Chas. Mason (foreman), G. Ash, H. West, G. Castleden, H. Bird, R. Foord, Wm. Paine, G. Smith, F. Bellingham, R. Lee, Chas. Hudson, J. Brooks, E. Keeler, Thos. Pratt, Wm. Collard, G. Harrison, T. Moore, G. Claris, T. Mose, W. Green.


Thomas Reynolds, Richard Hunt, and Cornelius Sans, who were at large on their recognisances, were arranged on a charge of taking from the person of Joseph Hogg nine bank notes, each value £5.

Mr. Lushington appeared for the prosecution; and Messrs. Espinasse and Rose for the defence of Sans, and Messrs. Horn and Russell for Hunt and Reynolds.

The case occupied upwards of six hours, during which the hall was much thronged. The prosecutor swore, that on the 3d of March last he had left Harbledown for Canterbury, with money in his possession to the amount of £226 in cash and a bank receipt of £100; that he deposited £100 in the Canterbury old bank; and that he went to the "Mermaid Inn," where he lost about £5 at cards. At a late hour in the evening he went to Clark’s billiard room, where he met the accused and others. He here played, and lost money to the amount of about £45; and in the morning the four parties adjourned to the "Fleur de Lis," where, having breakfasted, they sat down to cards, and the prosecutor lost the remainder of his money with the exception of £25. He obtained loans from Reynolds upon one of his bank receipts to the amount of £70, and going to the bank, received his money for the other, at the same time requesting that if he had parted from was presented, it should not be paid. He returned again to the party, and resuming play, lost £55 more. The remainder of the £100 he he placed in his great coat side pocket, and Reynolds, who had previously to his doing so left the room shortly afterwards returned, and charged him with having stopped the payment of the note upon which he had advanced him money. He said that on this announcement the two others rose, and he was surrounded by them, and Reynolds pushed him about. Immediately afterwards he missed his money, and on asking the defendants for it, they disclaimed, all knowledge of it. He looked round the room for the notes, but could not find them. He called for the waiter, but was prevented from going to the door. At length he rung the bell, and the door, which had been previously fastened, was unlocked, and the waiter entered. He desired him to fetch a policeman, and turned out his pocket to show he had been robbed.

The prosecutor was cross examined at considerable length, and into the habits of his previous life, from which it appeared that he had carried on business at various towns in Kent as a linen-draper, for a short period at each; that he had failed in some of these speculations. His mother had advanced him money to embark in business; but he would not tell where she lived, or where his father resided. He said he had not told the accused parties that his father had been mayor of Lynn, in Norfolk, nor that he had himself lost £2000 on coming of age. Mr. Musselbrook, of Harbledown, had advanced him money to purchase stock for some of his establishments. It was his own business whether he was paying his addresses to Musselbrook's daughter. He had never played at cards at any other place than Canterbury, and then it was sometimes for money and sometimes for I.O.U's. One of the I.O.U's he had given he had not paid. Others had refused to pay him on theirs. The money he had thus lost was advanced to him to open business. The examination then turned to the circumstance of the indictment. He could not say who ordered the cards, but he did not. He did not hear Reynolds desire the waiter to fetch a policeman before he had spoken himself. He (prosecutor) first demanded the presence of the police. After he said he had been robbed, Reynolds told the waiter to fetch Clements (the superintendent). The waiter did not bring one, and he went himself to find one. He did not go in the direction of the station-house, but the opposite way, having heard that a policeman had passed. This affair took place on Tuesday, and he informed the police of it on Thursday, having in the meantime gone to London. He lost about £45 at billiards to Sans, who, on his telling him he had lost all of his own money, forgave him £10, which he had lost in addition to this sum. He had not proposed to compromise the matter, but had two offers made him to do so for £100. £200 of the money he had on this occasion was Mr. Musselbrook’s. He had never stated to the contrary.

The prosecutor underwent another severe cross-examination from Mr. Horne, respecting some I.O.U.'s lost in gambling transactions. When the waiter went into the room, Reynolds did say, "This young man says he has been robbed by us. We have not robbed him."

