84 (92 ) High Street
The pub was described as a Lodging House in the census of 1851.
I have found another pub called the "We
Three Loggerheads" addressed at 1 Quarry Hill Road.
The inn sign only depicted two Loggerheads. You as the onlooker was the
third, hence "We Three Loggerheads."
The building was demolished in 1908 for road improvements and a post
office built on the foundations.
Kentish Gazette, 7 January 1772.
To be sold by auction, on Friday the 17th of January, 1772, between the
hours of 6 and 8 o'clock in the afternoon, at the "Rose and Crown" in
Tonbridge town. All that spacious, good accustomed, well built Messuage
or tenement, called or known by the name of the sign of the
"Loggerheads," with a brew house, outbuildings, yards, backsides, ground
and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, exceedingly well situated in the
High Street in Tonbridge, and now in the occupation of George Jeffrey.
N. B. There is a lease subsisting, which expires at Michaelmas 1777, and
there is also a stable on the premises, built by the tenant, which is at
liberty to take away.
For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Mills, Attorney at Law, at
Kentish Gazette, 26 December, 1806.
A few days since, at Tonbridge, Mr. Cumfield, of the
"Loggerhead’s Inn."
South Eastern Gazette 2 July 1839.
Two attempts have been made to break into the "Logger-Heads" public-house,
Tonbridge, within six weeks; the thieves appeared to have been
disturbed, however, on each occasion. |
South Eastern Gazette, 24 July, 1860.
Violent Assault on a Policeman.
John Foster, William Foster, and Frederick Foster were charged
before Arthur Pott, Esq., and Major Scoones, at the magistrates’
clerk’s office, on Monday, with having committed a violent assault
on David Thirkell, 173 K.C.C., at Tunbridge, on the previous Sunday
afternoon, in the execution of his duty.
The complainant said that at about two o’clock he was called into
the "Loggerheads" public-house by the landlord, who said that there
were a number of men fighting in the tap-room, and wished him to get
them out. He went into the house, and the three prisoners were there
with several others. John Foster was stripped, and was sitting on
the knee of Frederick, who was acting as his second, and William was
backing him. Both himself and the landlord wished them to go away
quietly, but they refused. They, after much trouble, got them out of
the house, and about two hundred persons were assembled in the
street. John Foster then came up to him and struck him a blow on the
head. Upon this he took him into custody, and was struggling with
him, for nearly three-quarters of an hour to get him to the
police-station, but he could get no assistance. During that time he
was struck several times by the other prisoners, and also kicked by
them in their endeavours to get the prisoner John away from him, and
they succeeded in doing so three times. Having at last obtained
assistance, he succeeded in getting near the "Angel Inn," when
Superintendent Dance came up, and prisoners were apprehended. Mr.
Geo. Truckle, of the "Loggerheads," deposed to the violence of the
prisoners in his house, and Superintendent Dance said that when he
reached the constable he found him nearly exhausted. The prisoner
William showed fight, and put his hands in his face. The prisoners
had before assaulted the police, and as it was a bad case he wished
the prisoners sent for trial. Frederick had escaped, but was
apprehended on a warrant that morning.
The prisoner John Foster said that he was in the service of the
Marquis of Bristol, and after an absence of three years had only
come home for a two days’ holiday on the Sunday morning.
The prisoners were remanded, bail being refused.
South Eastern Gazette, 2 October, 1860.
Transfer of Licenses.
Petty Sessions, Wednesday. (Before Ford Wilson, Esq., chairman,
Major Scoones, A. Pott and C. Powell, Esqrs).
The "Loggerheads," Tunbridge, from James Truckle to Jesse Simes.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 2 January, 1880.
Henry Towner, Walter Norman, and Edwin Bowles was summoned for being
disorderly, and refusing to quit the "Loggerheads Inn," High Street,
Tonbridge, when requested to do so by Mr. John Potter, the landlord, on
the 26th December.
Mr Warner appeared for the defendant Norman and pleaded not guilty. The
