Page Updated:- Monday, 24 June, 2024.


Earliest 1862-

Forester's Arms

Closed April 2023

344 Upper Wickham Lane


Forester's Arms 1980

Above photo, circa 1980.

Forester's Arms 1980

Above photo circa, 1980.

Foresters' Arms 2008

Above Google image, September 2008.

Foresters' Arms

Above photo, 2019.

Forester's Arms sign 1986

Above sign, July 1986.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


The current building was erected in 1900, but I have reference to a "Foresters' Arms" as far back as 1862, so believe this to be a rebuild.

Further research tells me the original pub was built by the first licensee, Mr. William Dawson in 1860 alongside three of his own cottages. Dawson had connections to the local brick-making industry and the original address was given as Brickfields.

In 1874 brewers Mitchell and Beasley were supplying the premises and erected M & B onto the facard.


South Eastern Gazette 2 September 1862.


(Before Sir P. H. Dyke, O. Smith, W. Arbuthnot, tod W. H, Dyke, Esqs.)

The licence to the publicans in this division were granted without complaint.

Mr. C. E. Gibson applied on behalf of Mr Blagden for a spirit license to the "Foresters'" beerhouse, Wickham-lane, near Welling. A memorial, numerously and respectably signed, was presented, and the bench granted the license.


From the by Linda Piper, Tuesday 1 April 2008.

Four pubs named after failing underage tests.

A TOP policeman has voiced his disappointment four Bexley pubs sold alcohol to underage youngsters in a test purchasing exercise.

The failure comes after a determined effort by Bexley police and the council to stamp out underage drinking in the borough.

This has seen Bexley heralded as the most hard-line authority on licensing in the country.

Named and shamed, the pubs were identified as the "Cross Keys" in Erith High Street; the "Great Harry" in Parsonage Manorway, Belvedere; the "Forresters Arms" in Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, and the "Style and Winch" in Northend Road, Erith.

The pubs also allowed youngsters to gamble on pub premises.

Chief Inspector Steve Murrant is in overall charge of licensing in the borough.

Following the test purchase failures, he said: "After two years of trying to get the message across we will not tolerate irresponsible alcohol retailing in this borough, I am disappointed some licensees still put profit first."

The four pubs were targeted after police received information they were serving alcohol to underage youngsters.

Tests were carried out on March 20 when four young people were sent into the pubs to try and buy an alcoholic drink and play on the gaming machines.

Mr Murrant said he was encouraged people were worried enough to tell their neighbourhood policing teams of their concerns about the pubs.

The staff who sold the booze were each served with an £80 penalty notice and the authorities are now considering what further action to take.

Council leader Councillor Ian Clement said: "We are determined to drive home our commitment towards enforcing the responsible retailing of alcohol."

Bexley has reviewed 32 licences in the two years since the new Licensing Act came into force.

Of these, 14 have either had their licence revoked or the licence holder has surrendered it voluntarily.

And of the remainder, some have had their licences suspended for a period and all have had more stringent conditions applied.

People with concerns about underage drinking and anti-social behaviour can find contact numbers for their safer neighbourhoods teams at or call the community safety hotline free on 0800 389 5013.


From the 15th July 2023, By Amy Clarke.

Welling Foresters Arms: Battle to save community pub.

A group of locals are fighting to save a well-loved pub in Welling which was suddenly closed and gutted following the approval of flats to be built in the venue’s car park.

The Foresters Arms, located between Bostall Woods and East Wickham Open Space, has a long history dating back to 1890.

However, it closed in April after a decision by the management chain, Wellington Pub Company, which had previously submitted the plans for land behind the Foresters Arms to be turned into flats.

According to the local democracy reporting service, the pub company has previously explored the possibility of including the Foresters Arms itself in the proposal during the pre-application phase.

However, the applicants were told that any plan involving the pub was unlikely to be approved, with the loss of a “community facility…unacceptable in principal”.

Foresters's Arms regulars 2019

Regulars who loved attending the pub (Image: Abby M)

Abby McAllister, one of 21 individuals fighting to save the pub, told the News Shopper: “It is all boarded it up and looks awful at the minute to be honest.

