9 (13) Fair Meadow (Waterside

Above postcard, date unknown, showing the "Lamb" centre of the picture
and the "Bridge" directly
under the Normand Garage sign. |
Above photo, 1981. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Jeffrey East. |
The address as of 1826-7 was given as Waterside.
Originally this was a farm house. Near the spot in 1557, 7 people were
martyred for their faith.
William Broomfield, a Yeoman was the owner in 1692, and prior to being
sold to John Brenchley in 1825, William Henry Stacy and Courtney Stacey used
the premises as a Carrier's business.
In the early 1900s, the pleasure fairs and cattle markets used to take
place in Fair Meadow and the "Lamb" and nearby "Bridge
Tavern" used to get crowded.
Unfortunately the Medway occasionally broke its banks and the "Lambs" bar
was immersed in flood water.
In 1981 Whitbread Fremlins restored the building, and exposed its
original 16th century timbers during their renovations and changed the name
to "Drake's Crab and Oyster House."
Crab and Oyster Houses are theme pubs, trading under the Whitbread Fremlin
banner, and specialising in seafood. Thus, the old "Lamb Inn" became
"Drake's Crab and Oyster House."
South Eastern Gazette 06 December 1836.
J. Howes begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public in
general, that he has taken the above Inn, and trusts, by strict
attention and accommodations, combined with moderate charges, to merit a
share of the patronage of the Farmers, Salesmen, and general dealers,
attending the Markets and Fairs.
A good Ordinary every Market day, at One o'clock. Dinners provided on
the shortest notice.
Wines and Spirits of the best quality.
Good Stall Stabling, etc. etc.
Kentish Gazette, 2 December 1851.
An inquest was held before F. F. Dally, Esq., coroner, on Friday at the
"Lamb Inn," Fair Meadow, on the body of an infant 2 1/2 months old,
named Emily Wickings, who was found dead in bed about eight o'clock on
Thursday morning. The infant which had been slightly ailing for the last
month was put to bed about seven o'clock on Wednesday evening, and
received nourishment from its mother at about twelve o'clock, and at
eight on Thursday morning was found dead. The only witness examined was
Mrs. Wickings, the mother, after hearing whose evidence the Jury
returned a verdict of "Died from convulsions."
Southeastern Gazette, 5 July 1853.
Coroner's Inquest.
Singular Death in a Bath.
An inquest was held on Saturday last, at the "Lamb Inn," Fair
Meadow, before T. Kipping, Esq., coroner, to inquire concerning the
death of George Dadd, blacksmith, of Sandling, aged 33, which
occurred under singular circumstances in the baths and washhouses
establishment on the previous day, as adduced in the following
George Hewitt deposed that he was an attendant at the baths and
washhouses establishment. At about half-past eight o’clock on the
previous evening the deceased came there for a bath, and after he
had procured a towel and ticket witness put him into one, turned on
the water, and asked him at what degree of heat he should like to
have it. Deceased said not very warm, felt the water himself, and
when at about 88 degrees he said it would do, and got into the bath,
when witness shut the door and left him. At about ten minutes to
nine, witness heard a boy say there was a man dead in a bath. He
went to the spot immediately, and found deceased lying on his right
side with his mouth and nose in the water. He was almost entirely in
the bath, with the exception of his feet, which were on the head of
the bath. He immediately raised deceased up, and endeavoured to
restore him, when he threw up a quantity of phlegm from the stomach,
but appeared to be quite dead. A medical gentleman was sent for, who
arrived in about five minutes.
Stephen Baker, a lad in the employ of Mr. Marchant, stated that he
went to the above establishment at about twenty minutes past eight
on the previous evening, and after having a bath, he went to ask a
fellow-apprentice to lend him a comb, and seeing the door of the
bath, in which deceased was, ajar, and supposing his companion to be
there, he pushed open the door, and observed the deceased lying on
the water. He, however, did not notice anything further; but upon
perceiving his mistake immediately went out. He mentioned to his
companion the position in which he had seen the deceased, and
afterwards hearing that he was still lying on the water, he and his
companion went in and found him apparently dead. The attendant drew
off the water directly, and took him out.
John Dadd, brother of deceased, stated that the deceased had worked
at his shop at Sandling for the last seventeen years. His
constitution was strong, but for the last sixteen years he had been
much subject to epileptic fits, which occurred very frequently. At
times he would go for a fortnight without having any attacks, but at
others he had as many as eight or nine during the day for a week
together. He had consulted various medical gentlemen, all of whom,
however, said they could do nothing for him. He was in the habit of
going out alone. Knew he was coming to Maidstone on the previous
evening to have a bath. He had been in the habit of doing so, and
witness had heard him remark that he had derived much good from
them. He was never in a perfectly sound state of mind, and generally
scorned low spirited. When he left on the night in question he
seemed in very high spirits, which was usually the case with him the
day before having a fit, and witness remarked "I'm afraid, mate,
you'll be bad again to-morrow." He left home about seven o’clock.
The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death by drowning in a
From the Kentish Gazette, 24 November 1857.
Sudden Death.
On Wednesday, T. Kipping, Esq., borough coroner, held an inquest at
the "Lamb" public-house upon a man named William Oliver, aged 59,
who died suddenly at his residence on Monday. Mr Rogers gave it as
his opinion that the deceased died of apoplexy, and a verdict was
returned accordingly.
STEPHENSON Charles 1826-29+

POOLLY Edwin 1830-32+
HOWES J 1836+

TAYLOR Thomas to 1839

USMAR Horatio 1840-67+

FISH John 1871+ (age 53 in 1851 )
MERCER Joseph 1874+
HIGGINS Henry 1881-82+ (age 54 in 1881 )
RUSSELL George 1891+
BAKER Henry Edward John July/1891-1913+ (age 39 in 1901 )

DURNFORD Ernest William 1918+
MISSON John 1922-30+
BAKER Chris 1938+
BURTON Walter 1945-58 dec'd
MORLEY Len 1958-
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
South Eastern Gazette
the Post Office Directory 1867
From the Kelly's Directory 1903