Sort file:- Strood, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Friday, 22 November, 2024.


Earliest ????


Latest 1961+

2 Station Road


Amalgamation 1903

Above photo, circa 1903, showing the pub on the right.

Amalgamation 1920s

Above photo, 1920s, showing W. Paine, outfitters next to Paines Pawnbrokers and the "Amalgamation" far right.

Strood map 1961

Above map 1961.

Amalgamation 1984

Above photo circa 1984, kindly sent by Tony Smith.

Amalgamation area 2018

Above image from Google, August 2018, showing the now vacant are the pub used to stand.


This was mentioned in a book called the "History of Strood" by Henry Smetham, published 1899, who says this was situated on the west side of the Station Road, and at the spot it occupies was found the dead body of Mary Abbott.


From the "History of Strood" by Henry Smetham, published 1899.

In October, 1848, there was much excitement in Strood over the discovery of a dead body of a young woman named Mary Abbott, which was found lying head downwards in a ditch, at the back of the High Street, a little westward of what is now the "Amalgamation Inn." This young woman, who was a native of Hawkhurst, had arrived from Gravesend, where she was in service, on her way to Maidstone. She stopped at the "Silver Oar," to which House the Gravesend Omnibus known as Edwards's then ran. The chambermaid at the "Silver Oar" noticed her change a half sovereign. She was very respectable clad. When the corps was discovered there was barely water enough to cover her; her bonnet was off; some of her clothing and all her money gone. A piece of carpet covered her head, and a portion of this carpet was tightly clutched in one hand. The body bore every evidence of being suffocated in the mud. Adjourned inquests were held at the "Angel," 24th and 31st October, when, at the later date, Mary Hill, who lived opposite to a family named McGill, deposed to seeing the deceased and enter McGill's house. She could not swear to the identity of the corps, but Mrs. McGill had told her she knew the visitor, and exclaimed "Come in, mate," or "my dear." When asked by Mrs. Hill after the murder, who her visitor was, Mrs. McGill told her that she was a young woman from Brompton.

Charlotte Stokes, wife of a wharfinger, also saw deceased cross the road and go into McGill's house. She marked her neat and orderly manner and attire, and that she was good looking. She positively identified the corps as the person she then saw.

Sarah Elizabeth West and Francis Hawkins gave corroborative evidence.

Police Superintendent John Tuff stated that when he requested Mrs. McGill, at the police station to give the name of her visitor, she replied, "with great airs," "I shan't! I won't! I don't intend to! So that's an answer for you.

Upon this case, on the 4th November, the Rochester magistrates held a "secret" investigation, lasting from 10 in the morning till 9 at night, when the husband of Mrs. McGill was ordered into custody.

The next adjourned inquest was held at the Guildhall, Rochester.

Mr. Richard Baker master of Strood Union, testified to meeting the deceased in the company of James McGill, son of the persons into whose house Abbott was last seen to enter. He had to get aside to the wall to pass, as McGill refused his passing him on the right. He therefore noticed McGill particularly, also noticed the young woman, who smiled at him. Believing the dress she had on was the same as that in which corps was found clad. The dress was unusually short (all the witnesses mentioned this.) She was carrying a shawl on her arm. Her companion was cleaned, looked like a fisherman, and wore a pilot coat. He noticed that he was pock-marked, particularly on the upper part of his face.

William Whiffin, a brazier, of Meeting Alley, had known the McGill family for years. Saw Mrs. McGill and her son in the High Street, Strood. Believed James resided in Gravesend. Had not, until then, seen him since 2nd or 3rd day of Strood Fair.

Mr. McGill claimed the carpet as theirs; and it has been in the ditch a month (the carpet proved to be free from smell, and not foul, as would have been the case had this been so.)

Mrs. McGill afterwards declared the carpet was not there as. They never had such, and she knew nothing of it.

A Mr. Page identify the carpet as his, and was positive it had not been long in the ditch.