other defendants also pleaded not guilty.
Complainant said the defendants called at his house at nine o’clock and
stood in the bar. Henry Towner asked if he was going to treat him with a
Christmas box, as he had only seen him about once during the year. A man
who stood in the bar told him to give him threepenny worth of what he
liked, and Towner then commenced talking to a man names Parkhurst, and
wanted to toss or bet him for £20. Four young men were talking about a
game of bagatelle, when Norman went into the bar parlour and commenced
quarrelling. He pulled off his coat and wanted to fight. He told Norman
he could not allow such conduct, and if he did not desist and leave the
house he should send for a policeman. He refused to go, and then Towner
went into the parlour. He commenced using abusive language and Bowles
also became noisy. They all refused to leave, and when he told them he
should summons them, they said they did not care, they had plenty of
money. Norman sat down on the table. He took hold of Norman and
attempted to put him out. The defendant resisted very much, and the
company in the room assisted him in putting them out. He tried to close
the door on them, but someone, whom he believed to be Towner, kept his
foot in the door, and prevented him doing so. The defend then pushed
back into the bar parlour, and commenced fighting amongst themselves and
the company. He (witness) rushed out of the room to prevent their
getting amongst the glasses in the bar. His wife went to them and put
them out. She asked them to remain and have their names taken, but they
went away.
By Mr. Warner: Mrs Potter turned out to be the better “man” He did not
think the defendants were drunk. The company in the parlour were not
drunk. None of the company except Segor, a lodger, had been in the house
above five minutes when the defendants called.
Alfred Wheeler, a man employed at the timber wharf, gave corroborative
evidence, and said that Bowles called out if he could not play
billiards, he could fight. He did not see any of them with their coats
off, and he denied pushing a stick in Towner’s face. He heard the
landlord order the whole three out of the house.
Mr. Warner submitted that there was not sufficient proof that the
defendants had been guilty of misconduct. According to his instructions
there was a general free fight in consequence of a sort of rivalry which
existed between Tudely and Tonbridge. Tudely succeeded in getting rather
the best of the free fight, and the combined forces could not turn the
defendants out. In face, it took the valiant arm of Mrs. Potter to turn
them out, which she did single handed.
The Chairman thought that amounted to a plea of guilty.
The defendant Norman said he went to the house when Wheeler said, “What
do you Tudely boys know about billiards?” That led to a fracas, and
attempts were made to turn them out.
The defendant Towner was called, but the Bench did not think it
necessary that he should give evidence, and Mr. Warner withdrew him.
Supt. Burns said Bowles bore a very good character, but the other two were a
complete nuisance when they came into the town. They had never been
The Bench fined the defendants 2s. 6d. each and costs.
From an email received 4 October 2014.
Dear Mr. Skelton,
I do not know whether the "We
Three Loggerheads" pub is the same as the one called "Loggerheads"
in Tonbridge in 1835 but the latter pub had been owned by the Rev.
Pinkston Arundel French and his wife Susannah. A legal agreement was
made between them and Thomas Whitmore a farmer and currier (he owned
several tanneries)
of Westerham, Kent in 1835.
(Mrs.) Margaret Davison. |
It appears that in the 1861 Censes, the premises was described as a
lodging house and although there was no licensee mentioned in that document,
it did mention 10 lodgers.
CUMFIELD Mr to Dec/1806 dec'd
FRENCH Rev. Pinkston Arundle & Suzannah 1835+ (owner)
JEFFREY Sarah 1828-40+
ADGO John 1851+ (age 41 in 1851 )
TRUCKLE James to Oct/1860

SIMES Jesse Oct/1860-Feb/61

DAVISON George Feb/1861-62+ (age 31 in 1851 )

POTTER John 1871-82+ (age 45 in 1881 )
POTTER John to Feb/1883
(High Street)
BAYLEY William Feb/1883+
(High Street)
BEAN Humphrey 1891-92 (age 40 in 1891 )
PARIS John 1903+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
and Sussex Courier