“It is not running as a pub, and they absolutely have no plans to reopen it because this local pub has been gutted. Everything has been taken out.”

Abby explained that she believes the pub was widely successful and profitable, but it was sold by the brewery.

She added that she thinks this may be due to the car park being sold on and their belief that they could squeeze more money out of the selling of the actual venue as well.

Abby added: “We had about two weeks’ notice about the closure of the pub so it was like an absolute shock to us all.

“Mike who was leasing the pub from the brewery came in and told us the pub was closing and that was that – We began reacting straight away and formed a group and started a petition.

“Everyone was feeling really passionate about it because everyone that comes here is just like a big massive family and it is really sociable.

“It’s an everything for everyone type of pub – you can go in on your own, and as a woman I go and do not feel harassed and I feel totally comfortable.

“Everyone is good company; a good laugh and you can sit and listen or join in.

“It’s a pub for everyone and there is a lot of retired folks in there and I think they are lonely at the moment since it shut as that was their social lives.

“This place genuinely brought the community together and it had such a nice feel to it.”

“I started looking into ‘how do you save a pub?’ and I spoke to the council and some MPs and it just went from there really.”

Foresters' Arms group

The group of residents fighting to save the pub (Image: Abby M).

The East Wickham Councillors have fought against various planning applications for over three years, determined to preserve the community's beloved pub, claiming that it is crucial focal point for local residents after other pub closures in the area.

Bexley Council rejected the plans to develop the car park, but the Planning Inspectorate overturned them.

No planning application has been received by Bexley Council for the pub itself at this stage.

Councillor Steven Hall and MP Louie French are collaborating with the unincorporated group consisting of former patrons, well-wishers, and locals who are looking to revive the pub – including Abby.

East Wickham Councillor Stephen Hall wrote on the social media platform Next Door: “Pub owners sadly appear to prefer one-off profits over our long-established and cherished communities.

“Locally we have already lost the "Alma," the "Duchess of Edinburgh," the "Fanny on the Hill," the "Glenmore Arms," the "Moon and Sixpence," and the "Kitchener."

“Our local history and culture are slowly being eroded, but it is time to make a united stand.

"We do not want to see the Foresters Arms join this sad list of gone but not forgotten local pubs.”

Abby explained initial step is to register the pub as an asset of community value with the Bexley Council – which they are currently waiting for a response regarding.

This will enable the group to present a counter bid to purchase or lease the pub from the current owners, with funding potentially matched by the Government's Community Ownership Fund.

Ultimately, the decision lies with the owners, who will need to agree to any proposed arrangement.

News Shopper: In the top left image - Donna, head barmaid (middle) Abby (right) and her partner Julie (left)

In the top left image - Donna, head barmaid (middle) Abby (right) and her partner Julie (left) (Image: Abby M)

Abby added: “We know we can make it a profitable business. I'm not worried about that side of things.

“We just want people to have their jobs back. We want people to have their social lives back.”

The group believes that The Foresters Arms is not just a local watering hole but an essential part of the community, and the collective effort aims to bring it back to life.

Wellington Pub Company has been approached for further comment.

Councillor Steven Hall added: "The East Wickham Councillors and our MP, Louie French, were disappointed that the Planning Inspectorate ruled in favour to allow the car park to be redeveloped after a 3-year battle.

"As feared, this has led to this popular historic and local pub being closed, but we haven't given up.

"We are working with a dedicated local group of volunteers to register the pub as an asset of community value. This will help them access Government funding to buy or lease back the pub.

"If successful, this teetotaler would be pleased to raise a mug of tea in celebration!"

MP Louie French said: “I am pleased to be working with a group of local residents and Councillors in East Wickham who share my passion for saving our local pubs such as The Foresters Arms.

"Local pubs and sports clubs play a vital role in our communities across Bexley and I always support them where I can, including with special grants during Covid.

"The Government have also launched a £150 million Community Ownership Fund to help local people save these treasured community assets”.



DAWSON William 1860+

BLAGDEN Mr 1862+

HOWARD William Pidgeon 1874+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-