9 High Street
Market Buildings (listed as Boxley Road in 1851 )
Above photo showing Gordon Lapraik outside the pub in 1924. Kindly
supplied by Glyn Sutcliffe. |
Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |

Photos left showing Gordon Lapraik, (1877-1936) in 1927.
Photo right showing Gertude May Lapraik, nee Bodenham, (1879-1968),
Nancy Lapraic (1914-1978), and Gordan Lapraik, in 1927. |

Above photos of Gordon's mother, Elizabeth Lapraik (nee Henson) Left
1880s, right 1918. Kindly supplied by Glyn Sutcliffe. |
Mentioned in 1650 as a Family and Commercial Posting Inn and hotel, with
the address in the High Street. It also exists in the song, "The Maidstone
Landlords" in 1798.
Kentish Gazette, Friday 31 January 1794.
Care of ulcerated legs without rest, and ulcers of various parts, are,
although of the most inverterate kind, and ever so long standing.
Has the common treatment of ulcerated legs is often unsuccessful, and
frequent relapses after a supposed cure the consequence, encouraged by
the advice and solicitations of his friends and his unremitting success
in the line of practice, exemplified for many years past by indubitably
facts, with a view to extend his services more generally to those who
labour under the above dreadful diseases, Mr. Hankins, surgeon and
Apothecary at Tonbridge, begs leave to inform the public, that he may be
consulted personally on the first Thursday in every month, between the
hours of 8 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, at the "Mitre Tavern,"
in Maidstone.
Aware as he is of the illiberal conscience too often attached to this
mode of application, he humbly hopes the afflicted will not be
influenced thereby, so as to preclude a fair trial and investigation.
References may be made to the following respectable person recently
cured by Mr. Hankins, many of them having laboured under ulcerated legs
of 30 years standing.
Mr. Banking, Attorney, East Grinstead, Sussex.
Mr. Miller, late at the "Bull and George," Dartford, near Gravesend.
Mrs. Ring, wife of Mr. Matthew Ring, senior, at Southborough, near
Mrs. Holding, wife of Mr. Holding, butcher, at East Malling.
Mrs. Reeves, at East Malling.
Mr. Roberts, at the "Swan," at Green Street, near Sittingbourne.
Mr. Barton, at the "Five Bells," at Otham, near Maidstone.
Mr. Edward, butcher, Eltham, near Maidstone.
Mr. J. Edmund, farmer and maltster, at Otham, near Maidstone.
Mrs. Dadd, wife of Mr. Dadd, at the "Fountain,"
N. B. It is particularly requested that application by letter, to any of
the above person's, may be post-paid, and they will be immediately
attended to.
From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 27 February, 1827.
Maidstone Subscription Academy.
A general meeting of the subscribers to this Institute will be held at
the "New Mitre Inn," Maidstone, on Wednesday, the 18th day of April
instant, at 12 o'clock at Noon, for the purpose of settling and agreeing
upon the Rules and Regulations of the Establishment - for determining on
the Site and Plan of the Buildings - appointing a Committee of
Management, Treasurer and Secretary, and for making other preliminary
The Meeting will be open to any Gentleman who (though not subscribers)
may be inclined to attend.
By order of the committee, pro Tempor.
H. A. Wildes, honorary secretary.
Maidstone, April 9th, 1827.
From the Maidstone Gazette and East Kent Courier, 3 July, 1827.
Balloon Tickets. New Mitre Tavern, High Street, Maidstone.
Abraham Spencer, respectfully begs to inform the Nobility and Gentry of
Maidstone and its Vicinity, that the upper part of his premises will
offer a most convenient and commanding situation, for witnessing the
ascent of the Baloon from the High Street, on Wednesday the 11th
instant. He will, therefore, issue tickets, five shillings each, not
limited in number as to insure the perfect accommodation of those ladies
and gentlemen who may honour him with their company.
Admission Tickets to the Great Room One Shilling Each.
Tickets may be had at the "New Mitre," and to prevent disappointment,
and early application is required.