On re-examination, he said—Sans had wished to compromise the matter.

John Goulden, waiter at the "Fleur de Lis" called:— He went into the room when the bell rang, and Mr. Reynold's said the prosecutor had charged them with robbing him, and he must fetch a policeman. Prosecutor then told him to go for one. The door was not fastened, nor had he heard any noise. Had been into the room six or seven times during the play. Saw bank notes on the table, and heard no dispute. Did not go for a policeman.

Mr. Espinasse, in addressing the Jury for Sans, observed that very little or no ground existed for believing the prosecutor's statement. The charge altogether was one of the greatest improbability. Not the slightest proof of theft had been proved against any of them. Although he had been pushed about he had not ventured to say that his pocket had been touched. The learned counsel then alluded to the unsatisfactory nature of the evidence given by the prosecutor on the other points touching his credibility, and concluded by expressing his confidence that all the persons would be acquitted, for against them the charge had in no way whatever been substantiated.

Mr. Horne followed for the other two, reviewing the circumstances of the case, and said if persons were to be convicted upon such testimony as they had heard that day, no man would be safe. He felt that the defendants were innocent, and that they would certainly obtain a full acquittal.

Witnesses to character having been heard, the learned Recorder, in summing up, carefully recapitulated the evidence, remarking on the improbability of many of the prosecutors statements, the fact of the prosecutor's disowning his parentage, and many other circumstances equally tainted with suspicion—his making an assignment in one case to parties he knew not the name of—the manner of his general dealing for many months, in obtaining goods that he did not give a satisfactory account of, and disposing of them by opening shops at various places. The learned Recorder continued, that there did not appear any evidence or any charge on the part of prosecutor that there was any unfair play—they had a right to consider what was won was fairly won; and it appeared most unlikely that a person should borrow money and draw £100 of the bank whilst he had in his possession £25, as sworn by the prosecutor. The jury had to consider these points, and to weigh the very excellent character which the parties had received in contradistinction to the prosecutor Hogg, who did not appear before them certainly in the most favourable light.

The jury instantly acquitted the prisoners.


Kentish Gazette, 16 March 1847.


THE Friends of the above Hunt, have invited Edward Collard, Esq. as Master of the Hounds, to dine with them at the "Fleur de Lis," CANTERBURY, on THURSDAY, the 25th day of MARCH instant. Those gentlemen that are favourable, and wishing to attend, are requested to take Tickets on or before Tuesday, the 23d Instant, at the "Fleur de Lis" Hotel.

Dinner on Table punctually at Four o'clock.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 February 1848.


January 29th, at the "Fleur de Lis," Canterbury, universally respected and regretted, Mr. Toke Jams Simmonds, aged 67. He was a most tender and affectionate husband, a kind parent, and true-hearted friend. His many many admirable qualities, honorable feeling, and strict probity, endeared him to a very numerous circle of friends and acquaintance, by whom he will long be remembered with esteem and regret. His end was peace.

The deceased had held the situation of Lieutenant of Sandgate Castle for many years.


From the Kentish Gazette, 25 April 1848.


JANE SIMMONDS returns thanks for the favours conferred on her late husband, and begs to inform the Commercial Gentlemen and her friends in general, that she intends to CARRY ON THE BUSINESS, and trusts by the strictest attention to merit their future support and patronage.

April 17,1848.


Southeastern Gazette, 16 August 1853.

County Court.

This court was hold in the Guildhall, before Charles Harwood, Esq., on Friday last.

Simmonds v. Bushell.

This was a case involving a principle of some importance to the trading community. It was an action for the recovery of £50 lent by the plaintiff, the landlord of the "Fleur-de-lis Inn," in this city, to the defendant, a corn-factor, also living in Canterbury. Although a considerable time was occupied in hearing the case, the facts themselves were very simple, and may be briefly stated.

