Sort file:- Erith, October, 2024.

Page Updated:- Friday, 11 October, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Jim Packer

Earliest 1832-

Wheatley Arms and Railway Hotel

Closed 1977

1 Pier Road (Bexley Road)


Wheatley Arms 1900

Above photo, circa 1900.

Wheatley Arms 1900

Above photo circa 1900.

Wheatley Arms inside 1901

Above photo 1901. Showing probably Mrs. Buckland and staff.

Wheatley Arms 1904

Above photo showing the track laying in 1904.

Wheatley Hotel 1914

Above postcard 1914, kindly supplied by Matthew Minch.

Wheatley and Railway Hotel 1916

Above photo, 22 May 1916, showing bus L50 first day of the service for route 99.

Wheatley Arms

Above photo, date unknown.

Wheatley Hotel 1930

Above photo 1930, kindly supplied by Matthew Minch.

Wheatley Hotel 1932

Above photo, 1932.

Wheatley and Railway Hotel

Above photo, date circa late 1950s, kindly sent by Matthew Minch.


Information researched by Jim Packer author of the "Lost Pubs of Bexley."

This pub was situated at the top of the Old Pier Road and next to the railway station was known both as the "Wheatley Arms" and the  "Railway Hotel." The North Kent Line railway had arrived in 1849 and the premises constructed in 1850 to cater for the railway clientele. John Starling junior was granted a full licence at the annual Sessions on 27th September 1850. He, no doubt, had help from his father who, in the Census taken a few months later, was noted as deriving his living from Funded Property.

1858 licensee George Frederick Webber, a staunch churchgoer,  donated the ornate pulpit in St John’s, West Street, as part of the church restoration and enlargement of 1877. Webber also founded the "Royal Alfred" though retaining ownership of this house.

The pub became was a tied house to Charles Beasley of Plumstead in 1895. Mr James Buckland, who became tenant in 1896, was sufficiently well off within 3 years to move to The Mount, Bexleyheath, and employ a manager to run things for him, though he did visit every day. Mr Percy Crow, the manager, lived in with his family and nurse and ran the pub for about 4 years. James Buckland died in the winter of 1901 and his widow remarried in the summer of 1905 and ran the pub till around the start of the First World War.

In 1932 it was still advertising and selling Beasley's Light and Dark Ales and Stout, Best Quality Wines and Spirits. It also had a billiards room and Garage with up to date roomy cars for hire. Their telephone number was 317.

This was another pub to fall victim to road-works; on this occasion to make way for the roundabout at the junction of Walnut Tree Road and Bexley Road. The pub was subject to a compulsory purchase order in September 1977 and the licence was transferred into ‘suspense.’ Before demolition, the local museum rescued (amongst several other items) some finely-detailed architectural cast-iron work, shaped like leaves. Similar ones can still be seen on the "Black Horse" in Sidcup High Street.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 13 July, 1867.

James Raymond, landlord of the "Wheatley Arms," Erith, was charged with assaulting William Forder, of 46, Beresford Street, Woolwich, on 18th June, at Erith. Mr. Russell was for the defence. This case was adjourned for a fortnight for the plaintiff to producers witnesses.


Bexley Heath and Bexley Observer, Saturday 21 April 1877.

Sudden Death of Mrs. Wild.

On Saturday, Mrs. Wild, residing at 7, Erith Villas, expired very suddenly. The deceased, we understand, had been in her usual state of health, and in the afternoon recreated herself in the garden, but when at supper, at 9:30, with her daughter, she complained of a fainting sensation, and shortly afterwards fell forwards, and was caught by her daughter. Dr. Barnes was sent for, but before that that gentleman arrived death had ensued, this being nearly instantaneous. An inquest was held by Mr. Carttar, upon the body at the "Wheatley Arms" on Tuesday evening, when the following were sworn in as the jury:- Mr C. West, (forman); Messrs. J. H. Shaw, A. Schofield, W. Lee, T. A. Field, J. Richardson, S. Steer, T. Marshall, C. Barham, G. Harris, W. Smith, J. Bailey, and F Selfe. The Coroner, addressing them, said that this was a case of sudden death of a lady, who expired in the presence of only one witness, her daughter. He was always reluctant to order a post-mortem examination before the jury had been called, but since then - Dr. Barnes having declined to give certificate - it had appeared to him that it would be more satisfactory that a post-mortem examination should be made, for the sake of all present. He proposed, then, that they should view the body at once and meet again that day week at 6 o'clock.

The jury accordingly repaired to the house of the deceased as suggested.



WALKER John 1832+

STARLING John Sept/1850-58 Next pub licensee had (age 32 in 1850)

WEBBER George Frederick 1858+

RAYMOND James 1867-71+ (age 55 in 1871Census)

NEVILLE James to Dec/1890 Maidstone and Kentish Journal

WATTS Henry Neville Dec/1890+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

SHAW Joseph Henry 1881-82+ (age 57 in 1881Census)

BUCKLAND James to 1896

CROW Percy 1896-1901 (age 35 in 1901Census)

FRYER Alice Selina & Harry Edward 1911+ (managers age 49 & 35 in 1911Census)

BUCKLAND James Herbert 1903+ Kelly's 1903

? BUCKLAND Mrs ? 1901-1914



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