A very superior new Billiard Table, extensive Stabling, with roomy
Coach-houses complete.
N. B. Wines and Spirits of the first quality retailed at very reduced
A quantity of fresh emptied Wine Pipes and Rum Puncheons on Sale.
From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 12 June, 1827.
Mitre Tavern and Corn Exchange Coffee House, Maidstone.
Abraham Spencer begs to inform his friends and the public in general
that he has taken the above Tavern and Coffee House, which he will open
on Monday, 18th instant.
A. S. has laid in an extensive stock of the choicest Wines and Spirits,
and from the liberal system on which he will conduct the business, and
his peculiarly advantageous connections, he flatters himself they will
not fail to give satisfaction both as to quality and price. He has
fitted up numerous and spacious bedrooms in the completed manner, the
furniture, bedding, &c., being entirely new; and he has made such
general arrangements in every department of the business, as he trusts
will ensure to him a continuance of that patronage and support which he
now most respectfully solicits.
A very superior new Billiard Table, extensive Stabling, with roomy
Coach-house complete.
N. B. Wines and Spirits of the first quality retailed at very reduced
From the Maidstone Gazette and East Kent Courier, 11 September, 1827.
The Mitre Tavern, Maidstone.
Abraham Spencer, begs to inform his friends and the public in general
that on Wednesday, 26th September, 1827, there will be a dinner at his
house, the "Mitre Tavern," Maidstone, in celebration of the opening of
the New Market Room, when the honour of their company is most
respectfully requested.
President. John Mayers, Esq. Stewards. Mr J. Brenchley; J. Gurney; W.
Hills, Week Street; Jos. Martin, sen; H. Morris; Mr. James Potter; H.
Simmonds; C. T. Smythe; W. H. Stacey; J. Wise.
Dinner will be on table at 3:30 o'clock.
Dinner Tickets, (a bottle of wine included) 12s. each, may be had at the
Bar of the "Mitre," and of Messrs. R. R. and G. Spencer, Wine Merchants,
From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 27 July 1830.
Mitre Tavern. A. Spencer. Begs most respectfully to requalut his friends
and the public that he shall receive, on Tuesday next, Two Fine Turtle,
which will be dressed immediately, and any quantity may be had on
application at the Tavern.
Kentish Gazette, 23 March 1852.
Sheriff's Courts.
On Monday last, a court of inquiry was held at the "Mitre inn," before
Charles Scudamore, Esq., Deputy Sheriff, to assess damages in the case
of Smeed v. Leech.
Mr. Horn (instructed by Mr. Morgan,) was for the plaintiff, Mr.
Delasaux, solicitor, of Canterbury, for the defendant.
It appeared that an action had been brought against the defendant, who
is an auctioneer, in consequence of a guarantee that he had given, for
seeds sold by him at public auction and which he was not authorised to
give, the sale being illegal.
Kentish Gazette, 18 May 1852.
Before James 'Espinanse, Esq., Judge.
Spencer v. Carew:—
An action brought by the plaintiff, who is the
landlord of the "Mitre Inn," Maidstone, against the defendant. a
Lieutenant in the 16th Lancers, now stationed at the Manchester
Barracks, to recover £12 5s., viz., £10 10s. for a mirror, broken by
him, and £1 15s. for refreshments supplied.
The plaintiff proved that the old mirror, which had been broken cost ten
guineas, and that the new one cost £12 15s.,although he had charged ten
guinea only for it.
His Honor expressed himself satisfied with the evidence as to the
mirror, but could not allow for the Champagne supper for the servants.
Mr. Morgan said that Mr. Sidney Spencer had gone four times to ask the
officers what they realty meant us to the men's suppers, and each time
he was told positively to let them have what wine they required.
His Honor said that might be, but he thought champagne had not been
intended, and he should allow ten shillings for the defendant's share of
the supper.
Judgment for the plaintiff £11, with costs of attorney, and immediate
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 1 January, 1859. Price 1d.