In July, 1850, the defendant was at a rent dinner at the plaintiffs house, on which occasion he borrowed the £50 in question, and gave him a cheque for the amount on the London and County Bank at Sandwich. Such was the defendant’s statement, but the plaintiff denied ever having had any cheque. Shortly after the transaction, the defendant called upon the plaintiff, and requested him to receive the £50 of a Mr. Pollock, who then held £600 belonging to him. Plaintiff did not object, as he said it was immaterial to him from whom he had the money. About two years afterwards, the defendant became an insolvent, but considering that the £50 had been paid to the plaintiff, as defendant had allowed it in the account with Mr. Pollock, the name of the plaintiff was not inserted in the schedule upon which he had passed the court at Sandwich. No application was made for payment until the present year, Mr. Pollock having in the interim left the county. It was proved that the cheque (if there was one) would have been honoured at that time by the Sandwich bank, where the defendant did business; and it was also elicited from the plaintiff that the reason he had not pressed or applied to the defendant earlier for payment, was because he did not wish to injure him in his business. After carefully reviewing the case, his Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff, to be paid in monthly instalments of £5. Mr. Sandy's was for the defendant and Mr. Delasaux for plaintiff.


Faversham Gazette, 5 January 1856.


[Present: Rev. J. Poore, D.D., Edward Jarman, Esq., Major Munn, F. C. Hyde, Esq., and E. H. K. Hugesson.

W. Toke Simmons, the landlord of the "Fleur-de-Lis" inn. at Canterbury, was summoned for riding on the footpath at Boughton-hill. The defendant did not appear, and the offence being proved, he was fined £2 and costs.


South Eastern Gazette. Tuesday 8 January 1856.

Mr. Toke Simmonds, landlord of the "Fleur de Lis," at Canterbury, was summoned for riding on the footpath at Boughton Hill. The defendant did not appear, and the offence being proved he was fined £2 and costs.


Faversham Gazette, 29 November, 1856.


Nov. 26, at Canterbury, Mr. Toke Simmonds, of the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn."


South Eastern Gazette, 28 August, 1860.

Charge of Felony, and Apology.

On Thursday last Geo. Ginnett (a rider at the circus now travelling this district, and brother to the proprietor) was charged with stealing a pair of bracelets from the wife of a commercial traveller staying at the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn," High-street. It appeared that the owner of the bracelets had been to the cathedral and to other parts of the city, and while looking into the window of one of the shops, she missed her bracelets. Seeing the accused (who is about 17 or 18 years of age) standing by her side, she inquired if he had seen them? He replied in the negative. The female (whose name did not transfer) then passed down the street, and meeting her husband, communicated her loss, and her suspicion that Ginnett had taken them. He was therefore given into the custody of Inspector Dodd, and searched, but the missing bracelets were nowhere to be found. The bench discharged the accused, the Mayor observing that he left the court without the slightest stain upon his character. Afterwards Mr. Ginnett went to the "Fleur-de-Lis" and demanded an apology from the parties. This was readily given, and regret expressed that the young man should have been suspected of such an offence.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 6 February, 1864.


Between 20 and 30 citizens of Canterbury, sat down to a very excellent dinner, at the “Fleur-de-Lis Hotel,” on Tuesday. Mr. Hugman was in the chair, and, like Yorick of old, “kept the table in a roar” with his fund of anecdote and good-humoured sallies, indeed he may be said to have sustained the evening’s entertainment, with the relief of half-a dozen songs at intervals. The host (Mr. Z. Prentice) was highly and deservedly complimented for the admirable manner in which he catered for his guests.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 28 May 1870.


This pleasing ceremony took place at the "Fleur de Lis Hotel," Canterbury, on Tuesday afternoon. Since the idea of presenting the Coroner with a testimonial on the completion of his 50th year of office was first started, subscriptions from all parts of the county have freely come in. Although such a step was hinted at some months ago, it has only been within the last three or four weeks that any definite action has been taken. In that time a large sum was subscribed with which were purchased a handsome tea and coffee set, a case of fish knives and forks with carvers, some spoons and forks, and a massive salver, all in silver. The articles were purchased of Messrs. Trimnell and of Messrs. Mason, and are worthy of the repute in which those establishments are held.