Mr. Church assisted McGill the elder to get the body out of ditch. There was no evidence of a struggle, and it was undisturbed. Did not see the carpet, nor did McGill mention it.

Mrs. McGill denied ever saying that the visitor was "a young woman from Brompton."

Mr. Baker and several others testified she had stated the reverse to them. She had also admitted the same to the officer when in his custody at the "Angel" enquiry, but denied it when giving evidence.

The jury returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against Thomas McGill, Maria McGill, and James McGill.

Friday the 7th November:- City Magistrates commit prisoners for a trial on the capital charge. A vast concourse of people assembled to see prisoners removed to Maidstone.

Lent assizes, March, 1849, Crown Court before Mr. Justice Parke.

John Church said the face of the deceased woman, Mary Abbot, did not appear to have been under the water. The back of the head lay in the water, and a dirty circle marked the height it reached.

Mary Anne Muzzard, fellow servant with Abbott, had frequently seen McGill in Abbotts company, speaking to her half-an-hour at a time.

Richard Baker, master of Strood Union, saw a bit of carpet in deceased's hand so tightly clenched that it broke to pieces on his trying to extract it. heard Mrs. McGill, in answer to a question of Mrs. Acworth, say that deceased was not the young woman who came to her house on Saturday. She was a respectable young woman from Brompton, and she did not stay a minute.

McGills owned the carpet and said it was theirs.
William Wibblin, doctor, said death was by suffocation, not drowning. He had been in Paris and had had considerable experience with corpses from the Seine.

The Jury, after deliberating half an hour, returned a verdict of Not Guilty. The case occupied 12 hours.

Some time afterwards the McGills moved from this locality.


From an email received, 7 August 2018.

My Nan and Grandad, Mr Mrs Clark (Pleasance and Robert or Nobby as he was known) were landlords of the "Amalgamation" public house in Strood, Kent from early 50s, came down from Loughton, London and stayed there from 1952 till 1958.

Brenda Clarke

My mum Brenda Clark is standing by the window round the side alley of the pub, and the other picture is Nan and Grandad in the pub with regulars, Nan is holding my cousin who is now 66.

Pleasance & Robert Clark

Anyone look familiar.

Regards Kevin Joyce.


The Stage. Thursday 27 August 1964.

Kent Cobs by Jimmy Hodge Jnr.

Three Kent acts recently found themselves surrounded by bowler hats, - heads for, not stumps, knocking over off.

When comedian Jimmy Night, harmonica player Ann Price, and vocal duo the Co-Eds turned up at the "Amalgamation Inn," Strood, last Thursday to give a cabaret performance they were confronted firstly with neat rows of black bowlers on hooks in the cloakroom.

The show was for the Bowler Hat Club, membership of which is made up from the Inn's regulars. The B. H. Club supports many deserving charities and a once monthly cabaret is a bright spot to which members look forward.

As a result of this first "look-in", I shall too, in future.

Jimmy Night is a clean-cut comic with an above average clean gag-line combined with some clever comedy miming.

A girl on the harmonica is unusual these days, but Ann Price shows that anything men can do then the fair sex can do just as well. The Bowler Hat Club was in full agreement.

The Co-Eds, who recently moved into Kent from Scotland, are a sister act . . . teenage lovelies bang up to date in both songs and dress. And very popular this-a-ways. Not And very popular this-a-ways.


Ind Coope & Co Ltd purchased the pub from Budden & Biggs Brewery Ltd by conveyance and assignment dated 23 March 1931. The pub held a full license.



RING Henry 1874-81+ (age 58 in 1881Census)

RING Reuben Charles 1882+

RING Ann Mrs 1891+ (age 67 in 1891Census)

KNIGHT Frederick W 1901+ (age 32 in 1901Census)

AYERS Henry 1903-22+ Kelly's 1903

AYRES Clarence 1930+

NICHOLLS Fras John 1938+

CLARK Robert (Nobby) & Pleasance 1952-58

CLARK William Thomas 1955+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