James Laurie, 21, a private in the 9th Lancers, was charged with
stealing a silver watch, a German silver chain, and appendages, the
property of Thomas Gurr, ostler, at the “Mitre Hotel,” on the 25th
instant. Superintendent Blundell said, the prisoner was given into his custody on
the morning in question, charged with stealing the watch, &c., from
prosecutor's bedroom. He was apprehended at the Cavalry Depot, with the
watch in his possession. Since the prisoner had been in custody his
conduct has been very strange, and he understood the prisoner had been
confined in a Lunatic Asylum near Edinburgh. Mr. Saunders, surgeon, had
also seen the prisoner, and he thought him to be insane. Superintendent
Blundell further stated, that he had written to the superintendent of an
Asylum near Edinburgh, and also to the prisoner's father, and he had
made application that morning to the Colonel of the Cavalry Depot, and
had recommended that the prisoner should be put under the care of the
regimental surgeon, in order to ascertain whether he was insane or not. The prisoner was consequently handed over to the military authorities. |
South Eastern Gazette, 21 August, 1860.
On Saturday one of a number of large-sized flower-pots, containing
shrubs, placed over the entrance to the "Mitre Hotel," Maidstone,
was blown off by a sudden gust of wind, and in falling it struck a
respectably-dressed woman, who was walking beneath, at the back part
of her head. The woman, who had a child in her arms, was knocked
down, but on being taken into the house it was found that she had
not received any serious hurt, and she was able to proceed on the
same afternoon to Cranbrook, to which place she was journeying.
The child, though falling out of her arms, was uninjured.
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 16 November 1861.
The Mayor's Dinner.
The proceedings attendant upon the election of the Mayor of Maidstone
were brought to a close with the usual dinner, at the "Mitre Hotel,"
when the company numbered about 70 gentlemen and tradesman of the town
(notwithstanding that it was Saturday evening). The Mayor elect
presided, Mr. J. Monckton (Town-clerk) filling the vice-chair. The
dinner was exceedingly well provided by Mr. T. H. Spencer, and gave
general satisfaction.
The Maidstone Telegraph, 15 August 1868.
Freehold dwelling house and builder's yard, in Brewer Street, Maidstone; Beer
house, with large Yard and Lodge behind, on the Sandling Road, Maidstone.
Mr. W. Day. Jun., has received instructions from the Devisee in Trust under
the Will of the late Mr. Thomas Piper to Sell by Auction, at the "Mitre
Hotel," Maidstone, on Thursday, September 3rd, the above property.
Full particulars in future advertisements.
Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of H. D. Wildes, Esq.,
Solicitor, West Malling; and of Auctioneer, 23, High Street, Maidstone. |
From an email received 3 March 2016.
Gordon Lapraik (1877-1936) was a great-great grandson of John Lapraik (1727-1807) from
Muirkirk in Ayrshire,
who was a friend of Robert Burns the foremost Scottish poet, and to whom
Burns wrote three epistles.
Gordon’s mother Elizabeth was publican of the "Crown Inn," Blackheath SW3
during the 1880s.
Perhaps Gordon knew something of this as a young boy and possibly picked
up some useful
experience of pub life.
Glyn Sutcliffe
MARTIN Benjamin 1811+
CLAPSON John 1826-28+

SPENCER Abraham June/1827-51+ (age 49 in 1851 )

SPENCER Sidney 1851+ (age 23 in 1851 )
SPENCER Abraham 1855+
SPENCER Sidney 1858+
BAILE Catherine 1861+ (listed as housekeeper age 29 in 1861 )
SPENCER Huntley 1862-63+
SPENCER Thomas Huntley 1867+

SPENCER George & Alfred 1874+
De CARTERER Hubert 1881+ (age 43 in 1881 )
McVICAR Robert 1891-Sept/93 dec'd (age 47 in 1891 )

WAIN F J Sept/1893+

HADLOW Philip Thomas 1901-03+
KENDALL George 1911+ (age 39 in 1911 )
CLAYTON Joseph 1913+
LAPRAIK Gordon 1918-30
RAYMOND Harold H 1930+
ARRIGONI Guiseppe 1938+
AVIS Jack & Kathleen Daisy 1968+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
and Sussex Courier
the Post Office Directory 1867
From the Kelly's Directory 1903