The company assembled at one o’clock, and included T. S. Cooper, Esq., who has acted throughout as a most efficient chairman of the committee, the Mayor of Canterbury, the Sheriff, the Deputy Coroner, Mr. Walter Furley, Mr. G. P. Collard. Mr. G. Beer, Mr. Hutchings, Mr. B. Tassell, Mr. Morgan, Mr. G. Collard, Mr. Ratcliff, Mr. Trimnell, Mr. Davey, Mr. Sendell, Mr. Mason, Mr. Sprague, &c., &c. Other subscribers to the testimonial who were invited were unavoidably absent.

The company first inspected the testimonial, and here we should state that the salver bore the following inscription:—

"Presented to Thomas Thorpe Delasaux, Esq., in testimony of the efficient manner in which he has discharged the duties of Coroner for Kent during a period of fifty years. April 20th, 1870."

The actual business of presentation occupied but a very short time, inasmuch as the earnest and punctual chairman of the Committee, Mr. T. S. Cooper, with his usual precision, commenced the proceedings precisely at the hour fixed (one o’clock) by stepping forward and saying:— It is my pleasing duty to present you, Mr. Coroner Delasaux, on behalf of the subscribers, this service of plate, and to beg your acceptance of it, accompanied with their sincere desire that you may long live, not only to enjoy the pleasurable associations connected with the gift, but continue to command that esteem and regard which you now so deservedly possess, and which we have chosen to exhibit towards you by begging your acceptance of the silver plate now before you.

Mr. Delasaux (who spoke with emotion) said: When I look back at the origin of the contest which placed me in the position I at present occupy, and which has enabled me to be the proud recipient of your kindness to-day, I do so with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret; with pleasure because it reminds me of the many friends I had in my youthful days, and with regret because out of the 776 freeholders in Kent who voted for me on that occasion there are only three alive, and one of that number had attained the age of 91 years. The duties of the office of coroner are, as you all must so aware, of a difficult character, but it is a satisfaction to me to know that during the long period in which I have held the appointment I have never been complained against, nor has a single verdict which I have directed been upset. Gentlemen, to say that I am thankful for your exceeding kindness in making me this handsome present would too inadequately express my feelings; I am grateful, for who could entertain feelings less than those of gratitude at having the kindness and good feeling of friends so handsomely recorded. The gift is doubly gratifying to me; for not only do I value it as a testimony of esteem on the part of my many friends, and as such shall cherish it, but shall hand it down as a memento of valued and sincere friendship. With regard to my chairman I am sure I cannot sufficiently thank him for the kind part he has taken in this matter. He is at all times willing to assist in a work of kindness, and to him and to you all I beg again to tender my very sincere and grateful thanks.

Mr. Cooper then made the announcement that the Coroner wished the company to join him at luncheon whereupon they retired to another room and partook of a splendid old collation provided by Mr. Prentis.

The health of the Queen and wishing her many happy returns of the day on the anniversary of her birth was submitted by the chairman (Mr. Cooper) in really good taste, and after several other toasts had been given and acknowledged the interesting proceedings terminated.


From the Whitstable Times, 7 June, 1902.


At the Auction Mart, St. Margaret’s Street, on Saturday afternoon, Messrs. Kennett and Chamberlain, in conjunction with Mr. Matthew Miles, offered for sale the “Fleur de Lis Hotel” in the High Street, Canterbury, together with the business premises adjoining, and the "Hotel Tap" in White Horse Lane. There was a large attendance, and considerable interest appeared to be evinced in the sale. Eventually the whole property was disposed of for £4,000, the purchaser being Sir. Sanderson, of Ealing. It is stated that some time ago as much as £8,000 could have been had for the property. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. Wightwick and Kingsford, Canterbury.


From the Whitstable Times, 12 July, 1902.


Mr. William Ashenden applied on behalf of Mr. Frederick Finn and himself as executors of the late Mr. Horatio Ward, that the licence of the “Fleur de Lis Hotel” might, he transferred to Mr. Charles Sanderson, the new proprietor.

The Magistrates granted a temporary authority until the next transfer day in August.


In 1889 the "Fleur de Lis " was advertising the fact they had billiard rooms situated at number 35.

I am also informed by Peter Nunn that this was the watering hole for spitfire squadron 92 - "our favourite hostelry" - when based in Kent in 1941 (Manston).


Fleur de Lis was one of the oldest hotels, established over 700 years ago. It was located on 34 High Street, Canterbury, Kent, England. Fleur-de-lis means lily (in French, fleur and lis mean 'flower' and 'lily' respectively) that is used as a decorative design or symbol.

Parts of the building date back to the 13th century. It is recorded that Charles Dickens stayed there and took his meals in the coffee room overlooking High Street.

As a hotel, the Fleur de Lis Hotel had single and double bedrooms, and a bar and restaurant that served breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. It was advertised as close to a cathedral, railway stations, and a general post office.

Fleur de Lis 1895

1895 photograph shows the windows and carved corbels in the courtyard of Fleur de Lis Hotel.

The hotel is mentioned as early as 1376. In the back of the building was a livery stable and the Fleur de Lis tap, which can be dated to 1372. An engraving from 1808 on a post card shows the 13th century windows in the courtyard of the hotel with carved corbels. The same corbels can be seen in a 1895 photograph that show the back of the building next to The Cherry Tree Freehouse pub on 10 White Horse Lane.

Thomas Paramore, Esquire of Monkton, Kent said in his will of 1637, that he gave his dwelling called "the Fleur de luce in Canterbury, to his nephew Thomas Paramore, on condition that he paid to the mayor and aldermen 100 pounds and the same to be lent to five poor shopkeepers of the city."

The 1824 city directory said:- One of the oldest of the City hostelries, which was an Inn in the early years of the fifteenth century. Lately renovated throughout in accordance with modern requirements, the interior still retains much of the old-world character for which it was noted when Charles Dickens used to stay here as a guest. From the Courtyard, now converted into a lounge, may still be seen an early thirteenth century window, unspoiled by restoration, while a portion of the Tudor staircase yet remains."

On September 14, 1872, the Mayor's annual banquet was held at the Fleur de Lis Hotel, by the landlord Samuel Prentice. The room was decorated with flowers and plants that were supplied by the Earl of Mountcharles, Captain Lambert, and Mr. Mount. Those that were in attendance were the aldermen and councilors, including Canterbury Mayor George Furley.

In the 20-century, the hotel was used for various functions including city elections and for local society meetings. In 1906, postcards show photographs of the hotel's Coffee Room, lounge, and dining room. On September 8, 1910, Ben Twyman sold the hotel and several lots. At that time, there was still a livery stable in the back and the Fleur de Lis tap.

The hotel was demolished in 1958. The three-story building that replaced it has two retail stores. Today, the Fleur de Lis tap is the home of the "Cherry Tree" Freehouse pub at 10 White Horse Lane.



BROWN ???? Mr to 1804-Mar/1805

FRIEND William Mar/1805-Oct/06 dec'd


MILLER John 1824-29+ Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29Historic Canterbury web site

SIMMONDS Toke James (John) 1832-Feb/48 dec'd Historic Canterbury web sitePigot's Directory 1832-34Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847 (age 55 in 1841Census)

SIMMONDS Jane Feb/1848-58+ (widow age 77 in 1851Census) Melville's 1858

SIMMONDS Louisa J 1861-62+ (widow age 44 in 1861Census) Post Office Directory 1862

SIMMONDS Jane & PRENTICE Zachariah 1863-64+ Historic Canterbury web siteKentish Chronicle

PRENTICE Zachariah 1867-71+ (age 35 in 1871Census) Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

PRENTICE Samuel 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

TEMPLE Charlotte A 1881+ Census (manageress hotel age 33 in 1881Census)

Last pub licensee had WARD Horatio 1889-July/02 Historic Canterbury web sitePost Office Directory 1891

SANDERSON Charles July/1902-03+ Historic Canterbury web site (proprietor)

SHEPPARD M 1917+ Historic Canterbury web site


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

Kentish ChronicleKentish Chronicle


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-